
1(800) Adoption Papers NOT needed! Its a two for one special!

This is a DPxDC Damian has an old two-way league communicator. It was a connection to his brother. A way to keep an eye on each other. That's not a problem, right? Well, it turns out that having your not-so-dead brother calling you first thing in the morning really cuts down your sleeping hours. Or: Dami thought Danny had died. Mother even told him so. So why is it years later that Danny calls for help While proceeding not to explain what he actually needs help with, is causing him so many problems

aenxiome · TV
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27 Chs

5 Truths and No Lies

" Danyal!" Damian screams at my retreating form as we enter the cave. 

I pick up my pace and stick my fingers in my ears, " la la la la. I can't hear you!" 

" Cease this childishness and face us like a man!" Dami yells, throwing his arms up in exasperation. 

" Danny…" Dick trails off, watching Father silently head to the changing room, " we have to talk about this. This isn't something we can just brush under the rug." 

" I know that!" I exclaim. 

Dami crosses his

Dami crosses his arms, "that's why–" 

" I don't

" I don't want to talk anymore about this," I say, sounding defeated, just as the elevator dings, revealing Gramps and Jason with refreshments. 

" Young Master Timothy and the girls will be joining us shortly. Best to get comfortable," says Gramps, setting drinks. 

While Jason follows behind with cookies, " though Barbie won't be Joining us, she couldn't get off." I push past them and call for the elevator; Jason notices, " Where do you think you're going?" 

" Up." 

" Yeah, I think not," Jason says, grabbing the back of my shirt and whispering, "There is no talking us out of this. Better to do this now than later." I shoot him a disbelieving look. " Speaking from experience. Trust me." 

" Five questions. That's it. No more, I can't do anymore. Not today," I say, addressing the room. When no one argues, I find a seat in the corner of the room. My eyes flicker exist to exist. Father slowly makes his way back into the room, eyes clouded over with emotion. He slumps down into the bat-computer chair, starting off the chain of people coming and going. They make sure to leave at least one other person in the room. 

Once they're all ready, Tim asks, " How do you want to do this?" 

" Five questions. I retain the right not to answer them if I choose," I say. 

" If you don't answer, does it still count as a question?" Steph asks. 

I take a moment to consider, " No, I guess not. So, questions?" 

" Why didn't you tell us?" Bruce asks. 

" You didn't need to know," I say. 

Dick explodes, "Of course, we needed to know! B would have sent more than a lawyer to get you. We could have been investigating them–" 

"There is nothing you could have done that wouldn't have caused even more issues. Ancients, there still isn't anything that can be done yet. There are more important things that need to be taken care of," I reply. 

" I have a question," Cass interjects before an argument could break out. 

I quirk an eyebrow, "Which is? 

" How are your injuries?" Cass asks. 

" I've been better," I deflect. 

" That's not a proper answer," Dami points out. 

" It's the answer you're getting," I say sternly. 

" He's still injured," Jason blurts. 

" Wha–" 

" Jason!" I yell, feeling betrayed. 

" They needed to know! The incision is still infected! You need to be checked out!" Jason yells back. 

" Medbay. Now," demands Gramps.

" But–" 

" Now, Young Master," Alfred doubles down.

I groan as I slump away to an exam table while Gramps goes about and gathers supplies. Once he has everything, he pulls on his disposable gloves and sits elegantly in a rolling chair, " Shirt off, sir." 

I strip, revealing my butchered red, puffy, and raw Y-incision. Old, crusted puss covers sutures while the fresher sits right under the skin. My skin smells like bitter almonds and cherries. 

Like a preserved cadaver. 

" How long ago had you said this occurred?" Gramps asks, voice tight. 

" A week or so before I contacted Ahki," I say. 

" Has anyone provided medication?" Gramps asks, gently whipping away puss. 

" Nah," I say, " there isn't anything that'll help. Ghost meds aren't made to work on something like this. It's made for ectoplasmic-based injuries or sicknesses. Skin infections aren't a thing for them. They'd cut off the ectoplasm to the area and rebuild it. That's not an option for me." 

" What of human medications?" Gramps asks softly. 

" Fights of the ectoplasm. The meds think it's a foreign body, even though my body doesn't; all it ever does is make things worse. If it works at all," I explain. 

Gramps goes for the gauze to wrap my chest, " is that the case for all of them? Or are there exceptions?" 

" Not all but most," I wince as he wraps, " stuff like Motrin works. Though it doesn't usually work for long." 

" Have you tried the kind made for meta-humans? They tend to be stronger than the regular ones," Gramps says. 

" Can't. I would need a doctor's note to show the pharmacy, and that is not an option for me. They don't sell anything for metas on the floor," I say, standing up and putting my shirt back on. 

" I had not considered that," Gramps says, putting things away. " Now that your father is aware, maybe he can commission something that will work for you or find another alternative." 

" Maybe," I say, not really considering it. If anyone is going to mess with medication for me, it is going to be Frostbite. I have seen what Humans can and WILL do with things they don't understand. My DNA will not be their next plaything. Not again. 

" Come on, my boy," Gramps says, placing his hand on my shoulder. 

"Let's go face the masses," I mutter as we go to the others. 

Dami spots us first, " How is he?" 

" On the road to healing," Gramps says, escorting me to my chair, " but the road will be long." 

" What do you mean by that? " Father asks. 

" I have been informed that neither human nor Ghost medication works for the Young Master," Gramps says. 

" I told him he should try the stuff we keep on the watchtower," Jason cuts in. 

" I have suggested the same," Gramps says. 

" How can we rectify this…" Father trails off. 

" We could always compare ingredients and–" Tim starts trailing off into muttering madness. 

Knowing Tim's madness would continue, I ask, "Do you have any samples?" 

" Of course," Tim says, snapping at him, sounding offended that he had to ask. 

" Give some to me. I'll pass them along to my physician in the realms. Problem solved," I say. 

" Problem not solved," Father argues, " how would you give it to them? How would they send their results back?" 

" Oh, I don't know," I say sarcastically, " maybe the portal built into the wall." 

" I thought it wasn't done," says Dick. 

" All I've got to do is turn it on, so like I said, problem solved," I tell them. 

" But we still wouldn't have all the needed information," Father argues. 

" Frostbite and his team will pass along their findings," I say, " promise." 

" Fine," Father says stubbornly, shutting down. 

" Can I ask my question now?" Dick asks. 

" Sure, why not," I say, head thrown back. 

" What did the Fentons use on you? The glowing green stuff," Dick says. 

" Ectoranium. It comes from outer space. Made from dying worlds. It requires a lot of spiritual pressure," I explain. " That makes three. Who's next?" 

" Why show a room full of virtual unknowns a moment of weakness? It's unlike you," Dami remarks. 

" It was a tactical decision. I needed them to understand how this affected me and my realm. An attack against me is an attack against them. Not many are aware of the realms and those who reside there. I don't want us to be thought of as monsters but as people. I knew that showing that video would get these points across," I explain. 

" You might have gotten your point across, but was it worth exposing them to your weaknesses?" Dami counters. 

" Yes. They are a respectable group of people and not the type to use that information unless they need to. While not a risk you would be willing to take, it's one I felt was unavoidable," I defend. 

" I see," Dami says, saying nothing else. 

" Last question," I say. 

" Are you okay? I know you're not physical. Alfie made that apparent, but emotionally? I mean, they were your guardians," Steph says. 

" I wasn't at first, but I've had time to come to terms with their actions," I say, not looking at anybody, " I'm not going to lie; it hurts. Still does. I lived with them for years, and even inside me, on that table, they were oblivious. I'm not sure if that makes it better or not. I just know it hurts, and it's probably going to bother me for a while, but I'll get over it." Eventually. 

" Wha–" 

I cut the voice off, "Question time is over," and fly out of the cave to my room. Lying down, I look towards the ceiling plastered with stars. 


The objects of his affection.

They were a bitter reminder of family once away from Nanda Pabart, given new meaning in Amity. The Fentons took my fascination and turned it into a bonding experience. Jack and Jazz pored over star charts to make sure they were situated just right while Maddie steadied us on the latter. Then, once again, spoiled by the actions of a Mother. It takes a while, but eventually, I decide, ' no more shrouded skies,' and get up. I bypass my siblings and head straight to my Father. 

" Hey, Baba," I say, invading his office, " where do you keep the antibiotic samples?" 

Baba raises an eyebrow, " Why do you ask?" 

" So I can get ready to go," I say.

" Now?" Baba asks, bewildered, "My schedule is pretty packed. I won't be able to accompany you for a while, hum… let me see what I can move around–" 

" I was just gonna go by myself," I interrupt. 

" No," Baba argues, " you're not galavanting through the afterlife on your own." 

" I'm not galavanting. I'll be there for business," I counter. 

" You are not going on your own. You're injured," Baba says. 

" I am the next High King of the realm, I'm not–" 

" Given your less-than-pristine physical state, if you run into trouble, your enemies will have the upper hand," Baba continues to make good points. 

" Fine," I relent, " whatever. I'll bring somebody with me. Happy now?" 

" Watch your tone," Baba reprimands, sighing, " who will you bring?" 

I think it over before deciding on " Jason." 

' It would do Jason some good to be looked over," I think. Jason needs help beyond what I can do for him in the land of the living. The ectoplasm around Gotham is too dirty to help him get healthy. It would take a lot of souls to purify Gotham. 

" Make sure to stop by before leaving," Baba says, dismissing him. 

" You never told me where the samples are," I cry indignantly. 

" Ask one of the others to show you. They know where they are," Baba says, waving me off. 

I huff and scour the manor for his brother. He tried all of his usual places: his room, the library, and the cave, only to catch him in the kitchen. Jason is sitting at the table with Gramps, drinking some kind of tea and discussing of all things Twilight . 

 " I'm sorry, Young Master, but I do not see it," Gramps says. 

" Come on, Alfie, he totally does," Jason exclaims. 

" Who totally does what," I interject. 

" Bruce looks like an older Edward Cullen, and Alfie doesn't see it," Jason explains. 

" Eh, I don't know. I think I agree with Gramps. They look nothing alike," I say, fucking with them. 

Jason crosses his arms and grumbles, "You people are blind, I tell you, blind." 

" Did you need something, Young Master?" Gramps asks, addressing me. 

" I was looking for Jason, actually," I say, looking at him hopefully. 

" Whatcha need rugrat?" Jason asks. 

" Baba won't let me go to the Infinite realms by myself," I say, rolling my eyes, " so I want you to come with me." 

" Me? Why me? Not the other rugrat, Dickface, the girls, or Tiny Tim?" Jason asks, sounding grouchy. 

" Didn't think Dad would let Dami come, and out of everyone else, you'd be best for this," I say. " We're going to be there for at least an hour, and the realms can be… uncomfortable for the living." 

Jason rubs his eyes and grumbles, " I get it. I'll go." 

" Thanks!" I say, "Meet you in the cave!" and run off. Jason comes down soon after. Once he's there, I open the portal and bask in the ectoplasm. The swirling portal of green feels like home. A once novel feeling that had become normalized during my time amongst the Waynes. 

But that's a realization for future Danny; current Danny has something more important to do. 

Make sure Jason doesn't pass out. 

As soon as the bay doors opened, Jason fell to his knees. The ectoplasm was too strong for him. Feeling the realms open up in front of you is overwhelming. No matter what you are . " You okay?" I ask. 

"It's like looking into the pits," Jason says breathlessly. 

I wince, "Ah, yeah. Sorry about that. I should have warned you." 

" It's okay. A warning wouldn't have done much," Jason says, shaking his head. " You have the samples?" 

" Yep," I say, transforming and placing everything into a bag, " do you have everything you need?" 

" I have everything," Jason confirms. " Anything else I should know before we go?" 

" Well," I drawl, " gravity in the realms is weird." 

" Weird, how?" Jason asks.

" In the realms, humans are the ghosts. They can go through walls and fly like us ghosts do. I don't know how this will affect you as a revenant," I say, then pauses to look at his clothes. Since there is no use in hiding your identity from the dead, Jason kept on his regular clothes, though he did add the leather jacket he wears as Red Hood for added protection. " Do you have anything warmer?" 

" I mean, I can grab another Jacket?" He says. 

" Yeah, you might wanna do that," I say. " Our first stop today is the FarFrozen." 

" Is that a nickname or?" 

" Real name. It's a frozen wasteland with average temperatures lower than Antarctica. We won't be out there for long. It's better to bundle up than lose a finger or some of your toes," I say. 

Jason heads to a locker, pulls out a longer leather jacket and gloves, and puts them on. " Alright, rugrat, let's get this show on the road." 

" That's all you want? I ask. 

" It's all I need," Jason shrugs and steps through the portal.