
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Their only chance

He sighed. He knew if they found out what she did, they would be angry.

"Leave me alone." She said about to turn away from him.

"I am going to get you out tomorrow night."

She turned back to face him. Her face was filled with dirt, her teeth unclean, her nails dirty and she was smelly. She hated it.

"Why not tonight?"

He wished but..... "I am going to talk to someone who is going to help us."

"What is going on there!" Kendra asked what was taking so long.

Lewis looked back at him. "I am trying to convince her!" Lewis yelled back.

"Yeah, I don't know why women are complicated." Kendra told his fellow mates.

They smiled agreeing with him.

Kristine rolled her eyes, if she come out through this gate, he will be sorry he put her in here in the first place.

"Please, eat. You need strength to fight." She heard Lewis' voice.

She shook her head. "I am not going to eat a thing they give me, I rather starve."

"Which will mean more attention on you. Kristine, you don't need to draw attention to yourself."

She shook her head. Didn't he understand? She couldn't stay here, she didn't want to stay here. She wanted out and she wanted out now.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly.

She looked at the iron windows.

"They are not strong, I am trying to remove it. It may be my way out."

"Is there a way I can help?"

She looked at him. He helping had brought her here, if he helped would she be able to pull this off or get caught?

She trusted him, so?

"The hut has a wire brigade around it, if you can cut it off then I might be able to escape."

"I am going to talk to one of their men, he seems to be in opposition to everything others wants, he might be our ticket out."

She nodded her head, not smiling. She didn't need any humor right now. She wanted out of this cell.

"What is taking so long!" Kendra stood up.

Lewis didn't look at him even though he knew he was walking right to him. He raised his hand in the cell, intending to touch and reassure Kristine that it was going to be fine but Kristine turned away from him.

"I am smelly, don't touch me." She whispered.

He dropped his hand and nod his head understanding, it was his fault she was in this place.

Kendra reached them. He looked at Lewis and looked into the cell. Kristine picked up the pieces of bread and went to take her seat by the window, she pretended to eat the bread, by raising it to her mouth.

Kendra smiled and moved back. "You are quite usefull." He told Lewis.

Kristine looked at Lewis and tossed the pieces of bread outside the cell and picked up the metal to continue her job.

Lewis sighed. He needed to get her out, by tonight.

By tonight.

He turned and walked to the gate. He picked up the bags and headed outside, the guards closed the gate behind him.

When he got to the hut. He was glad he didn't see anyone there. He put the bags down on his mat and checked their bags, their phones were in it. Just when he was about to check if there was signal in any of the phones, someone entered.

He hid the phones in the bag.

He turned to look at the man behind him.

It was Decker with a gloomy face; just the man he wanted to see.

Lewis looked at him: if he could talk to him, maybe he could help them get out of here.

He put his mat over the bags and turned to face him.

"Decker." Lewis called.

Decker looked at him with a sad look that Lewis thought he had forgotten who he was. Decker sat on his mat.

"Decker." Lewis tried again.

"What!" His voice sharp.

Lewis looked at the door before coming over to his side and he sat beside him.

"What happened to your wife?" Lewis started.

Decker looked at him, like he just brought the devil back or that he brought wounded memories but inwardly he was glad someone asked him about his wife.

He sighed, looked at him with his folded legs and smiled before he begun.

"She was killed by the commander himself....he slit her throat."

Lewis swallowed, he couldn't let that happen to Kristine. There was definitely a reason behind every story and he wanted to know his, to familiarize with him and get out from here.


Decker shook his head and continued his story like it was a bad dream. "She had refused to marry him. He gave me her blood to drink, fed me her flesh and told me, I was spiritually united with her. What about those who ate with me?"

Lewis shook his head. All of them were.

"Two years ago, the doctor had told me my kidney would start failing and I needed a transplant, because of traffic on our way back to Vegas, I navigated through the woods and then we had car trouble. The next thing I knew I was face down....my wife was...tied naked on a table in front of me." He cried.

Lewis didn't know what to do except listen.

"I kept telling them....they could take me, but they refused said I was better than my wife. The commander had given her an option; bear him a child and he will give her a painless death but she had refused.....she turned it down, told him to his face that she rather die since she was going to die anyway." He cried for a few minutes before he quiet down.

Lewis felt for him. He could imagine the kind of pain he had to go through to watch that.

"They had brought me down and tied me to pole and they told me to watch what they do to disobedient followers. The commander had told all his friends to have their fill. I watched them do it and orgasm into her, while she cried until she could no longer shred a tear."

He was silent for a few minutes before he continued.

"The commander had looked at me and told me to watch how he could give..... my woman such pleasure.....I had watched while he fucked her, so hard.....again and again until the devil had ripped that sex urge from his penis." He said with such hate.

"Everytime I see him, I want to kill him with my bear hands."

"He had placed her in the cell for days and Tia refused to eat anything, she didn't see me; when I came to see her, she would act like I wasn't there. I would promise her, I would get her out but...I never did. She stayed there for days and nights. The guards there would tell me...the commander would come to the cell and have conversations with her until he was bored, even though she didn't reply, even though she just sat listening to him talk.....he would have sex with Tia in cell until he was satisfied...."

He sniffed his nose.

"I was passing by one day and I saw Tia from that cell window, she smiled at me....I was happy, that she smiled at me but when I went to see her. The guards had told me, she was dead...I couldn't do anything, no matter what I did, the commander gave me a second chance to live here alive and well."

Lewis wasn't sure he could call this living.

"She might get use to that place." Decker said referring to Kristine.

Kristine would never get used to that place. He didn't want to get use to this place. He wanted out, they both wanted out. He couldn't imagine Kristine turning out like his wife, he didn't want to.

"I am getting out, we are getting out."

Decker raised his eyes to look at him.

Lewis nodded his head. "But we need your help."

"Listen....." He wanted to explain.

Lewis shook his head he didn't want to hear reasons why he could not help him. He continued. "You could have saved Tia but you couldn't. Now, would you let Kristine stay in that cell? I wouldn't. I have promised I would get her out and I will."

He shook his head.

"You can't do it. The commander has eyes everywhere."

"You can help us. You couldn't save Tia, please save us." Lewis pleaded. He didn't know how to beg but he prayed he helped them out.

"When do you want to leave?"

Lewis didn't hesitate. "Tonight."

Lewis wasn't sure how that would work out but he didn't want to live one more day here.

Decker stood up and looked at Lewis down on his mat. "I am going to die anyway, sooner or later, why not do something good before I die." He gave a small smile and excused himself.

Lewis watched him leave. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad one.


He crossed his fingers.

God, help!