
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 47: What come's around, goes around.

Venturing through the verdant woods went unexpectedly smooth and Zyro reached the Mine safely. One reason is that, the danger the forest pose considerably decreased. Probably due to the Gricks armies constant onslaught against feral inhabitants of the forest, which undoubtedly, the airborne army prevailed by the use of strategic battles. While the wild dwellers became hunted preys, dwindling their numbers. As evidence, Zyro stumbled upon many blood dyed trees and grasses once in a while on his way. Of course, the recent days wasn't enough to completely eradicate every monsters. Most of them were likely migrated to other areas or hided on their nests. Still, Zyro seen a few remnants of them, and wisely avoided facing those monstrosities. However, what threaten him the most is the increased number if scouting Gricks. In Zyro's entire journey, he saw atleast 5 of them loitering around. Fortunately, he learned his lesson and donned his helmet, using night vision to spot the seekers first, Zyro was able to pass the scouts without being notice unlike before.

Back in the mine in late night, without his helmet on. Zyro was walking through the familiar jaggy stone tunnels lit by lines of torches. On his shoulder, hang a sack on his back. Hearing remitting echoes of iron colliding against rocks.

'Home sweet home... I guess' Zyro thought as he head towards Pert place. Coming back here wasn't sweet at all, rather. It's bitter, the heavy memories he made here wasn't pleasant. Everyday day obligated them to work tirelessly in exchange for unfair fruits of labor. When night came, Zyro force himself to sleep against aching muscles and rumbling hunger.

Most of all...

Amidst his way. He stumbled upon an unpleasant, but unnatural sight in this caverns.

Zyro halt his steps and look down.

On the side of the path lay a fellow slave. This one... Was on the brink of death. The shackled man had white messy hairs, outlines of his bones was vividly visible on his pale body. Unmoving, yet still subtly breathing.

Such scenes wasn't uncommon in the mine. If not victims of exploding magic crystals, then weak slaves whose unable to work anymore. They can only lay down, silently bearing the urging agony of hunger as they wait for the mercy of death. If Zyro had stayed another month here, he'll be in a similar helpless state.

Zyro sighed before grinning.

"It's your lucky day, whoever you are. I have food to spare."

Squatted down then open his fabric sack. Containing the upper part of his helmet and dried meats of the eyeless hound. Zyro dried it days ago when he defeated the damned dog. He had also studied wilderness survival, so making dried meat was a peace of cake for him.

Fun fact - there's salts underground. In earth, it's called rock salts. So getting salts wasn't a problem for mine slaves who spent most of their time mining underground. Using powdered salts, Zyro poured some on the sliced meats before burying it. After days of waiting, Zyro took it out on the way towards the mine.

though, it taste really salty.

After putting some under the dying slave clothes to not be rubbed. Zyro continue walking.

He wasn't a saint, infact. Zyro is quite a sinful individual. But he willll help others in need if circumstances allows him. That's a lesson taught by the person who raised Zyro, a lesson he treasured.

After some time, Zyro finally reached the blonde kid place. For some reason, Zyro felt he've been away for so long. Despite not even 3 days had past since he leaved.

Standing Infront of the familiar clinging fabric door, he casually called out.

"Hey brat, you in there?"

No on replied. Considering it's the middle of the night, the kids silence was reasonable. Then again, Zyro was reminded of the mysterious, occasional disappearance of Pert.

However, his intrusive thoughts was short live for the kid suddenly crawled out from the door.

Still sleepy in all fours, Pert look around. He yawned.

"Who's... There?"

Then, his sleepy gaze landed of Zyro. Pert blinked a couple of time and squinted his eyes as if his seeing a ghost. Before happily greeting him.

"Huh?...Oh, Your alive! I thought you died someplace else. No wonder I didn't find your corpse." Said Pert in a cheerful tone, contrast to his dark words.

Zyro's lips twitched.

'Shouldn't you be sad?'

Still, he was delighted to see the kid was alive... After all, he did something bad. However, Zyro's mood suddenly dropped when he notice Pert swollen face and dark bruises and dried wounds on his pale skin. It seemed Pert had it rough too, than usual. Zyro directly look at Pert golden eyes for a few moments. Frowning. It's strange, there's not a hint of hatred, displeasure nor a tint of grudge on those bright eyes. Rather... There's evident joy in it, or more than that.

Shivers suddenly ran down his spine. For some reason, Zyro felt the urge to step back. However, Pert question brought him back to his senses.

"Are you just going to stare at me?"

'What the heck?'

Zyro cursed under his breath, before quickly composing himself.

He shook his head and pose a rude question.

"Um, nothing... Anyway, how have you been?"

Zyro knew the negative effects his absence had caused to the kid. Because, without him. The plunderers will have no one to vent their rage. Their anger was specifically directed at Zyro, but at his absence. Those guys well surely look for him through Pert. The kid too, didn't know where Zyro is. Resulting the kid to bear the unquenchable anger of the plunderers alone with his poor, youthful body. Surely, he suffered tons of beatings this days.

So the one to blame - Zyro. Asking how had Pert been was greatly offending. Of course, Zyro knew this but deliberately inquire to purposely wake the kid fury. Because Zyro wanted to hear Pert's complaints towards him. It's his right. No matter how well he suppressed it, surely, Pert felt angry for all the torment he undergone through... Right?.

Contrast to his expectations, Pert only smiled wider.

"I've been well, thank you. I found a really large red magic stone yesterday, lucky! Right? The plunderers said they'll spare me for a couple of days if I give it to them. So I did! Good news isn't it?. But enough with me, where had you been Zyro?"

Again, not a single displeasure seep out as the youth merrily spoke. As if, there's not a drop of wrath within him. Even Aizra failed to notice anything. How is that even possible? To not feel a tint of anger despite everything Zyro caused.

Now, He had no doubt. Pert was a psychopath. Still, why did Pert piously pleaded for Zyro's sake back then when his

arms was snapped? That's the only time Zyro saw Pert's smile collapsed.

Feeling uneasy, Zyro handed Pert plenty of dried meat - more than half of what he have. As he told him that he got lost in the warren tunnels and found a untouched rich area which he spent days mining. Allowing him to trade for bunch of dried meats which he is sharing. It's a believable lie to some extent.

After convincing Pert to accept the food and believe his lie. Zyro left, by the excuse to sleep somewhere else.

'Now that's done, I shouldn't make the others wait too long.'

Lies hid cruel truths. In all honesty, Zyro wasn't going elsewhere for a peaceful slumber. But to rip lives. He out deal with some brutes whose in need to pay their debts.


On a certain area within the mine. One room was inhabited by four slaves. Differ to mine slaves usual chambers, this one exclude decency. It's internal was a spacious and cubical in shape. Two stone beds was carved on it's floor. Where the four plunderers is sleeping comfortably. The leader - a tall, savage looking mascular man with messy dark red hairs and beard slumber solely on one bed. While his three underlings shared the other. In this serene cavern, only the Plunderers constant snoring resounds. An approaching footsteps was heard.

As it grew louder, the slumbering leader ears twitched. His even facial expression twisted in extreme annoyance and grunted as he madly woke up.

"It's the got damn middle of the night, Who's f*cker is that! Hey dimwits, check it out!"

The leader bellowed, before returning to sleep.

Awoken by their boss abrupt shout, the three lazily heed. Still laying down, they wearily push each other to take responsibility while muttering complaints for some time. Finally, the one positioned on the bed edge was pushed away. His body dropped on the stone floor with a thud.

"...Damned it, why is it me?"

The lost underling muttered, rubbing his aching butt as he got up.

However, as he look forward. He saw a young man wearing ragged garments standing by the door. Silently staring at him with his obsidian eyes.

The underlings, no. All four plunderers vividly remember him. It was the person that mercilessly crushed their boss eggs. Despite knowing this, the underling confidently faced Zyro with an annoyed, at the same time sleepy face. Sure, Zyro was a dreadful slave in terms of combat. But recently, his nothing but a harmless punching bag for the plunderers fun. After all, if he retaliate, he'll once again face their backing - Alpha wrath. Which will finally kill him.

"It's you?" He questioned, squinting his eyes as he look closely at Zyro impassive face.

Before turning his head then added in a louder, mocking voice with a wide smile.

"Hey boss!, the black bastard came back for a beating! I think he missed us he came to..."

Unfortunately for him, before the underling finished his words. An hand gripped his neck with inhumane strength, blocking his throat. The next thing he knew, he was abruptly pulled out of the room by the neck. His body painfully colliding against a stone wall.

At that time, the rest of the plunderers was fully awakened. Raising from there beds.

Zyro grinned wickedly as he went in under wrathful gazes of his enemies within.