
The Story

Leaving the inn again so soon would look far too suspicious so I waited a bit. I thought about the day's events. I was like a ghost, with every step I soundlessly moved forward. My jumps produced a sound but it was slight and I was sure that even if Ash was standing right next to me he wouldn't have thought I jumped so high. But right after I finished eating my footsteps once again produced sound. My strength and dexterity were still there but only to some extent. Not only that but my sense of smell had developed to an extream. I could even smell Ash's sent in the room, but not my own.

Well, there's no point in worrying and there's definitely no point in sitting around wondering why I did what I did.

Right, that's when I noticed how little I cared about the fact that I killed someone. Although I used to be a soldier and have killed my fair share of people. I never felt so little about their deaths. Humans can kill other humans, but unless you're some cold-blooded psychopath you will feel something. Maybe regret, sick, sad, happy, mad, whatever. But I genuinely just felt full.

After going through my thoughts it was time to go look for my foolish descendant. Now that I could smell him things would be much simpler.

I took some of the coins from the bag and walked out of the inn. This time the old man just looked away. I wonder what I did to cause such a reaction. Maybe my smile? But who would freak out due to a smile?

Following Ash's sent gave me a larger tour of the town than I would have liked. Every once in awhile I felt it necessary to avoid the few militias that patrolled the streets. It wasn't difficult at all. Not only could I hear them coming but before they even turned the corner I would slip away.

The first place his scent took me was a bar of all places. After walking into the 'Sweet Apple' I quickly realized how wrong I was. This was no bar it was a whore house. The women were scantily dressed and doing their best to woo the men around them. What was truly depressing was the feeling I got when looking at the women. I felt despair, anger, disgust, and a powerful sense of hatred towards the men around them. Then again could I blame them? Although I've been dead for over three hundred years a whore house is still a whore house. I could only imagine the abuse that goes on in here.

I walked up to the bar avoiding and ignoring the women around me.

The bartender was an average man in every sense of the word. He had an average height and an average look you would be hard-pressed to remember. In fact, don't actually remember what he looked like. But I quickly noticed that this was no weak individual. No, this average man was powerful and he hid it well. So I was careful when dealing with him.

"Hello good sir, how may I help you?" He asked with a polite voice that demanded respect.

"I'm looking for a friend and I believe he may have come by here. Shorter than me by yay much, has brown hair and eyes, wears a dirty red robe that drags on the floor, and-"

But before I could continue the bartender cut me off.

"I know who you're talking about, he came in here looked around talked to that girl and ran off as quickly as he came." The bartender pointed at a tall brown haired girl with a young face and wavy dress.

I do recall that woman to some extent, she was the second woman I spoke to since my revival. She was kind and clearly still ignorant about the world.

"Thank you." There was no point in being overly polite and the bartender didn't seem to care either. I wanted to be careful around him not waste time with pleasantries.

I quickly made my way to the tall woman.

"Hello, you spoke to-" It seemed that today was the day of being cut off, at least for me.

"My what a tall handsome fellow you are. I wonder, are you interested in me or one of my friends here?" Another woman had cut me off. She wore a thin light blue dress that stuck to her skin and allowed little to the imagination. You could see right through the thing, what was the point?

"I need to speak to her." I pointed at the innocent girl.

"Hello Sir, my name is Lawe. How may I help you?" The innocent girl had a strange name, and now that I paid some attention I noticed the bruises around her neck. She must have gone through a lot, but at the time I felt just as cold as I did when I awoke. This was not a good time to meet a damsel in distress.

I recounted why I was here to Lawe and it immediately clicked.

She made a surprised face then started to laugh.

"That man came in running and asked me if I had seen his ancestor. When I told him I didn't even know who that ancestor was he looked deflated asked for the location of another whore house and ran off."

Before I replied I noticed she looked a bit hesitant about something.

"Is there anything else you can tell me? Here take this coin for your trouble." I handed her one of the smaller silver coins I procured after dinner.

That seemed to have done it, she looked shocked and so did those around her. She quickly put it away thanked me and told me the rest before I left.

It looked like Ash was drugged, or drunk, or both. He staggered as he ran and stuttered as he spoke. His eyes were bloodshot too.

As I walked along the street in the direction of the next whore house I realized that I had made a mistake. I took to long inside the Sweet Apple his scent was almost gone.


Well at least I knew where I was going and it wasn't far. It was a small town so I was confident there would only be two whore houses. Later I would learn that I was in fact, wrong and there were three.

So the fool went to one whore house, then immediately to another. Did he think I would enjoy myself after my meal with women? I'm not going to say I'm a normal zombie but a zombie none the less. Also, how did he move so quickly across town? Must have been some amazing motivator driving him.

The next place really wasn't far, Old Chain. An interesting name for a whore house.

The second I walked inside I was dumbfounded by what I saw.

I don't want to ruin the fun so I'll wait till the end for the big reveal. I do hope Ash and his family read this once I'm done.

I once again walked up to the bartender and asked him if he had seen Ash or at least someone that matched his description.

Lo and behold he was here. It wasn't hard to get his exact location once I paid for his 'room'. This time I made sure to ask how much and ensure I was getting a fair price. The smallest silver coin I had was ten large copper coins. Five coins bought a night, I heard it from a nearby customer before I asked myself. I paid three, and he was lucky I paid at all.

He was in the first-floor basement. In the second room to the left. A short walk later I found myself once again smelling Ash's scent through the door. Here he was. I could hear inside, snoring most likely Ash. There was one other sound light breathing from the other person inside the room.

I turned the knob and opened the door. That's when I saw it, Ash was butt naked. He had a large comfortable grin on his face and several lipstick marks on his ass and back.

This was becoming much more disturbing than I originally anticipated. He was laying on top of a very very large woman who was also naked. She also looked very comfortable.

It gets worse, the woman was not just on the heavy side. She was a very old woman with large lips. A faded red color on them and brown ugly teeth under them.

The only thing I could ask myself was, why? Why a whore house full of old women. And why did he have to sleep with the largest woman I had ever seen.

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