
(Green lantern the animated series) no injustice escapes my sight

I was getting ready to write my next novel all of a sudden a yellow light shining in my room next thing I know when I’m in space with a yellow ring on. {Note: all right to DC and green lantern the animated series belongs to the right full owners this was a brief idea when I watching the series there is no intention to make profit off of this this is simply a fun writing.

Dez_Burns · TV
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

First battle

Ranx arrive sometime later since his location was farther away compared to the other lanterns upon his arrival he did not require much training to utilize his ring compared to his other lanterns and the commotion he caused by arriving in the Vega System.

Galactic empires take notice when a giant planet traveling at Ftl speeds towards the lawless system in all of the known universe.

Which provide a response from the Citadel empire to send out some fleets against Ranxs which most of the yellow Lantren thought was stupid you don't send ships to fight a planet that can fire back especially if the planet is equipped with a power ring.

Ranx made Quick work of the response fleet firing off the massive amount fear energy at the incoming fleet like a Machine gun.

The Citadel fleet was easily decimated by Ranx but more fleets from minor empires within the system and pirate gangs fleets began to arrive.

His new lanterns were shocked by the power of the planet size yellow lantern within their ranks.

Vulturous saw this as an opportunity for his lanterns to get battle experience he commanded his trained lanterns to intercept each of the incoming fleets.

That also included black fire she got some training under her belt but not as much as the other lanterns since she was knocked out cold for a while.

By the time she woke up she had lots of catching up to do to her fellow recruits even had a teary-eyed goodbye with StarFire as she was given a ship to head towards earth to make sure of two things could still happen One was the keep the treaty with the Citadel and tamaran intact and if StarFire returns home the treaty would be officially broken.

the other was for her to continue on her original story by going to earth and eventually becoming a teen titan although StarFire could commanded vulturous for her to stay simply because they're both the same species and she is the princess of sad people he is now part of based on that logic she is his princess and heir to the throne of Tamaran.

But he gave many convincing arguments to her for her to go saying they will benefit her people for the treaty to remain in effect after all he did tell her he did not plan to stay in the system forever eventually he would have to leave it but he did promise her to find a new world or star System for there people.

Starfire wasn't sure but did not see no alternatives and decided with a very heavy heart and teary goodbye with her sister went to earth two weeks before Ranx arrival at the current time.

Each of the trained lantern split up and began heading for their own battlefields in groups of two fire fly and man-bat headed straight for the pirate fleet.

Power girl and black fire went to clean up the rest of the citadel fleet.

Ranxs stayed where he was since he did most of the work when he arrived so he decided just to float around as the big planet that he is while Fred and soranik natu headed for another fleet incoming but it was smallest of the fleets heading their way.

Vulturous decide to stay behind and provide support fire for his lanterns since this is a good experience for them after all he was not going to hold their hand in everything.

Every group went to their fleet and began firing upon them dodging weaving and creating different size constructs of pure yellow light.

Man-bat created blade constructs onto his wings slicing ships apart causing them to explode while fire fly uses his to create a giant flame thrower melting the ships holes and the people in it as they met a gruesome end.

Power girl using her Immense strength and heat vision more often than she's using her ring but she still gets the results done destroyed ship after ship like it's a child's play.

Black fire on the other hand is utilizing her ring to the fullest creating multiple constructs destroy multiple ships at once as well and killing those who escaped through escape pods.

Fred utilizes his ring in the most scientific matter by simply creating a construct of the sun and it's gravity causing the fleet he was attacking to be drawn into the stars construct causing them to explode and burn as well as been heavily crushed.

Soranik destroying the engines to some of the pirate ships then boarding said ships the freed the slaves and killing or crippling pirates that came her way.

She had time to adjust to her new reality as a lantern like her father but unlike her father she will not fall victim to its power like he did she promises the injustice he brought upon their people will be answered as well as get answers about her mother's death.

Vultrous witnessing all this and confidant to say without a doubt he is very proud of his new lanterns and believe his rings chose well in their users although he had doubts in soranik but it looks like she will grow into it hopefully after all he will need someone like her by his side to keep him straight after all absolute power corrupts absolutely so was best to have Others like her Close to him so he doesn't lose his way.

The Battle drawing to close making this the first battle among many the yellow lanterns will fight and what is they will fight for they there will be many trials for everyone emotionally and physically.

Space pirates are arrested and citadel soldiers are killed off.

slaves return to their families after much time with being apart.

let this be the first act of the symbol of fear that inspire order within the universe.