

Lexine walked down the stairs to their house still feeling exhausted. Her muscles were screaming and her head pounded heavily in her head.

Despite this, she walked down to the dining area where she knew the rest of her housemates were. It was dinner, and Quira had called her so that they would go down a few minutes before. She took her seat next to Meddy.

Immediately after she sat, Meddy pushed the bowl that sat in front of him towards her. She scrunched her face up at the smell. It was the same medicine that she had drunk before going for a nap. She gave Meddy a small glare, but he pretended not to see her glare by talking with Artin who was seated a few seats from her.

She was definitely not going to drink this concoction. She glared at the drink that she had been given. It was green in color and was thick, almost the same thickness as tar. There was no way she was going to drink it a second time.

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