
(Undergoing Rewrite) Quirk Boundless Evolution

I Don't own anything other then charicters of my own creation... I'm having fun doing this please comment and encourage me while writing this... and if you want to suggest some ideas I don't really mind.. for any and all intense and purposes I warn and advise against anyone from doing any actions the main charicter does this is a work of fiction and may lead to bodily harm and or death

dreamless_0800 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 12 " unexpected Resolve "

"After getting everything ready Henka I've made a great design on a machine that harnesses the rays of the sun to an amazing degree, but are your sure you willing to go through with this..? He said with great worry evdeint in his eyes thought he tried to hide it, it still managed to surface on his face with the sweat on his brow..

" it's alright I've made up my mind when I applied to U.A this was what I came here for.. and I won't be changing my mind.. " I said with eyes that seemed to sparkle, yet for just a moment this seemed to ease the worries of nezu as of now yet his thoughts still seemed to trouble him..

After finnaly making it to the the secluded bulding noticeing the pearly white steel chamber doors, It was far off on U.A Property yet still remained to be an eye sore once noticed, once we found ourselves in front Nezu typed a code into the digital pad to the side...


Finally then the doors opened unveiling a futuristic looking scene remincsent of a doctors laboratory everything pure untainted white yet something stood aloof in the middle distinct from everything else a big silver metal contraption that looked extremely bizarre and undiscribeable with a control center off to the side...

Alright Henka I'll have you stand in front of the machine and before you do please put on these special clothes, He said as he seemingly handed me a pair of boxers that were seemingly normal and now Nezu was pointing towards a small cudicle... " Um alright then but how is this going to help..? " Don't worry, it's been enhanced by a powerful quirk and with this expierment I think I'd be better if you wear that...

After giving him a sudtle nod I went and changed real quick then stepped over facing toward the machine...

"Are you ready..." Nezu asks as he stands there in front of the control center in a thermal Suit with a reflective silver design made to withstand heat at about 2,000 Degrees Fahrenheit or 1093 Celsius.. 


Man he changes quick I thought I swiviled my head a bit geting my thought into order and then saying

"I'm ready..." 


And at that moment Nezu pressed a big red button then a loud beep echoed in the building and then an immense amount of terrifying solar energy enveloped me focused to a a small range that encompassed me to a rough degree a beam threatening to turn me into dust.. 


The pain was instant and immediate at first while every second that passed by my skin would melt and my regeneration would fight the overwhelming amount of damage that persistently hammered my body while also roasting my insides...

I looked like a freshly charred ghoul my vision would turn dark every breath I took, my eyes glossing over and regenerating giving a new sense of perception that could only be taken a away as every other second passed this repeatedly happened over and over again... 


While the only relief was the little bit of strength and vitality that boundlessly healed and kept me alive but every breath, I took opening my mouth or even breathing through my nose charred down to my throat turning my teeth black and tongue into a charred sponge... 


Though while all this took place many notifications rang aloud in my ears and kept ringing... 




Principal nezu bellowed, sounding worried but also frustrated to see his student go through such a thing he didn't realize Henka's resolve to such brutal ways of training even more so his desire for growth..?


NOO! I've made it this far just a little longer.. 


After these last couple seconds my skin has become tougher and tougher it was burnt to a crisp at first but now it was barely sunburned now the density and strength of my skin was incomparable to just a few moments ago... 


My eyes no longer harmed by the invasive rays of light even more so it seemed my eyes were absorbing the light and my teeth a Dimond sparkling white that could blind a whole room and my hair grown back still fully white but more akin to silver and shiner while also having the strength comparable to strings of metal.. 


Everything was renewed and a new sense of vigor flooded through his body and a new craving invaded his very being replacing his need for food his body now only needing sunlight... 


Then I tried the same thing I did to gain Electrokenisis I took a deep breath now calming due to the lessened pain caused from the adaptations I've gained over these couple of moments..

After the Quick breath and a look of focus seemingly resurfaced in my eyes as i stared at the solar energy the beam of yellow, orange light trying to manipulate it this felt like it took forever but after just a couple more moments I could feel some slack, the steady motion of this beam loosend for a slight moment and then I Heard one last notification. 


Yet with this notification and unnoticed by me minutes ticked by and i was still changing and growing, adapting, evolving even more.... 


After the terrifying and anxious moments that made the very atmosphere of the building shudder a voice echoed in from the beam of seamlessly ending light... 


"..Turn it off..! 


there were no more changes worth gaining.. I thought with a mix of happiness and sadness,Though after the beeping from the machine ended and the smoke cleared the pure white metal floor seemed charred beyond belief and what stood their was a person with a body that seemed to hold great amount of muscle and strength but even more so telling as it was steam flowed off his body as if the moment he spent in that beam to him were as if he were only in a slightly warm suana...

After collecting myself and clenching my fist in which created an echoing muffled bang feeling the newly added strength I held..

Seems that I've adapted to handle solar energy or at least this amount... 


After Nezu heard me say turn it off he did immediately though he hesitantly came and looked at me in person he did finnaly make up his mind and waddled over whilst carrying a bag of extra clothes he had me carry over expecting my old clothes to get charred and incinerated luckly I wore the special boxers that he had handed me moments ago... 


"..Are you OK Henka..?" He asked looking worried and anxious' though after seing my calm demenor it seemed to calm him down I shown him a slight smile "..I'm alright don't worry principal nezu though I hope you don't mind but I would like to borrow one of your training grounds to test some of my new abilities.." 


He nodded slowly looking at me Still a bit of worry ingrained in his eyes and sweat on his brow... 


After just a couple moment's we found our selves in the training grounds on the solid tarmac street decorated with many tall and Short buildings 


After finnaly arriving and getting settled in the great and large testing ground even as the buldings stood on high, bloughting out the very sun the feeling of the hard heavy road felt new to the soles of my feet..

After that quick thought I couldn't help but look at the Notifications from the system and man what a crazy amount of notifications.. 



*..(Acquired) Quirk Subset - Photosynthesis [ Advanced Teir 2 ] - Allows the host to instead of eating any foods allows the host the ability to metabolize Sun light 


*..(Acquired) Quirk Subset - Solar Energy Manipulation [ Beginner Tier 3] - Allows the host the ability to control and Manipulate solar energy 


*..(Rank Up) Greater Regeneration - Infinite Regeneration [ Ultimate Tier 1 ] 


*..(Rank Up) Pyrothermal Resilience - Pyrothermal Immunity [Ultimate Tier 2] 


*..(Acquired) Inhuman Visual Perception - [ Advanced Tier 2] - Grants the user a great amount of Perception allowing the user to perceive things that most cannot see while also granting the person the ability to see in the dark.. 


*..(Acquired) Abnormal Physique - [ Advanced Tier 1] The Host skin is strict and tough having been enhanced


After seeing the notifications and acknowledging the small and big changes, I decided to start playing with my new abilities... 


Starting with the "solar energy manipulation " I started molding the somewhat invisible energy the sun was radiating, after only a couple moment's my face was contorted with great fatigue painted on my face I heard a couple more notifications ring from the system till I could easily shape it up I then started Molding Contorting the very fine obelisk of solid molten energy that took on the shape of a sharp stalactite, now half the size of me the thing standing comparable to a decent sized Boulder it shining a yellow light it radiating emmense heat..

It looked as if I we're an envoy of God a hero with my silver hair and my deep golden eyes that were previously stained by the sunlight and holy magic ready to be cast able to smite any monsters or harbingers of darkness..


But then it turned, really into a horrific scene Just a couple seconds and the surroundings started bursting into flames melting turning into molten liquid the surroundings stood as a twisted real-life nightmare... 


then I steadied myself getting into a strict posture that echoed with two heavy stomps on the hard road... 


Then after taking a deep breath, I lunched the great mass of bright light..


The sound of the howling wind echoed in the surroundings tussling any and all things too weak to withstand the heavy wind that followed uprooting lamposts and knocking over powerlines...

Yet even then many buldings seemingly stood as obstacles that threatened to stop this projectiles reign of destruction yet a miraculous scene displayed it self as if a gong was hit a loud sound echoed as a couple bangs resounded throughout the training grounds as a couple buldings were pierced leaving behind molten metal and glass...

The massive projectile contintued to barrel through the open area leaving a path of destruction in its wake and then with a loud great crash resounding throughtout the whole area a crevice the size of a basketball court layed in between the wreckage of a building, where the ground turned into a sludge like liqued as the ball of fire seemingly evaporated...

Phew..! Amazing... I said with a look of astonishment on my face, still though that took a great bit out of me though the farther it got the harder it was to control and I doubt I can use it for heroing as it was way to destructive though I do have some fun ideas on how to use it sadly, that will have to wait...

While I was stuck in thought Nezu was still mesmerized having had watched the scene that had unfolded moments ago from afar being a safe distance away in the same suit that keeps him safe from the explosive amount of heat that accompanied the scene that unfolded..

" It seem's that I've underestimated your Quirk Henka.. The Possibilities.. " He couldn't help but have to start laughing maniacally under his breath trembling a little, If he had tea I bet he would've spilt it on himself..

After that quick laugh he headed over to me his subtle steps causing me to break from my thoughts and to turn towards him..

" It seems I'll have to give your teachers a greater warning and some more advice when it comes to training your abilities.. " I'll find some other unique way to grow your abilities as of now while you do your own thing..

" Alright principal Nezu thank you for your help I'll get going now wouldn't want to waste to much of your time " After saying that Nezu guided me back to the main bulding of U.A and I departed ready for the weekend to end and School to continue.. "

their you guys go hope you guys enjoy this chapter I'll work on the next chapter and for now I don't have a steady release schedule so it will be kinds random sorry about that I'll see you guys later yall have a good one..

dreamless_0800creators' thoughts