
Chapter 259

Arya looked fairly shocked when all of them returned without any severe wounds.

His men had some blood on their armor from the men they had finished so they looked like they had suffered some wounds but aside from that small tidbit, everyone was as they were before they sent Arya ahead so that she would not witness the blatant use of magic.

The Stark guards looked relieved but Arya merely looked suspicious and filled Ygritte with questions.

Ygritte answered a good few of them but she also had to deflect many others when Arya started questioning how all of them were alive after fighting against such numbers. How she, him, Varko and Baka didn't have any blood or injuries on them. How were all their horses still alive and healthy and without any blood on them.

In the end, Ygritte simply told her that they used traps created by the Children of the Forest, good weapons and a few other combination of things to win the otherwise unwinnable fight.

Ygritte showed Arya her own weapon. Telling her how far it can shoot and lying about how it was enchanted by the Children of the Forest much like all their armors.

Arya still looked suspicious, not believing all the lies she had been fed but she didn't question them anymore.

The rest of the journey passed in blissful silence until Arya solved whatever was in her mind and then she was back to asking both him and Ygritte questions once again.

What kind of traps they used. How did they set up the traps.

He and Ygritte could only look at each other in helplessness while both Baka and Varko looked amused at their reactions to the little girl.

For the first time since taking Arya from Winterfell, he was starting to wonder if he might not have chewed more than he could bite.

They would slip up in their lies sooner or later and the clever girl will no doubt catch onto it and ask them to tell her the truth.

Arya might be a Stark but she was nothing like Lady Catelyn or her elder sister Sansa.

And he had a feeling that she would fit in a place like Dreadfort far better than she would have ever fit in Winterfell.

Yes, he was thinking that he chewed more than he could bite when he brought Arya with him but he would never regret that.

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