

Location: Mt. Northern Star (???'s Location)

From a distance, several people were seen wearing black robes and watching the movements of the goblins attacking Izuku and his friends.

"Finally I found something that His Majesty would like... Muahahahaha" Said someone in a black robe.

"I think it's time you stopped this. We've got what His Majesty will like... oh... and removed all the evidence that would cause the royal magician to notice our movements." Said the person beside him.

"Hmm... very unfortunate... even though I wanted to catch and control it too..." That person answered.

Location: Mt. Northern Star (Izuku's Location)

Izuku and his friends were still busy dealing with the immense horde of goblins. However, suddenly something strange happened to the goblins. They suddenly started moaning in pain and it looked like they couldn't breathe. Izuku and his friends who saw it were very surprised and astonished by what they saw.

"W-what happened?" Ochaco asked.

"They all look like they can't breathe," Tenya replied.

'(Seeing this I am even more convinced that these goblins are controlled by someone) thought Eraser.

"Eraser Head, what should we do?" Asked Shoto.

"Uraraka, use healing magic on one of those goblins!" Eraser told Ochaco to use a healing spell on the goblin in front of him.

"Healing magic? What for?" Ochaco asked in surprise.

"Just do it and I'll explain later" Eraser replied.

"Very well then, Guérir!!" Ochaco started using his healing magic.

"Iida, Midoriya, tie up the goblin so he doesn't rebel later," Eraser asked Tenya and Izuku to tie the goblin that Ochaco was healing so that after he recovered, he could not fight back.

"Alright, while waiting for Uraraka to heal that goblin, it looks like you guys owe us an explanation, Bakugou, Kirishima." Eraser glared at Katsuki and Eijiro.

"Why do we explain it? You've seen it yourself, haven't you? The person with this strange hairstyle was the giant lizard earlier and his rage overpowered the hell dwarf. Is that not clear enough?" Katsuki replied.

"That's not what I meant... Kirishima, are you a half-dragon?" Eraser asked Eijiro.

"Y-yes... I'm a half-dragon. Is there something wrong?" Eijiro looked confused.

"Beings with mixed blood are familiar, but it's been a long time since I saw a half-dragon. It's been a long time since the last time there was news of a dragon's sighting. The kingdom even decided that the dragon was extinct. So, where did you come from?" Eraser replied.

"I don't know where am I came from. When I woke up I was already in that cave and I don't remember how I got there. I also didn't remember anything besides my name and I'm a half-dragon. Since then... I lived here in that cave" Eijiro replied.

'(Amnesia?)' Thought Eraser.

"Eraser!" Izuku is called Eraser.

"So? Did the spell work?" Asked Eraser.

"Sorry… I don't know what happened. But this goblin's body seems to be resisting my healing magic" Ochaco replied.

"I see... it looks like these goblins are indeed controlled by someone or a group," said Eraser Head.

"Controlled? What does it mean?" Tenya asked.

"These goblins are controlled by a person or group with a specific purpose. For its purposes, I don't know for sure. But I believe these goblins are controlled by them. The reason was that the goblins certainly wouldn't flock this much. From what I know, a group of goblins would only number thirty to fifty at most. And the number of them in the thousands indicates that they are controlled. Apart from that, Uraraka healing magic did not affect either. This indicates that this goblin has been completely controlled so that the controller is also able to control the flow of the goblin's magic itself. This means that all kinds of magic flow from outside will be blocked by the flow of magic from the controller. Usually, this method is used so that controlled monsters cannot escape from the magic that controls them because some types of monsters can easily break free from this spell" Eraser Head replied.

"But... this type of control magic isn't this the highest level?" Ochaco asked.

"What does it mean?" Izuku asked.

"The point is that this magic is very difficult to learn and it might be impossible if anyone can master this type of magic," Ochaco replied.

"You guys are too worried..." said Katsuki.

"What does that mean Bakugou-kun?!!" Tenya asked, raising his hand.

"What I mean is that goblins are quite weak, aren't they? So it's only natural that they can be completely controlled" Katsuki replied.

"Things are not that simple, Bakugou." Eraser interrupted them.

"What does this mean? I don't understand at all..." Eijiro was confused.

"Let me explain… First, Uraraka's statement regarding this magic is indeed true. The basics of controlling magic are difficult enough and can only control monsters for a certain time. Second, ordinary goblins were quite weak and would be easy to control even with basic control skills. But, do you guys remember the goblin shaman chasing us? They can use magic. That meant that the controller was talented enough in this field of magic to be able to control the goblin shaman. Third, with this total control magic technique, the controller can control the flow of magic belonging to the monster that he controls and even blocks the entry of magic energy from outside the monster's body that he controls with his magic. All of that indicates that if he is an enemy, then he is not an enemy that can be underestimated" Eraser explained the point of their conversation.

Izuku, Ochaco, Tenya, Shoto, Katsuki, and Eijiro were silent after listening to the explanation from Eraser Head. The situation became so quiet that all they could hear was the sound of the wind blowing around them. And with the explanation from the Eraser Head, they know something they shouldn't.




To Be Continued