
1(800) Adoption Papers NOT needed! Its a two for one special!

This is a DPxDC Damian has an old two-way league communicator. It was a connection to his brother. A way to keep an eye on each other. That's not a problem, right? Well, it turns out that having your not-so-dead brother calling you first thing in the morning really cuts down your sleeping hours. Or: Dami thought Danny had died. Mother even told him so. So why is it years later that Danny calls for help While proceeding not to explain what he actually needs help with, is causing him so many problems

aenxiome · TV
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27 Chs

Metropolis Gala

I look around the room anxiously, watching my siblings and Dad finish preparing for the gala. Gramps and Dad insisted I needed a suit, but I'm not really comfortable with that. There was no way I'd go monkey suit shopping; it's just too revealing. Thankfully, we were able to come to a compromise. I'll wear a stupid suit, but I'm not getting my own. It wasn't a problem; plenty of them were lying around, but ultimately, they decided on an old one of Dami's. It's a dark navy blue, almost black, and the softest thing I've ever worn. I walk over to Dami with cufflinks in hand," Do you mind?" 

" Give them," Dami says and starts messing with my sleeve. 

Once he's done, I lean in close and whisper, " Can I talk to you for a second," Dami raises an eyebrow, " in private?" 

" Is it necessary?" Dami whispers back, causing me to nod, " Very well," Dami huffs and drags me towards the door. 

" Woah, little D, baby D, where ya going?" Dick asks. 

" Just going to get some air," I say. 

Dami rolls his eyes, " Danyal is nervous." 

" No, I'm not!" I exclaim. 

" You are," Cass says matter of factly, " it's okay to be." 

I ignore her and speak to the room, " We'll be back soon," pushing Dami out the door.

" Don't mess up your suits," Tim yells as the door shuts.

We bypass the elevators and start heading up the stairs, with me taking the lead until we reach the roof–which was unlocked– typical Metropolis. I find a semi-clean spot on the floor, plop down, and pat beside me, signaling Dami to join. A grimace passes over Damis' face, but he sits down anyway, " What is this about Danyal?" 

"A couple of people who will be there tonight know me from before. From my time with the Fentons." 

" Whom?" 

" My friend Sam's family, for one. She was there when I had my accident, her and Tucker." 

" Are you close?" Dami asks.

" Before the accident, not really, but we got closer after the fact. It was hard not to. They were the only ones who knew back in Amity, though Jazz eventually found out. Having someone who knew about what happened helped somewhat." 

" What do you mean by somewhat?" 

I snort, " They somehow got it into their heads that the accident made me somekinda meta. I've tried to explain otherwise, but they never really listen. The idea of me being a ghost makes them uncomfortable. They don't really have a positive view of us." 

" You continue to be friends with people who think badly of your kind? Danyal, that's…" 

" Yeah, I know," I sigh, " but they aren't bad people–" 

" Just willingly ignorant." 

" They're just used to the ghosts that invaded the town. The only times they've gone into the realms was because they've been kidnapped or some rogue shenanigans. If the anti-ecto acts get revoked–" 

" When they get revoked," Dami corrects. 

" They'll get to see a different side of us. I'm hoping they'll change their minds." 

" If they don't?" Dami asks. 

" Then I'll know they weren't really my friends in the first place." 

" But why wait? This isn't a healthy relationship. It would be better to distance yourself from them now," Dami says. 

" I have been, not intentionally, mind you. I'm just not ready. They're the only ones I've really had the past few years. It's hard to leave them; it doesn't feel right," I explain. 

" Even when they are negatively impacting your health?" 

" They aren't–" 

" Your mental health is just as important as your physical. You're getting worked up just talking about them," Dami says. 

" Can we drop this," I ask, rubbing the bridge of my nose, "You're not wrong. I just need more time. I need you to accept that, Ahki." 

" As long as you keep my words in mind," Dami agrees reluctantly. A moment of silence passes between us, " you said people, plural. Who else is going to be there?" 

" Okay, I already mentioned her, Sam. Her parents, they've never really liked me, thought I was a 'bad influence,'" I say. 

" What made them think that?" Dami asks, curious. 

" A mixture of my association with the Fenton weirdness and my foreignness."

" Explain," Dami demands. 

" I guess it started when we met. They had a back-to-school night. I think I was going into fifth grade, and Sam was assigned a seat near me. I was introducing myself, and her mom grabbed her away from me. Told her not to talk to me, said I should learn to speak real English or have the Fentons send me back to wherever they got me from." 

Damian digs his nails into his hand, " Someone confronted them?" 

" No, not really. Jazz probably would have if she had been with me, but she had something else going on. Sam saw their disapproval of me and decided that made me friend material," Danny switches to a mid-western accent, " I learned to copy the accent pretty fast, so they let up, besides the occasional remark about how dark I'd get during the summer." 

Dami puts a hand on my shoulder and says in Arabic, " I'm sorry. That never should have happened. Sometimes, Richard and I get similar remarks. We may all have our disagreements with one another, but our family protects each other. Let us know if someone says something like that again, and we'll do something about it." 

" Thanks, Ahki," I say, slipping into our mother tongue before switching back to English. " Besides them, I'm only worried about Vlad Masters. He's a shady businessman the Fentons were friends with in college. The dude is a creep. He was obsessed with Maddie, to the point he created these elaborate plots to off Jack and marry her and take Jazz and me with them." 

Dami makes a face, "Were you around him often?" 

" More than I'd like. He swindled his way into being Mayor just to be closer to Maddie. They made him Jazz's godfather and decided himself that meant he was mine, something about us being an extension of her." 

" But you're not," Dami says, confused, " does he not know?" 

" I'm not sure, but I know him seeing me with Dad will piss him off. So I was thinking, if you're okay with it, to play into the whole, oops, wrong twin thing people have going on," I say. 

" What do you intend to do?"

"Gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss," I say, my eyes shining with mischief. " If the fruitloop comes looking for me, I pretend to be you and say I don't exist. You'd just have to do the same thing." 

"How would that work, though? Father wanted this to be your introduction."

"Vlad's always been a bit of a loner. He's obsessed with the Green Bay Packers and money, so as long as I'm not forced to interact with any shady businessman or big football fans, I should be fine," I say confidently. 

" Well, Father tries to stay away from those types anyway, so this might work out," Dami says, standing up, brushing off his pants, and offering his hand to me, " but if it doesn't?"

I take his hand, " I'll just have to live with the consequences." 

Our discussion was done, so we made our way back down to the hotel room. Dami starts pulling out his key card when the door opens, showing Jason there. He calls into the room, "They're back," sounding annoyed.

" Finally," Steph says, groaning, " you've been gone for ages."

"It's only been 15 minutes," says Tim.

" Yeah, whatever. What you do get lost?" Steph asks rhetorically. 

" We need to get going," says Bruce, " we're going to be late." 

" Come on," says Dick, " the sooner we get there, the sooner we can make excuses to leave." 

Dad practically pushes us out the door. We make our way out and to the venue. When we get there, lights are flashing, and people are yelling. Microphones are shoved in front of my face, and people bump into me, grabbing my shoulder. Doing anything to get my attention.

Yells of "Mr. Wayne" follow us as we enter the building. 

" Are they always this bad?" I ask; they weren't that bad last time. 

" No, but it's been a while since we made any official comments or appearances," Tim says. " The last time we were spotted was your trip to WE, and we never made any official statements then." 

" They're hungry for a story," Jason says, " it's like that every time B. brings another one home. Right now, you're their shiny new toy." 

" They'll calm down eventually," Cass says. 

" I hope so. Those cameras are a health hazard. What if someone nearby had epilepsy? Those lights could trigger a seizure," I say. 

" I've never thought of that," says Steph, " but you bring up a good point." 

" I could talk to Clark about it next time I see him?" Bruce suggests.

" If you don't mind, I'd rather ask him," I say, " just in case I have any questions about his answer." 

" Ah, the baby's first interview, how cute," Jason teases. 

" Oh, shut up," I snark.

" Before we split," Bruce says, commanding attention, " remember no fighting; if anybody has any trouble, get mine or your siblings' attention, and look out for Danny; it's his first Gala." 

" Gotcha," Tim says, joining the rest of the room, the others following behind him.

" Danyal," Bruce calls.

" Yes?" 

" If anyone causes any trouble, or you need to leave, let me know," Bruce says, " we'll leave." 

" Okay," I say, relieved. I wasn't really interested in staying the whole time. I quickly hug Dad, saying " thank you," and then go after Tim. 


I've never been fond of galas. They are unnecessary, only good for the wealthy to flaunt their newest purchases in an unspoken competition. It's sad to say, I've gotten used to it. The older I get, the more it matters. I'm no longer there for elderly women to pinch my cheeks and say, " he'll be quite a looker when he grows up, just like his Father." Now I've got to be friendly, forced to sit through my peers' attempts at flirting on their parents' behalf, trying to get Wayne money or have an interest in the business. It's exhausting. I glance around the room to see Danyal making his rounds with Drake, not so subtly making his way to the Luther heir. Richard is surrounded by harlots, attempting to escape, Todd is with Roy Harper, and the girls are by the snack table. While Father and Oueen make smart-ass pleasantries.

Business as usual. 

Or it would be if this man would stop following me. He's tall, around Todd's height, with longish gray hair tied off at his neck, and dressed like the Addams Family butler. He's either wearing eyeliner, or his eye bags are worse than Drake's. He's too far away to tell. I try to lose him in the crowd, speaking with acquaintances, hoping he'll give up on whatever he wants.

 No luck.

I can't lose him, not with my skills available as a civilian. I excuse myself from a conversation and head to the snack table. Putting myself in the open, the man casually walks over, "Tired of hiding Daniel?" He snarks.

" I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid you have the wrong person," I reply.

" Do not try me tonight, Daniel. I have had enough of your ' teenage rebellion.' It's time you return to Madeline," the man, who I assume is Vlad Masters, says.

"I am not familiar with whom you're speaking of," I say, turning away from Masters, " have a good evening." 

Masters grabs my arm, digging nails into me, "Enough of this foolishness."

"Let go," I demand, "before I have my father get you arrested for assault." 

 Masters laughs, "Very funny little badger. Jack would never–"

" Bruce Wayne," I interrupt, " my father is Bruce Wayne. As I've told you, sir, you have the wrong person." 

" Mr. Foleys' work may have fooled my office, but it didn't fool me. You are pure, Madeline," Masters says lowly, " Ms. Manson chose well. I will admit, the lawyer was convincing." 

"Lawrence?" I ask, wanting clarification. 

" Yes, such a delightful mind," Masters says.

" What did you do?" I demand.

Master's eyes flash red, " you really have to ask? You should know better than to send in someone without protection, Daniel. Another thing to add to your training, my little Apprentice."

'Ah, so that's why he called you a fruit loop. His accuracy is astounding,' I think, then say, " that explains nothing."

" Must you be so dense, Daniel," Masters glowers, " overshadowing, no one looks twice at a lawyer looking over their papers. It only took a few minutes to get the gist of the situation. It was smart to use Wayne; his DNA is readily accessible–" 

"Because of paternity claims," I finish, knowing that part is true. Father keeps his DNA on file in case of any more surprises; besides the twins, there haven't been any. 

" He did thorough work, going as far as to make a fake contact for Wayne," Masters looks around the room, and my eyes follow. People are heading towards the dining area, " I presume you've been with Samantha?"

" For the last time, I'm not Dan-"

Masters interrupts, "Return to the Mansons for now, little badger, but don't forget, you'll be returning with me," letting me go.

" I am going nowhere with you," I say through my teeth.

" You don't have a say. The Mansons have no reason to refute me. I'm your godfather, outside Madeline, my word goes," Masters walks away, leaving me alone. I walk around until I see Danyal speaking with a grumpy-looking girl in a ridiculous pink frilly dress. 

I catch Danyal's eye as I walk over, his eyes lighting up when he sees me, " Dami, come meet my friend. Damian, this is Sam, Sam, my twin Damien." 

 Manson's eyes go up and down me; she asks Danyal, "Are you sure he's your twin?" 

" Yes," Danyal says, sounding offended, " why would you even ask that?" 

" You look way too similar. You said you weren't identical," Manson says. 

We groan in unison. " Everyone keeps saying that when they're not looking at our eyes, there is still occasional confusion," I complain.

Manson makes a face, " sounds annoying."

"Like you wouldn't believe," Danyal agrees. 

"You must tell me, what did Danyal get up to in Amity Park?" I ask. Perfect opportunity to gain blackmail. 

Manson snorts," Not much, really; Amity is pretty small. There's not much to do." 

Opportunity wasted. We talk for a while, Danyal trying his best to get me to see the best side of Manson. While I like being proactive, their stories show she's incapable of stopping, even when there's destruction. An example was when they had a food war over meat versus what Danyal said was grass. Deciding which one would be better to feed the school. I'm all for vegetarianism to preserve the animals, but such extremism isn't necessary. I find her to be stubborn and unable to take criticism. I don't like her. 

" Sammy-kins," A shrill voice calls out. We turned to see Pamela Manson. "Get away from them. You know better than to distract the help." 

" Excuse you–" I start, outraged.

" What's your name? Who's your employer?" Mrs. Manson demands, " I'll have you fired, skimping off your work, harassing my little girl."

" Really, Mrs. Manson?" Danyal asks arms crossed, sounding deliberately Midwestern, " You've known me for years. Do you really have to ask?" 

Mrs. Manson's head snaps up, " So, they left the riff-raff in now? How'd you get in, Daniel? I know my Sammy didn't bring you." 

" No. Our Father did," I say, " who will be happy to know about your opinions of my brother and thyself." 

"Brother?" Mrs. Manson cocks her eyebrow in disbelief. 

" I didn't tell you?" Manson asks in false innocence, "Part of Danny's memories came back, and he was able to go back home. He was just telling me how happy Mr. Wayne was to have him home." 

" Wayne," Mrs. Manson mutters, looking back and forth between the twins.

" Yes, meet my twin–"

" Older twin," I interject.

 Danyal rolls his eyes, " older twin brother Damian Wayne." 

" You're a Wayne? you?" Mrs. Manson says in a mix of horror and disbelief.

" Yes," Danyal says, stressing his accent, " and Damian and I will tell Baba about this conversation. Have a good evening, Sam, and get home safe, Mrs. Manson." He drags me towards our family's table.

" Baba?" I ask.

Danyal shrugs," Just trying it out. I heard Dick call him Tati the other day, so I thought he might be okay with Baba. Have you ever called him that?" 

" No. Father is Father. There's no reason to call him otherwise." 

"It just seems so formal. I get it when working but in private? It feels weird," Danyal admits. 

"What do you mean?" I ask.

" It makes me think of the league and Mother, how we had to address others. It was stifling," Danyal says.

" So you're adding Baba to your list of names?"

" Maybe. Father is for serious things or night stuff. Dad is for regular things, either as himself or Brucie," Danyal says. 

"So, Baba is for?" I ask.

" Private things, around the manor, or personal matters."

" Like messing with the Mansons?" I ask.

" Exactly." 

" How," I start hesitantly, "Do you think Father would feel if I called him Baba?" 

 Danyal smiles, " I think he'd be happy."

"I will consider it." 

Once seated at our assigned table, Father asks, "How's the night been so far?" 

" The Mansons need to be added to our banned list," I say.

" Explain," Father says, looking at us, causing me to prattle on. Pamela Manson should be glad this gala was held in Metropolis, or she'd have some very angry birds after her. 

" Was there anything else?" Dick asks.

My eyes flicker to Danyal, "Not at this time." 


We eat in relative silence, enjoying the relative peace before being thrown back to the wolves. I finished first. I scan the room, seeing some acquaintances he has not spoken with. I internally groan, deciding now or never. " Remember," I tell my kids," we don't have to stay the whole time. When you're ready to leave, let me know," then I put on my Brucie smile and rejoin the fray. Women cling to me as their husbands try to get donations. It's exhausting.

"Brucie, what do you think?" Mrs, what's her name asks, batting her eyelashes.

 What were we talking about again? " I'm sorry, dear. Who are you again?"

" Elizabeth."

" And we met…" I trail off, unable to place her. 

"Vegas. 5 years ago. We shared a bottle of Chardonnay," Elizabeth says. 

"Oh, that's nice," I say, " why was I there?" 

" Oh, bless your heart," Elizabeth says under her breath, but I still catch it, "it doesn't matter. We had a good time either way," she pushes her chest onto his arm. 

I move away from her, "That's great! I'm glad we had fun! I'll see you later, yes," winking at her and stumbling away. Then, get run into. 

" Oh no, are you okay, Mr. Wayne?" says a 'frantic' Clark Kent.

" I'm great, Clarkie!" I stumble a couple steps, walking away.

"Are you sure, Mr Wayne? Why don't we go get you some air?" Clark asks, leading me out of the ballroom. Once we get to a secluded area, my steps even out.

" How is Danny handling the gala?" Clark asks.

" He shadowed him for the first half. Neither of them had any complaints," I say, happy things are going well. " Have you had a chance to speak with him?"

"Funny you should ask that; we had a long discussion this morning," Clark says. 

" What? When was this?" I ask, confused. I've been in the same room as him almost all day.

" Around 5:30 or so. He was on the roof of a skyscraper. He scared the crap out of me," Clark admits. " I didn't notice him at first." 

" What building?" I ask.

" One near the center of the city, it was 40 stories tall Bruce."

" I never heard him leave," I sigh, rubbing my brow, " did you bring him back?" 

" He had that part covered his own self. He said some concerning things to me." 

" About the meeting?" I guess.

" Yes, which we will be discussing, but some other things too. Did you know he can feel souls? He knew who I was as soon as he saw me. I thought one of you told him until he corrected me. He could tell Connor is a clone," Clark says.

' That could be a problem. Is this an ability only Danny has, or one all ghosts do? Are we compromised?' I think, but say, " I was unaware." 

"Do you know how he could tell about Connor?" Clark asks. I shake my head no, " He told me he had one too. That they were a girl."

There are many concerning things with that statement, "Who?" I demand.

" I did some research, and it sounds like Vladimir Masters, owner, and CEO of Dalv Co. and friends with his former Foster parents. He sounds like a real piece of work B. The kid only told me because he was worried about Connor." 

"Worried how?" I ask, needing clarification.

" Danny's clone, he said she died. She destabilized. I guess he wanted to ensure the same thing didn't happen to him. He said that when Vlad made her, she was aged up. Made her as old as Damian," Clark says, " He really loved her, Bruce." 

"Does he know the implications, how she was a girl?" I ask softly.

We both know the only way for a female clone to come from a male subject is for reproductive DNA to be introduced in the process, " I'm not sure, but he didn't say. He didn't sound like he wanted to talk about it." 

"What else did he–" I get cut off. 

" Wait a second," Clark holds up his hand, eyes wide, " where are the twins?" 

" The ballroom, why? I ask. 

" You've got to get there. Now," Clark says 


" Let me go, you fruit loop," I snarl. 

" Stop this; you're making a scene," Vlad admonishes, holding my shoulder. 

" He's doing nothing of the sort. Release my brother," Dami demands. 

" Very clever, Daniel, but your duplicates still need some work. You're putting too much ectoplasm into its eyes," Vlad comments.

" He's not a duplicate!" I exclaim, "How many times do we have to tell you. Let go." 

" Release him," Dami demands again, grabbing Vlad's arm, but he tightens his grip. 

" Release him," Vlad says, " you've been caught, little badger. You don't need it anymore." 

My eyes flash green, " He's my brother. My twin–" 

Vlad elbows Dami in the neck, pushing him off, and grabs my chin, staring into his eyes, " Do not lie to me, little badger, you aren't a Wayne. No matter what you've led them to believe. My Madeline wouldn't cheat." 

" That bitch is not my mother," I say. 

" Don't talk about your mother that way," Vlad says, raising his hand and taking a swing–.

" What are you doing to my children," Father thunders, holding back the man's arm, inches away from my face. "Damian, are you okay, son?" Bruce asks. 

" Yes, Father," Dami says, rubbing at his neck. 

" Let Danyal go," Father orders. 

" I don't know what this boy has led you to believe, but he isn't your son. He's my Madeline's," Vlad says, moving his hand down to his neck, tightening his grip. 

" Mrs. Fenton was his foster placement," Dami argues.

Vlad tightens his grip, "Lies, he looks exactly like that fool of hers' Jack, do not lie to me." 

"We– look nothing alike," I say, voice hoarse, " we sound nothing alike." 

" You're putting that accent on," Vlad accuses. 

" We're from Pakistan," Dami says monotone. 

Vlad's grip loosens as his world, obsession, comes down around him. His eyes go red as his nails darken, becoming claws. He pushes me against the wall and strokes my face, sounding crazy, "You're Madelines'. You're part of her. You're mine." 

I'm stuck, unable to move, my senses freezing me in place. Before me is an angry, feral, obsession-crazed adult ghost. I take in the red eyes and claws on my cheek and want to back away. To phase through him, take my family, and run, but I'm shaking. My core is vibrating in my chest. I open my mouth to protest. A sharp, involuntary whine escapes, stopping Vlad in his place.

Stopping Father and Ahki in their place. 

My eyes start to water, upset with the situation, ' get a hold of yourself,' I think. Upset that I gave into my instincts, ' what kind of protector cries " scary, help me," in front of an enemy? A shitty one.'

Father grabs Vlad, pulling him away, while Dami puts me in a protective hold. Father says quietly, " Clark, Connor, find my kids. Tell them we're leaving immediately. I've got the twins. Get to the car. They have 10 minutes." Then says loudly, menacingly to Vlad, "If I ever see you near my kids again, I'll take your ability to have yours." Father takes hold of my shoulder and ushers us out. I'm on edge the whole way out, slightly relaxing once in the rental car. 

Dami has me going through breathing techniques when the others get to the car. The Waynes and Steph side-eye each other as they enter. " What's wrong?" Cass asks, taking in the youngests.

" We heard whispers that something was going on, that you were threatening someone," Tim says to Father. 

From the driver seat, Father looks at his kids through the rearview mirror, "a man was acting inappropriately with the twins. I removed him."

"When you say inappropriately…" Dick trails off. 

" He cornered them, and had Danny pushed up against the wall, and threatened them both," Father says. 

" Who?" Cass asks.

" Vlad masters, owner and CEO of Dalv Co.," Father says.

 Tim's eyes widen, " the creepy guy who has the hots for your Foster mother?"

" Yes," I say. 

" He knows of Danyal's abilities; he critiqued them. He was under the impression I was a botched duplicate. Called him little apprentice," Dami says, " said he wanted to teach him. His eyes flash red." 

" So what is he a ghost?" Jason asks. 

" I can't talk about it," I say, shifting in his seat.

" Why?" Steph asks.

" We have a pact," I explain," I don't say anything about him. He doesn't say anything about me." 

" You wouldn't be breaking it," Dami points out, " we know he's not a baseline human. We're just asking for clarification." 

My eyes flicker over my siblings, unsure, "You can't tell anyone or put this in the system. He'll know. He always does." 

"We won't betray your trust," Dami says. 

" He had this accident with the Fentons Proto Portal. When they were in college, they were either working on their master's degree or their Ph.D., I don't remember which. He was 27 and trying to impress Maddie, and because of Jack's carelessness, the prototype blew up in his face. The blast sent him to the hospital, the radiation causing cysts and acne. Because of the radiation, he got stuck there for a while. They didn't have the technology to help him, so the radiation set in. Mutating his DNA, awakening his latent Meta gene. The ghosts call him a halfa, but only because they don't have a term for someone like him. He got rich through overshadowing others." 

" Danyal had warned me of him prior to us leaving. He saw me earlier in the evening and thought I was him. Masters admitted to overshadowing Lawrence and deleting his messages to you," Dami adds.

" Well, that answers one question," Tim says, " but Danny, why are you afraid of letting people know?" 

" He's one of my rogues, and we agreed to help keep the peace. Neither of us wanted the Fentons to know. I'm not worried about him telling them, but the GIW as finding out I'm not Maddie's is a blow to his obsession." 

Father frowns, " how so?" 

" His obsession has always been Maddie. To have her. He thought of Jazz and I as an extension of her. Not being her kid started a kind of factory reset," I explain. 

" So, the glowing eyes and claws?" Dami asks.

" Came out because of the shock. He wouldn't normally risk his identity, but his instincts got the better of him," I say. 

" You made a sound," Father says, " it stopped him in his place. What was that?" 

My face heats up, " yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to–"

"What kind of sound was it?" Dick asks, cutting him off.

" A whine, it didn't sound human," Dami says. Then adds, "Not that there's anything wrong with that." 

" It's a ghost thing–" I say but stop as a green sheet of paper appears. They all stare as it falls to the floor. I grumble, "Seriously?"

"Seriously?" Cass repeats, not sure what he means.

" Sorry I wasn't reacting to any of you, but Clockwork. The one who sent the paper," Danny says.

" Who's Clockwork?" asks Steph.

" They're a ghost. The personification of time. They're known by a few different names, but they prefer Clockwork," I say.

" Why would they be sending a paper to us?" Tim asks.

"Uh," I rub the back of my neck, " he's my guardian, one of them anyway." 

" Guardian?" Father asks. 

" Ghostly parent," I say, unsure how to explain our dynamic. 

" Why would you need one when you have Father?" Dami asks. 

" Well, that's.." I trail off.

" Why don't we see what his ghost Daddy has to say," Jason remarks, grabbing the paper. 

Waynes and Stephanie, 

The Council of Ancients, thank you for your intervention with Vladimir. Obsession craze ghosts can be difficult for spirits of any age to handle, let alone babies like Danyal. Two world spirits, once living and now dead, are referred to as a child or baby ghost if they join us prior to full mental development at age 25. Due to his halfa nature, Danyal is a special case, needing care and guidance from both worlds. As a budding ancient and king, Danyal's care resides with us. We will do to the best of our ability to provide for him and be a symbol of safety. Danyal's whine was a call, asking for help from spirits and family nearby. Due to proximity and being blood, the call resonated with you, just as it resonated with us. While some of you share blood, we Ancients share soul. For you, he is a son and brother. For us, he's a son, grandchild, and nephew. All halfas symbolize balance, but none more so than Danyal. He has aspects of both of our species, including our stagnancy. For the sake of his future, our council awaits a solution that can benefit us all. We hope to hear from Danyal soon.

Danyals Guardians,

Clockwork and Pandora.

P.S. Danyal, remember to give our love to your Auntie Diana at the meeting. 

Love you,

Peepaw and Aunty Dora. 

" Stagnant. When they say that, which one do they mean?" Tim asks.

" Both," I confess.

" Surely someone would have noticed," Dami says, " it's been years since your accident." 

" Shoe lifts and mimicry get you a long way," I say.

" Does that mean you're still 13, or do you only look it?" Jason asks.

" Still 13. Forever and always." 

"Always," Father echoes.

" How could you be an ancient?" Tim asks, "You said they're supposed to be concepts?"

" That's why most of them are neverborns, but some, like Pandora and myself, become representations. No one knows why," I say.

" So you're a ghost baby forever? How does that make sense? Why would you be king if you're unable to be an adult?" Steph asks.

" The Realms are sentient, and they chose me. They won't allow anyone else to sit on the throne. I have a lot of things to learn before I take the crown officially, but–" 

"The Realms already consider you, King," Dami finishes.

" Yes."

"Any more surprise revelations?" Jason asks sarcastically.

" I spoke to Clark during the gala," Father says, " he said he found Danny at the top of a skyscraper at 5:30 this morning."

"What!" yells Dick.

I shrug, " I couldn't sleep."

"So you went to a skyscraper?" Tim asks. 

" Stargazing?" Dami asks.

" Of course. It's been weeks since I've seen any," I say.

" You told him a fruit loop cloned you. You called Masters that before. Danny, was he the one who did it?" Dad asks.

I pointedly don't look at anyone," It's in the past. That doesn't matter now." 

" Oh, Danyal," Dami says sadly, " how many?" 

" Half a dozen," I say tightly, " all except one to destabilize immediately."

" Where's the surviving clone? Is he okay?" Dick asks. 

" She died. Almost a year ago," I say. 

" I thought clones had to be the same sex as the original?" Jason says, confused.

" They are except on occasions when reproductive DNA is used," Tim says, jaw tight.

" That bastard," Jason growls out, eyes green.

" It's okay," I say, trying to calm down Jason.

" It's most definitely not okay," Dad argues. 

" I don't know how he got it," I say. " He's a creep; that's one thing Maddie and I would agree on. Every few months, he would try to go out and "woo" her into leaving Jack and take me with her. I stayed as far away from the guy as I could." 

" But he's not staying away from you," Dami says, " in the ballroom, you asked him to leave us alone, but he only got worse. He looked at you as if you're a prize to be won." 

"Danny, has he done things to make you uncomfortable," Dick asks.

" Yes, but–" 

"Do you feel safe around him?" 

My core grumbles, " no." 

" Masters was practically flirting with him," Dami says, " he's a predator." 

" He can't go unpunished for this," Cass says. 

" I don't want to talk about this," I say. 

Dad is quiet for a moment before saying," We will drop it for now, but Danny, we'll have to discuss this. This isn't something we can leave alone." 

" I know, please, but can we just go home?" I plead. 

" We were going to spend the afternoon with the kids tomorrow," Dad says dumbly.