
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 24: Curiosity killed the cat

Walking out the shadows, three men is ragged clothing with malicious hunger burning in their eyes faced Zyro. Their skin were unnaturally pale, and a tint of red can be seen in their eyes.

Zyro recognize them as the three perverted stalkers in the deep mining area. The question is, what attracted them towards young man so much?

However, Zyro had bigger problem.

Sleep! He need rest after a long day of work. But the presence of this three creeps threatening his life. How could he?

He had long notice their novice scouting. And now was the time to face them and get some rest.

One of the men was about to speak but Zyro already charged in combat mode. Knowing words won't work as he cannot speak their language. And judging by appearance and approach alone, Zyro was confident all they mean is harm.

Although he lack knowledge of their race. The darkened color of the triplets hair revealed their strength. But Zyro didn't dare underestimate them.

The Three were taken aback by Zyro's straightforwardness but quickly regained their composure, confident in number.

The one Infront throw an awkward punch to Zyro's face, but was easily evaded by tilting his head. Zyro countered in a perfect stance, he lunching a quick straight in the man's jaw, precisely aiming at the enemy middle chin.

That's the hit point to easily knock someone unconscious. Zyro didn't aim to kill them due to the Mine rules. If he took their lives, he'll be indebted for their price. Cutting his yield by half everyday to pay his debt. Furthermore, it's not necessary.

As his fist connect, the man's head was thrown aback. To Zyro's surprised, like ordinary human, the man was knocked out.

However, the other two joined and the fight went on.

A few moments later. Zyro was standing still, uninjured. The three men was laying on the floor. Unconscious.

A confused expression masked his face.


Zyro expected the worst and had given it his all. Prepared for supernatural abilities to be use. However, to his surprised. Not only they did not use racial abilities, fighting the triplet was like fighting normal humans. Resulting to Zyro's easy win.

However, Unlike them. Who've no fighting style and a total novice. Mindlessly throwing their fist, hoping it'll hit. Zyro was a professionally trained elite soldier, his moves were refined. Each carrying propose, targeting the body's weakest point without unnecessary movements and precise footing.

Zyro inspect his bruised knuckles. Due to him using all might with every hit, the skin on his knuckles ripped from impact

'To think I'm actually this strong...'

After waking up in this world, the first enemies he confronted were Prince Ron and The four-armed Demon. In their short clash, Zyro's inferiority enable him to counter their attacks. Only slightly harming them using deceiving tricks.

So he perceive the people of this world as superior being than human. But looking at his fallen enemies, Zyro change his mind.

Still, it strange. The Grick he fought possess a healthy, mascular physic. While the slave Infront of him wasn't that far off in terms of build due to daily heavy labor. Yet, the strength gap were so wide. Furthermore, the Gricks racial talents doesn't include super strength.

Back then, Zyro's skull would've been crush by a single punch from the Prince if not for his Cybernetic armor. Even that helmet was badly dented despite being plated by Earth's toughest metal - Tungsten.

Just what made that Grick so strong?

Zyro sighed, to tired to think. And headed of to collect his spoils of war.

There are two ways to earn in the mine. One is working hard, the other is stealing usually from the weak. The later only work if no guard or evidence is present. Else they'll face painful whipping to discourage laziness.

Although what his about to do is a bad deed. It's justified due to the enemies harmful act. That said, this three had been following Zyro since he come out. Meaning, they knew he've exchange his spoils and had nothing to be stolen. So why did they remain in Zyro's tail until his alone in a secluded area. What do they want from him?

Again, there's no answer.

As Zyro searched the fallen enemies body. To his delight, they haven't spent their stones. However, he soon notice something strange about his victims.

Zyro narrowed his eyes as he studied the man's wound. Then the others, before confirming his suspicion.

Like his knuckles, the triplets face was also injured resulting a wound. Albeit, not that big, but enough to spill some blood. However, what his seeing betrayed expectation. The three man's wounds wasn't bleeding as it should be, their crimson blood tenaciously cling, refusing to flow.

One could connect this aspect to the healing abilities of Asters who have strong vitality. However, Zyro had seen Pert, a rather pure Aster severely injured slowly being restored by his racial ability. That ability though didn't hinder blood fluidity, letting it flow normally untill the wound are healed.

Unlike what his seeing now.

A mischievous smile appeared on Zyro's lips, dark malice glinting in his eyes.

"That brat..."

He had thought that what happened earlier about forgetting to inform him about the magic stones danger was accidental. Kids tends to forget, and made some mistakes. Now however, Zyro was having second thoughts.

Done looting the mens, Zyro got himself a fortune of about a dozen stones. Enough for a day's meal. He then rose up and made his way to the Pert's home.

There still two days free service as per agreement and Zyro wasn't going to waste a second after figuring out the brat's scheme.

It's actually simple. Pert aim to keep his cards instead of showing everything. Which make sense, if he were to satisfy all of Zyro's demand. His use will plummet and eventually deeming him unneeded along the extra income. Although half a stone a day seems trivial, if counted in one month. That's 15 stones, enough for two day meal.

Truth be told, Zyro planned to leave the kid be after learning everything he could. Firstly because of his problematic personality. He lack social skills and have severe trust issue which saved him alot from being stab in the back. Hence, he always preferred being a lone wolf. Secondly, to complete his mission. Zyro will be going on dangerous situations, and didn't want the brat to be involved.

Although Pert's probably two years younger than him. And Zyro knew the kid was no simple slave. Being a master of two language and a rather pure Aster blood hinted his rich origins. Zyro even suspect the kid's a son of a fallen noble.

Soon, he reached the brat made-up home. A pinch of envy was felt in Zyro's heart as he look at the fabric door.

'Be prepared kid, I'll keep you awake all night... Wait, why the heck that sounded wrong.'

Zyro shook his head.

"Hey brat, got a question for you" said Zyro in a dark tone. However, as seconds past. No one replied.

Zyro voiced again a little louder and waited for about a minute. Still, no one replied.

Zyro was getting annoyed, suspecting that Pert was purposely ignoring him.

'You really like the hard way, huh?'

He then decided to open the kid room. Although it's rude intruding someone home without permission. as slaves, manners was the least of their worry. Furthermore, Zyro and Pert had known each other for sometime even though they constantly curse each other.

Touching the curtain door, Zyro began to have second thoughts. Who knows, maybe the brat was too busy doing something inside and cannot be disturbed. Which Zyro might not like to see... However, curiosity got the better if him and decided to sneak a pick.

Moving the fabric door aside for his vision to pass. Pert's room was viewed. Illuminated by a single dim torch, was a small space covered by rough stone walls. Sizable enough for sleeping. On the floor, a brown blanket spread wide. It's owner was no where to be seen.

Seeing this, Zyro loss interest and decided to head back. However, just before he turn away. A low sound reached his ears. Startling Zyro, if he wasn't mistaken, that sound came from within Pert's empty room.

'It must've be my imagination.' He comforted.

But was proven wrong.

In happen again... Then again, clearer. To the point he made out of what had produced it. A low banging on wood. But there's no wood inside the room, let alone. Anyone!

Zyro's hair stood up as cold sweats run down his body.

He look around, only to see dim lit cave walls with no one in sight. Now, he was utterly certain that whatever his hearing came from within the empty room.

In normal circumstances, Zyro would have already flee. However, this matter concerned Pert, someone who hold monopoly over his need. Interacting with the kid cannot be avoided. So knowing about things about his companion were welcome. Who knows, perhaps the kid was hiding a deadly weapon that might endanger him. Furthermore, some people tend to have strong curiosity. And Zyro was one of those.

Zyro eyes focused on the silent fabric cover. Hesitating.

'It wouldn't hurt, right?'

Steeling his will, Zyro took a look.

The next moment, the entire mine shook.