
*DISCONTINUED*Ancient Tree Spirit [BL]

His whole life, Leo was made fun of. For his feminine appearance and big green eyes. Leo was always considered to be a weird kid. He would often talk to birds and rabbits in the forest. When he was young, he lived in a cabin in the forest with his grandpa and he would often play there after school. He lived there alone with his grandpa. Leo was found as a baby and the old hunter took him in and raised him, so Leo never meet his biological parents. Nevertheless, he loved his grandpa with all his heart. He taught Leo many survival skills and how to live off the land. Leo was taught how to determine if something was poisonous, what to and not to eat, and how to track animals. Even though his grandfather was a hunter, Leo absolutely hated it when he would hunt since he was friends with the creatures of the forest. Leo would cry and beg his grandpa to not hunt the animals, so eventually the man gave in and stopped hunting. He eventually took up wood working and carpentry and made a living off of it. Leo loved the forest and all it's creatures and everyday he would go into the forest to his special place. There was a patch of forest where there weren't any trees and there was a rock that sat in the middle of the circle. He would sit on the rock and all the animals including deers, rabbits, and birds would all go to him. Later on, he found that he was able to understand what they would say. He would always talk to them, but soon, that happiness was all ruined. When Leo turned eleven, his grandfather got very sick and without enough money to buy medicine, he eventually died. Leo cried at his grandfather's grave for many days. Eventually he was put into the care of Sarah and Dave who gladly adopted the boy. They took him in as their own and Leo lived a happy life, but after the death of his grandfather, he couldn't face himself to go back into the forest. In result, there old cabin was deserted and the forest was deemed haunted by the old hunter. Leo lived his life like any ordinary kid, but still was bullied from his peers. They would tease him and call him cursed. They said mean things to him everyday at school. He would often be called cursed, a freak, or a monster when he would talk to the animals so he never did it again for he wad afraid. The animals eventually stopped gathering around him and he never talked to them again. Later on he became the personal assistant of a man named Mr.Coleman who was the CEO of a major company. Who knows what's in store for Leo and his new boss. Hopefully love will unfold.

IWannaSleep123 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Never Again

Once they entered the elevator, Leo was bombarded with questions.

"Mr.Coleman huh? How did you become so friendly with the boss already?" Mrs.Miller asked.

"Yeah, we've all tried so hard to get close to him, but he just glares and shuns us." Mrs.Talor chimed in.

Leo got overwhelmed by the sudden questions and was flustered. He stuttered as he tried to speak, but in the end it was no use, "U-um y-you guys, um I don't know. J-just calm down."

All of a sudden, Ms.Amber pulled Leo away by wrapping her arm around his shoulder as she said, "You're overwhelming him. Stop it."

Mrs.Taylor butted in, "You're close with the CEO as well."

Leo looked towards Ms.Amber and knew that they needed to be quiet. Her brows were furrowed as she looked towards them, "Yeah, and?"

After her sudden remark, everyone went quiet. If she was really close with the CEO, then it was best for them not to make her angry. The rest of the ride was peaceful and Ms.Amber took it upon herself to accompany Leo while he was organizing the records. One reason was because she does front desk work and she should learn how to do input the information. While on the other, she wanted to keep the other employees from harassing him.

First, they went to Mrs.Miller's office. Once they were inside, everyone turned to greet their head, but were a little confused on why the other two had tagged along. Mrs.Miller said, "Hello everyone, the two that I have with me is

Ms.Amber and Leo and they will be organizing all of our records. So please, don't bother them while they are working." Everyone nodded as she guided them to a side room with two laptops on the table. To the side, there was a shelf, and the shelf had binders and files placed on it. With everything set, Leo got to work.

His plan was to set everything up the same as how he did the CEO's and Ms.Amber's. He laid out all the binders and files and started organizing. Once he finished, Ms.Amber was surprised at how efficient Leo was. She looked through all of the binders, and each one was neatly put together. She chuckled, 'Well, I guess that's Leo Anderson for you.'

The two placed all of the records and binders, back on the shelf and were on their way. They continued this process with Mr.Davis and Mrs.Taylor's records. Once Leo was done with everything, he was hungry and tired. He went to the break room to eat and once he was done, he made his way back to Mr.Coleman's office. He carefully opened the door and walked in.

Without even looking up from his work, Mr.Coleman said, "Go and grab me some lunch," while sipping some water.

Leo complied and said, "Okay."

He went back into the break room, grabbed a sandwich from the refrigerator, then walked back. Leo reentered the office room and placed the sandwich on the desk. Suddenly, Mr.Coleman grabbed Leo's hand which caused Leo to flinch a bit. He said calmly, "Also, could you make me some coffee."

Leo stuttered, "S-sure." as he slipped his hand out of the grasp.

He walked out of the office, placed his hand on his chest and took a deep breath while leaning on the door. 'Why did my heart speed up? Was it because I was scared or... no I was scared for a moment that's it.' he thought while calming his nerves. He made the coffee and went back into the room. He carefully walked over and set the coffee down next to where he placed the sandwich.

Leo quietly walked over to his desk, and after closing his eyes for a moment, he logged onto his laptop and got back to work. Leo made a guide so that the other employees would know how to input and file the records. He made the guide without missing a detail and them emailed it to all the department heads. Leo leaned back in his chair with a sigh of relief as he finally finished the guide. Once he was done, it was already starting to get dark outside. He packed up his belongings into his bag.

He shut off the laptop and placed it back into his bag. He stood up and said, "I'm going to go make some tea and relax in the break room before going home. Would you like anything before I leave?"

Mr.Coleman looked up and replied, "No thank you, you're excused."

Leo smiled, "Alright, have a nice night sir."

He chuckled, "You too Leo."

Leo walked out of the room and went into the break room. He turned off the light, opened the window and the moonlight filled the room. Leo breathed in deeply. The sight of the moon always brought his mind to ease no matter how stressed he was. He loved the pure white light and the cool breeze that came along with it. He sat by the window as he steeped his tea and peered into the night sky.

He seemed to glow brightly as the moonlight danced on his skin. Leo smiled as he sipped his tea. Suddenly, the crow from before, flew onto the window sill. He yelped, "What are you doing here!? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Mr.Coleman looked up from his work as he heard Leo's voice from across the hall. 'What's going on in there?' He thought. He got up from his desk and walked over to the room. He peaked in through the crack in the door.

"Why are you doing this? Didn't you already do this yesterday!?" Leo exclaimed to the crow.

The crow cawed, "You didn't listen to my warning the first time! You need to come back to the forest and protect us! Everyday, the dark aura that is in the forest grows stronger and stronger. Please you must come back!"

"I heard you the first time you said that! I told you I'm not going back! N-not after what happened." as he said this, his voice trembled and he got quiet.

'Is he talking to that bird? And what does he mean by after what happened?' Mr.Coleman thought as he continued listening.

"Please, you must come back to us. You need to help us as that's your duty. You're the tree spirit and the ruler of all animals and plants of the sacred forest. You must come back." the crow pleaded.

"If I'm the ruler of all animals and plants, then leave me along. I won't go back to that placed ever again," Leo whimpered. He hugged his shoulders as he tried to hold back his tears. His throat was coarse and his words were shaking.

The crow looked at him sadly before flying into the night. Leo cried, "Never again."

As much as he wanted to comfort Leo, Mr.Coleman walked back to his office. He heard the break room door close and Leo's footsteps fading away.

He sat at his desk perplexed, 'What was he talking about?'

Leo walked back to his apartment in a daze. While walking home, the clouds gathered in the sky and it began to rain. Leo looked up at the raining sky with half open eyes. He chuckled before continuing his walk. Once he reached his apartment, he was soaked, but thankfully since his computer and belongings weren't harmed to much. He set down his things on the side and went to take a shower. He stripped out of his clothes and took a hot shower.

His body was cold and the hot water felt nice as it fell on his skin. After his shower, Leo ate an easy dinner, then brushed his teeth. When he was finally in bed, he clenched the sheets in his hand and said, "Never again."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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