
(Undergoing Rewrite) Quirk Boundless Evolution

I Don't own anything other then charicters of my own creation... I'm having fun doing this please comment and encourage me while writing this... and if you want to suggest some ideas I don't really mind.. for any and all intense and purposes I warn and advise against anyone from doing any actions the main charicter does this is a work of fiction and may lead to bodily harm and or death

dreamless_0800 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

chapter 8: : Bench-Mark


Now my next experiment less to acquire abilities and to assess what my strength stands a bench mark if you will so I spent a extended amount of time searching and investigating around Mustafa and find where the yakuza are and where a specific Quirk fighting ring is after a while of no leads I ended up in a random ally quiet and shaded with darkness the asphalt decorated in trash while many stains you could only assume were blood a Mutant Quirk user guarding a rusty metal door he looked at me trying to guess my strength and after doing so his eyes bulged and his breath quickened he probably has a Quirk that let's him judge the strength of anyone after giving him a gaze and asking if I could enter he nodded though hesitantly I pushed the door in and followed a pristine hall of tile grown and a teal walls leading to an opening every step I took an echo a riotous noise accounting to hundreds of people when I made it to the opening an MMA arena with a chain and fence enclosing the fighters



And man w.. WAS  the fight worth watching a giant man wearing an orca mask with one quick fist to the face of the other opponent makes his very being collapse if the punch had any more power then he would have showered the crowd in meat paste with that opponent down the crowds cheered and the refferess judged the match... 


Crowd] WHOOOO!! 


.. after the crowd died down and the noise stalled the other referee let put another announcement.. 

[REFEREE 2#] with that match over we have halftime to attend and then we'll resume the matches if anyone wants to jump in the ring just talk to one of our bouncers.. 



And as I heard that last announcement I couldn't help but want to jump in that ring was a struggle in my head warring to either take the chance and gain an amazing amount of levels in my skills or die trying while I could observe the fight and decide whether its necessary to jump in the fray but I couldn't help but want to I couldn't help but believe I was turning into an adrenaline junkie every experiment and challenge would bring me great thrill surviving those trials provided me a sense of satisfaction if in a fight with one of the strongest villians I can come into contact with at the moment Wrupa would be an amazing opportunity I couldn't pass up...



After making up my mind I ended up in the arena a couple minutes later and let me guess your wondering how they would accept a 13 year old preteen into such a thing but after these years I grew taller and taller each year I looked comparable to a shorter then average 16 year old though the clothes that I was wearing hid the most of my physique my strength and muscles went through a massive change and I don't even know my true strength any more....



After finishing up my thoughts and realizing the reality of my situations I assumed a ready fighting stance Wrupa looking at me with a hesitant to fight a teenager and proceeded to assume a stance and ask a question...



"Kid if your here to just play around then leave"

He said" with a slight pitiful grin on his face barely visible because of his mask....



"Don't worry I'll try and make the fight last" and as I said those word an expectant gaze started to build in his eyes while he glared at my arrogant grin painted on my face 



Then my back grew cold and the air stood still a swift punch aimed at my stomach cuts through the air I then parry to the left grab a hold of his arm and decide to give him a good jab at his side still holding back most of my strength.then decide to back off...



Getting a moment to strategize I decide to take the chance and with that I leap back in the middle of the ring promoting Wrupa to land a blow on my chest without any resistance and Boom!! And the impact on my chest prompted me to cough a bit of blood and a couple of my ribs crackle and pop then I heard a DING but the fight and action dissuaded me to check it another couple of jabs and punches head my way as I deftly evade them left and right and decide to have a bit a fun and give Wrupa a bit of a wake up call....



After Wrupa decided to have fun he started pressuring me relentlessly and then I saw a slight moment for a perfect time to deliver a blow and I did to his side a loud deafening crack prompted blood to dribble on his lip a little escaping his mask 



I couldn't help but think I overdid it but then a smirk covered his face making his mask contort a little...


"HA Ah Ha my goodness you brat you broke a good bit of my ribs you brat but after seeing that i'll have to acknowledge your strength I hope you can keep up Ha you got me fired up let's keep this going"



and then multiple barrages of strong hits and jabs proceeded to land either in the absent air or the target they were aiming for alternating in bouts of swift moments to evade every attack..



and i decide to end the fight after wilting Wrupa's defense down and covering him in bruises while the couple of hits' and attacks my body had endured healed instantaneously while i was too swift to get hit with any life threatening blow i was too lax and frankly bored while engaged with him sadly, after a couple more bouts and the i decided to end the fight...



" I surrender" i say as the already quiet crowd grew even more eerily quiet as they were already stunned at their previous number 1# being played with and the strength the unknown produced as the people grew incessantly confused and the crowd started booing while Wrupa barely standing looked at me with a questioning gaze and after losing the last bit of his strength and was about to collapse i headed his way and slung my arm over his shoulder akin to two great friends while i held him up trying to keep Wrupa and his now weakened state unknown after that i made my way out with the now unconscious man and slumped him on the bench in one of the changing rooms and slipped out unnoticed .



After making my way back home the house still frankly empty other then my sister barricaded in her door while both my parent had jobs my mother got hired at a beauty agency a year or two ago and with how old i am they trusted me to take care of myself and my sister after...



"Hey! Knock.. Knock.. Knock.. Yumi you want some miso soup.. I'll fix it the way you like it ok?"

"yes please Thank youuu onii-chan"

After making my way into the kitchen and getting everything ready i decided on checking my notification that i had gained during the fight not expecting anything thing groundbreaking but surprisingly I got another quirk like ability 

..// (New)(Quirk Subsets) Hardening 

i'll try and increase this skills level quickly some time later while and i have some fun ideas in mind for later..

Sorry about taking so long I'll need to get some of this fixed up please leave some comments and tips and advice for any improvement possible please oh and if you can just give me some motivation :| peace out yall Ps im thinking of editing some of the previous chapters if i have the time

dreamless_0800creators' thoughts