
Chapter 260

A week later

Domeric looked at the Impure essence he had separated from the Ice Crystal left behind after the White Walker's death.

The Impure essence of death and cold element looked like a living mist trapped inside the vial.

It moved constantly even when the vial had not been moved for some time as if trying but failing to find a way out of the closed glass construct.

He observed the vial for a few more minutes, noticing how the area around it was much more colder than the general temperature in the room.

He brought a Dragonglass shard around the vial and noticed how the mist seemed to want to get away from it as all of it instantly gathered on the opposite side of the glass.

He had done a few experiments before this and come to the conclusion that it was not the Ice Crystal left behind by the White Walker but the mist captured inside the Ice Crystal that was responsible for distorting the magic in the air and weakening his spells as a result.

He was starting to wonder if it was possible to collect the murky and semi-sentient mist if he condensed it into solid form. And if he would be able to created magical distorting chains from it.

Such a thing would definitely give him a huge boost if he wanted to capture the Warlocks, priests or any magical creature in this world and study their magic.

He noted all of his observations down in the notebook, wondering how the White Walkers could have originated from the First Men in the first place.

The Children of the Forest told him that they created the White Walkers as weapons against humans in the desperation.

But how could a simple ritual turn the whole structure of a human to that of a crystal that he was now starting to realize was nothing but a holder for this magical mist.

The whole thing seemed to impossible. But he supposed that any magic he uses on a regular basis would also seem impossible to an average human.

"Experiment number 36." He said as he looked at the runes carved in the middle of the room along with the man lying in the center of those runes.

He placed the vial at the man's feet and closed the whole ritual circle inside a 5 inch thick enchanted glass box.

Not even a RPG rocket would be able to break this glass.

He used magic to remove the cap from the vial and as if sensing freedom, the White Mist instantly came out of the vial.

It stayed floating in the air without any directions for a few moments before it quickly dove toward the Dead man's feet and entered through it's legs.

Then everything was silent for a few long minutes during which he didn't remove his eyes from the dead test subject.

Then the leg of the dead subject twitched.

He quickly noted it down in a notepad.

The leg twitched a few more times before the eyes of the dead man opened.

He noticed that the man's once black eyes had now turned blue for some reason. Like it did in the few experiments before.

He still had no idea why that happened. What was the significance of the wight's eye turning blue? Was it because the Mist was somehow more focused in it's eyes.

Was the mist what gave the Wights their sentience in the first place? Was there a reason why the mist woke the dead up and then forced them to consume other humans?

So many questions. So few answers.

The Wight stood up from the ground a few moments later. It looked around itself and it's eyes eventually met his own.

The Wight shrieked. Or at least he thought it did as the glass was also soundproof.

Then the Wight ran toward him but recoiled when it's face met the glass.

It's nose was broken but it didn't care and hit the glass with both it's hands, trying to get to him to no avail.

He looked at the Ice Crystal he was holding in his hand. The same ice crystal he had taken out this mist from.

He channeled his magic in the Ice Crystal and then tried to channel it through the crystal to the Wight.

"Sit down." He said.

As if hearing his command, the Wight stilled for a moment. But then it was back to scratching the glass in order to get to him.

He used his magic a few more times but nothing worked.

He still had no idea how the White Walkers commanded their Wights. He still had no idea what the mist actually was and how it came into this whole equation.

Was it a part of a large sentient misty being who wanted to invade this world through White Walkers and take over everything in this world? Was it some kind of magical virus though sought to expand itself and used the White Walkers as a means to do so? Will the Night King have more of this mist inside him or less?

If he found the answers to even half of questions, then he might learn how the White Walkers used their Wights and come up to destroy that connection.

The White Walkers were powerful. There was no doubt in that. But without their army of Wights, they were not as much of a threat. Not when a single Dragon glass arrow could shatter them.

After failing so much, he finally gave up and with a wave from him, the transparent glass turned Solid White in color, hiding him from the Wight who would now go dormant with no prey in sight.

"Event 1. Success. Event 2. Failure." He said as and started to write down the final conclusions on this experiment.

He looked around the room with bleary eyes. The room was filled with hundreds of similar glass containers. Two dozen of them were solid white in color while the others were empty and transparent.

He looked at the first glass container and made it transparent once again.

The Wight was slumped at the corner of the glass container.

It blearily opened it's eyes and he noticed that it's blue eyes had lost almost all the color it once had. The Wight weakly growled at him and tried to reach for him. But it was too weak and slumped fell on the floor.

He rubbed his chin and thought about this.

The Wights he created were different from the other Wights roaming around beyond the Wall. Mainly because they did not 'live' for long. He had tried various things to keep them moving but nothing had succeeded aside from introducing more White Mist when the Wight dies once again.

Was it because the Ice Crystal belonged to a dead White Walker.

If he captured a White Walker alive, amputated it's arm and used the White Mist inside the arm to create Wights when will those Wights be any different from regular Wights.

Once again, he had too many questions and too few answers.

At least he now had a Wight to show to the Southern lords and won't have to fight a White Walker for it.

The Wight he created might not be the real deal but how would they know the difference.

Even so, he would have to once again pretend to go on an expedition so that he could return with a 'captured' Wight in hand and then send it to Kings Landing where King Robert would show it to the other lords and then they would have more men to fight for them in the Wall and a better chance to survive the Long Night.

Armed with Dragonglass weapons, the men in the Wall would easily be able to hold back an undead army at least 20-30 times their size.

He turned the glass White again and started to go back to his lab when he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

He blinked a few times and shook his head. The White Glass reflected his image and he could see how red his eyes were, how disheveled his hair was and how tired he looked.

Staying awake for days on end would do that.

But now… he really really needed to get some sleep.

Meet his subordinates and tell him that he was alive.

He had left them to their devices as soon as they reached Dreadfort and had closed himself off to focus on his experiments.

He slowly walked out of the room and went to his library.

He closed the door and looked at the ground.

It was starting to look mighty comfortable right now.

He took out his wand and cast a transfiguration charm on it to make it as soft and warm as a real bed.

The ground still looked like concrete but it's properties had changed.

He took a chair and transfigured it into a pillow.

He took two more chairs and transfigured them into a blanket.

Then he fell to his hastily create bed with his pillow and blanket and was out within seconds.

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