


Birds_Eye · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Dreams of Adventure

The world was a terrible place.

People lied.

They stole.

They tricked others.

And they killed just to further their own existence.

Luckily I was never on anyone list of targets.

So I lived a relatively peaceful life.

Although I practically lived in a hospital, I was never the subject of anyone's anger.

The reason why I was stuck in that place?

It was because I was weak.

My body couldn't fight off a mysterious that showed up in a blood test when I was little.

The disease was uncategorised and new, so to prevent the spread hpthey took me from my mother and I was then raised in an isolation room, by my father, who was one of the doctors, and a team of nurses and doctors that worked around the clock.

It has been fifteen years and I was still stuck in the room, with no way out.

Luckily my father was in charge of my mental wellbeing, so he could get me all kinds of things from the outside world.

I was mainly into reading manga and whatchig Anime.

So I got everything I needed to do those things.

I was given a laptop, and my father would go and buy every issue of any anime I asked him to buy.

The laptop was filled with Episodes of a Soe called RWBY, it was set in a world where people fought off a type of creature called a Grimm, these creatures of Grimm took many forms, and the people responsible for hunting them, the huntresses and Huntsman, we're like heroes.

After ten years my body had degraded to the point that I was asleep most of the day and I could only be awake for two hours a day.

I spent most of those two hours spending time with my visiting family.

My grandparents, never really got to know me, by I was always glad for them visit.

My mother was with me most of the day and only left to go to the toilet or get something to eat.

My father, spent his time trying his all to cure me, but so far his efforts had amounted to nothing.

I wasn't afraid of death.

I just want to make that clear, I'd rather fear something more practical, like a certain type of monster or hights, being afraid of an inevitable end won't do anyone any good.

But then again, I was also filled with dreams of being an Isekai hero, being dragged from a boring everyday life and becoming a badass hero with superpowers and magic.

My choice may have been a little biased, but I was still going to die and at the end of the day, all I could wish for was that at the end of my journey, I could meet with his and ask him why my life had been the way it had been.

My mother, being Christian, always prayed to God for my health, my father, being a agnostic like my self, did not pray, but instead took a few second our of everyday just to think about what he wanted, as it was most likely that if an Godlike entity did exist, than they would inevitably be listening to everyone at once.

Today was my fifteenth birthday, I had just woken up and was assaulted by the cry of people wishing me a happy birthday.

Mom had taken the liberty of going home for a while and baking me a cake, while the rest of my family, knowing I wasn't much for gifts and presents just came by for an hour and then left, as they also knew while I loved them visiting, I wasn't one for long arduous family gatherings.

Everyone had left when my mother had came back in from helping my grandparents into their car.

"so Adam, how does it feel to be fifteen?"

"alright I guess, I'm just in a little bit of pain, so it's hard to enjoy it"

My mother developed a sullen look on her face "Should I get your father?" she asked as she rushed over to me and started to fuss over my condition.

"I-its alright, I just need to-" then before I could say anything else everything suddenly went black as a cold fiery feeling of pain erupted all over my body.

I tried to scream out in pain, but as if there was no air, no sound came out.

I continued to silently scream out in pain for what felt like years.

The pain escalated to the point where I couldn't concentrate, I felt like my mind had begun to slip through my fingers like sand, I felt my self slowly begin to loose my mind.






I awoke refreshed and slightly groggy from my long sleep.

My confusion about where I was and what was going on was only surpassed by my excitement.

I was awake.

I was conscious after what I can only assume was my death.

I was now something I had wished to be for a long time.

A soul in the presence of a God.

I looked around, the only thing in my view was a man.

He was tall, had muscular arms and a chiselled body that was only able to be shown through a skin tight white robe, he had long wavy white hair that shimmered in the darkness of the void, his eyes reached out to me like Beacons, their vibrant blue colour seemed to grow more intense by the second, that same gaze made all my emotions become amplified by what seemed one hundred times, as if reaching into my very soul and squeezing all my past and future emotions out, making me feel so sad that I would literally try to kill my self if it wasn't for the overwhelming rage and pure blissful happiness that I was feeling.

"Young soul of Earth 129-473-037294-7273-9284-728-3727-9747-3837-XSZY, you have been chosen..."

"Chosen for what?" I asked, somehow managing to suppress all my emotions and speak out to the God.

"You have been chosen to be my Champion"

He stretched out his muscular hand and reached forward towards me, as if he was reaching to my mind, I suddenly knew... Everything.

Please comment on what you think the first world he travels to should be.

Birds_Eyecreators' thoughts