
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 60: Brave Coward

Zyro was a coward. The thing called 'Pride' had long extinguished within himself due to it's uselessness. That's something you can't expect to someone whose born homeless and begged for food.

He can't think of anything to prove it's worth, rather, the opposite. He can describe tons of reasons why it's unneeded through experiences. In his younger days undergoing life and death trainings. Guarding his pride for some stupid and immature reasons had hindered him numerous times, costing significant losses. Things went on like that for years, until constant tragic events eventually erased everything unnecessary for survival.

In return, Zyro could execute any actions such as running away from dreadful foes without being bothered mentally. Now that he thought about it, since arriving in this world. He did nothing but run, fled, evade and scape hindrance threatening his life. The Gricks imprisonment because a false accusations, fleeing from their circular fortress floating in the sky above. Hiding in a cave till they pass. And now, the insidious Blinker's death game.

However, the difference from now and then. Is that Zyro was pushed in a corner - the guards were obligated to perform their duty outside, deeming their death in the swift monster maw inevitable. So as their count and force decreasing over time, until myriads of beast desiring to invade and feast upon the powerless miners within this caverns can no longer be shunned away. Zyro, was included in those helpless workers if that happens.

By then, the underground tunnels housing him will be infested by predatory beasts. Similar to the forest outside, robbing him a safe place to rest and people's to rely on. Honestly, Zyro can't survive alone in this world. He needed the Mine to stay functional, in order to obscure his presence from the Gricks. And keep him safe from wild animals until his preparations to leave are complete.

Though, with the Blinker scheming around them. Everything changes, for the Mine inevitable end is nearing.

He can't think of any solutions anymore. Except taking down the orchestrator before the play begin that will mark their doom.

Zyro was a coward, true, but when left with no choice. He could be braver than the strongest lions.

Thus, he steel his will and decided to challenge the legendary Blinker, a dreadful existence that itched itself in history and people's mind. Peerless for it's speed, even amongst it's kinds. Even with his out of this world armor, his success rate against such foe won't improve much, in all honesty. Not to mention the fact that Shroud of Night's battery reserve was running out. While his unable to go in the electrified lake to refill it.

Other than him, the owner of the Mine had also got a gist of the Blinker motives.

Obviously, the Mine forces alone fall short to apprehend the notorious monster. The Blinker deeds through the years are not a secret, those who possess vast information channels in high society knew of its existence and numerous crimes. The Mine was not it's first victim. So whenever it appeared, others within Foggy Ring would be more than happy to aid hunting the tricky pest - vampires kingdom included. A generous bounty was even placed on its head. However despite making countless enemies, the Blinker was still out and running even now for a reason. Trapping it was complicated thanks to it's decisive nature. Like now, the Mine were cut out from contacting external reinforcements because of this world outdated communication system that required physical traveling. Boss Boru didn't bother sending messenger knowing it will be blocked by the clever beast.

Instead, he prioritize sustainability - reorganizing the Mine-guards covered area to a smaller degree. That way, distance between wandering groups are lessened, making it easier to reinforce each other when attacked. And retreat faster if necessary. This guarding formation will last longer than the former, he hope. Until his product receiver would find the prolonged delay of the expected goods suspicious. Leading them to send men's to check the Mine, which will informed them of his monster problem.

Unbeknownst to others, a seemingly insignificant slave had better, simplified solution - kill the Blinker. And No, Zyro wasn't joking. His dead serious about that claim, because his really going to take the Blinker life with his own two, human hands.

Why? Let's say the Mine withstand the Blinker onslaught until reinforcements arrive. The problem is, by then, considerable amount of mine guards would have already died. While reinforcements won't standby and wait here forever. They too, had their own general duties to tend to on other places. With how elusive that monster is, not getting caught was a piece of cake. Eventually, the reinforcements will return to their respective stations and leave the mine alone. Thinking the Blinker had left for good. But it won't, other than Pert and Zyro, no one knew was aware of the underlying reason behind the Blinker hostility.

As long as it think they knew about the flaw, it will not rest till the Mine fall.

The Blinker was a hindrance blocking their way to leave Foggy Ring. A troublesome monster Zyro needed to get rid of first before it did to them.

Within the mine, inside the secret chamber made by Pert.

A raging flame glowed through the seems of a crudely made stone stove that house dozens of burning embers. The blaze only grew brighter and more furious as Pert, who's bathed in sweat constantly panned air inside the lower opening using a sizable leaf suited for panning air.

Coupled with high quality coals found underground. In earth, it's refered as coal beds, fossils of ancient dead trees that been buried by time. Eventually becoming premium charcoals, after millions of years. Although, Zyro didn't find a vast coal bed in the mine, he atleast discover small bundles of them. That's all he need.

The stove they use was crafted by Pert, simple and efficient. A block of boulder, with it's inside carved out and a hole on the top for heat to come out. Nesting above it was a thick, iron bucket dyed in scarlet by excessive heat. Inside it contains puddle of molten yellow, similar to gold.

Near the stove glowing mouth, steaming steaks was placed. Juicy oils covered the meats browny surface, inferring that it's ready to be eaten.

After a while of tirelessly working his ass of, Pert decided to rest. Took some grilled meats to quench his hunger and offered some to Zyro. Who's focused on weaving modifications on his garment in the corner. Away from smoldering waves of heat.

Setting near the sewing Zyro as he eat. Taking a bite in delight, Pert tiredly strike a conversation.

"I must say, this grilled meats are the best. I can't remember the last time I had one."

Without stoping his hands, Zyro emotionlessly replied with dark enthusiasm.

"You better enjoy it, who knows. It may be our last supper."

Which unintentionally silenced Pert. Making the kid remember the impending storm progressing at the moment. Knowing your life will soon end while powerless to prevent it wasn't a pleasant feeling. The only thing he could do was aid someone who knew of a solution, albeit, a crazy madman. Still, the fallen knight astonishing accomplishment was undeniable. If the fallen knight could assassinate prince Ron and live to tell the tales with countless Gricks behind his back. Who knew, perhaps he could really kill the notorious Blinker. In the entire Mine, was the best bet for Pert.

Breaking the gloomy silence, Pert commented after recalling the ridiculous plan Zyro told him.

"No offense, and I know this is the fifth time I'm asking this. But are you actually certain about that plan of yours?... It seemed, too wild and risky."

Zyro simply shrugged.

"For the fifth time, yes. Unless you have better ideas, then we're left with no choice. I'm merely facing death, as always."

Pert understand his apathetic logic, his no stranger to risks of dying. What Zyro will do was the usual bet of life. The difference is that, against the Blinker, his chances of survival are exceptionally slim.

To be more precise. Aizra's calculation imply. He atleast have 1% chance of prevailing, considering the overall factors, that mostly are uncertainties.

Another morning came, as expected. The culprit struck once again. Seven night guards were reported dead, the murderer left as soon as it arrive. Leaving single gruesome stabs in their heats.

Combatants who's fortunate enough to be spared was shaken by their enemy's lightning fast fashion in striking. Even more, after hearing how swift the victims died from close comrades that accompanied them last night. Imagine your ally, chatting beside you a moment ago suddenly dying.

Ah, the horror they must have felt. It's like playing a unprofitable game with your life on the line. Walking around in darkness, knowing you could be chosen by the reaper any passing second. Your life hope, solely rely on luck. As if to make things worse, even if you survive one game. After a day of rest, If you could actually rest knowing the same, dreadful game will repeat itself by nightfall. Over, and over again.

This situation are slowly driving the guards mad. To live in worry for repeating nightmares everyday. Was worse than short death.

The Mine forces are decreasing not only in quantity, but also mentally. Their battle moral is starting to dwindle, the more nights past with murder occuring each sequence. Zyro doubted Boss Boru commands could still maintain order, and prevent chaos within the Mine from breaking loss.

The Blinker, truly are a cunning foe. It made Zyro wonder, who's wit will triumphed who.

Before everything further get out of control. Zyro enjoyed a delicious meal before setting out to hunt that baleful monster.