
44: Pursue

Byron sighed and went back inside to continue to take his bath, he sighed once more time remembering through the memories he received from Death.


Bruce and Charles were once again fighting, but this time it wasn't because of a Burrito, but because of their last fight.

"If grandpa didn't stop the fight, I would have won!" said Charles while looking at Banner who was eating. "Haa!? Kid, if Boss didn't stop me, I would have broken all your bones!" Charles chuckled with a smug on his face, saying: "Of course, Pimenta, you would totally defeat me..." The sarcasm in his voice was obvious, making Bruce angry. "Pimenta?" He was confused by what Charles called him. Charles smiled and said: "It means Pepper. When you get angry, you became red. Like a pepper, but peppers are used as a sauce, they are smashed, squeezed, and destroyed. That's why your nickname from now on will be Pimenta."

And that was how they started to fight again. When Byron left the bathroom, the dining room was completely destroyed. The servants were there, calmly staying in the same place as nothing happened at all, with elegance and pride. "Clean it up please," Byron said while walking forward, both Charles and Bruce were still fighting, Byron just teleported behind both of them at the same time and knocked them down. He dragged their unconscious bodies away. Byron yeeted them on the Training Ground, he just made them fight until they fainted, and when they fainted he would wake them up and make them fight again. This went on for several hours until they couldn't breathe properly.

Both Banner and Charles woke up when Byron created water, made it extremely cold but not letting it become ice and just used it to bath them.

"So, are you cool now!?" Byron asked the two who could barely speak. With a sigh, Byron used the most painful healing method he could use: Using Life Force to heal their bodies, accelerating their natural healing, and also giving them sufficient energy to maintain the healing process, but it also was very painful. Charles and Bruce now knew that Byron was ruthless to even his family and subordinates. After a painful four hours of the healing process, both Bruce and Charles were on the ground, soundlessly sleeping on the ground, Byron just teleported both to their respective rooms and went to deal with some Interstellar bullshit.

He also contacted Natasha to receive the news about SHIELD and when necessary she would reveal herself as a demon herself. Byron also made the transplant of Lucy to her, making her Lucy Romanoff, The Sin of Luxury. But of course, she would be called Natasha Romanoff while on work. Byron left her on the dark, making her explore her new powers, he just said that she didn't have any weaknesses and let her play with her new powers and develop a style of her own. Byron enjoyed her expression when the black goo attached to her body, dissolved her clothes, and fused with her skin.

Byron enjoyed the peace that he was having, but everything was boring, and he also had a bad feeling that was getting stronger and stronger, he had to be prepared for everything! So he started to create new and more useful shields to defend his planets and his people. He also had to help all the demons across the cosmos. He wished to help them because of his instincts, and also the memories he received. But he had to start somewhere, so he selected the Milky Way to start, he made a special troop search all across the Milky Way. He had to focus his {Hive Mind} on the whole Milky Way, control it was a little harder than he thought but he still able to control it.

Byron received decided to focus a little bit on Tartarus Archipelago, his company was the wealthiest company in the world, so he didn't need to worry about money at all. And with the connections he had, he could buy anything he wanted wherever he wanted!

Byron could even buy the United States if he wanted. And that's no exaggeration...

"Your Divinity." A voice coming from behind woke Byton from his thoughts, he didn't even need to look to know that one of his servants, he just snapped his fingers and the servant continued to say: "We received a call from the Collector. He wants to have some items that only our empire has in the entire galaxy." Byron smiled, even since he heard about the Collector and his collections, he knew that one day he might want something of his Empire because it is so unique and interesting... "Contact him back, establish a trade channel, offer him the view of the items he wants, and also explain their quality and rarity. Also, invite him to visit Tartarus Empire if he wants, he has a lot of items from different galaxies, and that's what I want."

Byron wanted a lot of things, some of them were rare and difficult to get, also in different galaxies, and only the collector has. He also wants all the things the Collector has and maybe become a better collector than the Collector himself. It might be something that Byron does in the future...


Byron teleported back to Tartarus Archipelago after exploring the universe once again, he had a special watch that keeps track of Earth's time on Tartarus Archipelago, so he knows when it's night or day when he is exploring the Universe. Sometimes he gets near black holes, this made him lose a week, so he now walks around with a Time Barrie that keeps him immune to time slowers, like Black Holes and other things.



Two voices, coming from behind made Byron sigh a little bit, he looked back just to see both Charles and Bruce with several bruises, it seems that they fought while he was away. "Boss." A female voice made him look away for a second, he then saw Natasha... No. Lucy Romanoff beside Bruce and Charles, Byron. thought for a second and realized why they were fighting... "It seems that you got yourself a problem, Lucy. It seems that you now have two pursuers... Good luck."

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