
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 50: Who knew?

After that, the four Plunderers that spread fear among miners slowly died miserably under merciless punishment for everyone to see. No statement was able to save them. For Zyro's traps was meticulously planned to find flaws.

The Plunderers and the Alpha that tormented him meet appalling deaths. Even if Zyro cautiously executed the retribution, it wasn't light - taking down the their backing Alpha first to cut their connection in Mine military, all the while planting deceiving evidences for a believable lie. And spouting a few clues to lead the judge judgement into punishing the remaining four.

By doing so, Zyro only risked devastating one target and let the Mine ruler do the rest for him. At the same time, wrapping this issue to prevent further investigations.

In this ancient era, tortures knows no bounds. The four deemed sinners death was brutal to say the least, so much so that the majority of the masses refuse to watch their snail-paced demise under verifying gruesome torments.

'Why do I feel like a villain?'

Because he is. Not technically, but suited that role perfectly. Zyro wasn't a galant hero who'll selflessly protect others for the sake of kindness and peace. Maybe he possess distant resemblance of that characteristics in the past, but that immature naiveness was long wiped clean by the hurdles he faced. Honing him into a cruel and deceitful young man.

It wasn't the nicest character to have, but it's what keep him alive till now.

Still, although his ways are merciless. What he just did can also be considered heroic. The Plunderers were sinister slaves, robbing fruits their fellows righteously earned through sweat and blood. Resulting many to starve despite working and die in hunger. Such deaths was slow and painful. But what could they do against those four brutes which favored by laws? Nothing. But now, the renowned plunderers received deserving ends. Including the Alpha who supported their evil deeds.

The lie everyone believed was it's a result of a conflict between four slaves and an Alpha-guard that ended on both side dying. All thanks to Boss Boru's wisely solving the case and unveiling the tricky truth.

No one knew who truly holds the strings, though. Zyro preferred it that way.

He didn't do it to avenge the dead slaves the Plunderers indirectly kill, nor for those they robbed. And specially not for fame and glory. He did it because they crossed the wrong person - Zyro. Someone who never let a dog that bite him live.

The raw agony of his arms being bended still linger in his mind. The discomfort his heart felt when his friend begged for him, only to be harmed too. So as the following daily torments they inflicted the whole month on him.

They deserved it.

And Zyro felt no regrets nor ill conscience.

After that event, the days continue normally. Such trials were held occasionally to bring justice to significant issues, so it wasn't anything abnormal. But for mine-slaves, it was a trial that relieved a burden.

The Plunderers were no more, and those who followed them were reported and punished normally.

In Zyro's case, not only do he no more have to worry about being plundered. The arduous work he bore lighten considerably. After all, mine-slaves dug magic ores for food. Which he still have plenty in stack, if ever it ran out. Zyro could venture into the forest to hunt relatively weak beast. With the Shroud of Night augmentation and his outstanding skills, such dangerous feet wasn't that hard.

This solved Zyro's food source problem.

Now, he could moved on to the main predicament. His future.

Ain't no way he'll forever settled as a lowly miner. To complete the STELLAR mission, he first have to find Catalyst in this wide world. Evidently, a slave could not accomplish that. So, he need to raise in society.

With his considerable strength that's greater than first tier Warriors. Getting out of slavery weren't that difficult anymore. In an dangerous word where feral monstrosities wonder everywhere, demands for strong combatants were high. So as their salary. The problem is, his options were very limited.

The place his living currently was the Mine located in the wild outskirts of Foggy Ring near the misty wall. The main cities were at the center area, where the vampires small kingdom stood under the shadows of Gricks Highland. Those species wasn't friendly to the likes of Zyro - the vampires view others with bloodlust, while the Gricks disdained. The Highland lifted by colossal roots was obviously removed from his options, only Gricks were allowed there. The bloodsucking vampires were doable, he might be able to work with them if he disregarded the discrimination and threats they pose. Provided, he could safely reach their village or kingdom.

Which wasn't impossible, Zyro had done so once by participating in the caravan transporting loads of mana stones. Back then, the carriages were assaulted and numerous people died in mere seconds. It wasn't a pleasant travel, but could deliver him to the vampire village that may offer him more paths to choose from.

Well, there's also the safe option of being a Mine-guard. Though, due to the recent event involving him. Suddenly saying he got Marked might attract suspicion, and serving as an ordinary guard bear to much responsibilities but little salary's. Furthermore, if Zyro were lucky, he'll be stationed as slave overseer underground. If not, he'll serve as disposable meat shield in shunning monsters at night and lackeys for others.

Thinking about it, having the guard position will restricts Zyro's freedom significantly. Unlike now, with food available, he didn't have to mine and no one would always monitor him anyway.

'This is getting complicated'

Indeed, entering the vampires labor society or becoming a guard both had problematic effects. That said, there's the third option.

Outside the Foggy Ring, there exist the Kingdom of Strays, Burning City of Arden and Aegis Iron Fortress. Places that holds unknown yet promising futures. Granted, if Zyro could pass the enormous wall of misty toxin. One could easily hop over it by the use of aircraft, however, for someone as poor as Zyro. Such luxurious transport was untouchable. Furthermore, airships were manage by Gricks, so as entry and leaving Foggy Ring have to be done through them. If not, then illegal aircrafts will be hunted down.

'Problems, problems, problems'

Speaking of problems, his most dire one was power. Sure, Zyro owned Shroud of Night and boosted exceptional combat and mental skills allowing him to fair against opponents stronger than Alpha's. Nevertheless, the fact remain that, that's it's limit. No more, no less.

Prevailing against third tier warriors or higher was out of his capabilities... Currently. Or maybe for eternity? If that's true, might as well end it all. To complete STELLAR'S impossible mission of seeking and ravaging Catalyst. To do so, Zyro will undoubtedly need power, so much that he can scan this entire planet and possess means enough to obliterate continents or more. For Catalyst was indestructible.

But how was he supposed to aquire that if he couldn't even received marks nor utilize sorcery.

Well, Zyro was pretty good at fooling people. That's for sure, maybe he could manipulate numerous subjects and form an powerful organization that'll heed his command?

Easier said. But hard to be done.

Sadly, this world faction hierarchy contradicts Earth's management system where the supreme leader was strictly protected as they gave command. Here, due to the influence of ascension Marks, the head commanders received strength above his subordinates. Hence, it's the other way around, they're the ones who defends their subjects interests.

Take the Plunderers for example, when Zyro harmed the four loyal subjects, the true leader, Brim an Alpha dueled Zyro to make him repent.

Zyro could build organization, but lack strength to defend it as norm for leaders. Using deceiving words, he might be able to avoid such situations. However, needless to say. People here were no fools either, specially powerful ones. Frequent trickery won't always work on them.

Hence, creating external supporters to rely on was a hopeless endeavor in a world where everyone only heed the strong's command.

Zyro sighed.

'Isn't this too difficult?'

But then again, when did living became easy. Still, his state of life driven by a impossible mission were exceptionally grueling. All the more reason to take every steps with utmost vigilance.

Days flew by, Zyro remain lightly working as a mine slave. At the same time, constantly revising his future plans, making sure he've consider everything there is to prevent unprecedented mistakes. Sometimes, Aizra shared her opinions too.

Eventually, two weeks had past. Everything were going smoothly, like any other day in the Mine. By then, Zyro was about to reach a stable conclusion of what choice to take.

However, the incomprehensible fate seemed to have other plans for him.

Everything went to shambles when Zyro have a certain conversation with Pert.

It was a normal day.

Done from work, the two stride through warren caverns heading to Pert little room. Idly chatting as they go.

Pert spoke.

"Hey Zyro, did you hear about the abnormal night guards casualties?"

Zyro lingered, recalling chitchats he've heard recently.

"Yeah, it's been going on for a while now. Rumors say that even the strong guards died, not to mention the normal ones. So there's lots of vacant positions available, many got in already... Are you also considering becoming a guard?"

Pert though for a moment.

"Maybe, I'm still thinking about it. I'm a bit afraid though. If the old guards died while patrolling, then doesn't that mean new ones will replaced their position. And... Meet what killed them, too. Anyway, help me! do you have any idea why those guards died?"

Zyro subtly nodded.

"It's vague, but I think a strong monster appeared nearby. I heard the diseased remains were not found, let alone retrieve, and... One survivor claimed that his companion suddenly vanished on their patrol. Quite a mystery, wouldn't you agree."

"Yeah, I guess."

Then, an awkward silence hang over them. It was natural occurrence in conversation when both parties run out of anything to say. Usually, Pert whose more talkative break this stalemate. Strangely, the lad didn't this time. Eventually, they reach Pert humble home and went inside.

Sitting on the ground, Zyro waited for a moment. But the kid didn't speak, so he did.

"Is that all you want to tell to me? Why go through the trouble of inviting me here."

Earlier, Pert suddenly call to him to talk privately here. Why? Zyro didn't know.

The kid look like his wearing a forced smile, trying to keep it barely intact, flinched.

"N-no, it's not that..."

Pert seemed nervous, rather, his apprehensive and dreadful towards Zyro.

Seeing this, Zyro felt something amiss. It's evident Pert was afraid of him, at the same time, look at him with trust. As if his a friendly yet ferocious beast.

'Something feels wrong'

Despite thinking this, he remain patient for what the kid desired to inform him. Pert unnatural state hinted it's seriousness.

After almost a five minutes, Pert finally spoke.

"Zyro. No, rather... t-the fallen knight."