
1(800) Adoption Papers NOT needed! Its a two for one special!

This is a DPxDC Damian has an old two-way league communicator. It was a connection to his brother. A way to keep an eye on each other. That's not a problem, right? Well, it turns out that having your not-so-dead brother calling you first thing in the morning really cuts down your sleeping hours. Or: Dami thought Danny had died. Mother even told him so. So why is it years later that Danny calls for help While proceeding not to explain what he actually needs help with, is causing him so many problems

aenxiome · TV
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27 Chs

Cabinet Meeting

" Are you sure?" Dick asks for the nth time.

I'm in my ghost form in my full regalia, sighing as I look at the man through the mirror, "Yes, it's fine, Dick." 

" I don't like the idea of you going in without sufficient backup," Dick says, crossing his arms. 

I dap concealer onto my face, trying to cover up any identifying scars. ' Thank goodness for Kitty and Ember,' I think. Finding my shade is tricky. Human makeup doesn't have the right undertones for my ghost form, and not many ghosts have my humanish complexion. "I'll be fine, seriously. You're worrying for nothing. I'm not helpless." 

" I know that," Dick says, running his hand through his hair, " but you can't blame me for worrying. It's not every day the UN pulls a Ministry of Magic." 

' Fair,' I think, shrugging. Our meeting wasn't supposed to be for another three months, but last week, the Justice League got forced into a game of telephone. Making them responsible for notifying me and my counsel of the change. Trying to throw me off my game, no doubt, not that it has, but it's made the family increasingly worried. They're limiting League presence, putting a cap on realm representatives, and broadcasting the whole thing. While not fair, I don't have room to complain. They're hearing us out, and the GIW can't act against me or my representatives. " Baba, Aunty Diana, and Uncle Clark will be there for the Justice League," I say, " and Jason will be with us as a realm representative." Since Jason is limital, he's got dual citizenship in my book, " and I've told you all about Fright Knight; he won't let anything happen to us."

" I'm not doubting you or your peoples' abilities to protect yourselves, nor Dad and the others; I just…" Dick comes up short. 

" I get you're worried, which is valid, but have faith," I say, finishing the makeup. " Regardless of the outcome, we'll make it home." 

"It's not a big ask," Steph says, entering the room, " you missed a spot." I pass her the concealer. 

" I know you say that, trying to be comforting, but it feels anything but," Dick mutters. 

Steph grabs onto my face, "Hold still." 

" Look, why don't you go chill with the others, or if you're that worried, double-check Fathers' and Jasons' gear," I suggest. 

Dick lets out a hefty sigh, " fine. I'll meet you in the cave before you leave." 

" By Dick," Steph and I say as he morosely makes his way out of the bathroom. 

" I hope you know he means well," Steph says, blending my face with a beauty blender. " He's not the only one worried; we all are. Changing the meeting date, how they did… it doesn't sit right with any of us." 

" I'm not happy about it either, especially since they're broadcasting this." I think of the Fentons and friends in Amity. Depending on how things go, I might have to pull a Pariah and pull them into the zone. Not many realize it, but a good chunk of Amity is on the liminal scale. I really don't want a liminal colony. Too much paperwork, but if needed, I'll do it. " They've been advertising this since they told the public. They've done skits on Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert about my people." 

" All done," Steph declares, my scars sufficiently covered. " It's free publicity. It gets people interested, which is what you want." 

I float close to the mirror, inspecting her work. " Yeah, but none of it's tasteful. Fallon was joking about hauntings, and Colbert was thinking we're a cover-up of some kind." 

" Well, it's not like he was wrong about you all being covered up. They did hide ghosts from the JLA," Steph says, heading out to the hall. 

I follow, " still. The way they're going about it reminds me of the 60s when people would joke about alien sightings." 

" Well, soon you'll be able to prove them otherwise," Steph says, trying to be positive. 

I float upside down as we walk towards the cave, " which is another worry in itself. They vilified the aliens for a while. What do you think they'll do to the dead?" 

" For someone trying to keep Dick from freaking out, you're sure worked up," Steph says deadpan. 

I cross my arms as we enter the cave, " he's worried about the meeting; I'm worried about the after. I know the meeting will go okay-ish at the worst. Almost everybody dies eventually. Making an enemy out of the afterlife, especially when we're contemplating war, is an idiotic idea. Hopefully, they realize that. If not, well, it's not like we'd lose–" 

" How you can say that so easily, I'll never know," Tim says, sitting at the bat computer, accessing the cowl feed. 

" It's the Al-Ghul in me," I snark, letting gravity affect me as I sink into a chair. 

" That's not the flex you think it is," Tim says, flipping through the footage. 

 " Debatable," Damian says from a nearby training mat. Cass is kicking his ass. 

" So, I'm guessing Father left already?" I say, looking at the monitor. 

" Yeah, about half an hour ago. He went with Uncle Clark to check out security," Tim says. 

" Anything concerning?" I ask. 

" Nah, or at least nothing that looks it. We're not the most familiar with ecto-tech. From what you've shown us, they can be easily disguised," Tim says, " we don't think anything's been planted, but–" 

" You can never be too sure," I finish. 

Tim nods. He changed the CCTV in the meeting chamber, where people had already started to gather. The meeting isn't set for about another two hours. Leaving an hour for last-minute preparations and thirty minutes for settling in while the humans gawk at the undead. " If we missed anything, would you be able to tell?" 

" Hm," I take a moment to think," It would depend. Newer ecto-tech was made to single me out, so the GIW and the Fentons have done their best to shield the radiation coming off of it to catch me unaware. Older things? Easily. A lot of the originals, I helped with the blueprints. I put a lot of them together, watering down the desired effects." my head tilts as I consider my companions. "Those joining me today don't typically leave the realms. They won't know what to look out for… is Jason here yet?" 

Tim blinks at the change in subject, " He's in the locker room. Why?" 

" We may be better off leaving ahead of schedule," I say, heading towards the portal. After I got this one up and running, I let Tim have a look at it. Due to the Justice League, he's been around a few portals and had some ideas for upgrades. Now, instead of opening at random, the portal can connect to fixed points, using small beacons as anchor points. The portal is naturally set to the keep, having built a corresponding portal, a permanent doorway. But from the Wayne portal, they're able to connect to the planted beacons. Creating temporary portal points. Beacons have been planted in the FarFrozen, Dora's Kingdom, Acropolis of Athens, the wastes ( the area the Fentons portal opened up to), the Clocktower, and Walker prison. I double-check the set point, confirming it's set to the keep. " Jason!" I call into the cave, "You ready?"

It's quiet for a moment before Jason yells back, "Don't get your royal panties in a twist; I'm coming!" 

I roll my eyes as the family gathers around the portal. Damian is the first to speak, " I wish you well in your endeavor." 

" Thanks, Ahki," I say, going in for a hug.

" Try not to let Todd screw it up," Damian says, grouchy from my hold, causing me to laugh. 

" I heard that Demon Brats!" Jason yells, coming out of the locker room, helmet in hand. Causing the twins to give each other a look. 

" Baby brothers, stay safe," Cass says as she walks over. She fiddles with Jasons' jacket and my hair, making sure we are presentable. Steph laughs at us as Cass fusses. 

Dick looks resigned, " if things go south, remember to worry about yourselves first, this is not the time to be a hero." 

" Sir, yes, Sir, captain Dickface," Jason mock salutes. 

" We'll be fine," I tell him, repeating my earlier sentiments. 

" Jay," Tim calls from the computer, " mask or helmet?" 

" For the meeting?" Jason asks, double-checking weapons. "Helmet, but I'm keeping the mask on. Just in case, ya never know, they may try to force me to take it off." 

" Should you even be bringing it in the first place?" Dick asks, "There's a bomb in it." 

I turn and look at the helmet, " I could always phase it out?" 

Jason clutches his red bucket. " You're not touching my baby; it's perfect just the way it is." 

" You mean it's rigged to explode on purpose?" I ask, taken aback. " Why would you do that?" 

" Secret identity," Jason defends. 

" You wear a mask under the helmet," Steph says in a tone that makes it obvious this is a recurring argument. 

" Irrelevant," Jason says, brushing us off. 

The family collectively huffs. I open the portal, "Tell Gramps we're sorry we couldn't hang around long enough for him and Barbara to see us off." The old man had gone to pick her up, as her car was in the shop. 

" Pennyworth will understand," Damian says. 

" Regardless, we're still sorry about it," I say, "See you after the meeting."Jason and I go through the portal and enter the keep. I immediately close the portal. If the Fentons taught me anything, it's portal safety. 

" Nice," Jason whistles out. The portal opened up in the middle of my private office. I have a desk made of polished ebony with stacks of paper and trinkets on it. The walls have built-in shelves that hold various reference books, pictures, and artifacts. There is an artificial skylight showing dead galaxies swirling about in their prime. 

" Thanks, you should have seen what it used to look like. This is a major improvement," I say. 

" Yeah?"

" Pariah wasn't big on doing his paperwork, even before he was sealed. Forms were lying around dated prior to human civilization." I shudder, remembering the towers of stone tablets, papyrus, and modern paper that used to fill the room. " So, to get back on track, I know Fright Knight is here already. Frostbite and Clockwork should be here sooner rather than later. You're more than welcome to wander. On the 3rd floor, there's a library. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that'll interest you. If not, we have a multi-media room. If you're hungry, I've got human-safe food–" 

" Chill, kid," Jason says, almost chuckling." I'm good. I'm here to be with you, not fuck around." 

"It's just…there's some quick stuff I need to do before anyone else gets here, last minute prep, quick chores, I just thought you'd rather explore, have some free time," I explain. 

" It's fine, pipsqueak," Jason says, settling his helmet on the desk. 

" No, it's really not. I'm being such a bad host right now," I say dejectedly, " you've never been to the keep before, and there's no time to give a proper tour–" 

" It's okay, seriously," Jason says, " you're a busy monarch-ling; you've got shit to do. Either way, I still get to rub it in B's and the others' faces that I got to visit first." 

" Technically, Aunty Diana was first," I correct. 

" Doesn't count; she was here as a foreign delegate, not as family," Jason says, " so, she doesn't count. I'm first." 

" Whatever," I roll my eyes, " so, I guess, based on your lack of enthusiasm about the library, you're shadowing me?" 

" Of course, you're majesty," Jason says playfully, in a half bow, the theater kid in him coming out. 

I nudge his shoulder, "Knock it off; that's only in formal settings." He knows Jason is just trying to lighten the mood, but due to Jasons' limitalbility, it doesn't help much. I'm just as much his head of state as the US president is. " Come on, our first stop is the lab." 

Jason follows me through beautifully decorated halls and down to the basement. Jason just can't help but ask, " Isn't it usually dungeons under castles?" 

" Yes," answers a low, smooth voice. It comes out of nowhere, startling Jason, " but his majesty was against the idea of using them. Deciding a realm-wide prison system would be more beneficial." 

" Hey, Frighty," I say, smiling. 

" Majesty," Fright Knight returns the greeting. 

" This is one of my siblings, Jason; Jay, this is my head of security and friend, Fright Knight, the Ancient of Fear and Spirit of Halloween." 

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness," Fright Knight says.

' Highness?' Jason mouths.

I laugh at his reaction, "You didn't know? You're all family; you all have a title here." 

" No, of course, I didn't know," Jason whisper shouts. 

" If it makes you feel any better, none of you are in the line of succession." That would have been Dani's place, my heir. The three of us enter the lab. " None of you meet the criteria; the only thing any of you'd be asked to do is double down if someone questions a decree or just sit there and look pretty." 

Jason groans, "So, we're just going to Brucie our way through the afterlife?" 

I start going through drawers, pulling stuff out. " I'm not saying to act differently; there are no secrets amongst the dead, but mi casa, su casa. Once your body is ready for its dirt nap, you're all welcome to join me here. Explore, leave, visit, whatever, and once you're ready to move on to eternal sleep, I'll make sure to be there for your final send-off." 

" So what is the point of a royal family if we don't have any duties?" Jason asks, sitting on a counter. 

" Being the trust fund family of the afterlife? I mean, once you get full citizenship and you want to help out, I won't say no." I start putting together gadgets. " But it's not something I'd ask of any of you. None of you have an obligation to serve the realms. Hey, Frighty, could you do me a favor?" 

" Of course, your Majesty," Fright Knight answers dutifully. 

" Walker still hasn't sent over his list. Would you mind going to get it? Normally, I'd send someone else, but this information… we don't need the rest of the realm up in arms," I say. The dead love to gossip, and controlling information is an upward battle in the realms. This deserves a delicate touch. 

" Right away," Fright Knight bows and leaves the lab. 

" Who's this walker? And what list?" Jason asks, hating being out of the loop. 

" A warden of a nearby prison and personal acquaintance. I tasked him and his associates with a survey. The more… volatile spirits tend to get picked up frequently, still in the anger or denial stages of accepting their deaths. Those spirits aren't able to protect themselves very well yet. Them, along with peaceful visitors to the living realms, are the most at risk of getting picked up by the GIW. I put out a decree before I left Amity, of course, telling them to stay home, but not all of them listen or can't due to their obsessions. I know a couple dozen ghosts are currently imprisoned around the US, but there is no way to tell the exact number. I asked them to track down frequent flyers to get a better estimate of those locked up." 

" You know ghosts are missing and haven't gone after them?" Jason asks, alarmed. 

" I'm not currently in any position to track them down," I say deadpan, gesturing to my chest, still not fully healed from my time with the Fentons. The internal healing is taking longer than I would like, but I should be back to normal in a couple of months, which is part of why I was happy with the original UN meeting date. I would have been fine by then. Physically weaker than before, I'm going to need some physical therapy to get back into shape, but well enough to fight if humanity decides to go that route. " If I were doing better, I'd be handling the rescue effort personally. I've run many GIW breakouts, and I know physically, I'd be more of an obstacle than a heavy hitter. It's only been a few months since… they did what they did. Frostbite hasn't cleared me for combat yet." 

"Then what do you call your stunts over the past couple of months?" Jason asks, quirking an eyebrow. 

" Physical therapy?" Danny says, but it sounds more like a question. 

" If this has been you taking it easy, I pity Bruce once you're fully healed," Jason remarks.

" I'm not that bad–" 

" Agree to disagree," Jason snorts. " So, what exactly are you doing?" 

I hold up an iPod-looking device, " creating an ecto–EMF reader. Thought it may help with security. Tim brought up a good point; none of you are used to ecto–tech yet, so I thought I'd lend a hand. This can help locate ectoplasm sources, spirits, or items. I've added an ID system for which-is-which. For ghosts, the ones I have a copy of their ecto signature on file for, anyway, will ID them. Kinda like how a fingerprint would." 

Jason looks at me like I've grown a second head, which I haven't, not this time anyway, I would have noticed, and glances at his phone. " And you can just wipe this up? We've only been in here for about 15 minutes." 

" It's not my first EMF," I deflect and slide it to Jason, " and it's been closer to 30. Can you make sure Father gets it when we arrive? I doubt the humans would take it well if I handed it over." 

" No problem," Jason says, pocketing it. 

I tinker for a while longer on other projects, then slightly shudder. I can feel ghosts entering my lair. " I think it's about time to head on up; we'll have company soon," I say.

Jason looks at his watch, "Yeah, it's getting close to our original meet-up time." 

I float to my brother, "Come on, I told everyone to brief in my office." I twist in the air, "Can't be the last one to arrive when I'm the one who called the meeting." 

Jason follows me back to the office, and on the way there, we encounter Clockwork. They look at our attire and sigh, " Danyal, while young Jason may get away with his attire being a supersuit, you can not. Please, go change." 

I look at my clothing, and I don't really see the issue with it. My cloke covers most of it. It's part of my official regalia, the cloke of Heavens, which displays twinkling heavenly bodies. Each monarch creates a symbol of power to symbolize their reign, mine symbolizes my status as the developing ancient of space. " It's practical," I say, " and the cloke covers most of it." 

" You're addressing them as a monarch," Clockwork says, " not a hero. No need to antagonize humanity by looking ready to strike." 

" Especially when they don't recognize me as a hero," I sigh, rubbing at my eyes, knowing Clockwork is right. I look up at them, " Peepaw, can you escort Jason back to my office? He doesn't know the layout yet. Then wait there for the others? I'll go find something to change into real fast." 

" Not going to manipulate the suit?" Clockwork asks. 

" Nah," I say, about to float off. " Took me forever to mold it how I like it. Not gonna mess with perfection. I'll see ya both in a minute." I float off to my bedroom. Similar to my office, the ceiling looks like swirling galaxies. The room has no theme; it just has mismatched pieces. Some that look like they belong in a league of assassins base, the manor, along with specific items. I lie my cloke on the bed and start removing my uniform. I set my boots aside and placed the clothing in the closet. I don't have many options, not owning a lot of ectoplasmic clothes. Not seeing the point, as I can easily manipulate my typical suit to match my needs. I would have done that like Clockwork suggested, but, well– that doesn't always work the best. I would deny it if anyone brought it up, but changing ectoplasm color? So hard. In the end, I choose a silky purple button-up, the royal color, along with black slacks. The way the shirt is cut exposes a sliver of my Y- incision, the part by my collarbone, as well as my death mark, the Lichtenberg scar, where it crawls up my neck, stopping right before my chin. I attach my cloke, and it covers me up nicely, leaving almost nothing to be seen. I pick up my boots and put them back on as I float to my office. 

" Okay," I say as I enter, " is everyone here?" 

" Fright Knight isn't back yet," Jason says, lounging in my desk chair. 

" Lord Frostbite arrived with me," Clockwork says, ever the formal being, " but made a quick detour to the medbay to make sure the keep is well stocked." 

I nod; that sounds like him. While I can feel spirits enter the keep's grounds, I cannot pinpoint their locations or feel them leave. I check the time, " Hopefully, Frighty will be back soon. This isn't the time to be fashionably late or have a flashy entrance." 

Clockwork snorts, "Yes, he's always been fond of those." 

" Really?" Jason asks, " What's he done?"

" The better question is, what hasn't he done? In his free time, he moonlights as the headless horseman," I say, laughing, floating to my brother. 

Jason's eyes go wide, " seriously?! I thought that was a myth." 

" So's Pandora, and we spar and have tea every few weeks," I say, placing my chin on Jason's shoulder, using it as a headrest.

" Everything I learn about this place is crazier than the next," Jason says. 

" As is the ways of the realms," Frostbite interjects joyously, entering the office, " it's nice to see you again, young one. Your aura feels much calmer than the last time we spoke." 

" Yeah," Jason says, running a hand through his hair, " less green moments, if you know what I mean. Down to maybe once a week, a big improvement, and even then not as extreme." 

"That's good to hear," Frostbite says.

I feel a shift in the keep. Fright Knight is back. I send out a pulse of ectoplasm, alerting him to our location. The pulse is felt by the spirits in the room. They give me a curious look, " Frighty's back." 

It's not long before he enters, " the report as you requested, your majesty." 

" Thank you," I say as I take the file. My eyes scan the paper, " 102. 102 frequent flyers are missing from the wastes," the area Walker's prison and the Fentons portal were located, " and there's no telling how many others." The spirits go quiet, but the air fills with an intangible intensity. " The GIW better pray diplomacy works out, or there's not going to be a ward left standing when I'm through. Walkers sent guards for a welfare visit to check in on BoxLunch after Boxy and Lunchlady hadn't been seen for a while. When they got there, all three were missing. They've taken a whole family. They've taken a baby." 

This causes Jason to sit up quickly, " a baby?" 

Clockwork nods, " She's only a few months younger than Danyal." 

Jason raises an eyebrow, "You mean to tell me you're considering Danny a baby? Like, I know we joke, but he's a whole-ass teenager." 

" they mean in ghost years, I haven't been dead long, so…. Anyway, Boxlunch is a neverborn, a spirit that's never had a mortal body. She has accelerated growth. She's around the equivalent of a 7-year-old," I say, elaborating. I grab files out of my desk and add walkers to the pile. " I think we should get going. Frighty, Jason, you're both with me as guard detail, Clockwork as an advisor, and Frostbite as a realm government official. As the lord of the FarFrozen and as a member of our dimensions parliament. Any questions?" 

" Got it, shortstack," Jason says, putting on his helmet. He turns to Frigh Knight, " I've got to hand something off to Batman when we get in, so I may need to step away for a short moment." 

" Understood," Fright Knight says.

" Clocky?" I ask. 

 " I am ready when you are my King," Clockwork replies. 

" Okay," I say, "let's get this show on the road." 

Clockwork opens a portal, their accuracy being the best, letting the infinite realms delegation out in front of the building. Fright Knight goes through first, then Jason. After a while, Jason sticks his head through the portal to give the all-clear, and then the rest of us fall out. They align themselves in a four-point guard. 

It's a bit overwhelming for the ghosts, being around so many who are fully living, especially in an area without ambient ectoplasm. I inspect my ghosts, noticing Fright Knight is a little see-through but still tangible. Frostbite is in a similar state. Clockwork is the only one visibly unaffected. However, those who know them would point out they've stuck to their elder form since arriving in the world of the living. " Are you all going to be okay?" I ask concerned. 

" We will be fine, Great One, don't fret," Frostbite soothes, " most places in this realm are like this." 

" I'll keep that in mind," I say, " but please, if you need to leave, let me know. We'll call for a break." 

" Much appreciated, your Majesty, but it won't come to that," Fright Knight says as we approach the building. Paparazzi cameras flash as we go. I can't help but smirk a little, knowing none of them will get a clear picture.

We have to go through security before entering. Apparently, no one thought through how to pat down a ghost. Fright Knight and Clockwork had fun making themselves intangible so the humans couldn't touch them, and no one saw a reason to pat down Frostbite. I, on the other hand, let it happen. They, of course, find nothing. There was a similar issue when going through the metal detector. Frostbite is too big to go through, Fright Knight wears a metal suit, and Clockwork…finds it funny for the humans to struggle. Danny goes through without issue, and Jason, well…

" Sir," says one of the guards, " take off the explosive," gaining the attention of the other guards, they draw their guns.

" Sheesh," Jason says, unlatching the helmet, " what happened to asking nicely?" 

" Told ya so," I say, fully embodying my role as an annoying little brother.

" Shut up," Jason hands me the helmet. 

" Could you–" I start, but Clockwork beats me to it, opening a portal and throwing it through. 


" Ouch!" Tim exclaims, " What was that for?"

" What?" I ask, messing with my gymnastics equipment.

" If it wasn't you who hit me?" Tim asks, turning around to look at me. 

I look at him confused, "Nobody–" a shiny red helmet sitting on the floor, "... what the fuck."


" Come on!" Sam calls, " It's about to start." It's been the talk of the town for over a week now, Phantom, Danny's, meeting with the UN. He's been distant since he moved in with the Waynes, but no one could have guessed he was planning something like this. 

I remember years ago, sitting on our parents, my parents', couch, watching Superman speak with the UN, vying for government protection for him and others like him, later referred to as "metas." I remember Danny's fascination, the confirmation of alien life, of heroes. Jack and Maddie had the opposite reaction. Seeing them as some kind of proof that ghost assistant. They started tinkering with more vigor after that. Soon, anything seen as extraordinary, heroes, aliens, and villains, became just as wrong as ghosts in their eyes. Danny becoming both a ghost and a hero, has to be the subtlest " fuck you" to everything Jack and Maddie have ever stood for. I don't understand him, Danny, and I know there's a good chance I never will, but I'm proud of him. My baby brother is a ghost. I understand that now. But at the same time, by some miracle, partially alive, I understand now that also makes him dead. 

A contradictory existence. 

He's alive but not, my brother but not. Simultaneously, a stranger. I watch him on that TV in a room full of world leaders. He looks more at home there than he ever did in Amity. 

Tucker whistles, " he cleaned up nice. I expected him to show up in his supersuit." 

Sam grabs a bag of chips, one of the various snacks they acquired for today. " I'm not surprised. He's a Wayne, even if no one else there knows it. " All of Amity has shut down for this event: schools, workplaces, even government buildings. She looks at me, "Are you sure you want to be here instead of your parents' place?" 

I groan, taking some chips, "If I have to listen to them spiel how " that damn ghost boy is tricking those good people" one more time, I'm going to lose it. Don't even get me started by him being introduced to the public as King Phantom. They're convinced this is the start of an invasion. They've amped up all of the houses' defenses and goops ( ectoplasm has no effects on humans, turning to goo) everyone that comes by." 

" I still don't see the point of him doing all this," Tucker says, getting settled. The ghosts are practically gone. Ever since the portal got locked down, we've only had a few strays, and it's not like they're coming back. I thought part of his leaving was to leave the hero's life behind." 

" Maybe the ghosts followed him to Gotham?" I mean, Batman's there too," Sam says, pointing at the screen, " so's that Red Hood guy. He's talking to Fright Knight. Maybe they're making him? They've got plenty of rogues. Maybe they're worried about him attracting more?" 

" Which would make sense if it wasn't for the fact they're claiming Danny's the one calling for the meeting," Tucker argues, " outside of Amity, nobody knows about ghosts; you all saw the media. They were making fun of them, comedy sketches, calling them a hoax or a cover-up." He gestures to the TV, " but Danny brings not only himself but three other ghosts and puts them on international TV. He's there because he wants to be. He's got something to prove." 

"Have any of you heard from him?" I ask, watching Red Hood separate from Danny, heading to Batman. " I tried calling and texting, and he's been answering, well, until the news of the meeting went public. I'm worried about him." 

" No," Sam says, crossing her arms, not particularly worried about him, " radio silence." The camera pans out, showing a circular room with delegates from all over settling into their seats. Red Hood is walking back to Danny after handing something off to Batman. The delegates from the infinite realms are separated from the rest at a rectangular table. Danny can be seen spreading documents around as the last members take their seats.

[ An elderly man, the UN president, goes to a podium.]

" I call this meeting, on June XX, 20XX, to order," says the UN President. 

[ The chamber quiets.]

" We welcome here today, visitors to our planet, King Phantom and his delegation from their home dimension, the Infinite Realms. We're gathered here today at their request. Without further ado, King Phantom, I give you the floor," the UN President continues. 

[ The man returns to his seat. Danny floats up from his seat, going through the table before landing on the floor and walking the rest of the way. Whispers sound off in the room.] 

" A casual display of power," I say quietly, " that may not be a good idea." 

" No power usage in this chamber, boy!" Yells a blonde delegate from the United States in a monogrammed MTG blouse.

[ Danny gives her a " WTF" look while reaching for the microphone.] 

" I would like to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules and agreeing to meet with my delegation and me today." Danny takes a look around the chamber, " you may refer to me as Phantom or King Phantom; either is fine. I would like to invite the delegates to interject if they feel the need to do so. I am hoping to give full transparency. To start, I must say your organization is difficult to get in touch with. It took involvement from the Justice League to set this meeting up. I am displeased that our introduction is under these circumstances." 

" Circumstances?" Interjects the delegate from Canada.

[ Danny nods and steps out from the podium.]

" The United States for the past two years, as of this August, has been in a constant stable connection with the Infinite Realms," Danny reveals. 

[ The chamber goes into an uproar.] 

" Oh my gosh, he's not doing what I think he is, is he?" Tucker asks the others in shock. He gets no answer. 

" Order, order to the chamber!" the UN President calls, banging a gavel. " King Phantom, what were your people's intentions with Earth while making this connection?" 

[ Danny smiles up at him, his ghostly fangs peeking from his lips.]

" The Infinite Realms had nothing to do with the creation of this connection. For the sake of privacy, all I can tell you is that a family of inventors created this connection. Opening up a permanent, stable doorway between our dimensions. They kept the connection open 24/7, allowing any spirit to travel the earth. I feel the need to point out, the realms being connected isn't a new thing. The living and the Infinite Realms have a deep connection. Without our realm, this one would cease to exist." 

" Elaborate, please, King Phantom," the UN President asks. 

" We're the glue that keeps the universe together. The realms are always touching; tiny natural portals open up for a few minutes and close just for another to open somewhere else. The stable portal opening up in Amity Park, Illinois, didn't change that. Just made some of them more curious." 

" And where were you? What you are admitting to is an ongoing invasion," the US representative says. 

[ Danny leans on the podium.] 

" Hard to call it an invasion when our physical bodies lie within this planet," Danny snorts, " but regardless, I was doing my best; I always am. The government in the realms is behind in the times, something I am in the process of fixing. I didn't become King until around eight months ago," Danny glances at his delegation. " Prior to then, I was just a small-time hero trying to keep the peace."

" A hero?" the UK delegate echoes.

" Yes sir," Danny replies, " ghosts, we're misunderstood by you all, the living; you all see beings unlike yourselves. We aren't too different from you all. Many of us, myself included, lived as humans once upon a time. I did what I could to keep peace, and yes, it wasn't perfect. Like humans, we also have citizens who'd rather cause death and destruction, just as we have some who wish to bring everlasting peace, but the majority? Just want to settle their affairs and move on." 

" And how exactly did you come into your position?" Asks the delegate from Germany, "You said you're a hero. How does a hero become King?" 

" Right of conquest," Danny says, " the previous monarch, Pariah Dark, was a tyrant. It took a militia of spirits, one of which is accompanying me today, to seal him into one of our artifacts, the sarcophagus of forever sleep. He escaped the sarcophagus and intended to end the earth and drag all of its people into the afterlife. He was a strong man, a strong but evil man. He took advantage of the stable portal and sucked Amity into it." 

[ Danny pauses for a moment.] 

" I hate this. He could barely tell us anything after the fact," I mutter. 

" To say fought is putting it lightly. Thankfully for everybody, I won. I found some elders, and they instructed me on how to return to Amity Park and all of its inhabitants. They were there for three days. The US government gave no aid–" he gets interrupted. 

" You blame my government?" The US representative says, appalled. 

" Yes, but not for the reasons you think," Danny counters. The US created the GIW, the Ghost Investigation Ward, better known to Amity Park as the Guys in White. They started monitoring the area after the more violent ghosts began coming through. The mayor sent out an SOS, as did I. I had hoped to get in touch with the Justice League. I'd only been a hero for about a year. I was in over my head. I knew that. Nobody ever answered. The GIW left Amity to rot." 

[ A pin drop could be heard in the chamber.] 

" I didn't find out until a couple weeks after I won the position. Pariah had been locked up for eons. There's been a lot to modernize, and one of my main priorities has been Interdimensional relations, starting with the dismantling of the GIW and the acts that allow them to operate. Based on biased research, research I had prior to this meeting, sent to this body, and disproved here today by simply conversing with you. For those watching at home or ran out of time to go over all of the documents, I will summarise the Anti-Ecto Acts, signed into law last year. Classifying anything with ectoplasm, the main chemical compound of my kind, as non-sentient forms of inhumane consciousness. In accordance with these acts, my kind is supposed to be captured and released into the GIW's custody for study, experimentation, and later eradication."

" Why are you telling us this?" Asks the representative from Japan. 

[ Danny turns to look at the Cameras.] 

" These acts go directly against the meta human protection act, an act supposed to protect any humanoid beings from acts of hateful violence, which, if you haven't noticed," Danny gestures to himself and his delegates, " we count as. We currently have a confirmed list of at least 102 spirits being wrongfully held in GIW custody." 

[ Danny's expression darkens.] 

" I want my subjects back. They've taken newly deceased, young and old. They've taken families. The youngest, to my knowledge, a seven-year-old little girl," Danny's voice echoes, his eyes flashing bright ectoplasmic green, " they're being subjected to horrors unimaginable. They don't deserve this; nobody deserves this. I, King Danyal Phantom of the Infinite Realms, am here today to demand the dissolution of the Anti-Ecto Acts and the GIW and the safe return of my people." 

[ Danny's voice is almost a whisper.] 

" I can't accept anything else. I won't accept anything else. I have no qualms with humanity. I'm from this planet. I love this planet and all those among the stars." He says, his voice close to breaking, " I don't want to have to act against you." 

[ The US delegate stands up on shaky feet.] 

" Are you threatening us?" she asks. 

" No, I'm warning you," Danny corrects. " Regardless of your decisions, I will retrieve my people, how is simply up to you. I'm here to fix this diplomatically. My counsel and subjects, on the other hand, would prefer immediate action. The actions the United States has done against us are genocidal in nature. We, by earth's laws, have every right to act against you." 

[ Danny grabs a clicker from Clockwork. A screen pops up on the TV, a slideshow. The delegates see it on a smaller screen at their desks.] 

" I will warn everyone: this slideshow isn't for the faint of heart. Those uncomfortable with graphic imagery are welcome to leave at any time," Danny says. 

[ Danny turns to the first slide. It's cells with ectoplasmic blood splattered everywhere. Showing ghosts chained up, some being released, and others waiting for help. Danny himself can be seen releasing an elderly spirit, clad in his hero uniform.] 

" This is one of the holding cells in Alabama, back in February. They had forty captured souls." 

[ Danny goes to the next slide. It's an experiment room. Green blood is in jars, and ghosts are fading from bleeding out on the table. Danny can be seen comforting the fading.] 

" This past December, in North Dakota, fifteen were experiments, three faded, their souls eradicated. No collect go, no heaven, no hell, or reincarnation. They're just simply gone." 

[ Danny clicks, and a list of bases appears, showing raids, how many ghosts were found, and a summary of the events taking place there.] 

" That's a lot more than he…" Sam trails off, surprised by the numbers. None of them knew the actual numbers or saw the damage. It's worse than Danny ever described. 

" The GIW isn't the only group aiming to hurt my people, just the government-sanctioned." 

[ Danny visibly hesitates, letting out an unmasked shaky breath.] 

" The scientists that opened the portal, while not exactly sanctioned, are subcontracted by the government. They, like the GIW, took part in attacking my people, capturing them, and creating weapons for the GIW to use. They acted against me personally on many occasions due to my position as a hero…. But after a few minutes, their actions passed the tipping point of what my people would let slide– It was late, and I had heard screaming coming from their home, or more accurately, the lab under it. Spirits were detained. They had a woman strapped down to a table. I-I managed to get them out, but at the cost of myself. I ask this community to disconnect the recorded footage from the broadcast, as it is inappropriate for the public." 

[ The video loads, showing an accelerated video of Dannys' treatment in the Fentons lab. They didn't cut the broadcast. The world watches as Danny is cut into, all the way to his rescue.] 

All of Amity watches in horror at Danny's vivisection. " Oh my god, I'm, I'm," I puke into a waste basket, Tucker not far behind. " How, how could they do this?" I start crying. " He was supposed to be their kid." 

" I don't think he ever really was Jazz," Sam says. The Danny who's been speaking today is nothing like the one Amity knew. " He definitely isn't now." 

[ In the chambers, delegates watch, horrified at the video, taking glances at Danny, waiting patiently for the video to stop in their chamber. Red Hood tries to distract Danny from his own please covering the young kings' ears. Even after the video ends, Hodd stands there, grounding Danny. After a minute, Hood gets sent back to his seat.] 

" Your Majesty," starts the UN President, but he flounders. 

[ Danny looks at him with a sad look.] 

" I hope my findings are enough to convince this dody of the wrongful doings against me and my people," Danny says. " All we want is to be able to see our families and be safe doing it." 

" How can you prove this video isn't doctored?" The US representative asks, grasping at straws and trying to defend her country. 

[ Danny thinks for a moment before removing his cloke, handing it to Fright Knight.] 

" Would the scar suffice?" he asks, unbuttoning the shirt. He exposes an almost healed Y-incision. The skin is still raw. 

[ The world blanches.] 

" This proves nothing," the US representative argues, " this could be from an autopsy." 

[ Danny shakes his head.]

" Post mortarium injuries done to the physical body don't appear on the soul," he says, re-buttoning his shirt, " now if you're done questioning the validity of my claims, what are this body's resolution?" 

[ Counsel members eye one another, and soon whispers break out, bits and pieces of words getting picked up by the mics, but nothing of substance. The UN president calls for order.] 

" Your majesty, I'm afraid this body is unable to come to a decision today–" 

[ Danny interrupts.] 

" One month; I'll give you one month to come to a decision," Danny says, reattaching the cloke. 

" Sir, it'll take much longer to–" 

" Expedite it," Danny says, leaving no room for arguments. " My people won't wait any longer than that." 

[ Danny eyes Fright Knight, giving a slight nod, the ghosts start packing up. Danny grabs a USB's and folders, then flies over to the US representative and UN President.] 

" I have given you and the US representative our full written complaint and evidence to back up our claims. I will see you all in a month." 

[ Clockwork opens a portal. Danny walks toward it while Frostbite and Hood enter it.] 

" I hope for all of your sakes you chose to do the right thing. A war with the dead isn't one in life's favor," he says.

[ Danny enters the portal, and Fright Knight and Clockwork enter after. The Infinite Realms delegation has left the building.]