
Blue Eyes. Brown Hair.

Light. It peeked through her fingers when she raised her open hand.

'I wonder where he could be.'

She was laying on her back, reclined against a tree that gave her shade from the light. Her lower body was rested on a grass bed and her other hand was buried in it. She was reminiscing about their long past, from before the time they were forced away.

'Heh. Don't be too excited. I just woke up.' She thought to herself as she smiled.

When she was growing up, she suddenly realized that this wasn't her first life. She had a lot of memories of the past and the memory that prevailed over everything else is a memory of her lives-long partner.

'Still. I'll remain hopeful that I can find traces of him in this first life.' She lamented as she grasped her stretched out hand.

This was a problem they had to deal with in the long past. Nevertheless, they always tried to do a workaround to find each other. Usually, the one that was left behind would stay stationary until there was no news of the other for one whole lifetime. The problem is that once they couldn't get together, they were back to looking for each other.

They also tried to agree on a time and place for their next life. This method worked, sometimes. There were always unavoidable circumstances such as poverty, distance, age, and plenty more.

It was quite romantic. Their love goes beyond lifespan and it was something that they cherish. However, due to being separated because one of them died, the other one has to wait for the other's next incarnation. The problem being the age gap.

For example, if they were both 20 years of age and one of them dies. The one left behind would have to wait for at least 10 years for any movement from the other one. That is because their memories are broken for years and could only be healed in time. When they end up meeting again, one of them is at least 30 years old and the other one is only 10 years of age.

But this was not such a big problem for them at all. That is because their love was not so simple, it is not limited only to romantic love. A father who wholeheartedly loves his adopted daughter, or a weak grandmother being taken care of by a boy. Their love was pure for what they needed from each other was company.

That was why it was all the more cruel. Two people loved each other so much yet God created such a burdensome boundary. They could not spend their time together easily because it was quality entertainment for God to see their struggles.

They have plenty of lives to live with each other, the separation was only temporary, or so they say. So they didn't really bother much. And that was true, they didn't think much of the separation and instead they thought of it as seasoning in food. The separation only made their time together all the more precious.

They loved each other so much, there were even cases where they already both married to different people yet still kept in touch. Nevertheless, they did not break their marriages due to each other because to them, time they spend with their partners is valuable.

Though they love each other, they would not break relationships with other people just to meet each other. Their love for other people was not shallow and they both acknowledged that.


'I miss him.' She held her chest as she thought. It was tightening and it hurt her.

They still miss each other. And Eve, who was sent away, was feeling tenderhearted. She was away from him for so long that she desired for him. And that is the reason why she doesn't want to interact with people her age. She did not want to get attached to anyone else, just so she could love him romantically.

Her heart ached at the thought that at this moment, Adam would have a partner. She knew that things didn't always go her way, nay, it always did not go the way they desired. This was the reality of her situation.

'Damn. Why did I ask for just 5 lives?' She deeply regretted not asking for more.

She rued her choice of words. She should have been greedier and asked for a couple more. Alas, it was too late. She could only live with the regret and stay remorseful for the rest of her lives. Until she meets Adam, she would stay this crestfallen.

This is the reason why her mother, Andrea Garner worried about her. Because her current incarnation was a very bright child and was happy with everything in her life. Even though the current situation was just developing and that there isn't a lot to do, she was very happy. But that all changed when Eve's memories resurfaced, albeit partially.

'Alright. It's time to go home, I guess mother would be worried now.' Eve thought as she stood.

"But before that, let's take a snack." She raised her left hand.


A singular mango dropped from the tree. The sudden strong gust of wind made it fall and drop towards Eve's hand. There isn't supposed to be any wind inside a facility but now that everyone had abilities granted by Weyah, it was no longer surprising.

'This sure is convenient.' She thought about her ability. She doesn't recall the moment she got it but she could always feel the wind.


Eve Garner

Ability: Power of the Wind


She had the ability to control the wind. She could bend the air with her thoughts but using her hands would make controlling it a lot easier.

'Alright. Let's head home.' She thought to herself while holding an unripe mango in her hand.

'Hmm. This is the fruit that tastes great with salt right?' She was thinking about eating.

But at this moment, she heard a voice calling out. She looked around and saw that someone was waving at her and walked towards her. She doesn't recognize the boy who was approaching her at all but she tried her best to be polite.

"Hello there! Do you know of a girl named Eve around here?" The boy was looking for her. Or at least someone with the same name.

"Uhm. My name is Eve. How may I help you?" She replied.

"You are Eve?" The boy asked for confirmation.

"Yes." She answered with certainty. It would be a lot weirder if you were not certain of your own name.

"Eve Garner? Daughter of Andrea Garner?" Now the boy was being very specific with his questions.

"Yes. And who are you? This isn't an interrogation, is it?"

Eve was alarmed at his inquiry. It seemed like he was someone who was snooping around, getting information to use against her family. She thought for a while and then came to a conclusion.

"Wait! You can't dig any dirt on us. We are an honest family!" She said as she backed away from him.

She jumped to the wrong conclusion by herself. She thought that the boy was trying to defame her family so that they would be sent back outside The Vault. She thought everyone was suspicious, no, she just didn't want to attach herself to anyone at all.

"Hmm? Dirt? What do you mean?" The boy in front of her looked confused.

"You're not here to kick us out?" She began to doubt her skepticism.

"Why would I want people to be kicked out?" The boy raised his voice by a degree.

Eve noticed that change in volume.

'I've done it now.'

She lamented her actions. She doubted everyone, including the boy in front of her, causing displeasure. Looking at his face, his brows were knit and his friendly demeanor from earlier was no longer visible. However, she has pride because she was an adult, at least on the inside.

"I'm sorry. I thought you didn't like us being here." She bowed as she said sorry. This was her way to avoid conflict.

"Your words do me ill. Speak to a still young lady, your words taint my intent. I merely wished to inquire to you about a few missing garments that are said to be within your possession." The boy suddenly spoke with grace. He was rubbing the age difference to her face.

"What? Can you repeat that?" She didn't get any of that.

At her request, the boy gave a light chuckle. He was taking things lightly and it somehow irked Eve and it rubbed her in the wrong way. But his minute movement dazzled the girl. He had a desirable appearance and he carried himself with grace.

"Haha. Forgive me. I simply made fun out of you." The boy said as he covered his mouth with his clenched left hand. His eyes were in a crescent shape, indicating that he was smiling underneath the cover of his hand.

"Hmph. Then I won't help you." She said as she crossed her arms and looked to the side while closing her eyes. She didn't like that she got played by a boy.

And due to her looking away, she saw a sign board within her peripheral. She was not aware of that sign board before.

'Was that there before?' She tried recalling the few times she has been in the garden.

*No fruit picking for 3 months. The fruits are being observed for an experiment. Thank you.*

That was what the sign board said.

'I'm screwed.'

Eve thought as she looked at her hand. She had a mango. She procured this mango with her ability and that was why she was panicking. She just broke a regulation.

'I swear! That sign board was not there before!' She panickedly thought. She began to sweat from her forehead. She honestly did not know, and that also means that she does not know what the sanctions are for disobeying the regulation. Her imagination ran wild and it did not help her one bit.

"Are you okay?" The boy in front of her asked.

However, she was panicking. She did not think much of the boy's question and triggered her fight or flight mode. She overclocked her head to think of a solution and the best way to get out of this situation. And her solution -


Was to eat all of the mango and leave no evidence. She did not even care about swallowing the peelings but she was troubled as to where to leave the very large mango seed. Nonetheless, she continued to sink her teeth into the fruit because behind the boy was a man wearing uniform.

'It's so sour!'

That was how unripe mangoes taste like. The sourness would taste heavenly if it was mixed with salt, but she did not have that luxury. Her face scrunched up due to the sourness, she was not having a great time.

"Wow." Adam was amazed.

'This girl is crazy.' He thought of a rude comment. It was a good thing he did not say it.

Hearing his amazement. She remembered that someone else was with her. She totally forgot about the boy's inquiry and presented herself in a very foolish manner. She also saw that he had a smirk on his face.

'Insolent brat. Making fun of me again.' She thought.

She now put the boy in front of her in a bad light. She did not like him making fun of herself. And so she decided to trouble the boy as revenge.

"Here. You hold this. I have to go." She calmly put the unfinished fruit in the boy's hand and fled.

"Wow." The boy was left with no words other than that.

The man in uniform reached the boy and greeted the boy.

"Wonderful day today, Sir Adam. Hmm? You're eating an unripe mango?" The man in uniform inquired Adam.

"Yes." Adam replied as he bit into the unfinished mango that still had saliva on it.

And as expected, Adam also scrunched his face due to the sourness. Fixing his expression, Adam was about to follow Eve but circumstances did not allow him to do so.

[Announcement: All cadets are to report to CO Soileward at the stadium. ASAP]

It was not a public service announcement. It was an announcement to gather the trainees, a formal gathering after the exercise they just accomplished. They were only able to roam free for an hour to freshen up.

On the other hand, Eve soon arrived at her home. She knocked on the door and she was met with the face of her mother, but it was not her face that she saw but her thighs. Andrea was a very tall woman after all.

"Oh? Did you meet with Adam already?" Andrea asked Eve as she saw her.

"Adam?" The name that came out of Andrea's mouth piqued Eve's interest.

"Yea. He was looking for you. Blue eyes, brown hair. Did you meet each other?"

"His name was Adam?!" Her eyes were bulging from their sockets.

this is my first time to think of a love scenario. do forgive me

SquareGoatcreators' thoughts
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