
Chapter 28: S2-E4: The Grey Princess 1/2

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Grey Princess

Forward: I live! Terribly sorry for the big wait on this chapter. As always big thanks to Rainsfere for edits on this chapter!

One Week Later – Geralt – Dragonstone – Mid Morning

Geralt surveyed the ruins around him, one of many old fortifications that were scattered across Dragonstone, this one having been a watch outpost for the eastern end of the island. While the roof was long gone, half the walls crumbled and only a third of an upper floor remained with a stairway leading up to it. He had been training Arya here to learn more about fighting and moving in different surroundings. King's Landing had reminded him how different it was to fight outside of the wilderness, since the confining spaces made fighting quite difficult. Today was one of her first real tests, putting everything she had learned at the Red Keep and over the last two weeks.

They had built a few training dummies with scrap metal attached to them, being examples of common armor types someone would wear. He knew the girl needed to understand how to deal with foes wearing heavier armor, since everyone else she sparred with favored lighter armor. They had also built a short balancing ledge with a simpler version of the pendulum like the one at Kaer Morhen. While it wasn't as big or had the large blunt spikes along the lower base, it was suitable enough to test the girl's balance and fighting coordination.

Arya had been advancing quickly in her training, despite how difficult and rough each new exercise became. Often, she'd end the day exhausted and sore, needing a whole day of rest before being able to continue. Even as she rested she'd study on the collection of books Geralt had on hand, mainly studies on monsters from his world. He hoped she wouldn't ever have to face the horrible creatures he had hunted countless times yet felt being informed could prepare her for the greater danger he knew lurked in the north.

"You got that tense look about you Geralt." Thoros remarked, snapping the Witcher from his thoughts. He'd glance to Arya who was busy practicing against the balance pendulum, the girl wearing her new set of Witcher training armor. Gendry and the other crafters had put quite the effort into the outfit, which had a Northerner style to it to make it unique in appearance yet practical in protection. The young girl had no trouble moving around, shuffling and twisting quite easily as she'd strike across the wooden pendulum before weaving around it to attack from the other side.

"A lot on my mind lately." Geralt muttered back to the Red Priest who chuckled in response.

"Its the damn waiting." The Red Priest said with a low growl. "Wish I was in the Riverlands now leading good men against the Lannisters, not cooped up on this blasted rock."

Geralt nodded in agreement. His biggest issue was dealing with Melisandre who constantly shadowed him whenever he was at the keep. She never approached him yet always she seemed to be snooping around his quarters or lurking around when he was talking with his companions. He still remembered what the Red Priestess had said to him on the first night coming to this island, seeming to know about Ciri's destiny. While he was desperate for some clues on her location, he wasn't going to let her manipulate him like she was doing to Stannis and his men.

Thoros nodded before his gaze drifted to the trail leading to Dragonstone, noticing two figures strolling towards them. "Seems we got company."

It was Sansa and Barristan, the two having a rare visit to check up on them. The eldest Stark daughter was dressed in a plain black dress and cloak, giving her a fair if gloomy appearance. She had requested darker garments for mourning her father at least until his remains were brought back to Winterfell. She had come to terms with his passing and seemed to be doing this out of a traditional respect. Barristan was wearing light plate and leather armor with tanned traveler's garb over it. He looked little more than an aged sellsword at a glance, an amusing turn from his iconic knightly appearance back in the capital.

"Good morning Geralt and Ser Thoros." Sansa softly greeted, the young woman giving a faint smile to them. Her gaze shifted to Arya who soon stopped swinging her practice sword at the swinging pendulum.

"Good morning to you as well." Geralt replied. "What brings you two so far out from the keep?"

"Simply for the fresh air and to check up on you three. You spend more time out here than at Dragonstone considering." Barristan chuckled. "I can say Lady Arya has improved quite well since I visited a week back. Fine balance indeed."

Arya grinned at the praise from the famous knight before she'd leap from the balancing beam in an impressive forward flip. It surprised her old sister who had a wide-eyed look before chuckling at how Arya gave a short bow. "Last time I saw you try that you fell over nearly a dozen times."

"Can only do that when I have something to jump off of. Not like I plan to do that in a fight." The girl chuckled as she stretched a bit. "I was worried my new armor would make it harder to move, yet it hardly weights me down."

"Witcher armor, even trainee armor, is meant to be like that. Agility will always be your best defense. The armor is meant to soften a blow if you make a mistake or the enemy is lucky."

"I'm curious Lady Sansa, have you taken thought of learning some self-defense?' Thoros suddenly asked to the young woman.

Sansa was silent for a moment, her gaze drifting to the ground as she seemed to remember the dreadful moment Joffrey had grabbed her on the execution stage. "I…have given it some thought since then. Barristan has been teaching me a few things." Shifting one arm, she revealed a sheathed dagger at her hip, partly hidden by the dress fabric.

"After she told me what happened in King's Landing, I thought it be best to show the girl the basis of using a dagger for protection. I can only hope she will never have to use it." The old knight explained.

"A wise choice." Geralt remarked with a short nod. "At the least you have plenty of free time to learn that since I doubt there is much to do within Dragonstone."

Sansa nodded a bit. "It is lonely at times really. I have spoken to Lady Selyse a few times, though she is a bit frightening at times. She's very devoted to the Lord of Light and seems bitter about her own daughter."

The Witcher had met the woman as well, though only during a few dinners at the keep. She always had an odd look towards him, though he wasn't sure if it was distrust or fascination. As for her daughter, he hadn't had a chance to meet Shireen who mainly stayed in her tower room. From what he knew, the girl had gotten Greyscale at a young age which was normally a death sentence. However, Stannis reached out to every Maester, healer and alchemist to treat her sickness, though it left the girl's face scarred and body sickly. He could understand why Stannis kept her confined to the keep, no doubt overly protective after what had happened.

"I think I saw her peeking out of a tower window once. She looks my age at least." Arya remarked. "Can't imagine how dull and lonely it must be up there."

The group started to chatter a bit, though Geralt wasn't paying too much attention on what was being spoken to. His gaze was set on Dragonstone in the distance or at least something just beyond the imposing structure. Faint dark shapes from the northwest, something only his sharp eyes could see from this far.

"Uhh…Geralt…are you alright?" Sansa muttered, making the Witcher look to her.

"There are ravens coming in northward. At least two from what I can tell." He muttered, already moving for the trail back to the keep. "If we head back now we'll arrive just before they do."

Both the Stark girls had excited looks in their eyes, knowing for sure one of the ravens was from their brother. The two hurried after the Witcher with Barristan and Thoros close behind. Everyone moved at a quick pace to return to Dragonstone. When they reached the main yard, they drew plenty of gazes from the soldiers and servants working about as they reached the heavy doors of the great keep. Geralt yanked them open, yet quickly stopped himself from running into Davos who was just behind them.

"Gah! Geralt…I should have expected as much." The sea captain chuckled nervously after his close-run in. "I was just coming to get you."

"Stannis is calling for everyone I take?"

"Indeed. I already informed Lord Beric who's already in the map room along with Melisandre. Lady Sansa and Arya have also been requested to take part since this is a family matter after all."

Both girls looked to each other, a nervous hint showing on their faces hearing this. Sansa had spoken with Stannis in a few early meetings and she found the man quite intimidating even though he was respectful and formal to her. For Arya she had only been around the man during group dinners and she hadn't said much beyond formal greetings and short polite remarks. They knew right now that this meeting could decide the fate of their brother, the North and themselves.

"Of course. We want to have our say in this meeting." Sansa replied, trying to sound determined.

"Then let's not keep King Stannis waiting." Davos lead the way through Dragonstone and up to the map room. Much like before, the hall was lit up with surrounding braziers to keep it warm from the harsh winds that flowed from the open balcony. At the head of far end of the table was Stannis with Melisandre sitting at his right. Beric sat on the left side of the table, sitting a chair away from Stannis which was reserved for Davos. The Painted Table had drinks and food set up for the meeting, showing this would be quite a lengthy discussion

"Lady Sansa and Arya…Geralt…" Stannis calmly greeted with a short nod which the three respectfully returned. Everyone then took their seats with Sansa sitting next to Beric, followed by Geralt beside her, Arya after him and lastly with Thoros. The Red Priest was quick to get cups poured for the group, though he seemed eager for a drink after so long.

"So I take everyone knows about the ravens that just arrived. I can confirm one is from Lord Robb and another from Lady Catelyn." Stannis stated, getting right to the point.

"Mother? She already returned to Winterfell?" Sansa remarked with a questioning look.

"Perhaps it is best you read her letter yourself." Stannis handed the sealed letter to Davos who in turn passed it on to the young woman.

Quickly she'd break the wax seal and unfold the letter, her eyes rapidly shifting as she read it over a few times. She'd give a shaky breath before a faint smile hinted her lips, seeming happy over what she read. "She's in Riverrun right now working with our relatives there to help Robb from there." She'd pass the note to Arya who read it over, who also seemed glad over what the letter said.

"I'm glad she's safe." Arya remarked before offering the letter to Geralt. "She even wrote about you, if you want to read it...though I'm confused on what she is apoglizing for."

Geralt simply nodded before taking the letter, glancing over it for himself.

To my dear Sansa and Arya,

I hope the advice I have been given is correct and that both of you are safe on Dragonstone. I would cross the Mountain of the Moon and Blackwater just to reach both of you, yet my place is best suited here in Riverrun. I know what happened to Eddard, yet while we mourn we must press onward. We all know that is what he would want. I ask that both of you care and support each other no matter your differences. I prey to the Old Gods and New that we will reunite one day soon.

To Geralt and all the brave men who risked their lives to save my family, you have my eternal thanks. I hope I will have a chance to personally apologize to you Witcher for my rash actions back at the capital and for misjudging you. I know you will protect my family as if they were your own, which has me at ease.

To all of you, please stay safe.

Lady Catelyn Stark

The Witcher was curious on how Catelyn had known to send this letter here, though perhaps it had been rumor or deduction from someone she knew. Overall it was good to know she was safe and in fact doing her own part with her family in the Riverlands. He had worried that she'd be still frustrated with his interference back in King's Landing, yet it seemed she had learned from that experienced and focused on more pressing matters.

"Thank you, Lord Stannis for giving us this message." Sansa said formally to the Lord, who gave a short nod of thanks back.

Stannis nodded, a thoughtful look on his face as he pondered over Catelyn's message. Melisandre had a sly gleam in her eyes as well, leaning in to whisper something to Stannis who glanced slightly to her, yet didn't reply back. Geralt though had an idea what was going on through the Baratheon's mind. The Tully's had one of the strongest bannermen within the region and the loyalty of countless Houses who either had large or elite forces. Combining them with the North's own armies would be a powerful combination, one that could be a great threat to Stannis. It was hasty to share such information, yet Geralt didn't blame Sansa considering her formal nature.

"Then I hope she has success in uniting the Riverlands. Much of this war will take place there after all." Stannis bluntly stated. "However, I feel it is time we move onto your brother's letter." He'd hold up the folded paper, gaze drifting to Geralt. "I feel it be best for Ser Geralt to read this, since this was done under his advice."

It was an odd choice, but the Witcher didn't question it as he accepted the letter passed to him. If anything he was eager to know what Robb had written back, hoping the young man had made the right choice. Breaking the seal and unfolding the letter, he began to read.

"To Stannis Baratheon, Lord of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms.

I wish to thank you deeply for taking in my sisters and valued friends under your care despite the risks. It shows the strong sense of honor you have, which my father often praised. I mourn his passing, yet I focus my attention on an enemy we mutually share, House Lannister

I have gotten my father's letter accusing the royal children being bastards of Cersei along with him proclaiming your right to the Iron Throne through his letters and will, a claim that I fully accept."

"Well…that is good news so far." Davos sighed, seeming relieved with what was read so far. "It seems Lord Robb supports the right you have to become King, so this must mean he's open to alliance."

"Let's not be hasty now Ser Davos. The Witcher hasn't finished yet." Melisandre quickly added.

"She is correct." Geralt muttered before continuing.

"I am willing to offer the might of the North to work with you in forcing the Lannister's armies back and reclaiming King's Landing. However while I have a duty to Westeros I have my own part in caring for the North. House Stark has suffered the loss of two Wardens because of the greed and politics of the south, along with countless bannermen who have died in battle as well.

The Lords of the North are confident in warring against the Lannisters, but many do not respect your claim to the Iron Throne. Many of them wish to separate the North from the other Kingdoms, to once again become independent. I will confess the idea appeals to me considering the betrayal and loss we've had.

Geralt did pause for a moment to look at Stannis who was visibly tense. He did well to hide his hint of anger, yet it showed just how risky this message was becoming. Davos had a nervous look on his gruff face, no doubt trying to get a convincing argument set up. As for Melisandre, she kept that calm look, making it hard to figure what she was thinking. The Witcher glanced back at the letter and continued to read.

I need my fellow Lords if I plan to defeat the Lannisters and in turn you need them if you wish the full might of the North backing you. I promise you I will not war against you so long as you return my family to me, but to have my bannermen on your side you need to give them something in return. I ask that you meet me and my fellow Lords at White Harbor to negotiate a proper alliance. Show the North that you can be a just leader.

From Lord Robb Stark of Winterfell, Warden of the North.

With the letter finished, he'd fold the parchment close before handing it back to Stannis. The room was silent except for the whistling of wind from the open balcony. The stern Lord accepted the letter which he'd read silently himself, a sharp look showing in those eyes.

"This is a difficult matter indeed." He coldly muttered as his gaze drifted over to Geralt's side of the table. That stare was quite intimidating, enough to make both Stark sisters shiver in their seats for a short moment. "You brother supports my right yet questions it at the same time with such a grand demand."

"It's…surely not that simple Lord Stannis." Sansa softly muttered nervously.

"Is it? I am the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms. The North is part of it. Thus its people have an obligation towards Westeros still. Lord Robb's talk of separation can be seen as an act of treason with a civil war looming over us."

The word treason hung heavily in the air for everyone, though Arya despite her nervousness suddenly spoke up. "Are you saying you'll fight my brother then…over some…petty rule!?"

Sansa gasped in shock at her sister's rude remark, eyes wide eyed in fear now. Thoros, Beric and Davos paled as even they would never speak out towards Stannis in such a way.

Stannis stared back at Arya, the girl trembling a bit though it was hard to tell if it was fear or anger…maybe a mix of both. "I will forgive your rudeness because you are so young. There is much you don't understand young Stark." Stannis sternly stated. "Those who refuse to bend the knee will be considered a threat and thus destroyed if need be."

"If it wasn't for my father…" Arya growled, seeming ready to argue back.

"Arya." The young Stark snapped to attention, looking at the Witcher quickly. One look at him made her realize she was going too far. Biting her lower lip, she'd become silent, though frustration showed fiercely in her eyes. Geralt looked towards Stannis now, both stern gazes meeting right then. "Forgive me Lord Stannis but I must agree with Arya. Acting so rashly is a poor choice."

"It is not wise to speak so judgingly Witcher." Stannis warned.

"I'm stating the obvious like I did a month ago when we first met." The Witcher countered, his gaze drifting over the table. He knew everyone didn't favor Stannis's aggressive attitude, yet most were too fearful or conflicted to argue back. "If you plan to be King you best be more open minded than this, otherwise you'll no better than Joffrey."

The comparison had a low growl escape from the Baratheon. "Comparing me to that brat…a bastard born…" However, he'd stop when Melisandre placed a hand on his shoulder before whispering to him. For a moment the two quietly talked, yet whatever was shared seemed to calm Stannis down. Giving a sigh, he'd nod before glancing back at the group. "My temper does get the better of me. Very well Geralt, you and everyone may try to convince me on how to approach this matter. I expect though a logical argument from all of you."

"As you wish." Geralt glanced to Davos, a silent sign for the sea captain to speak up.

Nodding, the gruff man spoke up. "I understand your reaction to Lord Robb's message, yet your too quick to judge his proposal. Northern independence wasn't a demand, yet an opening offer…if a quite bold one."

"Asking for control of a whole kingdom is excessive I say." Stannis muttered sternly back.

"Which is why you may convince him and the other Lords to accept a different offer. By becoming King you can simply reward them with positions, lesser taxes and other rights in exchange." Geralt calmly stated. "Unless Renly has changed his mind to support you, you lack the numbers to take King's Landing."

The mention of his brother had Stannis clench one fist in annoyance. "He has remained stubborn in following his 'claim'. His alliance with the Tyrells will grant him the vast armies of the Reach, which if combined with all of the Stormlands be close to a hundred thousand. If he has that number, it double that of the expected Lannister forces."

Geralt paused in thought hearing those numbers, admitting such a large army would give Renly a huge advantage. "So first off, how many men do you have on your side already?"

"Not counting the sailors and ship support, twenty thousand men, five hundred being my personal force. Lord Eddard's message has drawn support, yet many ignore my right because of my reputation. Even if I get a majority of the Storm Lords on my side over time, Renly will have close to a hundred thousand from his alliance with the Tyrells and the Reach."

"True, yet wars aren't wholly decided by who has the bigger army." Geralt stated. He knew that very well since the Northern Kingdoms had beaten back the Nilfgaard army, though barely. In the end, the difficulty and losses the Empire faced had them turn back, yet that didn't stop Emhyr's ambitions. He simply changed his strategy to weakening the already divided Kingdoms, eliminating the sorceresses and other discrete acts of sabotage. While Radavid had been able to keep the Empire back, his mad ambition brought the end of him…an end the Witcher had a part in. "Point is you don't need a massive army like your brother, only an effective one that can capture and hold King's Landing."

Stannis was silent for a long moment in thought before speaking. "It is the most direct approach and quickest means to ending the war, especially if I can capture a majority of the Lannister family."

"Time is your real enemy right now, reason why you should work alongside Robb. If you can get even a fourth of his forces, along side whatever numbers his Riverland allies can offer, you'd have enough to siege King's Landing with your fleet while the Lannister's forces are spread thin." Davos quickly stated.

"The captain has a fair point." Lord Beric added. "If we can make a speedy alliance with the North and Riverlands, it will surely catch the Lannisters and their allies off guard. It may even lead to avoiding warring with Lord Renly if you gain enough support with the other Kingdoms."

Stannis remained silent as he listened to everyone, yet his gaze did drift to Melisandre. Geralt knew the man seemed to favor her advice the most, so he worried she could easily overturn all the arguments the group had just shared. "You may have the strength and will to be the Lord of Light's champion, yet you must show the people more then that." She'd place a gentle hand on his arm and give a soft smile. "Sway the hearts and minds of the North. In turn the other Lords throughout the Kingdoms will follow suit and even your brother with his foolish ambitions wouldn't risk challenging you."

Her response drew a few surprised and curious looks among the group, most seeming to have expected her to encourage a more aggressive approach. Still, she found a way to twist her faith and Stannis's pride into her response. The stern lord was silent again as he'd look between her and then the rest of the group, his sharp gaze settling on Sansa and Arya. "Both of you know your brother better than any one else. Would he strive for peace with me even if I didn't agree to the terms he has shared?"

"Of course! Robb may care for the North, yet he'd never desire to start a pointless fight!" Arya remarked back, her tone a bit sharp, yet not as rude as her earlier outburst.

"Robb is very much like…our father." Sansa added. "He doesn't question your claim and if I must speak freely my Lord…he has a point. The North has suffered so much loss within a generation. If…independence is too much, then at least be involved in our grievances like a true king." The girl's eyes were pleading and for a moment Stannis's blank expression softened slightly.

He'd give a small sigh and nod. "Then I will trust in your words Lady Sansa and Arya." Glancing to Davos, the sea captain quickly had an alert look on his worn face. "How long would it take to prepare the Fury for the journey to White Harbor? I want our best crewmen, knights and bannermen to travel northward with us."

"You mean taking the flagship war galley? Well…We can get it ready within the week at least. Two days I take. Yet would it be wise to take a war ship to a negotiation?"

"The North respects strength does it not? They have no doubt been fed rumors that I lack any means to fight in this war, so I will prove otherwise. I will show them one of the strongest ships Westeros has seen yet along our finest soldiers."

"As you wish my your Grace." Davos answered respectfully back.

Nodding, Stannis then looked over to the rest of the group. "I will have a raven sent today for Winterfell. If there are no issues with traveling, we will both meet at White Harbor within the same time. For now, everyone is dismissed…except for Ser Geralt."

A few curious looks showed between a few of the gathered, yet everyone nodded respectfully before getting up to begin filing out of the map room. Sansa and Arya did look to the Witcher before leaving their seats, seeming a bit confused on why Stannis wanted to talk to him. "Both of you should go to bed early today." Geralt calmly stated. "Arya, it seems training will be put on hold for a few days. We'll do some simple exercises on the boat though. A few days of peace and rest will be good for you anyway."

She'd nod before Sansa gently tugged at her arm to have her follow her out of the room. When Geralt shifted his attention back to Stannis, Melisandre had just finished whispering something to him before she'd walk past the Witcher. Those red eyes of hers had a sly look of confidence that showed this meeting had ended on her terms in the end. Once she left, Geralt relaxed slightly before he'd stand up from his seat.

"Excuse me sire. Think I've had enough sitting around for the moment."

Stannis only shrugged, seeming not to care as he'd watch the Witcher pace around the table, eyeing the pieces that represented the differing factions spread across Westeros. "For someone who claims to avoid politics, you seem to know a fair deal about it." He remarked.

"Picked up a lot over the years. A lot of nobles and kings like dragging me into their games." Geralt muttered back. "Yet I take you didn't keep me here to ask about such matters."

"True…I guess you can say it's a personal matter relating to my family." Stannis paused as he'd stare at the map table. "Its about my daughter Shireen. I'm sure you heard about the sickness she caught when she was young."

"Greyscale from what I know. A quite terrible disease that's unlike anything from where I come from. If you expect me to check on her health, then I'd like to know how she was treated."

"That is where things become complicated. The…individual who cured her is someone I wouldn't want to discuss."

"Doesn't really help me if your keeping secrets, much less one as old as this." Geralt calmly argued.

Stannis didn't answer for long moment before sighing. "I'm not sure if you heard whispers of him at the Red Keep, but the man who treated my daughter was Zarin, a rogue master alchemist from the guild."

A curious hint showed across the Witcher's face. "Can say I've heard of him from Varys. The spymaster thinks he was the leader of the assassination group during Robert's hunt. He nearly got me with a bomb even."

"Heh, then you're lucky. Can't say I know of anyone who's crossed the man and lived." Stannis remarked. "In any case he heard of Shireen's plight and smuggled himself onto Dragonstone before surrendering to me."

"If I'm correct, he would have been in hiding for at least eight years already. Seems odd he'd reveal himself despite already being so elusive."

"You'd be correct and have questioned He claimed he had a means to cure her…experimental and untested from what he said. The man was blunt on the fact the treatment was risky, yet at that point I was desperate."

"So what did he ask in return?"

"Safe passage to Essos and for me to not speak of his existence. Many thought he was dead by this time, so it made sense that he didn't wish renewed attention onto himself."

"Wonder why he wanted to go there so suddenly, much less with you helping him instead of some other means. Man of his talents and influence could surely have found a simpler and more secretive approach." Geralt remarked. "If anything I'm surprised you agreed to his offer. From everything I know of you, you're a man who follows a stern view on law and justice." Davos was a clear example on that fact, having lost the first joints his fingers for his past crimes of smuggling.

Stannis didn't answer at first, his calm gaze glancing down at the map table before looking back at the Witcher. "I know you have a daughter yourself, adopted as well. If her life was at risk, would you go to any lengths to save her…even it was against your own morals?"

Geralt was ready to speak at first yet stopped himself. He had risked his life countless times searching and protecting Ciri, but there hadn't been a situation where he or his companions were powerless to aid her. Already he could imagine Gaunter looming behind him, that sly grin on his face as he'd give possibly the one offer Geralt couldn't refuse.

"I don't know."

The unsure answer seemed to surprise Stannis, considering the Witcher had always had a set answer to any subject. However he didn't press Geralt for a clearer answer. "I accepted his offer, though if he failed to stop the infection or killed her, he would be executed hastily. I'd thought it be impossible even for him…yet he seemed certain he would succeed…" It seemed even after thirteen years the memory of his encounter with the alchemist was a quite memorable one. "Whatever he did worked, and he remained for a few weeks to make sure the Greyscale didn't spread somehow. In a way Zarin seemed concerned for my daughter…or perhaps simply focused on the results of his treatment."

"In the end you kept to your side of the deal."

"I honor my promises, though I swore if I ever saw him again he would face the King's justice. Besides, I'm sure Zarin was prepared if I tried to betray him. The man was renown of always being three steps ahead of others, be it friends and foes." Pausing, he'd continue to speak. "I trust you will keep this to yourself?"

Geralt nodded. "You have my word." Glancing to the doorway, he felt he discussed enough with Stannis. "If there is nothing else I'd like to take my leave. I'll be sure to see Shireen tomorrow."

"Good." With that simple remark, Stannis stood up from his seat to pace over to the balcony, seeming distracted with his thoughts.

Geralt walked out of the room, still unsure what to make of the stern Lord. "Wonder what King you plan to be…" He muttered to himself. Considering his personal record of rulers so far, he was doubtful for a positive outcome. He'd begin the long walk through Dragonstone for his room, deciding to study and relax for the rest of the day.

Gendry – Nightfall

The young man held up his torch to help him check the simple map he had been working on for the past month exploring the vast depths of Dragonstone. It had been tricky finding enough time to search the past maze of tunnels, caves and even ruins that stretched across the island, much less without being noticed. He had been able to secure basic tools and supplies to do his exploration which were dedicated on days he was given off or during the late-night hours.

"Guess when you own dragons you need a big cave for them to live in..." Gendry muttered to himself, passing through one of the largest chambers he had discovered. It was a massive natural rock cavern which he guessed had been used to house the dragons for centuries. Whatever larger tunnels the beasts had used had long been closed off be it by natural means or human hands. From what he had scouted out this chamber was central to the overall layout of Dragonstone's underground maze. He had found empty storerooms, a ruined barracks and dismantled workshops dedicated to unknown crafts. Any clues to how Valyrian steel had been forged here in the past was long gone, making him worry his searching would be pointless.

'Wonder how much my uncle knows about this place and if he plans to do anything with it.' Right now he'd explored much of the northern half of the underground, which seemed to be the oldest section from what he could tell. Slipping through a narrow passage, he'd start going down a downward slopping passage, being careful to brace one hand along the nearby wall to avoid slipping. "Gods…how deep does this go?" He muttered to himself just before seeing the slope come to an end. Moving forward, he'd pause for a moment as he could hear a low rumbling at times through the stone walls.

'Must be lower down by the water. Hope I don't stumble into some tide cave and get washed away.' Gendry thought to himself before continuing forward. He'd feel his boot crunch down onto something, the sound like glass in fact. Glancing down, he'd see he had stepped onto black shard that gleamed in the torch light. 'More dragonglass…though master always preferred to call it obsidian.' He'd roll the sharp piece in his hand, thinking back to his master's lessons about this uncommon material. He knew the island was a literal mountain of this stuff, though he wasn't sure if the volcanic mineral got its name from heat that formed it or by the dragons who nested on the island.

Tossing the piece aside when he realized he was becoming distracted, he'd move further down the passage which started to narrow out. Soon the space was so thin that he'd have to turn sideways and shimmy just to continue forward. He'd hesitate at this point, unsure if the passage lead anywhere or could possibly be impassible farther in. "Well…nothing ventured…nothing gained." Gendry sighed to himself. Shifting sideways, he'd began to shuffle forward to slip through the tight space. He'd take a deep breath just to slim up a bit more to get by. For a moment claustrophobia started to creep in as the closing space was making it hard to see and move. His heart raced as he'd struggle for a moment at the tightest spot, fearing he was stuck. Yet with a grunt, he'd force through and nearly stumble out to the other end. "Shit…that was close…" He cursed out as he'd dust off his clothes a bit before holding his torch up to glance about this new area.

The ground had sand hinting about, perhaps from the tide or left over from the past when this cavern had formed. While the air was damp and salty, there wasn't any sign of sea having flowed into here. Looking about, he realized it was a tunnel that stretched about, maybe even flowing from one side of the island to the other. 'Can't be anything related to the Targaryens here.' Already Gendry was worried that his efforts be fruitless or perhaps he had overlooked something in the other chambers. However, his ears picked up an odd whistling that was similar to wind or a low wailing really.

"Don't start thinking that." Gendry muttered, not wanting to let superstition get the better of him now. The sound was coming northward which he began to follow. Looking about the natural tunnel, he noted odd markings around the black rock, carvings that had an aged tanned coloring to it that made out symmetrical shapes. He'd stop to touch over one of the symbols, tracing along the design before swaying the torch light about to show even more markings. "What in the hells is this? Did someone…live down here?" As he reached the end of the tunnel, it led into a large cavern that had a flat wall which depicted a massive spiral marking with smaller ones set all around. A bit of faint light just showed from above from a crack in the ceiling, letting moonlight shine in.

'It's like it's trying to tell a story.' Admittedly while Mott had taught him how to read and basics on history, what he was seeing was beyond anything he knew. The first set of carvings showed child like figures standing among sticks and swirled patterns…like a forest of some kind. It then showed some squiggly lines that seemed to drift downwards, maybe representing weather or wind? It then showed the child like figures hands out stretched over their heads seemingly holding up a circle, yet this one was filled in with pure white paint of some kind. The carvings and cave paintings went on depicted many more scenes, no doubt the entire history of this strange group of small tribals. Yet as he looked to the far right, he'd gasp and flinch back as he saw a frighteningly detailed image along the wall. His surprise made him trip over a rock, tumbling backward and falling onto his rear roughly.

Before him was the most detailed cave painting he had seen and the most disturbing one. It depicted a tall pale figure with a gaunt face with a circle of short horns that formed into a crown like pattern. What really shook the young man though where the eyes which were sky blue crystals. Along side the horned creature were similar ones who where then flanked with what could be only described as living corpses. With the whistling howl of the wind coming from the crack above making it seem like the images were alive, he'd shiver as he'd quickly grab his dropped torch as he'd stumble back up onto his feet.

Gendry gradually calmed down from his startled state, though avoided looking too directly at the ghastly drawings. This cave was a surprising twist to his exploration, but also a disturbing one at the same time. "This is older then the Targaryens…far older." He muttered to himself. Right now he wasn't sure what to make of this strange discovery since he lacked any knowledge of past cultures and ancient history. 'Maybe Stannis' Maester or his apprentice would know…' However he'd shake his head as he realized he was becoming distracted from his true goal. Once he finished the task his master had given him, he could then focus on learning who made these drawings and what story they told.

'I must be overlooking something back in the smithy? He had assumed there was simply another place that the valyrian steel was being smelted in, but perhaps the main workshop was where it all took place. It had been ages since they had crafted such weapons, so they most likely modified the smelters ages ago. It be tricky examining the great forges more closely with them being under near constant use and with so many prying eyes on him. He'd have to wait for the right moment when the workshop was mostly clear to search around without drawing attention.

Giving a final glance at the cave painting, he'd hesitate at the chilling final image before backing away. This cave in general was making him nervous, even more since his torch was dimming after burning for so long. He wasn't sure how long exactly he had roamed around in these caves, but he knew it was very late into the night by now. If he got caught sneaking back into his room, he was certain he'd get into trouble. Turning about, he'd hurry back to the narrow passage and squeeze through it before taking the long trek back up into more familiar corridors of the Keep.

He'd carefully make his way back to his room yet rounding the corner he'd quickly shuffle back when he saw someone at his door. His quick retreat had made his boots skid across the floor, enough to draw attention to him. Silently cursing to himself, he'd peek around the corner to see…a woman dressed in red? He remembered seeing her when they arrived and often with Stannis around the Keep. All he knew was she was a priestess to some strange faith across the sea that worshipped fire, or a being related to it.

"No need to hide from me. You're not in trouble if that is why you're worried about." The Red Priestess spoke softly to him, even giving a small kind smile.

Gendry was on guard as he'd step out of hiding and approach her. "I know there is a curfew for most of the servants and craftsmen but…just needed to get out for a bit."

"Hmm…a restless mind is a troubling thing." The Priestess murmured as she stepped closer, letting Gendry catch the alluring scent of fine oils and herbs she had.

"I…umm…forgive me for prying, but what brings you to these parts of the Keep at this hour."

"Much like you my own thoughts keep me up at night, be it interpreting the visions of the Lord of Light or the plans for Lord Stannis's war for the Iron Throne."

"I see…yet what do your wanderings bring you to my room? Uh…your Grace." He questioned, though quickly did his best to be formal to not sound rude.

"Such titles are unneeded with me. I will confess you are a curiosity to me since my visions have often shown you having a role to play in future events."

"There's nothing special about me. Just one of countless orphans from Flee Bottom who was just lucky to be good at a forge."

Melisandre softly grinned at Gendry as she'd pace closer, the young man shifting a bit nervously as she got so close. "It is the heritage of your father that makes you special, the blood of a warrior and nobility." She calmly stated. "Yet you fear and hate that past…trying to deny it because of what your father did." Her left hand moved to suddenly caress his face, her touch soft and having a soothing warmth to it.

Her words surprised him, making him wonder if she knew who exactly his father was or simply guessing to draw a reaction from him. Though despite her gentle voice and kind touch, he felt frustration at how she spoke about his late father…about how everyone seemed to believe Robert had cared for him. "You wouldn't understand…" He muttered back, holding back a spiteful tone as he moved away from her touch.

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