
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 62: Suicide attempt

Zyro dashed outside, greeted by luxuriant forestry and rays of sunlight raining from above through the seams of clustering leaves. Which luster on the onyx helmet masking his face with that, of the fallen knight.

He never wore his helmet before in open space after becoming a slave. Mainly for precaution that the Gricks loitering scouts will recognize him, marking his doom.

However, today was an exception. What his about to do required full protection to increase his thin probability of emerging alive, because his basically commiting suicide in his own volition. Luckily, the Gricks aren't on this area, they're on a different side of the mountain, wandering near where the starship had crashed.

Truth be told, his chances this time are really, really low. The Blinker aren't a regular creature living in the woods, other feral beast such as the Flat-biters and Eyeless Hounds pale in comparison, exceedingly so. The horrors Zyro had seen allowed him to atleast took some steps to run. The Blinker, on the other hand are a cheat, itself. Meet it's appalling single eye, and blink. Your dead. That's solely it's mysterious power, considering it's unknown mark that Zyro would bet surpassed Warrior stage. Which is fifth-mark or higher. Meaning, it's the first creature Zyro encountered at the rank of a Master and received a blessing due to it passing the fourth mark.

Monster ascension differ to humanoid's beings. According to the sealed sage, people receive relics based on it's host characteristics. Therefore, for people whose mentality are formed by materialistic society. Their fourth Mark blessings are item based. On the other hand, beast with wild sentience and variety of body structures was a different story.

Unlike people, their minds were feral from birth, while their body are unsuited for creating and utilizing items. Because of this, their first blessings are formed according to their untamed, yet simple characteristics. Still, the fourth mark blessings were bound to be physical object, nothing more.

Resulting beastial creatures to receive something similar to evolution. Such as dangerous horns, steel claws, blade-like tales and so on.

The Blinker fourth-mark blessing are evident, and terrifying. It's likely the six legs, resembling black scythes.

After reviewing his encounter with the dark monster through Aizra recordings, Zyro notice it's pointy legs hardness when crawling. Soils and stones was pierced by it with each steps, like giant iron needles.

In a way, the Blinker possess multiple dark lances as foot. It had welded it's limbs to walk since birth, so there's no point doubting it's skills. And considering the Master stage strength, even without the Blinker unparalleled speed. Zyro are utterly no match against it.

Yet here he is, challenging that kind of monster. Despite charging towards death, Zyro's heart was tranquil. Rather, he found the current situation amusing. Him, the notorious fallen knight was hunting another infamous being within Foggy Ring. Two criminals arresting each outer are quite comical.

As soon as he got out, Zyro activated the suit full power. Disregarding what little energy is left within the power reserve. Coupled with all his physical might, Zyro speed was inhumane. As he passed blurring logs, shifting left in right to avoid colliding into them. This was Zyro's max speed, enough to outrun an olympic sprinter.

His direction, though, wasn't clear. Not straight forward where he could make the greatest distance in lesser time, nor left or right around the mountain.

Zyro suddenly slowed and stopped. His run was short, not even taking a minute. He just stood there, relieved at smoothly accomplishing the first step of the plan.

As he took a labored breath, Aizra monotone yet feminine voice informed him of another disadvantage.

[Battery Low]

The cybernetic armor last charge was weeks ago in the electrical lake. He didn't have the luxury of frequently visiting the natural power source due to the alerted scouts. Added, the Blinker issue was unforseen, it came without warning, bringing with it this troubling predicament the Mine is currently facing.

Since then, the suit exoskeleton have been activated multiple times to aid Zyro's dangerous ventures. Although, it's modern battery capacity was high, human technology still have limit. And it once again reached it.

The other time Zyro heard this notification, he was climbing on a rope vines under a massive island in the sky, populated by airborne pursuers. It's an absurd position, similar to now.

Briefly reminiscing about that moment, he felt something amiss with his memory.

'Wait, how did I scape alone?'

His logic suggest otherwise, for some reason. His rationality refuse that claim. There's no way he could have scape alone, when he came here, he was oblivious about the torturous cage functions, Gricks nature and Highland... But he succeed freeing himself with that knowledge in hand. Such feat are impossible and unreasonable. He felt a crucial fragment of his memory was missing. Similar to rigorously reviewing formulas for tomorrow's exam, but forgetting it when needed. He remembered the information about the Highland he obtained, but not it's source. As if it appeared out of nowhere.

This thought of his was immediately thrown in the back of his mind.

Past are past. Dwelling on former predicaments in dire present was a fools errand. The Highland imprisonment was behind him and he have no plan returning. What's important now is passing the Blinker obstacle, impossible as it may be.

The spot his standing on are not that far from the burrow hole. It's quite random, to others perspective.

As soft wind blew, swaying the countless hanging leaves above. Some dead leafs would gently fall, sailing in the wind as they descend. The rising sun rain radiance, filling the woods with grace of peace.

If one disregard lurking savages within this forest, this world are actually beautiful.

The fallen knight stayed standing, unfazed and unmoving. As if silently appreciating the sight of beautiful nature filled with greenery. Sights like this are rare to the advance world Zyro knew of, by the time his born. Humans had already devoured every lands and natural resources earth had to offer. What's little left of ancient nature became caged gardens meant for the rich.

Zyro was born poor, for him, real trees are only seen in holographic billboards as a kid. Seeing countless of them now as far as the eye could see bring him delight. Now he actually have the time to appreciate it, instead of thinking about survival.

Since waking into this world, Zyro never showed fear for death in all the trials he overcome. Not the torturous cage, not the pursuing Gricks, not the beasts, slavery and the sealed sage. Even the appalling Blinker failed to frightened him. No because his braveness knows no bounds, but because he've long deemed death as the only salvation in his accursed life.

'What a nice place for an end'

Coming in terms with dying that all beings fear serves as a invaluable boon to him. Thanks to that, waging his life felt as normal as eating. Erasing unnecessary mental reactions from holding him back, such as panic, despair and fear. Weaknesses all mundane creatures share, that mostly cost their life.

Even though this is the closest he've stood at the door of death. Instead of dread, anxiety and fear. Zyro was at peace, more than ever. Like a man finally finding what his looking for. He've long come in terms with death, for life had given him too many reasons to give up and embrace eternal oblivion. That's why he no longer feared dying, rather, he welcome it.

So as it's bringer.

After a minute or two, a familiar ominous sound entered his ear. Soils and rocks being stumped by six pointy limbs in a rapid succession behind him. Thanks to the silent environment. Zyro heard it clear enough. The noises are low, at first, growing in volume as seconds gone by.

The steps then stopped, bringing a momentary silence in the green world around him. Leaving peaceful sounds of nature play their melodies in the tense, yet tranquil atmosphere.

After a while, the motionless fallen knight move. Slowly turning back to see his guess.

As expected, the Blinker who's swiftly rotating around the mine in search for scaping preys greeted him with silent malice.

Though, what it found wasn't a normal Mine worker. But a knight clad in dark steel, emitting unknown reason, power and skill. However, it's more than confident triumphing over some wandering knight.

Yet didn't charge recklessly, it first covered a nearby tunnel hole where it's very first scaped prey used to fled. Cutting the knights only way to safeness from it's reach.

What followed next favored the monster tremendously.

Zyro, despite knowing the Blinker trump card. Turn and meet the gaze of its single, abyssal eye. Perfectly circular, lightless and full of silent lethality.

His pair of black pupils stare at it through the glass visor, without camera vision on. Just like their first encounter, the Blinker ominous gaze were as creepy as ever. Specially when you knew the moment you loss sight of it is the moment you lost your life.

Zyro took a deep breath. His mind was clear.

The plan was simple, stand at a certain spot, where he'll be found by the wandering monster. What followed, though, was questionable. And nothing but suicidal.

The next moment, Zyro shut his eyelid. Not one, but both. Unleashing the Blinker incomprehensible power.

'I guess... This is it'