
000 - What Makes The Sky Blue

[Heyaaa author here this is actually the first time i write something so i really need your review to fix my writing and I try to fix it and taking you guys feedback] Rei, a normal student living in normal world, wakes up one day to find himself transported into the gacha game he always play. Granblue Fantasy, To make things even more weird, he suddenly have the appearance of Lucilius, an astral that want to destroy the world

IamReallySalad · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
95 Chs

12. Primal Beast Tiamat 5

Heya it's me back again i know what you thinking "didn't you said you gonna grind in star rail before?", But meh i decided to just top up and roll and finally got acheron so yeah....

But still.... writing 2k+ word everyday is kinda pain huh I'm just gonna try to reduce it or making it not daily post anymore...

Don't forget to give your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you ~

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

Furias watched as Katalina, Djeeta, and Rackam began defeating his soldiers and started to smile.

"Not bad! Hm... I guess you idiots might have some redeeming qualities after all."

"Shut it! You're next, pal! With you out of the way, we'll get the townsfolk to safety before this storm gets worse!" Rackam replied to Furias' taunts.

Furias, upon hearing this, started laughing hysterically while holding his stomach.

"Ha-ha-ha! You haven't given up on that yet? It doesn't matter where you run! This entire archipelago is about to sink into oblivion!"

Djeeta, upon hearing this, became confused about what Furias meant. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you get it? You must have an inkling... I'm talking about Tiamat! The guardian of this island! Let's just say... our handiwork has sent her into a massive rampage!"

They all felt shocked upon hearing what Furias said.

"Handiwork!? Could it be the stone...?" Lyria recalled the stone she often saw when she was still in the empire.

"It's not just the town... You're trying to destroy the islands themselves? Do you have any idea how many innocent lives will be lost?" Katalina felt angry and shouted at Furias.

"Who knows? But if you idiots love these islands enough to resist the empire... Then I imagine you'll be happy plunging to the bottom of the skies with it!" Furias replied with a smile while observing the fearful and depressed faces of the surrounding villagers.

As panic and fear spread among the villagers, a strange sound echoed, catching only Lyria's attention. When she looked around, she saw no one else had heard it but her.

"Indeed, you are! I've already given orders to shoot down any airships attempting to flee!" Furias continued ranting and mocking them.

"You finally get it now, right? Right? There's nowhere for you to ru-..... Uaghhhh"

Before Furias could finish his sentence, he was suddenly thrown back and collided with the wall of the valley.

Everyone saw that Rei had appeared in the spot where Furias had been, with his right hand clenched as if he had punched Furias.

"You! You make me sick! There are people living here!" Rei shouted at him, his aura growing larger.

The ground around Rei began to cracking due to his aura.

Furias, confused by suddenly being thrown back, started to pay attention to Rei and realized that this was all his doing.

"Hey! What are you all doing just standing there? Quickly, kill that person who dares to attack me!" Furias angrily ordered his soldiers, who remained silent due to Rei's overwhelming aura.


"It's not possible....."

some of the soldiers were unable to withstand Rei's aura and fell to the ground, while others attempted to attack Rei out of fear of Furias' punishment.

"Hyaaahhh" Some of them swung their halberds and swords at Rei.

"Rei!?" "Oi Rei, dodge it!" Djeeta and the others shouted at Rei, who remained silent.

As the soldiers' weapons were about to hit Rei, he quickly countered their attacks by punching them all.

Even though they were wearing armor, their armor was immediately dented and destroyed by Rei's punches, causing them to be thrown against the wall of the valley.

"Wow!" Vyrn was amazed by Rei's ability to easily fight off the soldiers.

Rei then slowly approached Furias, causing the ground around him to crumble with each step.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing!?" Furias looked scared of Rei and started crawling backward.

Rei just stared at him with eyes full of hatred, his aura increasing more, making the other townspeople faint.

Djeeta, upon seeing this, shouted at Rei, "Hey, Rei, stop it! The townspeople can't handle your aura."

Rei ignored Djeeta's words and continued to move towards Furias.

Suddenly, two wings appeared behind Rei, shocking everyone who was still conscious.

Djeeta, Katalina, Lyria, and Vyrn began to panic upon seeing this, as the last time they saw those wings was when Rei lost control.

When Djeeta and the others wanted to stop Rei except for Rackam because he was still confused about what was happening.

Suddenly a light appeared above Rei, different from the usual golden light, this time the light was bright red.

They all closed their eyes because of the brightness, and after the light disappeared, they saw a red ruby colored sword above Rei.


Everyone who saw the sword knew what Rei was going to do and tried to stop him because if the general died here, the empire might try even harder to hunt them.

"Rei, stop, don't kill that General!" Katalina shouted towards Rei who was still approaching Furias, who was still struggling to escape because Rei's aura made it difficult for him to stand.

Rei then tried to raise his right hand, but before he could do that, green thorns started surrounding him and caught his right hand.

"...!?" Rei was confused to see the sudden appearance of these thorns, but when he tried to destroy it, the thorns suddenly appeared around Furias and pulled him away from that place, but because of the thorn that wrapping Furias body he's still get injured when he escape from that place

Rei saw his target fleeing, started destroying the thorns around him, and prepared to command the sword he had summoned to chase after him, but before he could do that, Vyrn crashed into Rei's head while shouting, "Stop, Rei, don't lose control again, at least not here, we're not done with Tiamat's problem yet" Vyrn continued hitting Rei's head several times.

The blows made Rei regain his senses, and all the aura he emitted disappeared, and his sword disappeared too, but his wings were still behind Rei.

Rei began to control his breathing and calm his emotions.

"Hah...hah...sorry... I almost lost control earlier..."

Seeing Rei return to normal, Djeeta and the others approached Rei.

"It's okay, I was also annoyed with that person," Katalina looked towards the direction where Furias had fled.

"But where did those thorns come from earlier?" Lyria was confused because she had never seen that ability in the empire before.

"Yeah, I've never seen the empire use that," Katalina started thinking.

"Wait wait, before that can you explain to me why Rei has wings?" Rackam pointed to the wings behind Rei.

They all just realized that Rei's wings were still there, and Djeeta asked Rei, "Rei? Why are your wings still there? And this time there are only two, didn't you have six before?" Djeeta asked Rei while trying to touch Rei's wings.

Before Djeeta could touch Rei's wings, suddenly his wings disappeared.

"Ahh..." Djeeta was slightly disappointed because she really wanted to touch his wings.

*Wooosshhhhh* suddenly they heard the sound of the wind getting stronger.

"We can continue our discussion later, we should move the unconscious people back to the city," Katalina suggested to them.

They all nodded and postponed the conversation, starting to help the unconscious people move to the city.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

After their journey back to the town they successfully move unconscious people to save place while Rei keep apologizing to them repeatedly after some of them woke up.

They all entered a house that looked big and sturdy enough to withstand the strong wind and could protect many people.

"Whew... Everyone's made it back to town," Djeeta wiped her sweat while looking around.

"But we're not in the clear yet..."

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't hesitated when we were boarding... We'd be on our way to safety in another archipelago by now," Rackam looked disappointed in himself.

"Hey, what do you mean, Rackam? Didn't you hear what the empire said? Even if we had boarded the airship successfully, they would shoot it down and make us fall," Rei replied to Rackam.

"Rei is right, this is all thanks to you, Rackam. If you hadn't hesitated, we might have been shot down by the empire's airship and fallen to the bottom of the sky," Lyria nodded in agreement with Rei's words.

"Dang it! Is this really the end? Is there nothing else we can do?" Vyrn tried to think of ways to deal with the rampaging Tiamat.

"What hope do we have against a primal beast as powerful as a god?" Katalina looked defeated, but then she remembered Rei.

"Wait a minute, we might have a chance," Katalina suddenly said to everyone.

Djeeta and the others were confused about what Katalina meant.

"A chance? What do you mean, Katalina?" Djeeta asked Katalina.

Lyria heard Katalina's words, immediately realized, and looked towards her necklace and Rei.

"Right! With Rei's power, we can try to approach Tiamat and talk to her," Lyria told everyone.

"Wait a sec! I thought primal beasts could only be controlled by their creators, the Astrals! And the Astrals disappeared after the War centuries ago, leaving no descendants," Rackam was confused about their idea.

"Lyria's not one of their descendants. Or at least... I don't think she is. How and why her power works, I can't say. But she has power. That much is certain," Katalina informed Rackam that Lyria has the ability to communicate with primal beasts and command them.

Rei, upon hearing this, began to think about whether he also had the ability to control primal beasts. Technically, he was an Astral and an archangel.

"But there's no telling what might happen if Lyria were to overuse it," Katalina looked worriedly at Lyria.

"I'll be fine. Rei is with me... and so are all of you. Let's go, Rackam. We've got to stop Tiamat, the primal beast of wind!" Lyria looked determined to help the townspeople and the island.

Djeeta and the others start smiling when they saw Lyria determined like that, everyone nodded and they began to head towards Tiamat's location.

'Wait a minute they didn't ask for my opinion at all, and fighting a flying Tiamat gonna be very difficult even if i can use my wings.....' Rei shook his head and followed them out of the house.

When they walked with Lyria in front of them trying to guide them towards Tiamat by sensing her energy, meanwhile Rei behind them tried to spread his wings again.

He focused on imagining wings appearing on his back but they didn't work at all and his wings didn't show up.

Rei sighed and tried to think about how he could use his wings again.

He kept thinking for a moment and finally decided to try something.

' Wait, why am I just imagining it? Maybe giving orders will be better?'

Rei tried ordering his wings to appear and suddenly he felt two wings appear on his back.

Seeing this, Rei was sure that to use his power, he had to command it instead of just using his imagination like in some fantasy novel he read before.

"Hey Rei? Why did your wings appear again?" Vyrn suddenly spoke to Rei.

Hearing that, they all turned to Rei and stopped walking.

"It seems like you can use your wings without losing control like before huh" Katalina noticed Rei's normal expression, very different from when he lost control when he used his wings before.

"Hey, can you all explain to me why Rei can have wings like that? I thought only primal beasts or other monsters had them?" Rackam asked for an explanation from all of them.

After everyone done telling Rei's story and his meeting with Djeeta, Rackam was left speechless with his mouth hanging open.

"Another world? Powers surpassing primal beasts?" Rackam was even more confused by their explanation.

They all laughed slightly at Rackam's expression and continued their journey to Tiamat's location.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

IamReallySaladcreators' thoughts