
45: Sinners


They are an Elder Race, a race that is extremely old and powerful, this alone can make them very respected among the races across the galaxies... But no. They were extremely arrogant, thinking no one would be able to reach their level, thinking no one would ever be able to hurt them... Then they were killed, one by one, until only two remained. Ugo and Exyst, Ugo is a male Celestial while Exyst is a genderless Celestial. They could pretty much copulate and rebuild the population of their race, but no. Exyst is incapable of having a child.

The reason is that it is locked inside one of the farthest planets in the whole galaxy... Near the wall.

The only person that could enter that place is Byron, he can teleport inside the dimension that is that planet, he can go there and talk with Exyst. There's only a little thing... It is going to die, the chains were sucking all the power out of its body, but because Byron entered that dimension, the chains started to suck the power out faster and faster, this brings us to now. Exyst is disappearing of existence itself. It can't do anything about it, not would Byron do because he discovered a little thing about it, it was trying to control him. Every time he went inside that dimension and talked with it, it tried to enter his mind and control his thoughts to remove the chains out of its body.

When Byron ascended and became a God, the 'semi-control' lost its effect and he stopped going there to talk with Exyst. The existence of Exyst inside Byron's mind simply disappeared and he forgot about it. And also Exyst simply stopped existing...



*punch* *rumble* *crash* *boom!!!*

Byron was 'teaching' both Bruce and Charles, he said that if one of them were able to hit him once he would do something for them, anything. But now, they weren't able to even touch his hair at all! Byron is just dodging, teleporting, creating barriers, and using Telekinesis to control them. "You never gonna hit me like this," Byron said while creating a barrier that absorbed all the impact of Rage's punch and reflected the impact, making Rage been hit by a knockback force with the strength of his own punch. He then hit the wall and fainted again. "That's it for today, tomorrow the same hour. Bye." Byron teleported away, thinking about their progress...

He thought about what else he could do before letting them go free on their own... He decided to first have all the sins and then let them be free. He is going to go now on a very special planet, where he knows that there might be several demons that can fight and can become one of his sins. He is going to Sakaar! Where only the strong live, where the law of jungle is carved deep on the core of its citizens and where the Elderian Grandmaster, he is more than a million years old.

Byron really wants to search around that arena and look for new sins and maybe make Bruce and Charles fight against the people of that arena... That's actually a good idea! Byron smiled and decided to prepare himself for a possible upcoming battle, the Elders are powerful beings, they can use magic, Cosmic Energy, and more! They are also semi-immortals, but Byron can simply destroy their souls and they will die anyway.


When Byron arrived at Sakaar, he observed the garbage and trash all around the planet, the houses were very much made out of scraps of metal and other things... He activated his {Hive Mind} and went directly to the Coliseum of Sakaar where he paid for a ticket and went inside. The fight was already happening! A short lady was fighting against a dark-skinned creature... Byron could feel that the creature and the lady were really fighting against their will, they seemed to be hesitant to kill each other, they seemed to know each other for a long time...

Byron just watched as the necklace sent a powerful electric current on their bodies, making them feel pain and fall to the ground, groaning with pain.

With tears in their eyes, both started to attack each other, in the end, the girl won and killed her friend. Crying she went back to where the gladiators would be before going to fight. Byron watched the next fights while pressing his presence, creatures with demonic blood could easily perceive his presence, and if they notice him there they would bow to him, attracting attention he doesn't want to have. He watched more fights and in the end, he selected all the fighters he wanted. He went directly to the Grandmaster, all the fighters can be brought if you pay enough Unity.

"It's a pleasure to have the Emperor of Tartarus in my humble Coliseum." When Byron entered the Grandmaster's room, he was received by the Grandmaster himself, trying to gain his goodwill, well, Tartarus Empire is the quickest uprising empire in the whole galaxy! Xandar needed more than 5 million years to establish the Xandar Empire, but Tartarus didn't even need more than 50 years to establish one of the most powerful and stable empires!

"Oh, Grandmaster. So you know me..." Byron smiled and the Grandmaster smiled with him, saying: "Yes, I know all the powerful existences in this universe. May I know why your Divinity is doing on my humble planet?" He asked again, a little apprehensive. "Oh don't worry, I'm here to buy some gladiators. I just saw some of them fighting and I want those on this list." Byron gave the list of names and serial numbers if the gladiators, the Grandmaster took the paper and gulped, he smiled a little nervous and said: "Of course, we will provide them for you." He got up from the chair and bowed to Byron, saying: "Please, enjoy your stay at the Coliseum while I am gone. I will be back in a second."

The warriors that Byron selected were four. The powers they have are completely perfect for the Sins!

Bruce is Rage, the Sin of Wrath.

Charles is Aro, the Sin of Arrogance/Pride.

Natasha is Lucy, the Sin of Luxury/Lust.

The Gladiators that piqued his interest were six, only one of them already have a little bit of demonic blood inside its body.

Galamar, a humanoid blue-skinned male, 2,50 Centimeters tall. His personality is quite strong, he is skinny but Byron could feel the immense hunger he emanated, so Byron selected him as Guru, the Sin of Gluttony. His fighting style is very aggressive, he can destroy his enemy and then eat him. He did it on the matches he won.

Burunux, a humanoid black-skin with red eyes, he is very fast and uses a dagger to fight against his enemies. His personality is very bipolar, he can be aggressive and cute at the same time. He is also a kleptomaniac, he stole the items from the corpse of his enemy even when he didn't need it. Byron selected him as Grekg (Gre-ki-gi), the Sin of Greed. His fighting style is very slippery, he is agile and his attacks are aimed at the vital points if his enemies, making him an experienced assassin.

Exaky, a little humanoid with greenish skin and pink eyes, he is very dangerous because he can easily make you let your guard down near him, his power is very interesting. He can make you laugh, no matter what. He can make you laugh until you die! So Byron selected him as Vurumy, the Sin of Ecstasy. His personality is very carefree, he laughs a lot, maybe because of his powers... His fighting style is interesting, he makes his enemy laugh and then he attacks them if the enemy still can move he just increases the speed of their laugh, making them barely able to breathe. And then they die laughing.

Brurumix, seems to be of the same race as Burunux. Only his eyes are yellow. He is also agile and also uses a dagger to fight. His personality is very interesting, he is calm but also explosive, he envies everyone. Byron could clearly see the envy on his eyes, as he wanted to be like the Grandmaster... So Byron selected him as Eruky, the Sin of Envy. His fighting style is different from Burunux, he actually can accelerate the bleeding of those who he cuts, even a sallow cut can make you die of blood loss.

Hararubi is a female humanoid, she seems to be a half-human and half-dream demon. Her eyes are yellow and blue, heterochromia. Her ability seems to be putting her enemy to sleep, but It also puts her to sleep at the same time, she can enter the target's dreams and kill them inside their dreams, if they die in the dream they die in the real world. She can control the dream dimensions too, what is a little rare... Byron selected her as Sonno, the Sin o Sloth. Her fighting style is very interesting, she uses a sword to fight if she is losing she uses her ability and kills her enemy on the dream dimension.

And at last but not least:

Adam, he is a male human. His eyes are blue and he has the average height that humans have, he has a lot of faith in God. He seemed to be a priest before being sold as a slave, he believed that God was going to save him... He doesn't have any ability at all, maybe his superior thinking process maybe, he can think pretty fast for normal humans... Well, Byron selected him as Gozonorf, the Sin of Faith. His fighting style is using high tech pistols to shot at his enemies and kill them, after every fight he would pray for his soul and the soul of his enemy.

Byron smiled when thinking about what he wanted to do next.



Bruce Banner is Rage, Sin of Wrath.

Charles Tartarus is Aro, Sin of Arrogance/Pride.

Natasha Romanoff is Lucy, Sin of Luxury/Lust.

Galamar is Guru, Sin of Gluttony.

Burunux is Grekg, Sin of Greed.

Exaky is Vurumy, Sin of Ecstasy.

Brurumix is Eruky, Sin of Envy.

Hararubi is Sonno, Sin of Sloth.

Adam is Gozonorf, Sin of Faith.

I may add more Sins in the Future. But its a big maybe.]

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