
A Rated-R Internship! The Reason for Staying Calm?

I still couldn't believe that I was interning with Midnight! This would definitely be quite the experience. I stood in front of Midnight's office inside of U.A. and knocked. I stood there and waited for her to answer it. I stood there for about 5 minutes or so, was she busy? I closed my eyes and walked inside her office.

"Hey, Ms. Midnight, I didn't know if you were changing into your hero costume so I didn't want to be rude and-" I stopped as I ran into her.

I stepped back a bit and opened my eyes, "S-Sorry! I didn't want to walk in on you if you were putting on your costume."

"Usually, the boys run in here with their eyes wide open, how adorable! I bet a boy like you can do wonders for a girl, in more ways than one!" Midnight winked.

"Yeah, just ask Momo, she'll tell you!" I laughed.

"My, my! Seems as if you aren't so innocent after all!" Midnight giggled.

I smiled and rubbed the back of my head, "Well, I try my best!"

"Anyways, we should talk about this 'Work-Study'. With the passing of that law, I'm not gonna risk going out on patrol, so instead we'll conduct some training exercises." Midnight informed.

"Ooo, training exercises? As a Work-Study? Awesome! Does this mean I get to train my Quirks?" I exclaimed.

"Of course! That's what a training exercise is, it'll be rigorous, so don't expect it to be a walk in the park." Midnight replied.

"Alright!" I shouted with glee.

"I never knew you were so excited about putting your body through pain, that really turns me on you know!" Midnight swooned.

My eyes narrowed; I keep forgetting that Midnight is extremely blunt with her personality. I followed Midnight further into her office.

"Hey, this place kinda smells like some sort of fancy perfume. Also, where are we going?" I asked.

"Where going somewhere that I can dominate you without having to hear about the ruckus." Midnight told me.

You know, it's times like these where I ask myself, "What exactly did I do?" This is one of those many times, I understand that she's talking about training and all, but still. It honestly catches you off guard with how straightforward her fantasies are, if you can even call them that. We walked into this huge back room that must serve as some sort of training area! I didn't even know this existed!

"Alright, we're gonna start out with sparing, I hope you can handle the punishment." Midnight informed me.

"Of course, you sure you can keep up, old lady?" I smirked.

I knew how much she hated being called old, if I was gonna get the early advantage, I needed to get into her head.

"What did you just call me?" She fumed.

"You heard me, grandma! I said you sure as hell won't be able to keep up with me!" I shouted.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm gonna make sure you're leaving here black and blue!"

The cracking sound of her whip signaled the start of the bout. I didn't want to hurt her so I activated Mode Two all around me except for my hands and forearms. She darted towards me and tried to hit me with her whip, I dodged it but she somehow managed to rebound in that short time frame, smacking me in the face with it. I jumped into the air to avoid her whip, I took pot shots at her with my Stardust Shoot, which proved to be effective! I sent her flying into a padded wall and into some chairs. She clutched at her side and looked like she was in pain. In reality, she grabbed a bullwhip and struck me in the back with it! She hit me again across the stomach, the pain was starting to anger me! I felt my blood boil and my back began to burn up.

"That's right! Scream for mercy! Scream for me!" Midnight demanded as she kept hitting me with the bullwhip.

Four Rage arms burst out of my back and I lost it! I grabbed her bullwhip; my sudden Quirk change took her by surprise as I quickly pulled her forward. At this point, I was blind and seething with rage!


Two of my Rage arms wrapped around my arm, creating a huge fist that slammed right into Midnight at full power! It sent her crashing down into the ground hard! I landed onto the ground and realized what just happened. I reverted out of my Rage and ran over to her.

"Shit... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to call you names, Ms. Midnight! I'm really, really sorry!" I quickly apologized.

I grabbed her arm and placed my other hand on her shoulder to support her. She kept looking down at the ground for a bit but then quickly turned her head to look at me.


For the first time ever, I was truly left speechless. Here, is a grown woman that's apparently now a sadomasochist, crying her eyes out to a student about it. If I had a Mineta mindset, this would definitely be Heaven.

"M-Ms. Midnight, snap out of it!" I exclaimed as I shook her by the shoulders.

She shook her head and broke out of the trance, "O-Oh! Apologies, I guess I just couldn't control myself."

I helped her up to her feet and gave her that bullwhip.

"Yeah... I guess so." I gloomily replied.

"What? Did I hit you too hard? I knew you couldn't handle it." Midnight smirked.

I held my left arm and looked to the side, "No, I just... I just don't feel comfortable continuing this Work-Study."

"Huh? What's wrong?" She asked.

"It has nothing to do with you, I'm fine and I'm pretty much used to how you talk, but I don't want to lash out like that again. I could've seriously hurt you." I told her.

"Well, if you didn't feel comfortable, you should've said something to me. I would've stopped the training and I would've let you cool down. You know I wouldn't keep you in a position where you felt uncomfortable." Midnight cooed.

"Yeah, I know." I muttered.

"Besides, I have more exercises that won't require any sparring. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, I'd rather have you do that first." Midnight reassured.

I nodded, "Okay."

Midnight came over and hugged me, which I honestly didn't expect.

"Woah, this thing on your chest is actually leather? I thought it was just a design!" I noted.

"You'd be the first person to say that. Normally it's either they've fallen asleep or they'd bury their faces in my chest." Midnight laughed.

[10 Minutes Later...]

I shifted a bit from one of Midnight's office chairs. It was kind of a weird looking chair.

Midnight kicked her feet up on her desk, "So, you wanna talk about why you don't like using your Rage Quirk? I've got all day."

"Yeah, I think I'm alright now. Do you actually want to know?" I questioned.

"Yes, go on, I'm listening." Midnight cooed.

I sighed, "Well, it's because I hurt someone with it before..."

[[Flashback: 9 Years Prior]]

"Leave her alone! She didn't do anything to you!" Alyx shouted.

"Heh... As if! She set Mikey's toy on fire, right?" A boy argued.

Laura held her cheek as Alyx stood in front of her.

"She didn't mean it! That's just her Quirk it-" Alyx was interrupted as Mikey threw him aside.

"Yeah, whatever! I can't believe you're trying to defend some stinky girl, Alyx!" Mikey retorted.

The boys circled around Laura and started making fun of her and kicking sand at her.

"STOP IT!" Alyx pleaded.

The boys ignored Alyx's cry, which made Alyx's blood boil. Red and black smoke surrounded him as two Rage arms burst out of his back.

"I SAID STOP!" Alyx roared.

Alyx ran towards Mikey and the other kids, ramming his fist into Mikey's face. Mikey hit the ground and the other boys looked on in horror as Alyx stood over him. Mikey quickly stood up and ran away, which the other boys followed.

"Y-You're a freak, Leonidus!" Mikey yelled.

Alyx realized what he had done and quickly reverted out of his newly found Rage Quirk.

"I... I... Oh no..." Alyx shuddered.

Alyx looked down at his hands he turned around and looked at Laura who was now standing.

"Oh no! Your back is bleeding! Are you alright?" Laura asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. My tummy feels weird though." Alyx responded.

He looked at Laura's face and saw that she was hurt as well, "Your name is Alyx, right? We should get you to the nurse and tell a teacher!"

"W-Wait! You're hurt too! Let me help you." Alyx exclaimed.

Alyx activated his Base Mode and put his hand on Laura's cheek. He healed her the best he could, which surprised Laura.

"I-Isn't your hand burning from my hair? Only my Mommy can touch my hair without getting hurt." Laura noted.

"I'm fine, I guess warm and cold don't do anything to me." Alyx softly smiled.

Alyx pulled his hand away from Laura, "We should go tell someone now."

Laura and Alyx quickly ran towards a teacher.

[[Present Day]]

"...And I've rarely used my Rage Quirk since, besides today and yesterday. I hurt him, Momo, and now you with it. As ungrateful as it sounds, I hate it, I think it makes me a freak because of it." I confessed.

Midnight put her feet down and leaned forward, "A freak? Alyx, you've been blessed with two incredible Quirks, you aren't a freak. You just don't know how to control your Rage."

Midnight got up and sat down next to me.

"I remember when I first developed my Quirk, people stayed away from me since I would sometimes accidentally put them asleep. I felt like an outcast until about my middle school years where I finally decided to embrace who I was." Midnight smiled.

"A sadist that was secretly a masochist?" I wondered.

"That, and I learned to accept my Quirk. I didn't care about what other people thought of me, although all eyes were on me, they still are! You wouldn't believe how many people are actually wanting me to dominate them, it's so thrilling! It really turns me on! But anyways, you shouldn't be afraid to let loose and be yourself. You used it during that warm up with Eraser Head yesterday, why not now?" She continued.

I crossed my arms and looked to the side, "Because I don't want to hurt anyone, that's why. I guess I'm just scared of it."

"But why? Why would you be scared of it?" Midnight asked.

"I... It's... It's hard to explain. So, I have this thing that's a part of me, it's a spirit, I guess. Its name is Amatsu Mikaboshi, which is the God of Evil. Although he isn't exactly evil neither good. I'm assuming he's more of a concept. But after everything he's done, it just reminds me of him. My Mother told me not to be afraid of it when I was little, but it's just so hard not to when he's right there next to you." I explained.

Midnight placed her hand on my shoulder and looked concerned.

"Something else happened, didn't it? I can tell just by looking at your face. If you don't want to tell me, that's completely fine." Midnight cooed.

"I hurt my Mother." I quietly admitted.

I closed my eyes and the memory flooded back to me. I fell into Midnight and cried my eyes out.

"I-I didn't mean to do it! That's why I hate it! That's why I fucking hate who I am!" I cried.


Nemuri tore a bit of her hero costume and let out a bit of her Quirk. Alyx's cries slowly stopped as he was put to sleep by her Quirk. She dialed up someone on her phone in her office.

"Hey, I need you to come pick Alyx up. We just got done with our training." She told him.

A few minutes later, Shota Aizawa walked into her office. He looked down at Alyx who was passed out.

"Huh, you must've given him a run for his money. What'd you do?" Aizawa asked.

"I'll explain on the way out." Nemuri responded.

Shota picked Alyx up and they walked out of the room.

"He used his Rage Quirk against me, it packed quite a punch. But he apologized to me about it." Nemuri told him.

"Oh? I saw him hold it back during the Sports Festival against Yaoyorozu, but he did the same with you?" Aizawa questioned.

Nemuri nodded, "He also told me about why he was scared of using it. He broke down after telling me he hurt his own mother with it. I truly think he needs help, Shota, not just with his Quirk. Has anyone really sat down and talked to him? I'd love to help him, he saved me from those Nomus before going after Gigantomachia during his First Year, remember? We need to repay him back for that and I'l do whatever I can to help him."

"From my knowledge, I'm not entirely sure. I would assume he's discussed things Yaoyorozu or Midoriya since he's particularly close to them, Yaoyorozu especially. I can agree with you, I'd do the same for him as well. But you have to stop those damn tests, it's only going to make things worse." Aizawa replied.

Nemuri and Shota had made their way to Heights Alliance. Shota brought Alyx up to his room and set him down on his bed. He walked downstairs and met back with Nemuri.

"I'll wait here for a while, you can go back if you'd like." Aizawa offered.

"No, I should wait here as well. I've been thinking about reaching out to that woman, Red Scarlet, was her name?" Nemuri suggested.

"You're talking about Stevie Rhiannon? That girl that was in your class? Wasn't her Quirk called 'Reality Alter'? Maybe her and Alyx would understand each other more then, since their Quirks share similar properties." Aizawa stated.

Nemuri held her phone, "Just say the word and I'll make the call."


[4 Hours Later...]

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Momo sitting next to me.

"Hey, how are you feeling, darling?" She cooed.

I sat up, "I guess I'm alright."

"Mr. Aizawa and Midnight wanted me to tell you that they've arranged an appointment with Stevie Rhiannon, she's a well-known Quirk and Guidance Counselor. Midnight is putting the internship on hold until after tomorrow." Momo informed me.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know." I responded.

I looked to the side a bit then back at her, "You don't think I'm a freak, do you?"

"If you think you're a freak, then I'm one too. But you aren't a freak, Alyx." Momo reassured.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She wrapped her arms around me, "I'm positive, darling. Midnight also told me to go with you to Ms. Rhiannon's tomorrow as well."

I nodded, wrapped my arms around her, and laid back down. Momo pushed her head through my arms and looked at me.

"We'll be freak buddies, except closer!" Momo whispered.

I shook my head and chuckled. Tomorrow was going to be quite interesting; I just know it.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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