
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasia
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 26. (The Vampires Charity)

Joey began to hear things far far out and away voice yelling noises of all sorts as did Cory. They held their ears their heads were pounding as they were hearing every deer cricket frog and more as they began to hear all at once and the same time and all the different senses and smells they began to experience. Alvin himself was hearing it all but Alvin let it in and began to focus on one things at a time. But he was still having issues head pounding and the all the smells hitting him at once. Trevor and Alucard came up Alvin's eyes opened and turned to the color of yellow he was about to turn into the werewolf when he smelled Draculas blood running through the veins of two figures that walked up to him. Trevor spoke to Alvin.

Trevor: Alvin wait easy we are not like our father. I know you don't know me and you probably ready to rip my head off but please wait listen and let us help you we know what you and your boys and wife are going through.

Alvin's eyes went back to their normal blue color.

Alvin: Ok then I let you speak. Who are you and how can you help us?

Alucard: He's Trevor and I'm Alucard. And you are already doing great trying to focus on one thing at a time but really you got to ease your mind and relax.

Trevor: Yes and you need to let it all in don't be scared of the noise but listen to all of it then separate the noise separate it to one thing maybe focus on a sound you like to hear.

Alucard: Yes and then smell something you like to smell keep your mind clear and focus on something you find comfort in. It will get easier the more you do that.

Alvin Did as he was told to do he cleared his mind and focused on the sound of the birds singing one Particular bird An Eagle of course that Eagle was on a far far mount hundred of miles away.

Trevor and Alucard help them master their gifts then taught them how to use them. Alucard showed Joey the vampire way being he was a vampire of course Joey was getting weak. He tried to kick using his Vampire speed and fell and was gasping for air his face pale pale whiter then a normal vampire color.

Alvin/Alissa: Joey!!!

Alissa: Son are you alright?

Joey could barely speak.

Alucard: Alvin he needs blood human blood.

Joey: No Jo I will not!

Joey snapped. He was a pirate and he done lots of Pirate things with Captain Bartholomew Banideck but he refused to start drinking blood.

Trevor: Joey I'm sorry but you have to or you dry up and suffer cause you will not die and you go mad and wind up hurting people you love.

Joey: I cant!

Alissa grabbed his head and held her wrist up and said.

Alissa: Drink!

Alucard: No No!!! You can't your a werewolf.

Alissa: Why not.

Alucard: Because drinking the blood of a werewolf will make Joey hungrier it actually makes his craving worse for regular human blood. I don't know why it's like it drys vampires out.

Alvin: Then what do we do.

At that moment a woman's scream shouted.

Women: Help me.

Like instinct Joey jumped up with Vampiric speed and ran towards the sound. Alucard and Trevor chased him and Cory Alvin and Alissa followed. They found Joy looking through some tall grass in the forest and seen a woman running she fell and this wicked looking man with a axe came up to her and raised the axe to kill her them woman screamed again.

Woman: Somebody please help me!

Before anyone knew what happened Joey ran with vampiric speed and broke the axe and grabbed the guy and but his neck and started drinking the blood. Joey sucked him dry and dropped him and grabbed a wrap from his pocket and wiped the blood off his face. The guy he killed saving the woman looks like a mummy all the blood was gone from the body.

Trevor: Oh My God? What have you done?

Joey stood back shaking with fear as the realization of what he done hit him. He looked at the woman she was blond headed hair long and she had green eyes and very beautiful smooth face. Joey grabbed the man's coin pouch which was heavy and grabbed one of his which was bigger and heavier and he gave it to the woman. The woman stared at him looking at his blond hair pale white face and red eyes and fangs. She took the gold and said.

Woman: Thanks. What are you.

She touched the side of his face and ran her fingers in front of his lips. Joey backed away still shaking as his vampiric powers were stronger and intense ran fast as he could.

Trevor: Alucard stay with Alvin and his family and y'all help her I get Joey.

Trevor chased off after Joey.

Joey was running as fast as he could years filled his eyes for what he did to that person he stopped and grabbed his ears he was hearing everything that was happening at once he hit his knees. Trevor got to him.

Trevor: Joey! Calm down your ok think focus focus on one thing listen to one thing you be ok you can control this just stay calm.

Joey started crying.

Joey: I'm a monster I killed that person.

Trevor: Joey you killed many people evil people your a Pirate.

Joey: No that's different you can't make me feel better for what I just did he had no Chance the others did and I won of the battle. No I'm a monster and he was so fragile.

Trevor: Joey that man took you women like you just saved and burns them alive and little kids to he was very sick and wicked you did the world a favor and by killing him. Now please come back there's a pretty woman back their that's wanting to thank you for saving her. And as for your powers you better be happy you got that it may be a curse but at times like these it's a gift.

Joey: You Don't understand!

Trevor: Oh yes I do understand believe me my choice was took from me to Dracula is my father and he took away my freedom of being a human and made me what I am.

Joey: Why is he doing this?

Trevor looked up at the sky and said.

Trevor: I really don't know he was cursed by an Angel of Shalom and he became a beast a monster and it's almost like he as a hunger to make more like him so he won't be alone. He obsessed with making his own army in his image he turned all his brothers his brothers friends.

Just then Logan Coke and Ben came up.

Logan: He just Recently paid King Lot a visit offering him a choice to become like him and rule his castle well and he's very fond of Morgause and two you wizards that are twins Merlin and Emryis.

Cole: Yea they are identical twins.

Trevor looked at them he was very shocked and happy to see them.

Trevor: Uncle Logan! What you doing here?

Logan: Trying to find your father I'm afraid.

Trevor: Yea well he turned this young boy and then he Fought with Alvin who is a wolf man.

Logan: Hes a werewolf.

Trevor: I see ok well he like us hears sounds fast away and he's really strong him fighting with My father seemed to be a battle that would never win on ether side every craw mark or scratch on each side Immediately healed up.

Cole: That's the gift of being a vampire and werewolf only difference is some werewolves are stronger then us some ain't and so far none are stronger then Dracula and the other difference is Werewolves don't have a thirst for blood like we do however they do enjoy rare steaks.

Ben: Yes well we got to find him and try to stop him from what he's doing he's going around and collecting children at twelve and he's raising them and when they hit fifteen Sixteen or seventeen he's turning them to become like he is.

Joey: That sick monster why is he robbing them their youth?

Cole: Well actually he's taking in people who were hurt upset angry and not able to help themselves and he offers them eternal life along with Youth and he's raising a army against Harcarshand the Plague of Hakens and army's of the dead.

Logan looked At Trevor with a urgent look in his eyes.

Logan: He turned forty children already that's counting Joey.

Joey: How you know my name?

Logan: I been watching y'all and I headed them call your name and also my brothers blood runs in your veins so I Immediately know who you are it's kinda weird but you are my vampiric brother now. As you learn to master your powers you know what I'm talking about.

Trevor: I got to get Joey back to his family.

Cole: Trevor Dracula wants him and you know how your father is.

Trevor: Then Me and Alucard will fight him or I will myself but Joey is going with his family.

Trevor helped Joey get to his feet. He was still shaking, they started towards the woods they saw black smoke appear in the sky and flapping. Right in front of them was a tall woman with long black horns and she had a staff with a ruby ball on top of her staff she was in black her hair was brown the skin on her face and hands were white her eyes were yellow her long two wings on her back were brown Trevor and Logan saw her face as did Cole Ben and Joey. She reached down and picked up a blue flower and she looked at them.

At that moment Alucard came up fast and was about to speak when he saw the creature beside him. His heart leaped.

Alucard: Mom?

Logan spoke up loudly to her.

She swung from Alucard to him.

Logan: Are you Hope? How! How are you alive? We saw you die.

Melinda: My name is not Hope.

She flew up in the air and flew off.

Trevor looked at Logan.

Trevor: That was mom.

Logan: I don't think so Trevor but it sure looked like her only she had wings and horns.

Alucard: Ok That was weird she looked just like mom. Hey Trevor we got to get back to the family and the girl now. Come on. Y'all to Uncle Logan. Cole. Ben. Come on.

They went off towards the woods where Alvin Alissa and Cory was helping the woman they fed the her and was giving her some water to drink when Alvin swung his head to see Joey and Logan Trevor Alucard Coke and Ben. Alvin stood up tall and said who are your friends?

Trevor: This is my Uncle Logan and Cole and Ben they came to warn us of a problem with our father.

Alvin: Yea their be a problem next time I see him.

Alissa looked at the hungry woman who was eating her food and drinking the water.

Alissa: What is your name sweetie.

The woman looked at the high Elf and noticed her long sharp ears for the first time.

May: My name is May. I'm Sorry what are you?

Alissa laughed.

Alissa: Im a elf. A high elf.

May: I thought elves was just a myth.

She stood up and looked at Joey.

May:Thanks for saving me I understand you are a vampire. Please will you make me one.

Joey: No! No! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy this is a curse not a gift you don't want to be like me and I don't know how to make you one. But no I can't.

May: Please I'm tired of being pushed around and running constantly please turn me into a vampire.

Alucard walked up to her.

Alucard: Allow me to grant your wish ma'am.

Trevor: Alucard what are you doing.

Alucard: I'm Giving her what she wants if we don't help her who will?

Alucard grabbed her gently and bit her neck and then bit his wrist and gave her the blood to drink. Then she began to turn into a vampire. Joey shook his head and looked at Trevor. Logan walked up to her and gave her a blood pouch to drink out of human blood was in it she took it and drink it she looked at Logan and said.

May: This is human blood.

Logan: Yes it is human blood the blood of an evil Soldier of the skull kingdom he was beating a child so I killed him. And drained his blood to drink and for reasons like this.

Cole: Also if you don't drink human blood and you have endless pain if you refuse to drink any blood you starve to death yet you won't die it's torment really.

Alvin: So what y'all just going to go and turn people into what y'all are that don't sound like a gift sounds like a curse.

Trevor: It is but if one wants it and they do anything to get it they will it's like we are compelled to do so we can however reject the urge Alucard! But she would have found out away.

May: Again I'm tired of being pushed around and scared. I will not take it no more. Thanks Alucard I will use my new powers wisely and will learn from y'all.

Alucard: Alvin your bite can turn someone into a werewolf just as fast as a vampires bite can that's how it works. We have a bigger threat coming and we need all the super powers we can get rather they are Vampires or Werewolves.

Alvin and Alucard started arguing as did Logan Cole and Ben.

Trevor, Joey, May, Alissa, and Cory, watched them for a minute. Then May stood of from a log she had sat on and yelled at them.

May: HAY!!!!

They all got quite and looked at her.

May: Look I know some of you are not happy with the choice I made. But it was my choice! Look yes I asked to be a vampire I am one but understand something no matter who of you bite who there are going to be consequences. So you got to be careful who you bite vampire or werewolf some people are pure evil no matter what and you cannot change that. So stop Arguing and let's move on do what we know to do or whatever y'all doing. I want to help I want to use my gift or curse whatever for good. Can we do that? Stop fighting and get alone?

Alvin walked to his wife and two boys.

Alvin: We are going back to our clan y'all can join us or go your ways it's up to you but we can use your help and maybe we can do something about Dracula. We are going North to start a Kingdom in the mountains please join us.

Logan talked with Cole and Ben and Trevor and Alucard.

Logan: If we joined with them we might can get win this war that's coming and possibly stop my brother from harming anymore children.

Trevor: I swear to do good and Alvin is good I will support him. What about you Alucard?

Alucard: I think I'm going to go East. It's time I choose my own Path and I seen father go that direction so I think ima try to see what he's up to.

Trevor: Really?

Logan: Are you sure you want to do that? Go out on your own?

Alucard: Yes that's what I want to do and I am going to do it. I be around maybe even have my own army to help in the hour of need.

Trevor: If that's what you want.

Alucard: It is. But y'all stay here they need y'all. Trevor teach Joey.

Alucard left towards the East. Logan turned to his two good friends.

Logan: Well What about you two?

Cole: We are with You Logan like always.

Logan: Good.

Trevor: Well let's catch up with them before they leave us and like to meet them elves.

They all laughed at him.

They followed Alvin to his clan of High Elves Dark, Elves, Snow Elves Faes, Khajiit and Dwarves and they headed on towards the mountains in the North and they came across a village of wood Elves humans and argonians. They all came out to see him their houses was run down and falling apart the village was pretty much destroyed. Alissa had tears come to her eyes when she saw them and said.

Alissa: Alvin look at these poor people. My heart goes out to them.

Alvin: Mine does to baby. We figure out how we can help them.

All of a sudden the dead came and the hackens and hokers and began to attack what was left of the village. Alvin changed into the werewolf as did Alissa and Cory. Joey and the rest of the Vampires began to fight with all their might to destroy the evil that was trying to destroy them but the more they killed it was like the more that came then all of a sudden a dragons roar came over their head they looked and saw a black Dragon and the dragon with her long horns charged the hackens and send a big Hoker flying off the mountain and a blue flame of fire came out her mouth as she breath he fire over the undead and the hackens and hokers the fled off the mountain running deep into the wilds of the south.

The black dragon changed into what look like a woman but with two brown wings and her long horns and her hair was long and brown her eyes yellow. It was Melinda she came holding her staff in her hand. Trevor looked at her all he could see was his mother. It had to be her must be he thought.

Melinda: Alvin Here is where you build your kingdom and you will protect these people they will call you king and this place will be a haven for lost wounded souls.

She disappeared in black smoke after those words. Alvin looked around.

Alvin: Who in the world was that.

Trevor: Her name is Melinda. Alvin help these people I got to go find someone. I will be back.

He left for the Hughes peak of the mountain. Logan walked to Alvin.

Logan: That woman witch or mage whatever she is she is wearing his mothers face some how.

Alvin: is she someone I should worry about?

Logan: I don't know she hasn't shown us any harm. Hey listen help these people rebuild give what little you have. I have a shipment of Gold and other valuables That can help us it in a place called Dragons Reach it came out of Avalon Trevor's supplies have to and he told me to give it all to you so that's what I will do.

Alvin: That's very Charitable of y'all. Thanks we will start building and helping these people.

Alissa Went and started helping the wounded she started using her healing magic on them and they came to a young boy age fifteen. Cory was holding his head up trying to keep him from choking on his blood.

Cory: Mom please save him please.

Alissa: I can't he's too far gone.

Joey came up.

Joey: Mom there must be some way.

Alissa: I'm sorry there's no way.

Joey: Then I turn him he's too young to die.

Alissa: No Joey I know you really don't want to do that and I know he's young but he probably don't want to be a vampire.

Joey hung his head the young boy moaned. Alissa and Joey looked at the boy and Cory and saw that Cory turned into and Werewolf and he had bit the neck of the boy.

Alissa: Cory No!

Cory in the form of the wolf pulled him back and held him in his arms. The bite healed immediately as the young boy that moment became a werewolf and he was healed he fell asleep.

Alissa: Their Cory he live and he's sleeping let him go and let him rest.

They began to rebuild the village and they made a city they put up a wall of stone all around the mountain and with the vampires gold and supplies they built a mighty castle and the expanded their kingdom down and around the mountain and he began to rule as king of the north they called the country Havon. And the village where the castle was built is called Dragons Palace.

Now they began to train people for war they grew in numbers young and old and many families made their way to the castle and more villages were built and under Alvin's Rule each village had a Jarl. A total of twelve Villages in the Haven Kingdom and twelve Jarls over them each were no Al and loyal to their village as their king was loyal to them all it took three years for them to finish the kingdom but they were still looking to expand.

Logan Trevor and the other vampires kept donating gold and silver and gems that they found and even Dracula helped all though no one knew he leave it right at the foot of Alvin's bed with a note that says here's to help you build your kingdom. Your special friend. Melinda once a month came and gave a hundred pounds of Gold she would appear and disappear just like that. Poor Trevor was determined to find out who or what she really was.