
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 13: Scheme

The monstrous force send him crashing against the wall, cracking its cement surface. If not for his armor, the mundane body of his would have been squash. Because that attack is equal to being rammed by a speeding truck.

Zyro fell to the ground, facing down. Coughing blood inside his helmet.

The guest yawn, expressing his sleepiness. And stare at Zyro's who fell with one strike with disappointed.

He was none other than Ron, prince of Gricks, who's wedding was ruined by Zyro's starship timely crashing.

Ron never underestimated the black knight, expecting him to be a powerful foe. Only to be left disappointed.

The prince stride towards him, saying in a deep, arrogant voice.

"Pathetic, aren't you too weak? I commend your armor toughness but is that all you can do? Sigh, what a disgrace for a devine race."

Zyro struggled as he raise himself from the floor, only to be kicked in the face. Zyro's head was thrown up, flipping his armored body, as he fell on his back.

Before he even got up, Ron kneel above him. Locking him in position.

Ron hold Zyro's neck and raise his right fist before bringing it down to his face, shriek of metal resounded. As if the Grick fist is made of stone, Ron expression remain stolid after continuously colliding flesh against metal.

Inside the helmet, Zyro had a grave expression. Finding it hard to believe the Prince might.

'The heck!, that's Tungsten alloy! How could you even dent that!'

Tungsten was Earth's strongest metal, even sturdier than platinum. Yet, its damage by a mere fleshy fist. Not only that, even the helmet glass visor - A bullet proof, tempered glass are cracking.

Fortunately, the helmet is the sturdiest part of of the cybernetic armor. So, it held against continuous, monstrous punch... For now.

Amidst this, Ron spoke his complaints.

"You know, if it wasn't for your stupidity. The princess Scarlet would have already jump into my bed. Breeding hybrid warriors of blood!" Ron toned, his noble expression turning smug.

"Ah, a beauty like that can't even be compared to sluts I tasted above and below. But what did you do? Now I have to woo her for another month! Or year! To get that b*tch!"

The prince keep blabbering on, unaware that his cannot be understood.

As thought he can't take it anymore.

Zyro wearily raise his right hand. Attempting to stop his abuser deleterious act with the last of his strength to prevent dying.

Ron notice his pitiful struggle, he stop and chuckled.

"What? does it hurt?, even in taking pain your pathetic, those Helios slaves can last longer than this!"

Zyro's hand didn't stop but weakly move his elbow backward. Preparing to launch a punch, with asthenic strength.

"Pfft! You wanna punch? Feel free to do so then. Show me the Argon's feeble strength!" Ron mucked with confidence, signaling zyro to punch his cheek.

The black knight fist move forward with natural speed towards the haughty prince smug face with exaggerated confidence. When the dark metal knuckle almost touch Ron cheek. A silver blade burst out from the hidden compartment on Zyro's forearm with lightning speed.

Ron vertical eyes widened, his monstrous reflexes jolted awake his senses, turning his head back in the nick of time. Zyro's short blade only left a hollow cut in Ron's cheek.

"You!" Ron blurted enrage.

His arm raise straight to the right as blades of jades sharper than ever grew faster than before. Zyro could only guard his head with the silver blade in adrenaline speed. As Ron bladed hand swing to the left, leaving afterimages, whistling as it cut invisible air with speed of lightning. Aiming to cut Zyro's head clean off.


In the next moment, sharp ringing of metal vibration echo inside the room. Both frozen wide, obsidian and emerald eyes fixated on one another, playing a tense staring game.

Ron straight hand in the right a second ago was on the left. It successfully completed it's swift swing with ease. However, the jade nails pointy half is gone, it's middle cleanly sliced. Beside Zyro, on the floor, five pointy blades cut in half lay lifelessly, losing their luster, turning pale.

Ron slit pupil shrank so much it's barely visible. But he didn't bother to look at his broken nails, as he slowly look down at his right chest.

Somehow, an ugly wound found its way through his chest. Made by an unseen weapon of unknown wielder.

Ron opened his trembling lips, letting blood flow out.

"W-what... did... you do?" He ask hoarsely, his tone full of rage, hatred and... disbelief.

However, Zyro never answered. Because, it wasn't his doings.

That was Ron, Prince of the Gricks last words as his blood circulation finally stop, ending his life.

Before his lifeless body fell, Zyro push it away and calmly stand.

Zyro sighed, look around the quite, empty room of the dead prince. And said to the air.

"I know you're there, Bastard."

He glance at the copse "So, is this it? You broke our aircraft wing back then, forcing me to crash the vessel here. And what, for this?"

Indeed, it was the four armed knight who cause the flying boat fall. But how do Zyro knew? When the wing broke, Zyro ordered him to break the other. It was just for a moment, but Zyro saw how similar both stump are. Because, what broke the left and right wing were the same thing - A monstrous claw of the devil.

Still, the question remained. What could be so important for the demon to sacrifice freedom. And invade deeper into the Gricks territory.

It could easily concluded as revenge. But, there's no hatred in the prince death. It was done in a swift and almost painless fashion, when prince guard are down.

The demon's goal remain shrouded in mystery. However, Zyro was finally certain of one thing - His use.

"You didn't go through all the trouble bringing me with you after scaping the hanging cage. Right? I wonder, what use am I in this scheme of yours?"

Back then, when Zyro freed his neighbor from the roots shackles. Despite being a heavy burden, he didn't discard him. Was it kindness? No, a four-armed, armored demon behind bars was actually kind? absolutely not.

Zyro knew from the start that'll he've be of use to him.

Silence hang in the lonesome room, as if there's no one there but him alone. And the prince lifeless body.

"Let me guess, you wander around hiding two arm of yours. Pretending as me, and lead this bastard who seem to be an important figure among the Gricks to kill him. Then, passing the blame to me."

That's the most logical conclusion Zyro could think of. Considering, the seekers lack of pressure. The demon must've been distracting them. His probably also the reason why the prince came here alone. As for how he figured out the demon had been pretending as him. The prince didn't question his appearance and directly attack, as if he was the one his chasing this whole time.

Although he've figured this much thanks to his superior intelligence. The unease inside him never fade. There's something wrong with the man, but can't put his finger on it.

Seconds slowly pass by in grim silence. As Zyro solely stand, awaiting the demon who've cause this perilous situation.

Answering his call, heavy footsteps was heard. Then, the towering figure of the onyx demon appeared Infront of him. Showing his frightening visage with all it's horrifying glory.

The four-armed demon simply ignored Zyro as he go to pick-up the silver coin on the floor, that had been thrown by Ron earlier.

The demon open his jaw, causing his visor fangs to depart. The process was so smooth, as if the metallic mask teeth's was his.

Zyro frowned as he watch him consume the coin.

Done eating, the demon finally replied.

"Your right, you'll bear the blame and die."

The cybernetic knight remain silent for a few moments, and said.

"And you think that'll save you?"

That threatening words fall into deft ear.

The demon's stride towards him. Then, grabbed Zyro by the neck with his two upper arm. Lifting the cybernetic knight up as he strangled him with monstrous force.

Zyro didn't run, knowing it'll be in vane. For the foe his facing easily killed the prince, who've instantly knocked him. Someone with inhumane speed and strength. Furthermore, his certain that the demon's aim was to knock him unconscious.

Groan of metal was heard as the demon grip Zyro's neck. He felt a growing pressure around, suffocating him. Despite the tungsten alloy protection.

"...You won't scape" Zyro said in a low haggard voice.

The demon look at him with his indifferent eyes. Hidden in the slit of his visor. One would question if there's even an eye in that darkness.

"No... they'll forget me" Said the demon in a gastly tone.

Soon, Zyro can no more breath.