
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 35: Scape, again.

Zyro didn't waited this long for no reason. He could have scape earlier when they wander the vampire village successfully despite having shackles stuck in his neck, those iron chockers were mere mundane items, and didn't possess any magical effect to hinder him. Yet, he didn't.

That's because of an obvious reason - Power. This world wasn't earth were people was equal in strength no matter their standing, in the end of the day, one bullet is enough to end their lives. In this world, however. There exist the marking system of ascended being and racial abilities empowering individual strengths. Promoting the laws of the jungle - the strong trample the weak. Despite how unfair, outrageous and unreasonable the demands of powerful individuals are, the weak can only heed without question. This is how this world work, this is how they live.

Zyro severely lack power to live properly or defend himself. What if the alpha came again and broke all his limbs, what if he scape to the village and was targeted by vampires, being cought before turning into a imprisoned livestock as blood provider. He can't live forever like an insect in a world of beast, struggling to survive everyday. He needed power. But where could he get it? Surely, it won't miraculously fall from the sky.

He actually wish it would, like in the anime he viewed. However, reality is hard, always giving him a tough slap.

Such as how his already pitiful human body strength deteriorated through the month. If he were to battle the Alpha guard in his current state. Zyro's defeat in half a minute is certain, he wasn't even sure if he will last that long.

After getting a proper sleep in a good while now, Zyro felt well rested and energetic. This is the first time he felt so young after a month of over working.

Walking through the cave tunnels for a while, he eventually arrived at Pert small room. The kid had remain by his side all this time, feeding Zyro every knowledge his youthful mind knew of despite his incapability of paying anymore. The kid didn't even ask for his meat, even if he offered him, Pert refuse. Making Zyro dubious, at first, he thought the kid had some kind of goal for aiding him. But as time went by, Pert remain naive as ever, even sharing bread and magic stones to him. Which Zyro rejected, knowing they're in the same sinking boat. Pert too, struggle to earn food to fill his meager belly. Added, the kid wasn't even an adult but was already undergoing daily arduous labor that will make most mature men complain in hardship. Despite how hungry Zyro is, he doesn't have the heart to take from the kid, even if it's given.

In the end, Zyro throw his doubtful thoughts. And concluded that Pert, was one of those rare kind of people that keep their naive audacity to care for others in dire situations, even. But Zyro didn't put his guard down, for his guts and instincts scream that there's, something wrong with that kid. Even more when he notice an occasional occurrence concerning the blonde kid whereabouts.

Outside Pert home, Zyro lingered for a moment. Before calling... no one replied. Inferring that Pert wasn't home.

Zyro frowned.


It was currently midnight, a time when most slaves rested in the comfort of slumber. Because of his rather close ties to Pert. Earning him the kid permission to store his belongings inside his room and use it if he needed too. However, due to Zyro's constant overtime mining, his freed from work late. Hence, he frequently visit Pert room deep in the night to work on the clothing his sewing. Using the items he got from the old vampire store when they visited the village. Before finally sleeping.

Because of this daily routine, Zyro notice something amiss. In rare occasions, he found Pert room empty, similar to when the earthquake strike, causing him to accidentally discovered what's hidden behind the room wall. The kid wasn't home back then, too. At first, Zyro thought Pert wander someplace else in the caves at night. However, the exact, same occurrence happened again. Zyro pay it no mind, but it happened again and again. At the fourth time, Zyro felt something amiss and tried looking for the kid whereabouts throughout the mine internal cavers... But didn't find him. Zyro tried questioning Pert for curiosity sake, only to be given a vague answer, saying he was "outside" to breath some fresh air with a truthful expression, that even Aizra's analysis confirmed and supported his honestly by reading the kid face the moment he spoke. Furthermore, his answer were understandable, oxygen inside the mine wasn't pleasant, it's thin and icky. Zyro too, sometimes ascend for air breaks.

Reasonable as it may be, he can't help but keep remnants of doubt, feeling something fishy. And now, the same apparent disappearance of Pert occured once again for the fifth time.

But he refused to look for Pert again, it was of no use anyway. Zyro had done it last time due to boredom.

Zyro shrugged and made his way inside the room. With the torch aiding his sight, he neared on a certain wall. Its was uneven, jagged and scraggy like any other walls of the caverns. This one, however. Has dried mud of the same color circling around its rough surface, sealing a stone slad serving as cover. It won't be easily notice unless one took a closer inspection. Using his slightly long nails that had grown without being cut through the month, Zyro dug the solidified muds. Letting the almost perfectly sized stone slab to slowly, and cautiously fall without breaking. Inside, was a small crudely made wooden cage, housing a apparently hopeless creature that look like a transparent slime.

"Your still alive huh, I guess your tougher than I thought."

It was Pert's pet that was hidden behind the shroud of wall, Zyro often visit the kid and sometimes, if able. Observe the harmless creature. As it turns out, the kid had been keeping it for almost two years, yet still haven't named the poor thing. Pert logic was simple, he didn't feel the necessity of gifting one to the slime, so he didn't. Besides, there's exist many terms to infer the creature. Zyro knew a certain someone who's not only bad at making names, but also at giving it back on earth. And was even victimized by such incomprehensible person. So he wasn't surprised at all, but as a fellow victim, Zyro empathize with the slime and decided to gift it the grace of owning a name. A grand and special one nevertheless. Given by a interstellar traveler who crossed the endless vastness of the universe. Belonging to his one and only pet that had long past away.

Zyro granted the slime the name... "Cat!"

Which is his diseased cat name...

'What? It's the name of the second most loved animal on earth. It's nothing but reputable and full of honor if you ask me.'

Proud of himself, Zyro pull the cage out before reaching deeper inside to take his belongings. Taking out a crude, hand-made brown sack.

A grin appeared on his pale face at the sight of the seemingly nothing special item. Containing what he have been earnestly working on his free time in the past month. It's also a crucial part of his plan to gain power... enough to kill the Alpha and grant him freedom.

"Just you wait mustard, I'll pay you back tenfold, with interest"

He said in the air, the shifted his gaze towards the silently living, caged slime.

"I'm not referring to you Cat, don't worry. But you can wait for me too, I might bring a surprise gift when I return."

Putting Cat cage back before sealing the hidden compartment. He added in a silent voice.

"If I do return"

Done with his preparations, Zyro made his way outside. On his way, he passed sleeping and seldom working slave. Some were awake, but aren't doing a thing, staring into nothingness with loss and dull eyes. Zyro, carrying a sack on his shoulder attracted a couple of attention but was ignored a second later. For it was considered as normal to own easily made cheap items such as his fabric sack. Soon, the cold breeze of night touch his skin as he inhaled a mouthful of fresh, chilly air. Looking up, he saw myriads of glittery stars, two moon hang above. One, pale azure in color, the other was dyed in blood.

There exist three moons in this world, blue, red and white, the later seldomly appear. It was already a rare sight to see two moons at once, let alone all three in one night. When it happens, a festival is held for it symbolize unity.

Because of the moons famed colors, a saying was made and widely spread. "blue for a peaceful night, red for chaos, white for even." Of course, it's merely baseless traditional belief. The azure moon can solely dominate the night sky, but war and destructions will remain in the land below. While blood moon can radiate onto a peaceful night. Still, almost everyone tend to like the saying. Even Zyro.

'It's neutral, not bad I guess.' He thought, a little comforted by the presence of the blue moon, that signify peace and tranquility.

Zyro miraculously look around, considerate of the mine-guards littering outside. Some of them was positioned to protect the mansion where the Mine owner live, while the majority patrol the nearby forestry to shun away dangerous feral beast. Those who held this significant jobs were strongest guards, including the Alpha. While the minority and weak guards was left in-charge of the slaves. Most of them was was positioned inside the cave internals to prevent slaves dying from each other fist and taking out unfortunate slave corpses.

Hence, only the fewest guard was left to oversee the outside area. As Zyro observe the supervising guards, he saw them either sleeping, drinking some kind of cheap alcohol or carelessly chatting.

Zyro sighed.

'To think it'll be this easy.'

It didn't take long for Zyro to scape unnoticed. One reason, he was already a trained soldier in every aspect. Including scouting, and sneaking into enemy territory unseen as possible while the overseers severely lacking in experience. Second and most importantly, the mine-guards were carelessly doing whatever they want instead of earnestly working. It's understandable though, their pay was below average and their only job is to prevent slaves from scaping. Which the fear towards the beast ridden wilderness do the job for them. The mine is located in the outskirts of Foggy Ring, standing in a mountain surrounded by predatory monster infected forestry. Scaping the mine is courting death, no normal warrior can survive the forest, let alone a lowly, unarmed slave. Who's crazy enough to do that?. Zyro is.

Making his way through the rocky terrain towards the tall tress, aided by the two moon's light. A bitter smile appeared on his lips, as he took out what's inside the sack without stopping his tracks.

Into the wilderness.