
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasia
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 13. (The Young Frendiet Boy Of The Seas.)

Josiah Kelinsky a young Frendiet boy seven-teen years old He his hair long and blond his skin was smooth and soft the women that saw him fell in love with him. He been out on the sea since he was four years old. The Pirate Captain Bartholomew Benadeck took him when his home was destroyed by LowFwee Moore the most feared and most evil pirate of the seven seas. 

Captain Benadeck followed LowFwee to put an end to his life. Then he raised the boy upas a pirate. Josiah was not much for talking but he would Speak his mine when you pushed him. Captain Benadeck lost is right leg in the fight with LowFwee and almost died. Captan Benadeck lost his leg but LowFwee lost his life. 

Captain Benadeck and Josiah were in a Rowboat and ship was destroyed by the Shanite Royal Navy the enemies of Pirates and the Frendiets.

Captain Benadeck awoke from sleep hungry and saw his first mate who was like his son. 

He was trying to find land and get to shelter but there was no land for many many miles. 

Then Captain Benadeck took out his scope and looked threw it and saw a ship and when he saw the colors fear hit him. 

There were no way to get around it. 

Guard: Hey Captain Jack Jones. We have two Pirates in a row boat here. 

Jack Jones: Get them on board and put them with the others we will hang them by morning! Aye Captain the young boy did what he was told, He put them in a special sell and turned to walk out then stopped he felt eyes on him strongly, He turned and looked Josiah straight in the eyes, Something pricked his heart towards them.

Captain Benadeck looked at the young guard then. 

Benadeck: Young boy could yes find it kindly in your heart to feed a poor old man and his boy a bite to eat even if he is a pirate could you show a bit of charity lad?

The young guard turn quickly and went out. 

Benadeck: What was that about Josiah y'all looked like y'all were mind reading.

Josiah: It was nothin.

Josiah had no idea what happened or what he was feeling when he saw that boy.

Bedadeck: I see one of those deals aye. 

The young guard walkout quickly cold sweat pouring from his forehead he when and laid down slept he kept dreaming about the boy over and over his eyes burning threw him. 

Then. Cory! Huh? Cory! What?! 

Cory: O Sir!?

Chef: Time to feed the prisoners. 

Cory got up and wiped the sweat off his face, then walked out, Cory was seven-teen same age as Josiah, his hair was black and his skin was dark and smooth hair parted to the side clean cut. He was very loved by the Lady's. 

Cory fed the Prisoners then he came to the sell were the two pirates were. 

Cold sweat hit his face a wiped it off then went in he dumped the nasty gruel out in the sea. The two pirates watched him. 

Cory went to the sell door unlocked it he had a basket and he took out two bottles of strawberry wine and two plates with a stake pease and a biscuit Josiah look at him, his eyes said the words, thanks, 

Captan Benadeck: Thanks young man your a good boy. 

The next day the all the pirates were lined up to hang there were six and a Sorcerer was there. A white Werewolf came to the Sorcerer in a vision.

White Werewolf: These lives are in your hands release These men and call on the land sea dragon Galton.

The rope went around Josiah neck and he was fixing to be hanged when the rope went off the boys neck like someone yanked it off. 

The ropes binding them fell off and Cory threw swords to them and some of the other crew saw it and the mutiny fell on the ship. The a sorcerer called the Black Sea and land dragon it came up out the sea killed some of the men that were under the Captain Jack Jones. Captain Benadeck violently struck against Captain Jones guards but then they all saw to Dragon and began to attack it but it's skin was too strong then the dragon reached out and graved Cory and Josiah then flew out the waters and flew straight towards a castle and village called Logan. Captan Benadeck ran towards the Dragon.

Benadeck: Come back you sorry dragon I kill you bring my boys back I gut you I'll rip your heart out and eat it I'll cut your horns off and feed it to you!!!! I'll! I'll!!!! AAAAAAAAAK!!!!!!

The Black Cobra: Ezy Captan they will be fine.

Benadeck: They better be or I have your head! Bring my boys back!!!

The fight began and then the Shanite Captan Jack Jones. surrendered he did not want none of his men to die Captan Benadeck stood up over him.

Benadeck: Aye mates we did it the ship is ours!

Pirate cheers.

Benadeck: Now let me introduce myself I am Captain Bartholomew Benadeck. 

Everyone on deck gasped and they all swallowed hard. 

Cold sweat hit the X Captain. 

Benadeck: Now put all These that don't swear to be under me as my crew. In the Pit them with their shipless Captain, Now we will sail to Pretole Welkill and get my other men and crew then we will find that dragon and get my boys back!