
Reborn and growing

A week after Neville and Harry's deaths Harry woke up he used the elder wand that had somehow reconstituted itself from the 10 pieces Harry had cut it into and hid them all over the world in heavily warded places some pieces even had a modified version of the fidelius charm hiding them he had then asked Neville to remove the memories of the locations

Harry then spent 10 years trying to die he had tried everything from decapitation to drowning and everything in between he even used killing curses on himself but he began noticing that when ever something hurt him he would get a tiny bit stronger

If he cut his wrists he would notice he would heal faster and faster every time if he jumped off of high places his bones got stronger if he used magic to try to kill himself his magic resistance and power increased over time he realised that

Anything that hurt him would only make him stronger he had a healing factor increased durability, senses, strength, speed, magic resistance, memory, magic core,etc. when he realised that he couldn't die even when he used fiendfyre to turn his body into nothing

His body would just form around his soul he was used to pain with the torture from his so called blood relatives and the numerous times he has been under torture curses but the pain had nothing on his body regrowing around him he thought he might go insane from the pain but he didn't

Harry stayed in the non magical world for 20 years before he read on his computer that there was a war between magicals and non magicals he quickly apparated to the British magical world he knew that a war would not end well for the magical while ancient wards like that on Gringots and Hogwarts could survive nukes

The average home wards wouldn't hold up when he apparated in to the magical world he appeared in the middle of a nuclear explosion his body was vaporised and kept regenerating over and over again he tried to leave the affected area so he could stop the pain of his body regrowing quicker but he was in to much pain to concentrate on escaping

After what felt like years his body regrew he was now only affected by the nuclear fallout which while not as painful as my body regrowing was still painful when he collect himself he teleported to a safe house after that day the non magicals killed all wizards and witches I tried to convince magicals to hide in the non magical world but they were convinced they were safe with their wards

I took some orphan children and brought them to my safe house I raised them taught them loved them but they all died of old age and the nuclear fallout had sterilised all the humans on the world they had doomed themselves and the lives of every animal and plant