

Thus I left Ash in the room on his own. Something Ash would regret for the rest of his life. And I would enjoy for the rest of mine.

I didn't know where I was going but the town wasn't large so if that person was still in town it shouldn't take very long to find him. A few days of searching and I could have my first meal in a long time.

As I walked through the towns main road I suddenly felt something. Something sticky and delicious. It was a short stocky fellow with a blue shirt and brown baggy pants. Compared to my bland brown shirt and pants he looked much better off.

I almost drooled just looking at him, it was as if he was the most delicious thing in the world and I could barely resist.

Lucky for him and myself I did resist.

The man wasn't very mobile making it very simple to follow him, he stayed near a small store most of the time and yelled at the owner? Or the employee? Who knows and frankly who cares. After yelling for about an hour he gave some orders and left.

I kept my distance and followed his smell through the town. Yes, his smell that stunk like rotting flesh. How I didn't notice this smell before I would later learn to be my own ignorance in my abilities.

After a few turns, I was happy to learn that Dinner had made its way to the inn Ash and I were staying in. He was even staying on the same floor in the room at the end of the hall! This was like room service.

I kept an eye on the room for a bit until the moon was at its zenith, a full moon too. But before I eat I should let Ash know we may need to evacuate the town as quickly as possible. I'm sure ill making a mess and who knows how important Dinner is. That's right I don't know this mans name so for now, I'll dub him Dinner.

But nothing ever goes as planned, as soon as I entered the room the fool should have been sleeping in I was greeted by no one..... an empty room.

I was vexed to say the least, what if I miss dinner because I have to babysit a fool. I remember that this is the first time I felt genuine anger as a zombie.

But then I realized that he may have thought I was joking about eating Dinner. Until he really thought about it and realized, I wasn't.

"I wonder if I should look for him, or eat?"

Look or eat, look or eat, look or eat. This was a conundrum that wouldn't last long. I was hungry, Ash wasn't here, what could I do? He was a grown man he'll be fine.

I don't want to ruin the story but I would later discover that Ash was not fine, not at all.

There were some windows on the side of the inn so I made sure to be aware of my surroundings. The town was silent, not a person in sight. The inn was dark, the moon was covered by clouds so there wasn't much light. A new moon would have been better but this was good enough.

My feet didn't make a sound as I approached the door, Dinner was on the other side and I could hardly wait. But I contained my excitement the door was most likely locked so I didn't turn the knob instead I just waited outside the door for a bit. I had no breath but if stares could kill, this door would have been evaporated.

I licked my lips and turned around to leave. Yes, I needed a good way to get inside. I could break down the door, I was sure I could, but it would make too much noise. But during my time outside his door, I could hear the wind, he had a window and it was most likely open.

As I was about to walk out the inn the old man behind the counter gave me some advice.

"Sir, please be careful there are no good men outside at this hour." The old man gave a kind smile after he spoke.

"Thank you for your kind words, sir, I just want to take a stroll around the inn." I smiled back and walked out the door. I'm not sure what happened but I did notice that the old man looked afraid after I left. His face went pale and his body slumped down a bit.

I saw the face, heard the body, and felt the fear.

As I walked around the inn towards Dinners window I began to contemplate my actions. At the time I was young, technically, and inexperienced but I was no fool. I could tell that before that day I felt as cold as stone. No matter how much Ash fooled around or babbled on It never really bothered me. But now all of a sudden I can feel. I feel annoyed at Ash for disappearing. Any little thing can set me off to such an extent that I could barely control myself outside Dinner's door.

This was not good. I know it now and I knew it then, but I didn't want to stop. I was so hungry that the short walk to the back of the inn felt like hours.

I can see the window, its the second floor but I know I can make it and just like I thought it was wide open. I took a quick look around the area, abandoned at this hour it was perfect. I practiced my jump and to my surprise, it took little effort to jump as high as the second-story window. And I saw him... sleeping like a baby. A fat sticky delicious snoring baby lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

I jumped up and gracefully landed on the window sill, I was impressed at how quiet I had been since I began to tail Dinner.

I walked up to him as he slept. He was uncovered still in his clothes so I assumed he was quite tired from the long day of yelling and eating. I didn't want to get any blood on me so I quietly grabbed the blanket thrown to the side and wrapped it around me covering mostly my arms and chest. then I grabbed the extra pillow on the floor.

I didn't hesitate even for a second I used the pillow to shield myself from the spray of blood. Used one hand covered with a blanket to smother Dinners mouth so he wouldn't scream, and lastly, to my utmost surprise, my other armed turned into a claw. A claw so sharp it ripped through the part of the blanket I was using to cover it. It was very quick, I pierced his chest like a hot knife through butter. I did my best to stop the blood from spraying with the pillow and I even turned Dinner over so the blood would spray in the opposite direction.

As he lay there trying to scream I could tell he was in agony, although I couldn't see his eyes since I turned him around I could just imagine how they looked. In the meantime, I was drooling. Yes drooling, I could tell my meal was getting closer. I didn't want to eat his flesh it honestly looked disgusting. Dirty and fat, it didn't look appetizing in the least.

And that's when I saw it! When he stopped struggling I could see a black mist coming off his body. This was it! the black sticky goodness that was my dinner! I wanted it, I wanted it so bad that I began to suck it in. I even tried to bite it and it worked much better, I pulled it like I was ripping apart a carcass and chewed with gusto my claw and my arm grabbed onto what was left and I shoved it into my mouth spraying blood all over my face and hair.

After a few more minutes of biting, ripping, and chewing I was finally done. It was good, very very good. I sat on the floor and let out a satisfied breath of air. I had forgotten that I didn't need to breathe, but now I knew that I could.

I took a look around the room and finally noticed the mess I had made. My face was covered in blood, my hair to some extent as well. Luckily my clothes were still clean. I noticed a pot of water on the desk and used it with some rags and Dinners clothing to clean myself up. My job here was done and there was no need to overstay my welcome. I took one last look out the window to ensure no one was there and was ready to jump out when I noticed something. A large sack of gold. At least that's what I thought, when I rummaged through it I confirmed it was a sack of coins. Gold and silver coins that could equal the annual income of a noble family.

I'm sure I'll need more money later, so I took the coins and left. I quickly made my way back into the inn where the old man gave me a concerned look as I walked in and dropped the sack of coins off in the room under the bed.

Now to look for that fool of a descendant.

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