

Despite his harsh reaction Melisandre kept that calm look on her face as if she had expected him to snap back like that. "It is you who doesn't understand young Gendry." She'd slip past him to head down the corridor, seeming ready to leave him now. "In time you will understand your purpose in events to come…yet if you ever need guidance I will gladly help." With those final words she'd turn around the corner of the corridor and disappear from sight.

Gendry was flustered after that encountered because of the Priestess's seductive charm and surprising knowledge about him. He didn't believe the claim that she had visions, yet her eyes had such certainty to them when she made the claim. Opening the door to his room, he'd drop aside his small pack and change out of his dusty clothes for the rest of the night. Falling back onto the simple bed he had, he'd give a tired sigh as he tried to think over what to do after the recent discoveries in the tunnels.

He knew how everyone was making plans to travel for the North for a possible alliance, yet so far Geralt hadn't spoken to him about it. In a way, he'd be safer here if Stannis and his Red Priestess were on the other side of the Kingdom's. Plus during that time there be less activity through Dragonstone, hopefully giving him a chance to better examine the forges.

"Simple enough…yet what do I do afterwards?" He muttered to himself, his mind still conflicted over the Priestess's words. Even if he did figure out the final clues about Valyrian steel, he had no way to share it with his master since going back to King's Landing be a death sentence. That was of course if Mott hadn't fled the city considering his involvement in helping Geralt. "Ugh…why does this have to become so complicated…" Burying his face to the worn pillow he had, he'd slowly fall asleep as the long day work and exploring got to him, though his dreams were restless…dreams of looming winter and soulless blue eyes.

Geralt - The Next Day - Midday

The Witcher's morning had been a quiet one as he waited for lunch time and for his planned visit with Shireen. Picking his usual set of plain clothes, he'd also decide to leave behind any of his swords, included Dragon Fang. While he was sure she was curious about the drifting stories of his fighting prowess, he felt Stannis wouldn't approve of him having weapons around his daughter. He didn't know much about her personal interests, so he hoped this meeting wouldn't become too awkward. The only other thing he brought where some basic medical tools Stannis's Maester had lend over since he had a few basic tests that he wanted to confirm about Greyscale.

As he was leaving his room though, he'd see Davos heading down the hallway and heading toward him. "Ah good! Was worried you were already heading off." The sea captain remarked.

"Had something you wanted to talk about? We didn't have a chance to chat after yesterday's meeting."

"That is true and there are a few things I want to discuss, though I was planning to tag along to see Shireen with you." Gesturing back down the hall, he'd begin to lead the Witcher through the massive keep and to the upper levels.

"I do remember a few servants remarking that you often visit her, sharing stories and gifts from your voyages."

"Aye. Beyond her books and the odd trip down to the gardens, she knows nothing of the world beyond this island. Between her condition and her father's protective nature, I doubt she'll travel unless it's absolutely needed."

Geralt nodded. "Maybe that will change one day."

"Perhaps…hopefully when this senseless war is over." Davos sighed. "I don't like how we had put such effort in convincing his Grace to meet with Lord Robb. I'm worried his sense of…right to rule is clouding his judgement."

"He does have stubborn sense of pride. Not uncommon considering past lords and rulers I've met…usually it didn't end well for most of them." Already he was remembering his final encounter with King Henselt, the man unyielding even when Vernon Roach sunk a dagger into his heart. The man saw his royal heritage as his right to conquer and to justify even raping any woman he desired, Ves being one of the unfortunate ones targeted by his lust. While Stannis obviously didn't share all the same interests as the dead Kaedwen king, his set nature would bring a lot of senseless death and a harsh end to himself.

"What worries me is how much sway Melisandre has with him." Davos grumbled. "It seemed like whatever she whispered and said were key in his final choices."

"Then we'll need to make sure her advice doesn't end poorly for him…or everyone else."

Davos would nod in agreement as they'd head up a winding stairway, reaching one of the higher towers of Dragonstone and Shireen' room. "We can worry about politics once we're in White Harbor. Stannis will no doubt be more understanding when he personally meets Lord Robb." Shrugging, he'd then continue to speak. "Anyway, we're here."

They arrived to a small floor where a lone guard was standing watch, the man having a bored look considering he was confined to such an isolated space. When he saw the two men approach, he snapped to attention and gave a respectful nod. "Ser Geralt and Davos. Stannis informed me you'd be visiting Witcher, though not you Lord Seaworth."

"Heh, thought I'd tag along to see Lady Shireen as well and help introduce the Witcher to her." The sea captain answered back. "I hope this isn't a problem considering your orders."

The guard thought for a moment and shrug. "I see no issue." Turning to the door, he'd knock at it before speaking. "Lady Shireen, your guests have arrived." He'd unlock the door before opening it, letting both men walk into the room.

The young Baratheon had quite large quarters to herself, even though the rocky walls made it feel confining. At the least there was good lighting here thanks to the windows set at each side of the room, which offered the girl a Melisandre wide view of every side of Dragonstone. The room was well furnished having a large comfortable bed set in one corner, a small library set in another and lastly a desk surrounded by all sorts of trinkets and drawings. There were all kinds of toys set around with the most notable item being a brass telescope set at the western window. Geralt remembered the item being mentioned and it showed how the girl had been watching him training Arya.

"Its good to see you again Davos!" A young voice spoke up, quickly drawing the Witcher's attention to the young girl who had been sitting at the bed reading a book. "Oh and it's an honor to meet you Ser Geralt…I've…heard so much about you!" She quickly added, giving a short curtsy in respect to him.

She seemed to be Arya's age considering her height, though a bit thinner with her figure under the plain green dress she wore. She had deep brown hair tied back, leaving most of her face exposed to them except for a few loose strands. A short hint of surprise showed in the Witcher's eyes as he at last see his first physical example of Greyscale. While he had read descriptions and seen detailed drawings of the sickness, it was quite shocking to see in person. Along the left side of the girl's face stretching from her brow, cheek and jaw her skin was covered in a mix of grey crusted skin. Despite how the deadened skin made her cheek and jaw sag in a disfiguring manner, the girl had a bright look in her blue eyes and a cheerful grin hinting her lips.

"As have I Lady Shireen. I'm sorry I haven't come to see you sooner." Geralt formally replied, bowing his head slightly in respect.

The girl nodded as she'd step closer, getting a closer look at the Witcher's features. Her gaze drifted over his pale skin and up to his scarred face, a hint of wonder showing when she saw his cat like eyes. "You do have the eyes of a cat like Ser Davos said" She remarked excitedly. "He's told me many stories about you, like the battle against the Mountain and Kingslayer!"

Geralt glanced at the captain, who'd chuckle a bit before patting the Witcher on the shoulder. "She begged to know of your accomplishments. If there is one thing she loves it is a good story."

Shireen nodded eagerly at the statement. "Its true! I've read through so many of my books…so it gets dull reading the same tales. I heard you came from a far-off land…so you must have much to share about that!"

Her joyful curiosity was welcoming, reminding him of his first-time meeting Arya. "I do, though stories will have to wait. Your father did ask of me to examine your condition first." He politely remarked.

The girl drifted one hand up to touch her scarred cheek, her gaze having a more worried look. "It…I understand." She seemed shy about the matter as she'd move to a nearby chair to sit down. "You're not worried about it are you? Most people get nervous when they see my face."

The Witcher approached her and stood at her left side, pulling up a chair for himself. "Even if you were still sick I won't have to worry. Having run into a disease or sickness that could spread onto me." He explained, though that drew a confused look from Shireen. "As for the scars…well…" He'd tap the of his head to notable scar that streaked across his brow and down over one eye.

The comparison had the girl giggle a bit, making her relax as he was doing his best to relate with her. "How did you get that big scar Ser Geralt?"

For a moment he paused as he thought over her question. "Oddly I'm not sure, though think I got it during a time I…lost my memory." He thought it be best to exclude the Wild Hunt since involving dimensional traveling elves in fearsome armor was bit beyond belief. "Really I've lost track of how many scars and wounds I've gotten over time."

"So can you tell me how it's been growing up with this scar? Any discomfort at any time?"

"I've never had any pain or itching if that's what you mean." She replied back. "Cressen always gave me a cream for the scar since it can…well…flake if it gets too dry. It doesn't hurt but they worry it could get me sick."

The Witcher nodded. "Makes sense." He'd lean in as he'd have one hand touch across her scale like cheek delicately. The skin was indeed quite scale like where the skin had cracked and over time healed which also gave it a rocky texture similar to troll hide, though obviously not nearly as tough. "The skin is calcified from what I can tell. Only seen a few things that could do this." He muttered, mainly to himself. Considering only a few monsters and talented mages could do this from his world, making him wonder if this sickness had some magical origin in the distant past. "So do you feel anything?"

Shireen shook her head, seeming unflinching even when he lightly prodded at her scarred cheek. "Nothing."

"Matches what the books says. When Greyscale fully affects an area, you slowly lose your sense of feeling until there is nothing left." He muttered. "Can't imagine how it is with those fully infected."

"The Stonemen, a terrible fate I say. I don't know why they simply show mercy and end their lives instead of shipping them off to the Sorrows to go mad from their infliction." Davos muttered before realizing this was a grim topic for the girl to hear. "Ah sorry my lady. We shouldn't worry you on such matters."

Shireen though softly smiled back. "Its fine Davos." Still there was a sadness in her eyes, perhaps feeling pity for countless people who suffered from her affliction, yet not fortunate to be cured like her. Though even if they were spared the deadly or maddening fate the sickness brought, they'd be shunned because of their scars much like her. In the end anyone with Greyscale didn't have a good future for themselves.

Geralt didn't remark for the moment as he'd finish up his examination. Focusing more along the edges of the scaled scarring, he could see how it thinned out into a thinner pattern. "Can you feel around here?" He said feeling across the part where the 'scales' and normal skin was at, which made the girl flinch a bit feeling her rougher skin.

"Yes…though only a little." She answered back.

Nodding, the Witcher moved his hand away from her scarred cheek. "That is a good sign. I don't think the scarring has spread since it was treated, yet you should continue to use the creams and making sure to examine around the 'scales'. So long as you can feel where the skin and scarring meets, then everything should be fine."

The positive news helped the young girl relax a bit, perhaps expecting a more worrying outcome. "Since that is done…can you share a few stories with me?" She quickly asked in an excited tone. "I know your going after tomorrow and I'm not sure I'll have a chance to meet you again."

"She has a fair point. No telling if you'll remain in the North or come back south. Guess it will matter how the negotiations play out." Davos commented.

"True…very well I guess I can share a few stories for the rest of the day." Geralt replied after a moment of thought. "So what kind of tales interest you?"

Shireen though for a moment before an idea quickly came to her. "Do they have dragons where you come from?"

"We did have them, though they aren't the same as the ones the Valyrians had. They were very intelligent, as smart as any human really and have quite the desire for wealth and places of magical importance."

"So they had lairs full of treasure! I remember one tale that said Balerion had a massive cavern full of Targaryen riches, guarding it whenever they weren't conquering."

"Doubt they were any caves big enough to house such a beast. If you saw his skull under the Red Keep you'd understand just how massive that dragon was." Davos remarked.

The sea captain had a point since even the Witcher had taken a chance visit to the vast cellars during his stay at the Keep. He wanted to get some idea on how the dragons of this world were and he was certain Balerion outmatched Villentretenmerth in physical scale. Still, he was certain the old golden dragon could outmatch the Targaryen's dragon because of his greater intelligence and many magical gifts. None the less, Balerion would have been the bane of all of the Northern Kingdoms and possibly Nilfgaard if the beast was loose across the continent.

"So what happened to them? You said you 'did' have dragons, so what happened to them?" Shireen questioned.

Geralt took a moment to figure out how to best explain without delving too much about how magic had been key to killing off the great beasts. "Simply, we killed them off. Was long before my time, though the books claim it was to protect humanity as it struggled to settle in a harsh new world. In a way that is true, but I'm certain it became more about greed in the end." He explained. "It took a long time and a lot of effort, but one by one they were hunted. Was around that time they made people like me…first Witchers."

"You mean…is that why you have those eyes, white hair and look so pale?"

He'd simply nod back. "That would be another long story for another time. Anyway, there are still dragons just they were smart enough to go far away from us or to hide just out of sight." Pausing, he had a good idea on how to turn the gloomy tale into something more exciting for the young girl. "I did however meet two dragons though, special ones who could talk and turn into a human in fact."

"That has to be made up!" Shireen giggled.

"Even I have to agree despite all the other stories you've shared so far." Davos added, though he had a curious look in his eyes.

"Surprised your doubtful for once." Geralt chuckled. "Anyway his name was…well…let's just say dragon names are quite long and tricky to pronounce. In his human guise though, he was known as the wandering knight Borch Jackjaw."


The hours passed by as Geralt shared the full story of his encounter with the wise golden dragon and the adventure to save his mate and future daughter. He'd continue the tale about Saskia who followed her father's ideals on unity and peace among all the races and social norms. The grand story of her struggle to form a free kingdom while dealing with the greedy ambitions of King Henselt, multiple assassination attempts, and a battlefield cursed with restless spirits. The tales went on for so long that the trio had lunch in the tower, Shireen simply wanting to hear more and more as the Witcher shared his grand adventures.

By sunset, Davos had drifted asleep as the old lord seemed weary after so much talking and listening. Geralt and Shireen could talk privately, though for the moment the girl was showing the Witcher her telescope. She'd gaze up at the darkening sky, eager to see the stars that would soon be revealed. "Just a bit longer…" She muttered to herself while Geralt watched her fiddle with the telescope.

"So how did your father get this?"

"From Old Town where all the Maesters come from. Its one of the only places they make these." She quickly explained. "They have telescopes in your lands, right?'

He'd nod. "In Nilfgaard they have an observatory which is a massive room that houses a massive telescope that can see farther into the night sky. The scholars claim it lets them predict events or so they claim."

"I'd love to see that. Everything about your countries sounds so wonderful…even with all the bad things there as well."

"Perhaps one day, though I think you should see the rest of the Seven Kingdoms first."

She nodded, though a unsure hint showed in her eyes before she glanced back into the telescope. "I want to go out and see but…I think father wouldn't allow it."

"Why is that? Greyscale scar or not, you can't live your whole life stuck on Dragonstone."

"I know and your right just…I think father would be ashamed if the world saw me like this." She'd be silent, though Geralt heard her giving a shaky breath. "A disfigured and unwanted daughter."

"Is that what your mother calls you?" Geralt questioned, making a small gasp escape from Shireen before she glanced away. "I've heard about how harsh she can be yet didn't expect she'd abuse you."

"She…she just says cruel things at times but has never tried to harm me. Ever since that woman in red came years ago she has become hateful."

"Not sure what drive a woman to be like that to their own child." Then again, he had seen plenty of terrible outcomes among families when he thought of his past travels. "The truth is your father cares deeply about you and would do anything to keep you safe."

"It doesn't feel that way at times…"

Geralt put a hand on her shoulder, making her look up at him. "Trust me, when it comes to people your father is always blunt and short spoken with them. Guess that extends to you too."

Shireen couldn't help but smile faintly. "He is terrible at conversations." She murmured with a small giggle.

"I understand that you want him to show affection…yet simply waiting won't work with him."

However, before Shireen could answer back there'd be a knock at the door. The noise snapped Davos awake, who muttered out something before realizing how he had dozed off. "Ugh…must be the guard wondering why we're still here at this hour." He remarked as he got up to open the door to quietly speak with the guard.

"He has a point. We've spent nearly half the day talking." Geralt remarked as he'd get up from his seat.

Shireen nodded, seeming a bit lost in thought of the Witcher's last words. "Do we have to say goodbye right now?" She asked.

"Only if you want it to be." Geralt answered back. "We leave tomorrow in the late morning. No better moment to see everyone before we set sail." By now Davos had finished talking with the guard and nodded to guard, showing it was time for them to go. "Remember what I said about your father and consider it for tomorrow." With that said, he'd turn to leave the room with Davos.

For a moment Shireen seemed ready to question him on what he meant yet hesitated too long as the door closed behind Geralt and Davos. The two began their long walk back to the lower floors of Dragonstone, though Davos spoke up when they were out of earshot of any guards. "I'm confused on the advice you gave young Shireen just before we left. Admittedly I only heard a few words, but it seems you were encouraging her to do something."

"Simply trying to help a divided father and daughter bond that's all." Geralt bluntly answered.

Davos gave an odd look, noting the Witcher's passive expression. "She's not the first noble lass you've seen with a distant parent like Stannis."

Geralt only nodded back as they continued walking along, seeming to try and avoid giving a full answer.

"Witcher, you know you can trust me with this. I won't tell Stannis if that is what you're worried about."

There be a long pause before the sea captain got a reply. "I think Shireen is the best way for us to get through Stannis' stubborn pride and ambition. Even though he seems to seclude himself from everyone else, he deeply cares for his daughter."

Already Davos had a thoughtful look on his face, a hint of realization showing in his eyes. "Though how do you plan to draw on such feelings from the man?"

"We'll see tomorrow if Shireen has the courage to follow what she wants." With that said, the Witcher said nothing more on the matter as they at last reached the floor Geralt's room was at. "Anyway, see you at the docks in the morning."

It was a hasty goodbye that left Davos a bit baffled as the Witcher entered his room, though the common born lord didn't try to argue for more details. Sighing, he'd turn away to head to his own room for the night. "Another gambit it seems…pray it works like the others…" He muttered as he'd leave the hall.

The Next Day – Late Morning

Geralt had gotten up early to make sure all his packs were in order for the trip ahead. He had taken some time last night and this morning to top off on his usual potions and bombs, just to be prepared for any trouble at sea. They may be traveling on a war ship, but there was always the chance of a fight breaking out on sea. For all they knew the Lannisters could have put a bounty out to get pirates and mercenaries to harass any of Stannis' or Renly's ships.

When he arrived at the docks, he'd see Davos already there directing the workers and sailors to get the last preparations on board. He'd quickly finish giving a few orders before looking towards the Witcher, giving a short nod to him.

"Everything is in order I take?"

"Aye. The Fury is fully stocked for crew and guests, along with being battle ready if need be. We'll be sticking to the coast for most of the journey north, so I doubt we'll run into any dangers beyond natural ones."

"Lucky we have the best captain to guide the way." Geralt chuckled, making a small grin of pride show on Davos face. "Still, I know war ships like this don't offer much for comfort beyond the main cabins, so where will the girls be staying?"

"We cleared out one of the smaller storerooms for the two. Not much space, but private and away from the main sleeping space. Won't be a royal voyage, yet this trip is more for their safety after all."

Geralt nodded in agreement as they'd stroll closer to the ship. Compared to the variety of ships he had seen between Nilfgaard, the Northern Kingdoms and Skellige it was an impressive vessel. It had three decks and had openings along its side which were meant for long oars to allow the ship quick bursts of speed and maneuvering. Across the deck were scorpion launchers, compact ballista that could be manned by two or even one person with proper skill. At the fore and aft were small catapults, perfect for attacking at long and medium range. Lastly was a bronze colored stag figurehead, which no doubt doubled as a battering ram, a deadly if stylish final weapon.

"Quite the ship, though I can tell it's not newly built."

"You'd be correct. The Fury was manned by Stannis back in the Greyjoy Rebellion, yet ever since he became the Master of Ships he saw fit to maintain and upgrade it. The Greyjoys may boast of their sea prowess, but The Fury sank their own flagship in quite the battle."

As they chatted, Geralt glanced backwards to see more people coming down the long trail from Dragonstone Keep. It seemed most who would be traveling north had decided to leave together in one group. Arya, Sansa and all of his companions from King's Landing marched to the docks, everyone seeming active for the trip ahead of them. Geralt didn't bother to chat with everyone, only sharing a few greetings as everyone began to board the ship. However, trialing just behind the group was Gendry, who wasn't carrying his pack and dressed for working at the forge. Curious, the Witcher approached him.

"Decided not to come with us?" He simply asked.

"Last I checked you said it was up to me." The young man chuckled. "I thought it over…and I felt it was best if I stayed here. Further away I am from my uncle and that woman in red the better."

"I think in this case I can agree. If the truth about you was revealed during the alliance meetings, it could complicate things." Geralt muttered after a moment of thought.

Gendry was silent as he'd glance away slightly, seeming to have something on his mind. "I'll admit…I'm not just staying for my safety because I'm following a request from Master Mott."

Hearing the master smith's name already had the Witcher thinking. "Is it about the valyrian steel research? When I last talked to him he said he was at a big break through."

"Yes and it points to Dragonstone. He thinks there is or was a specialized forge for crafting the steel. Spent nearly every day looking…but I think I know where it may be."

"Then if you're right, make sure to get a message sent to King's Landing somehow. Hopefully he is still there unless they learned of how he helped us escape."

Gendry nodded in agreement, though for a moment seemed ready to speak further before his attention was drawn to the path from the keep. "Seven…didn't expect them to be arriving now." He muttered nervously as he'd see Stannis and Melisandre approaching with a few of his elite guard in escort. "Just try to come back here some day and whatever you do…don't trust that priestess." With that hurried response, he'd quickly move to one of the nearby stockpiles the workers were at to chat with, acting as if he was picking up supplies for the smiths while his uncle approached.

Geralt knew there was more the boy wanted to say, but time was limited and he couldn't risk drawing attention. Looking to Stannis, he'd give a respectful bow to him before speaking. "Everyone is accounted for and getting ready to leave." The Witcher stated formally.

"Good. An orderly start for our voyage." Stannis remarked as he'd look over the Fury and the gathered group. "How was your visit with Shireen yesterday? I take her condition is well."

"She is fine. It seems her Greyscale is truly gone besides the scaled scarring." He answered back. "I thought you'd speak to her about my visit before we left. After all you won't be seeing her for months."

Stannis didn't reply, though his gaze had a distant look to them. "Preparations had me busy yesterday evening and I…felt it be best not to worry her."

"Forgive me if I feel your priorities seem misplaced to me, my lord." Geralt muttered, feeling a bit of anger at Stannis's decisions. "Dedication to work is one admirable but ignoring family will become a regret one day for you."

"Your advice is noted Witcher." Stannis muttered, yet was interrupted as there were some voices coming from the keep. Both men glanced to see a long-cloaked figure hurrying along, a few guards quickly following, trying to keep up because of their armor slowing them down. "What is going on?"

"Brave girl indeed." A faint grin hinted from Geralt as he knew who it was, even with the cloak hood pulled over her head. Shireen quickly a few yards from her father, panting as she had no doubt sprinted all the way from the Dragonstone's gates to the docks to avoid the guards. By now her hood had fallen back to reveal her face to everyone else gather, drawing a few mutterings seeing her scaled scars.

Sansa, Arya and Geralt's companions watched from the ship, curious to see Stannis's mysterious daughter after so long.

Melisandre stood by with a calm look, seeming to have a small interest in the girl. However her gaze did drift a bit at Geralt, seeming to know he had a hand in setting up this moment.

"Father…" Shireen panted, her pale face flushed from her long run. "I…wanted to say goodbye…" The girl cluched a book to her chest, trying to catch her breath as she locked her gaze with her surprised father.

"Shireen, this isn't a proper way to-" He started before she spoke up.

"I don't care! I know your always busy and you want me to be safe…but I want that to change." She'd suddenly reach her arms out to embrace him, holding him as tightly as she could.

There was silence, the only noise being the splashing waves and the call of the gulls overhead. After a long moment, a faint smile showed on Stannis's face as he'd place one hand on her head, gently rubbing over her deep brown hair. "I should have noticed sooner…" He muttered before he softly spoke to Shireen, starting a quiet conversation with her. Considering the girl's reaction, surprise and then joy showed before she'd nod, holding back happy tears."

"You promise?"

"Promise." With those last simple words, Shireen let go of her father who'd give her a small pat on the shoulder. "Don't run back to the keep now, you've tired yourself out enough for one day."

She nodded as he'd turn to Melisandre silently, the woman nodding before both of them turned to head for the ship gangplank. Stannis gave a small parting wave which Shireen returned, though the girl approached Geralt instead going back to the keep. "Geralt…thank you for everything yesterday. The stories and advice you shared." She said shyly, though with a small happy smile.

"Just was trying to do the right thing." Indeed the relationship mirrored so much with Ciri and Emhyr with how distant they were. While the emperor and his daughter's history was much more complex, he knew keeping Stannis connected with Shireen could be the one thing that keeps him fully becoming coldhearted. "If anything I should be thanking you for rushing out here."

"Was a last-minute choice." She giggled as she clutched the book she had to herself. "I also have something for you. Thought you'd like a good story to read while you sail north." She'd offer the book to her, a quite worn yet sturdy book that seemed more like a journal.

Taking it, he'd examine the book which didn't have a title on the cover or book spine. "Doesn't seem like your normal book." He remarked.

"It's something that Maester Cressen's assistant found one day in his study. I think it something about an old legend about Dragonstone. It can seem like a history book at times…but it's exciting really!"

Geralt shrugged, guessing he had gotten odder gifts before. Besides, it could give some unique insights about the Targaryen past. "I'll be sure to read though it…and make sure it comes back in one piece." The ringing of the ship bell signaled that the Fury was ready to leave, making the Witcher glance back to see Arya waving to get his attention. "Anyway I best not hold up the whole ship. Take good care of yourself Shireen."

"I will! Please have a safe journey!"

With final goodbyes given, the Witcher marched up the gangplank before it was pulled up. Davos was already at the ship wheel, giving out orders for the sailors who'd drop the sails and man some oars to help get the Fury away from the docks and the harbor. Stannis stood by the sea captain watching the men at work, once more having his calm demeanor return. Arya and Sansa were distracted by the crew at work, though Barristan and Thoros made sure the two didn't in anyone's way and possibly get hurt. Soon the ship was quickly moving away from Dragonstone and picking up strong wind to begin sailing northward fully out of Blackwater Bay.

Having some time by himself, Geralt strolled along the edge of the deck, glancing eastward as his mind was thinking about Ciri after the drama between Shireen and Stannis. Leaning against the wood railing, he'd sigh as he wondered what his adopted daughter was going through on the other continent. "Most likely giving the Dothraki hell…or anyone who crosses her." He chuckled, imaging the surprise the fierce warriors would get when the young woman revealed her impressive fighting skills. The amusing thoughts eased his worry a bit, though he'd soon focus on book he had just been gifted. "Let's see what it's about…" Flipping to the cover page, he'd at last find the title written in faded ink.

A Study of the Grey Knights: Westeros' Forgotten Champions

Notice: I know I have been quite silent for the past few months, mainly because work hasn't been kind to me and a lot of new games have kept me distracted. I've been getting myself back into my usually writing pace, but I can't make any promises. I'm also happy we've reached 1400 subscribers as well despite my hiatus! Hello and thank you to all newcomers!

However with October nearing I have a special idea in mind relating to another crossover for the Witcher. I'll have a poll up to see if anyone is interested, so if you want to see what the idea is, take a peek. That aside, next chapter or two will be all about Ciri, which I can say I'm very excited for. As always share your thoughts be it through reviews, the forum or PMs to me.

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