
Mikaboshi & Alyx's Unrivaled Power! (Part 2 of 2)


Leonidus had combined with Amatsu Mikaboshi to create the ultimate warrior! There name... Leoboshi! They arrived back on Earth, Kariya and Annie were handling Ikari pretty well! Leoboshi charged in and punched Ikari right in the jaw! It sent him flying away from them.

"Woah... Look at you! Seems like you and that damn demon CAN get along!" Kariya smirked.

"Oh, shut your mouth, mortal. We're only doing this because he NEEDED my help." Leoboshi retorted.

Ikari roared at him before grinning. Leoboshi stood and stared at him before smiling.

"Alright, let's go!" He shouted.

The newly joined warriors and Ikari went into the air, he shot an array of energy blasts at us. Leoboshi knocked him back and laughed. He cracked his knuckles before flying higher into the air.

"Time to kick it up a notch!" Leoboshi shouted.

He entered Gear Five at full power! Ikari rebounded and darted straight towards him. Ikari started swinging wildly at him, but Leoboshi dodged every strike with ease. He ducked a punch then hit Ikari in the face with a mighty Overdrive Fist. Ikari tried retaliating with a fist of his own, only for it to be blocked, then he was spin kicked straight into the ground.

"DIVINE WRATH!!" He shouted.

Leoboshi shot sharp blue energy blades down to Ikari. Ikari created a shield around himself and rushed towards him, their fists collided and it sent Ikari back. Leoboshi appeared in front of him and punched him in the neck! That collar around his neck finally cracked. Ikari snarled before launching an array of energy blasts at Leoboshi. Leoboshi reflected the blasts using a Counter Burst, causing a massive explosion of bright orange light. The smoke cleared and Ikari stumbled up to his feet, his body trembled from the pain, but he still kept going.

"HURAAAH!!! RAAAAH!!" Ikari roared.

"You don't exactly communicate well, do you? Savages like you belong six feet under, but I digress." Leoboshi remarked.

He charged straight towards Leoboshi, he hit him with an Overdrive Fist and sent him flying backwards. Leoboshi darted forward, hitting him with a barrage of punches and kicks. His collar slowly started to crack more and more. Finally, with one last punch to the neck, his collar snapped completely! Ikari stumbled back and felt his neck. He coughed and gagged before falling to one knee.

"There! Feel any better now, Ikari?" He wondered.

He stood there and grabbed his throat and looked back at them. He stopped grabbing at his throat, Ikari began to show signs of calmness.

"We aren't wanting to hurt you. Just listen to us, we aren't wanting to fight you. We only wanted to figure out what was going on." Leoboshi told him.

It seems he understood, and he slowly nodded, "Y-Yes.."

Leoboshi walked up to him then healed him. Alyx and Mikaboshi split apart, and Mikaboshi immediately returned to the Seventh Plane.


Ikari caught me as I fell to the ground, "T-Thanks..."

He nodded and carried me back over to Annie and Kariya. His Father was there, being interrogated by both of them. Ikari helped me stand up and walked over to his father.

"I-Ikari! You're okay!" He smiled.

He ran towards Ikari, but Ikari punched his father right in the face!

"Screw... You." Ikari growled.

He lifted his hand up and incinerated his father with one blast!

"H-Holy shit!" Annie exclaimed.

"I've always wanted to do that. That felt... Good." He muttered.

Ikari turned to us, "I'm... Sorry for what I did."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You didn't exactly have control over yourself." Kariya replied.

Ikari slightly smiled, "My Father... He experimented on me. My Quirk is like yours, my Father wanted to replicate your Quirk, I never understood why. I guess it was because it was strong?"

Woah! No wonder this guy was so tough! I wonder if he's got Gears like we do? It'd be super cool to fight someone like him again!

"So, what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I have no where to stay now. I may have to wander for a while until I find a place to call home." Ikari told us.

I had a really bright idea! I think it'll take some convincing, but it might just work out.

"Wait, how about you come back with us to our resort! You can stay there!" I suggested

Ikari's eyes widened as he looked at me, "R-Really? You'll do that?"

I nodded, Annie looked over at me. I already could tell what she was thinking, but she didn't say anything. We took off back towards the resort, I didn't even realize how long we were gone for!

[A Couple Hours Later...]

We landed back down at the resort. Our Mother and Father came out of the large mansion.

"How long did that- WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU GUYS?! WHO'S THAT?!?" My Mother shouted.

We told my Mother and Father about what happened. We reassured them that Ikari didn't mean any harm, not anymore at least. Ikari also told them about how his Father wanted him to have a similar Quirk to Annie, Kariya, our father and myself. They couldn't believe what they were hearing!

"Oh my... You poor thing, how old are you anyway?" My Mother asked.

"I'm only 14." Ikari responded.

"WHAT?!" We all shouted.

Ikari nodded at us, I guess he wasn't lying. He was about 7 feet tall, and was only 14?! Holy hell! That's insane! Not to mention how quickly he adapted to all of our fighting styles when we fought him. We asked our parents if he could live here at the resort, since he didn't have anywhere else to go. My parents agreed, thankfully!

"Thank you, I promise I'll keep this place clean." Ikari smiled.

[A Few Days Later...]

We were getting ready to leave the resort, I'd have to say, this whole vacation was really fun! I heard Ikari call out to me and he ran up to me.

"Alyx! Will I see you again?" He asked.

"Yeah! I really want to spar with you sometime! Maybe you could help me get into further Gears of my Quirk!" I beamed

I stuck my hand out, and Ikari shook it, "I'll see you soon, friend! I'll come back to visit you every now and then!"

We boarded a yacht and left the island. I looked out and waved at Ikari, he waved back as we got farther and farther away from the island.

"Hey, Dad," I spoke up, "Thank you for letting us do that."

My Dad put his hand on my shoulder, "No problem, Alyx. Now, let's go, Mom's making something really good!"

"Is it Tatertot Casserole?!" I exclaimed.

"It sure smells like it, come on, I'm sure we can go convince her to make a lot!" My Father grinned.

Today was a rather amazing day! I couldn't wait to see what else the future has for me, I wonder if I'll meet any cool Pro Heroes down the line? That'd be awesome!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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