
Raging Monsoon! Leonidus Siblings Unite!


"So, you wanted to see us, Eraser Head?" Annie asked.

"That I did, come with me." Aizawa nodded.

They walked into the dorms, Alyx looked up and grinned, he ran over to Annie and Kariya with widened arms.

"Annie! Kariya!" He beamed.

Alyx gave both of them a hug, Annie picked Alyx up and looked at Shota.

"He's been hit with a Quirk, hasn't he?" Annie telepathically questioned.

"That he has, we've narrowed down the spot to where Mistress Monsoon is, the one responsible for doing this. We're going to need help from the both of you... Alongside Alyx and Asui." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"W-Wait, I get to fight someone?! Awesome!" Alyx exulted.

"Well, no, unless you still have some form of fighting prowess." Shota responded.

Kariya patted Alyx's head, "He was a black belt in the martial arts classes he took around this age. Trust me, he's an eager learner."

"Huh, is that so? Well, let's prove it then. Hey, Kirishima, come over here." Aizawa called out.

Eijiro got up from the couch and stood in front of Aizawa. Annie set Alyx down onto the ground.

"Alright, we're gonna see if Alyx can still fight, I'm sure you won't go too hard on him. Right?" Shota told him.

"Yep! Come on, little man! Let's go!" Kirishima grinned.

The two hurried outside and stood a few feet apart from each other. Alyx amped it up to Gear One and stood in a fighting stance.

"Just because I'm a kid, that doesn't mean you should go easy on me! Give it all you've got, Kirishima!" Alyx shouted to him.

"He's definitely still got that mindset, that's for sure!" Eijiro thought to himself.

Kirishima completely hardened up and charged towards Leonidus. He threw dozens of punches at Alyx, but none of them were landing! Alyx was bobbing and weaving through each of them with rapid succession. He found an opening and uppercut Kirishima, making him recoil and stumble backwards. Leonidus found himself suspended in the air.

"W-Woah! I'm flying! Hee hee, look guys, look! I'm flying!" Alyx beamed.

Kirishima took advantage of his amazement and punched him in the stomach. It sent Alyx rolling across the ground, he slowly stood up to his feet, clutching his stomach.

"G-Geez... You've got quite a puncher! It's gonna take more than that to put me down!" Alyx smiled.

Alyx flew into the air and his aura surrounded him, it began to glow brightly as he held himself in a charge up position.

"CHAAARGE!!" Alyx yelled.

He skyrocketed towards Kirishima and drove his head into his stomach! Kirishima went flying into a tree, snapping it clean in half! Leonidus landed on the ground and rubbed his head.

"Owchy! You've got a real hard tummy, you know!" Alyx remarked.

He looked up and saw that Kirishima was knocked out cold!

"Well, that settles it. It seems as if he's more than capable of fighting. We'll head out immediately, we don't have time to waste." Aizawa confirmed.

[Several Hours Later...]

The Leonidus siblings approached the cargo ship, Tsuyu was clinging onto Alyx's back.

"You three know what you're doing?" Selkie asked over the earpiece communicator.

"Yep! We'll meet you inside, Selkie!" Annie responded.

The Leonidus' and Tsuyu landed down onto the cargo ship. Kariya blew open an area of the ship.

"So much for a quiet entry, did you really have to do that?" Annie sighed.

Kariya shrugged it off, "What? They're gonna know we're here anyway."

Tsuyu hopped off of Alyx's back. Annie and Kariya hopped in, Alyx was about to until he saw Tsuyu look worried.

"Are you okay, Tsuyu?" Alyx asked.

"I-I'm scared of the dark, there might be monsters down there." Tsuyu fretted.

Alyx held her hand and smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be right here! I keep my Overdrive on so that way you aren't scared, it's pretty bright."

"O-Okay!" She nodded.

The two jumped down into the cargo ship. Tsuyu clung onto Alyx's arm as they made their way through the corridor. They found themselves in a larger room, it had been cleared out of whatever was there originally. Marks of rust shaped where objects had sat in decades prior.

"Found ya!" Kariya exclaimed.

Tsuyu and Alyx nearly jumped out of their skin! They turned around and saw Annie, Kariya, Selkie, and Sirius standing behind them. A light flashed onto them, standing in the middle of the dark room was Mistress Monsoon!

"I've been waiting for you, heroes! I see you've brought them along as well, that's hilarious, do you think that these kids can stop me?" She laughed.

Without a second's hesitation, Annie, Kariya, and Selkie rushed Monsoon. Sirus stood back with Leonidus and Asui. Alyx crossed his arms and began to pout.

"Aw, I wanna fight too! This isn't fair at all!" He whined.

"We can't have you getting hurt, Alyx. You have to let the big people do this." Sirius responded.

After a couple minutes, the trio of heroes were burst back by a wave of blue liquid! They slammed against the metal wall and were restrained against it.

"Oh, look at that, it seems as if all you have left are these kids! Not to mention, the blue haired one doesn't look like a fighter at all!" Mistress Monsoon smirked.

Alyx looked over at Tsuyu and touched her arm. Overdrive flourish over her, now both of them were in Gear One! They stood still, Tsuyu stepped forward and smiled.

"Okay, I think we can do this! Alyx, come on, let's show her what we can really do!" Tsuyu announced.

"Nee hee hee! Yeah! This is gonna be awesome!" Alyx beamed.

The two charged forward, flanking her, then ramming their fists into her stomach. She crashed against the wall behind her and bounced off of it. Tsuyu used her tongue to smack her in the face. Alyx flew towards her and elbowed her in the gut. Tsuyu came flying towards her, jumping off a wall and kicking Monsoon on the back of her neck. Tsuyu hopped off of her and landed next to Alyx. Annie and Kariya came flying towards Monsoon with a double Overdrive Fist. She went flying out of the cargo ship and into the water.

"Nice one, kids!" Annie complimented.

The ship began to creak and sway slightly until everything began to shake. Outside, Mistress Monsoon grew to gigantic proportions! Her watery hand slammed down onto the cargo ship, sending water into the room. Kariya grabbed Sirius before flying out of the ship.

"H-Hey... Aren't you that villain Sudden Death?" Sirius asked.

"I dunno, are you the prettiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on?" Kariya flirted.

"N-Now's not the time for that!" Sirius blushed.

Mistress Monsoon's attention turned to the Leonidus' and Tsuyu as they flew around in the air, dodging swipes from her massive hands!

"Annie! I have an idea!" Alyx shouted.

"What is it?!" Annie shouted back.

Alyx stopped where he was and put his arms to his side, Annie smiled with delight as she realized what he was setting up! Kariya, Tsuyu, and Annie all floated next to him.

"Kamehame..." They all muttered.

"HAAA!!!" The quartet of heroes screamed.

The blast slammed into Mistress Monsoon's hand as she blocked the attack.

"Something like this isn't gonna get rid of me!" Her voice bellowed.

"That's because we aren't using our full power, dumbass!" Annie retorted.

The Leonidus' entered Boost Fire at times 20 magnification, the Kamehameha blasted right through Monsoon's giant, watery hand. It blasted her in the face, completely overwhelming her! It exploded in a bright flash of light, sending water flying into the air and scattering around the area. Mistress Monsoon was face down on the cargo ship deck, completely unconscious. The quartet of heroes landed down onto the deck as Selkie made his way up. Kariya let Sirius hopped down from his back.

"Incredible work everyone! Now, let's get everything back to normal!" Selkie grinned.

[One Hour Later...]


I woke up in Annie's arms, what in the hell happened? How long was I out for and where even were we? I heard seagulls squawking in the distance, we must be near the beach, maybe? Annie helped me sit up and...

"W-Where in the fuck are my clothes?!" I exclaimed.

"Easy, why do you think we've got a blanket around you? You got hit by a Quirk that reverted you and Tsuyu down to children. We've got that all situated now though." Annie explained.

"Wait... Tsuyu! Is she okay?" I fretted.

I looked over and saw Sirius tending to Tsuyu. I let out a small sigh of relief. The police arrived and hauled Mistress Monsoon away.

"Not gonna lie, that Monsoon chick was a baddie." Kariya remarked.

Annie glared at him, Kariya laughed at her, "What? I'm just saying!"

After all of this, I was honestly more than ready to head back home. I'm sure Tsuyu felt the same way as well.

[30 Minutes Later...]

We arrived back at the dorms; everyone was really glad that we were back to our normal states! I made my way up to my room after greeting everyone. I dropped the blanket that was around me to change into actual fitting clothes. I heard my door open as I was getting dressed.

"You know, you really must've been quite the handful when you were younger, darling." Momo told me.

I put on a crop top, "Yeah, I've been told that. I'm assuming you had to deal with me?"

"Yeah, let's just say that you thought that my breasts were 'pillows' and that I could take them off whenever to sleep on them." Momo giggled.

"Oh, I remember thinking that! I actually said that to you?" I laughed.

Momo nodded at me and I kept laughing.

"Honestly, and this might be my Uncle Zenitsu talking, buuuut... Those things could classify as pillows regardless, just saying." I remarked.

"Really, you aren't blaming it on him, are you? Are you sure that isn't what you're saying?" Momo wondered.

"If it was, I would've told you to choke me out with them, something I don't think neither of us would've ever thought I'd say." I replied.

"Alyx Sienna Leonidus...! Are you into those things?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

I crossed my arms, "No, Kaminari's corrupted my mind so... Internally? Yes. Externally? No."

"You're such an odd individual, you know that?" Momo smiled.

She gave me a hug and pressed her head against my chest.

"I'm really glad you're not a child anymore, Alyx." She cooed.

"I never thought I'd hear anyone say that, like, ever. But I'm glad that I'm not a kid anymore as well!" I chuckled.

I couldn't help but notice that my room darkened a bit, I looked out of my balcony door and saw that it was cloudy out. The clouds were rather dark, I wonder if all that water Mistress Monsoon shot out evaporated already? But that wouldn't make sense, it's still kinda cold out. Momo and I ventured downstairs to see if it was supposed to snow at all.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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