

Lexine woke up the next morning feeling better than she had the previous day. Aurinda was banging the door as usual. Lexine dragged her body out of the bed and opened the door. "Good morning."

"A good morning," Aurinda said as she pushed herself into the room. Lexine dressed up in her usual clothes and they left the room.

She had stayed up a little late thinking how she would be able to manipulate the energy signature in her body.

If she was able to manage that, the next thing was to open her music trunk using the energy signature. From there, she only needed to wait a few days for whatever weapon worked for her.

From there, she would be able to narrow down what species her father might have been.

If she got a weapon, then he was probably a drakkon, werewolf, shadow being, or anthropoid. If it was an instrument, then he was probably a sylph.

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