
15 Again: High School Sweethearts

I woke up crying in my childhood bedroom that I shared with my younger sister and step-sister. I was still confused about the crazy dream I had. In my dream I was dying of cancer at the age of 40! Only to find out later that it wasn't a dream! I had been reborn! Time to use my future knowledge to change my life and those I care about! This is going to be great! The only problem is I'm 15 and live with my abusive step father and my mother is always too busy working 2 jobs to notice. Will I be able to change fate? Can I save my sister? Can I change the future? Let's find out! God gave me a second chance for a reason and I plan to make the most of it! Warning: Contains child abuse, attempted suicide and other possible triggers, but it will have a happy ending, so don’t worry!

Pretty_Blue_Shell · Fantasia
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27 Chs

Clone Mom

Jasmine had invited Thomas to church on Sunday and her mom had approved of it. She was a little hesitant for Jasmine to be in a relationship with her bad experiences with men. She wanted to protect her daughter from going through the heartbreak she went through with 2 failed marriages and a failed relationship. She wanted to meet him first and judge him before she gave her daughter permission to date. Even then, it would be a supervised date until her daughter was 18. She didn't want any surprise grandkids. Little did she know that Jasmine was not the one she needed to worry about, but that it was a story from Jasmine's past life. Hopefully, she can change that in this life.

Jasmine had told Thomas the name of the church and what time to meet them there. She also informed him of the usual dress attire. She knew he tended to either overdress when he was nervous or underdress when he was comfortable. She told him to wear something comfortable, but no cut-off t-shirts or shorts. She liked this new church they had been going to since Delilah and James separated. Her church was pretty laid back, so he didn't need to wear a suit, but some pants and a button-up shirt would be nice. She said, "Dress like you are going for a job interview." He was a little nervous since it would be his first time meeting her mom. She said, "Don't worry. My mom is nice once she likes you. She will love you once she sees how good a boyfriend you are to me."

Thomas arrived at the church 30 minutes early wearing a light blue dress shirt and khaki pants with brown dress shoes and a belt. He was nervous and tried not to sweat too much as he waited. He regretted wearing a light blue shirt and thought he should have worn a darker color to cover the nervous sweat. He sprayed on some Axe body spray that he had in his truck to use after football practices. He liked the Blue one. Later he would switch to the chocolate-scented Axe body spray. He waited in his truck until he saw Jasmine's mom pull up in her powder blue BMW with Jasmine, her sister, and her brother. The top was up so they didn't mess up their hair before church. He got out of his truck when he saw Jasmine get out of the car. She was wearing a black and pink floral dress with sandals. She was always pretty. He snapped out of his thoughts when Jasmine introduced him to her mom. Jasmine grabbed his hand and said, "Mom. This is Thomas."

When Thomas met Jasmine's mom, he was shocked at how similar they looked. They looked like clones, or at the very least like sisters. Her mom was only 16 years older than Jasmine and they had the same eyes, nose, lips, and hair color! It was freaking him out! At least he knew Jasmine would keep her beauty as she aged! The only difference was Jasmine was a little taller and had a slightly larger frame. On closer inspection, you could tell Jasmine had freckles while her mom had a slight tan. This made him nervous as he expected her mom to be much older. His mother was 30 years older than him, so he was not expecting to meet a 30-year-old mom!

Jasmine laughed; she knew what he was thinking. 'Stacy's Mom' started playing in her head even though that song hadn't even been released yet. She remembered it from her past life. He told her about his thoughts the first time he had met her mom. She teased him with that song, and he denied having feelings for her mom. Lol! He was fun to tease! She was used to all her guy friends having a crush on her mom since middle school. She got it, she had a hot momma! Luckily her mom was not Mrs. Robinson. She didn't want a much younger boy; she needed a real man to help take care of her and her kids.

That would be too awkward. Victor even joked that she should call him daddy after he met her mom! She just laughed and refused until he tickled her so much, that she was crying and about to wet herself. She told him, "If you can make her happy and provide for her, I will call you daddy. Until then, you are like my brother!" He just chucked and kissed her forehead with a determined look in his eyes! He would have to grow up soon and become successful to get a MILF like that!

Delilah shook hands with Thomas and said, "Nice to meet you, young man. You better not break my daughter's heart!" He straightened up like a soldier and said, "No mam! I'm not going to break her heart. I will be the best boyfriend ever if she lets me!" My mom seemed satisfied with his answer and said, "Good, then you can call me Delilah." He still felt uncomfortable calling her by her first name, so he called her Miss Delilah.

She chuckled and headed into church with her hand on her daughter's back. Thomas followed behind them and paused slightly at the double doorway. He was a little afraid he might burst into flames with all the sinful and naughty thoughts of a typical teenage boy. He had only been to Church twice with two of his friends before and didn't know what to do. Each religion had its own rules and traditions.

His father had warned him that if they brought out a snake he should just get up and leave as soon as possible! He was a little worried but was willing to risk it to make Jasmine happy. He had been to a Catholic church and an Episcopalian church before. This was his first Baptist church. He was looking around for the holy water that he saw his friends use last time. He didn't see any by the doorway, so he hurried to catch up with Jasmine and sit next to her.

Jasmine knew what he was thinking about and held his hand to comfort him. She leaned to his ear and whispered, "It's ok, relax! There are no snakes at this church. I'm too afraid of them!" His eyes widened and he wondered if she was a mind reader. She just laughed. She hadn't told him yet that she was living her second life. She was having too much fun teasing him. His reactions were too much fun to watch.

After church Jasmine's mom invited Thomas to lunch. The church usually held a banquet afterward to welcome new people. They believed in breaking bread together. Jasmine knew of Thomas's aversion to potlucks and buffets. He was not used to family-style meals since he was an only child and didn't like to share his food. He was also wary about the cleanliness of shared serving utensils. She told him, "It's a potluck lunch the church provides to welcome new people. If you don't want to go, we can go out to eat." She looked at her mom and her mom agreed. They didn't go out often, but with 3 fewer mouths to feed, she had more money available to spend on her kids. Thomas looked like he wanted to go out to eat but didn't want to be inconvenient. He said, "It's fine. We can eat at church. I'll take us out next time."

Delilah was glad her daughter had such a sensible and respectful boyfriend. She could tell he was uncomfortable but sacrificed his comfort to be mindful of their financial situation. He knew about the separation and her mom was working 2 jobs. They were also trying to sell the ice cream shop but hadn't found a buyer yet. He would feel uncomfortable making Jasmine's mom pay to go out to eat when they had free food available. Jasmine seemed like she was used to eating here, so he was comforted a little by that thought.

The food was not bad to his surprise. The potluck consisted of a salad, bread, lasagna, and a casserole. There were vegetables and cookies as well. Jasmine led him to a table and asked, "What would you like to drink? They have tea, juice, and water." He said, "Tea sounds good." She went to get them both teas. Then she led him to the food and said, "Just think of it like a buffet and get whatever looks good." He got a little bit of everything just to be polite. The elder ladies of the church had cooked the food and he didn't want to offend anyone's grandmother. He was lucky they were good cooks!

Everyone was nice and welcoming. Jasmine had introduced her sister and brother to him, and they started to warm up to him. He talked to Christopher about sports and games. Amber was shy, but she talked to Jasmine about him. She thought he wasn't good enough for her sister, but no one was in her opinion. If he was nice to her sister, she would allow them to date.