
Training non-benders

(The next day)

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Bolin cried.

"I have already told you that there is no need for thanks," Gon said

Since yesterday Bolin had been following him like a dog saying thank you, and it was starting to get annoying.

"You saved my life, man," Bolin replied, "I owe you a debt."

"I understand, but I need some space," Gon said, "I am going to the temple's gates."

"Bolin, leave him alone," Mako stated.

"Bu-" Bolin whined.

"Leave him alone," Mako declared.

Mako watched as Gon was walking towards the Air bending temple gates and asked, "Do you still believe that they will come after what they did yesterday?"

"We can only hope," Gon replied, "We can only hope."

Gon walked towards the gates and saw a crowd of twenty or so non-benders and smiled.

"Come in and follow me," Gon said.

The non-benders soon entered and started to follow Gon towards the training area.

When they got there, Gon started to speak, "I will be training you in the arts of self-defense against benders and also yourselves. Any question before we start."

"Will we be learning Chi-blocking," A random non-bender inquired.

"No," Gon said.

"Why not?" A non-bender shouted.

"Because I am only teaching you basic self-defense that can help you fight against normal benders," Gon replied, "Join the army if you want to learn anymore. It would be too dangerous if that technique got into the wrong hands. Okay, let us start."

The non-benders nodded and went into a line.

"The fighting style that I will be teaching you today is called boxing. It is a relatively new style of fighting that I got to learn when I was in the earth nation," Gon said, "The main things that you need to know when learning how to box are the fighting stance, the block, the jab, the straight and the hook. There are other things that you need to learn like the clinch and slip, but those are after you learn the basics."

"Which of the techniques will you be teaching us today?" A non-bender asked.

"The fighting stance, the block, and the jab," Gon said.

Gon slowly demonstrated each of the moves that they were going to learn. Gon started with the fighting stance.

"The fighting stance for boxing is a very straightforward one. Both shoulders face the opponent on an even line. The back foot is on the ball and bent at a 45-degree angle. The boxer leans forward slightly on the front foot, tilting forward, ready to spring into action. Both hands are up to protect the face, with the fast hand (usually the left) slightly forward with the right hovering right at the cheekbone. The power hand (right or left) will always match the foot that's tilted onto the ball because of the greater hip rotation provided by the back foot's pivot. Watch me and copy me," Gon said in the fighting stance.

The group of non-benders quickly went into the fighting stance though theirs was a bit shakier than Gons.

Gon went to each of the benders watching for any mistakes they had made and fixing them. It took a while, but they all started to get it.

"Now, we move on to the block. The block is probably the best move that you can use right now. It utilizes your hands to block from attacks lessening your overall injuries. They involve batting and pushing the incoming hands away from the face, freeing the fighter up to retaliate quickly. The soldier tucks their elbow up against their head in a triangle to take a powerful incoming hit. If used properly, you'd be able to block incoming balls of earth. Not strong ones, though." Gon shared.

Gon then put his two arms up to demonstrate the jab.

"Punch me," Gon said to a Non-bender.

"Bu-" The non-bender pleaded.

"Punch me!!!" Gon shouted.

The non-bender ran up to punch him, only to get his hands swiped away.

"This is a demonstration of the block. Now I want you guys to pair up in twos and block each other's hits."

After a while, Gon told them to stop and continued to his last teaching today, the jab.

"The jab is a quick move used to disorient enemies allowing you to run away if you are in danger or use stronger attacks. The jab is always the front hand or the fast hand, and while it doesn't deal much damage, it can pound away on an opponent to create openings for much stronger attacks. Now, watch my demonstration."

Gon went up to a punching bag and punched it. Everyone watched as the bag flew in the air.

"As I said, it usually does not have power but, with enough training, it will," Gon stated, "This is only the basics now practice this."

The group of non-benders started to practice it, and soon the lesson was over.

"This is the end of our lesson," Gon said, "Bye, guys."

Some of the non-benders cried at how nice Gon was to them. Some of them had never seen a happy day and only came here to see whether this was a trick, whether some benders were good. This lesson was proof that there were some.

"Why are you so nice to us after what you saw yesterday," A non-bender asked.

"Because I was once like you. How can I be angry at myself?" Gon answered.

Everyone was quiet after hearing those words. The non-benders just left to go on the fisherman boat that they came on.

"What were all those people doing here?" Tenzin wondered.

"Oh! They were here for my teachings," Gon replied, "I am teaching them self defense."

Tenzin looked worried. He was not sure that Gon should be teaching people from the Equalists rally how to fight.

"Are you sure you should be doing this?" Tenzin asked.

"Yeah, I am sure." Gon said, "I only taught them the basics of protecting themselves, and they are only in the early stages. If they mess up before, then, they are out."

"I am going to trust you," Tenzin sighed.

Gon walked away, smiling. He was going to meet up with Korra, Bolin, and Mako.

"Did they come?" Mako asked.

"They did," Gon smiled.

(Author's note)

Help me get to 500 power stones

This is an extra chapter for 1000 collections. I know many of you might complain about my mc knowing boxing but, remember we had a time skip and you don't know what he learned

Powerstone and comment if u like

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