
1000 Ways To Die

Dying is a really somber event...BUT NOT HERE LMAO. Death has never been so...Wrong, so...right, so...FUNNY. 1000 Ways To Die takes you into the science of unbelievable deaths with medical shit and dark humor.

MildlyHigh · TV
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41 Chs

Chapter 33: Webnovle Birthday Special

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to youuuuu! Happy Birthday dear Webnovel Now here's some good gory deaths for you!

We have the Lego enthusiast who took a fall, A Manager from hell gets the pink slit, A bad barber gets Barb-wired, An egomaniac news anchorman gets some shocking news, An angry old man finally blows, A tik tok star messes which the wrong people, and an entitled mom gets karma. We have idiots for days and you have the honor to read em'. so sit back and grab a fork for the birthday cake, This one's for you Webnovel On the next chapter of 1000 Ways To Dieeeeee

Date: August 27th, 1999

Location: Mckenzie Bay. Mandaree, ND

Meet Allen, He is your ordinary North dakota man. About to catch his 100th fish, he has the best fishing equipment on the market. He gets his lure ready and is grabbing for his fishing weights in his tackle box and forgets that he has a giant fish hook hanging loose. He turns back to the hook and gets...Hooked...the hook stabs his eye, but he is still living and screaming for help. A seagull swoops down to steal some of his bait and flies right into the fishing line. This yanks the hook and pulls on Allen's eye, his eye gets yanked right out of his skull. This causes bleeding and kills Allen.

"In the end Allen was the one that got away"

Way To Die #701: Hooked on a feeling

Date: August 6th, 2021

Location: Rockford, IL

You might have noticed Lego making more minimalist sets. Popular among these sets are the city skylines. Ronald McHemsworth is obsessed with buying these legos. Today he just bought the New York skyline set. He has just finished making the last of the Lego set. He is putting the Lego set in his display case, untill he trips on his 120 pound cat and fell causing the One World Trade Center Lego to stab into his eye and stabbing into his frontal love killing him from massive brain bleeding. Ron's Skyscraper turned into a...DIEscraper

Way To Die #31: Sam Eye Am Dead

Date: July 2nd, 2018

Location: Manhattan, NYC, NY

Clara is about to have the worst day of her life!! She is a She Devil, with the recent economic crash she is firing her employees and is loving every minute of it. First she fires Jim and literally kicks him out of her office, Second she Fires Phyllis and insults her weight, Third she fires Kevin and laughs at him when he starts to cry. She looks at her list of people to fire and lo and behold, she sees her name. She runs to the manager's office to tell him only to be met with a pink slip telling her to get the fuck out. She yells at the manager and he calls security. As they arive to remove her she runs, it was like a game of tag in the office building. She trips and her hand get jammed inside the paper shredder. It literally turns her into dead meat as it chews through her flesh and causes massive bleeding. And she dies sending her to hell.

"Hey Clara, your fired"

Way To Die #211: Paper Cut

Date: December 14th, 2003

Location: Aurora, CO

Barb is a barber and is about to go out of business. She has the skills to not pay her bills, instead she blows it on Beer and Blow. Today she is as high as a kite and as drunk as a skunk. She opens up for busines and waits. She eventually gets bored and wonders off outside for a little drunken walk. She forgot that it was Winter and she was in Colorado AND she was under a leaky air conditioning system. As soon as she takes a drunken step she slips and goes on a ride. She glides through the Tiny city and everyone thinks it's a publicity stunt. Barb is to drunk and high to even thing of what is going on. She glides to the end of the hill and...gets a HEADS up. She glides right into a barb wired fence which slices his head clean off.

"Barb the barber got barb wired, say that"

Way To Die #32: Heads Up Death

Date: April 21st, 1978

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Meet Eric, he is an abusive womanizer and an egomaniac news anchorman. He gets paid top dollar yet he is a complete ass. Today the news station gets a new assistant to help Eric out...her name was Rochelle and Eric went head over heels for the girl. Eric sees Rochelle by the snack booth and decides to go and "Talk" to her. Eric...Oh Eric, let's not bother women and harass them. He goes up and slaps Rochelle's juicy ass only for her to turn around and tell him off.

5 Minutes later...

They are in the recording room now and Rochelle is sitting uncomfortably next to Eric, and Eric is more sweaty than ever. As soon as they start Eric tries to grab Rochelle's leg but accidentally touches the exposed wires from the voice pack his sweat makes him highly conductive. Eric gets the shock of his life and Rochelle gets a little buzz, the electrocution causes Eric to go into cardiac arrest and kills him.

"Eric should have learned the No means No. But now he is just as shocked as the rest of us"

Way To Die #7: Shocking News

Date: September 20th, 2012

Location: Mercy Hospital Fairfield, Pa

Chad Newman is one of the more angrier people in our books. He threw his wife out after she ate his sandwich, he threw his daughter out at the age of 11 for being annoying, he disowned his grandson for being gay. Chad had a temper shorter than Peter Dinklage. But he also has a problem, make that a huge problem he has a hernia in his stomach. He has had it for over 2 years and he is in excruciating pain. He thinks that God will heal him but God wants nothing to do with him. Chad finally goes to the hospital, he arrives screaming and cussing out everyone in his way. He finally reaches the front desk and starts screaming at the Receptionist making her cry, he starts yelling at her for crying. Right before he is escorted by security he sneezed and...POP GOES THE BASTARD. His hernia was so bad and sensitive that something as little as a sneeze was enough to make it go boom boom. And Chad, went bad.

" Chad was angry, Death was patient and as soon as death went for Chad...Chad didn't have the guts"

Way To Die #510: Chad Deadman

Date: July 24th, 2019

Location: Los Angeles, CA

You may have watched tiktok once or twice. And you might have seen those pretty boys who pretend to be bad. Well...here's Justin Rayford...he is a classic example of one of these people. He is doing a prank tiktok where he pulls out a fake gun on random people. But unfortunately he is Los Angeles 😕, he is not going to have a good day. He rolls up with his camera crew live streaming him, Justin gets the prop gun ready. Little do they know that the people they are about to "Shoot" Are members of the "Bloods" and with Justin wearing a blue shirt, this is not gunna be pretty. As soon as they are in position Justing acts out just as he planned, he pulls out the gun and starts yelling. Only there reaction was not what he expected, the gang members got out their toys and started popping caps in Justin's ass. He had many shots but the fatal one was to his heart.

"In the end was it worth it, playa?"

Way To Die #45: Hot shot

Date: August 27th, 2018

Location: Harrison, AR

Karen is your typical...Karen she does nothing but Yell and random kids, complain about being a mom, screams at store employees, and has an addiction to Facebook. Today Karen is really serving it up today she got into 23 political fights on Facebook and she got 4 store employees to cry. But she is in a bigger surprise once she gets home. She left her 16 year old son home alone and when she came back she saw him making out with another boy. Being the anti-gay person that she is, she started yelling at her son and his boyfriend that the devil done took their souls and she then forced them both into her car. She drive them to the church and marches them right inside. She takes them to the priest and asks him to "rid the evil from their souls" The priest grabs the boys and was about take them to a backroom when Karen's son punches the priest in the face and grabs his boyfriend and they run. The chace is on

Karen vs. The Fruity Duo.

Karen is a tad bit on the heavy side while her son and his boyfriend were fit. But Karen was about to grab her son when all of a sudden Whoof...she falls into a manhole. She fell about 3 stories and landed right on her neck and got paralyzed, the death would have taken around a couple of minutes before she died of asphyxiation.

"Karen was a heartless hardass and after failing to break up a happy couple she became a lifeless deadass"

Way To Die #976: Mommy's little die

Happy birthday Webnovel!!!