
*Midnight Kiss*

It's a story of an unfortunate girl who was born to a single mom. She had a high hope from her lover who stood beside her from her childhood but got betrayed at the end. Making her fall in misery and distress. When her boss starts to approach her, pulling out of her misery step by step. She take revenge on her ex lover with his help. But will they be able to be together or it will be an another misery for her?

Rosett_Agnes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Birth Of The Beauty

Rumble! The night sky was lighting up occasionally as the thunder rain went on. The whole road was drained with rain water. A few cars were passing occasionally on the highway beside a forest in Seoul. While a heavily pregnant woman in her twenties was walking in the rain while dragging her body with great effort. She was looking devastated and horrified. She was looking back often as if she wanted to confirm someone's presence. 

Her body was frail and weak. She plopped to the ground beside the roadside as she didn't have any energy left in her body. She lied to the ground while grasping her belly and curling her body in a protective but weak stance. She barely kept her eyes open. All the cars pass by her without taking a glance at her let alone helping her. 

She thought that was the end of her life without letting her baby see the light of the world. She cried desperately and regretted her choice of grasping his hand back then. Suddenly a luxurious BMW car stopped before her. A woman came out of the car as her driver held an umbrella above her head. She looked up weakly at her and reached out toward the woman with her trembling hands. 

She muttered in a weak hoarse voice, "Please, save.. My baby.. I will do.. anything … to repay your debt.. But please.. Save my little angel.."

She had her vision blurred as she was slowly losing consciousness. Before fainting, she only remembered that lady's face showing pity toward her. She ordered someone to take her in the car. She couldn't remember anymore what happened later on as she lost her control over her consciousness and embraced darkness with her cold body.

She regained vile consciousness when she heard the doctor's murmur around her. One of the nurses joyed up and tried to give her strength as she saw her opening her eyes. She heard the nurses saying, 

"She is awake. We can wait for normal delivery. Her body is weak. She might not handle the operation."

The nurse once again turned toward her and grasped her hand while speaking, 

"Look, you will feel your body soon now that you are regaining consciousness. Let me tell you that you are already having contractions. So be brave and gather your strength. You need to push the baby out normally. Okay?"

She couldn't reply to her but gave a nod slowly. As her words, she slowly started to feel her body again and her vision started to clear. She saw she was in a delivery room with doctors and nurses. It looked like a hospital. She slowly started to feel her contraction making her wince in pain.

As the time passed, her wince raised to a growl instead. Her growl grew into screaming her lungs off as the contractions hit hard. She couldn't feel or concentrate on anything. She started to remember her once joyous life. But she came to reality as the doctor hindered her thoughts. 

"Push harder. You can do it. Don't give up. The baby is so close."

With the doctor's word she let go of her thoughts as she remembered about her child. She treasures nothing more than this child. She doesn't consider anything more important than saving this life now. She could still hear the rumbling sound of thunder coming from outside of the window. 

"Wahhh.. Waaahh" a loud cry covers the whole delivery room simultaneously with the thunder outside. 

Pointing to the fact that a new life has taken its first breath in this world. She sees the nurses getting busy with a small thing in their hand. The baby she just gave birth to. Her vision became hazed once again as she felt her body loosening up. 

The night faded as the sun showered the earth with its warm embrace. She gave birth at dawn. The child got to see a beautiful change of nature the moment she was born. Which spread a warm aura around her. That child was extremely beautiful with a pair of emerald eyes like her mother.

The nurses move her and her baby to the ward room. She was still unconscious as she lay in the hospital bed. While her baby was throwing her hands and legs slowly with wide open emerald eyes. 

The lady who saved her yesterday night stand beside the child and try interact with her as the nurses speak with her,

"She seems to be fine without any major injury, mam. She should regain her consciousness by afternoon." 

That lady smiled faintly as she stared at the child's face who was laughing and trying to touch her finger. She was thrilled to witness such a thing last night. She was wondering what would happen to this child if she hadn't picked her mother up. She asked the nurse,

"Her gender?"

"She is a baby girl, mam." The nurse replied formally. 

That lady stared at the baby with an amused look. She looked back at her mother. She anticipated that she might be abandoned. She was also gorgeous but her beauty was suppressed by her tiredness. No wonder that her child inherited her mother's look. She felt pity for the child. 

She told her bodyguard to bring an envelope, some papers, a bouquet of flowers and some clothes for the baby and her mother. As they brought those things, she started to write a letter and filled the envelope with something, leaving it behind with the bouquet of flowers on her bedside table. 

She took a last glance at the baby before going back. She immediately thought about the moment when she had her baby boy two years ago. She had her family beside her after the rough birthgiving process to look after her. She pitied this woman for being alone after giving birth to such a beauty. 

Later, when she regained her senses, she saw two nurses playing with her child, who was in a child crib beside her bed.


To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**