

Rui Sato was a rather peculiar boy, perhaps it was due to his unnaturally white hair or his weird personality. But one thing was for sure, he was very perceptive of things and his intelligence was quite high for a four year old kid. Maybe that was why his father decided that homeschooling was better for him since it meant that he was teaching himself.

In a large outdoor garden, a tall man with the same hair color as Rui could be seen standing in front of him. His name is Kuro Sato, or Rui's father. Standing before his son, he decided to teach him one of the core values in life that was also taught to him by his father.

" Rui, when you grow up and walk down the road of life, you WILL meet the obstacles and dangers it has. While it may seem daunting and impossible to overcome, you must get up and keep moving forward. That is the most important thing in achieving your own goals and becoming a person that you are proud of. "

" Yes father ". Rolling his eyes at his father's constant reminder. Rui wondered what was so important about these lessons and whether or not his father realized that he's still a little kid. Regardless, he still kept his words close to his heart, knowing that anything his father said was anything but unnecessary.

" Oh, are you two still going at it? ". His mother, a beautiful woman at her age, came just in time to spare him from the numerous lessons. He gingerly walked over to her.

" No mom! We're just finishing today's lectures, right dad? ". Turning around to face his dad, he gave him a mischievous smile, daring him to say no. Kuro could only sighed at his son's antics.

" Of course honey, we're done for today. What did you find us for? ". Here, his wife gave him a teasing look.

" Oh? I didn't know you don't want to have dinner? It's a shame really, I even made your favorite dish ". Hearing her mentioned his favorite food, he started to speed walk to the dining table.

" Nonsense dear, I can't not eat your food at all ". The pair of mother and son could only giggled at the statement.

Once they were seated and ready to feast, Rui asked his dad a question that has been bugging him for a while.

" Dad, when does my Quirk appear? ".

" Hmm, it shouldn't be too long before it appears. Your 4th birthday was last week ". Satisfied with his answer, they continued eating.

" Hey Rui? Could you grab me that bowl on the counter ? ". Nodding at his mom's request, he took off to go and get it.

Due to him wanting to be quick, he accidentally swiped it off the table. Sending it falling to the ground.

' Oh no you don't! ' making a grab for it, he closed his eyes when he touched the air, waiting for the loud shattering.

Or so that was what he thought. In reality, it was inches away from the ground, being held by what looks to be strings coming from his outstretched hands. Blinking twice, he excitedly shouted.

" H-hey Mom! Dad! I think I got my Quirk ".

Inspecting the threads, his mother happily cheered.

" It seems that your father was right when he said it won't be long. Not only that, you got my Quirk! ". His father nodded in agreement.

" Hmm... Indeed. Hm? Run, did you drop the bowl? ".

He noticed that yes, he was still holding the bowl with his strings. He nervously scratched his neck with the other hand while looking away.

" Uhm ... I don't think that's important right, mom? "

" That's right. What's important now is you honey!. " she giggled at his plead for help. His dad sighed softly.

" Alright, let's go and see what your Quirk can do. "


A year later

In his garden, Kuro could be seen standing with his sword drawn, waiting for the onslaught of attacks. To his left, two knives were sent flying towards him. Blocking them, he immediately jumped to side followed by two sharp objects embedding themselves to the ground he was standing.

Landing to the side, he was met with resistance in the form of strings latching onto his left hand. Tugging the strings, he set off the bundle of knives that were placed beforehand. Seeing this, he uses his Quirk [ Wind Blade ] to launch a sharp wind crescent at the incoming knives, effectively blocking them. Cutting the threads holding him, he calmly walked towards the center of the garden. There, he could see the waiting form of his son, standing with his arms in the sleeves of his white haori and a lazy smile on his face.

"Hey dad, how was the surprise gift?." Rui excitingly asked, getting a nod of approval from him.

"That sneak attack was planed out. Forcing me into your trap was a good idea, Rui." Adopting a stance with his sword, he continued.

"But, now that your opponent has gotten pass your defenses, what will you do?" Rui openly smirked at him.

"Oh? Are you sure about that dad? How about you look closer." Narrowing his eyes at the blatant warning, he was surprised to see that the whole place was covered in strings, acting like a barrier between them.

After a brief moment of silence, he charged at Rui. Slashing and dogging, he did his best to clear the gap while Rui was standing looking at him nervously despite the lazy look on his face.

'Dad is insanely good, like always. And the only chance to win is...'

" NOW! "

Kuro was definitely impressed to see the threads suddenly formed into a makeshift cage and started closing in on him.

"Ha! I finally got-"

"Wind style, fourth form, Slashing Cyclone!" Rotating his body in a circular motion and covering his sword in sharp condensed air, he broke the cage in one fell swoop. He then looked towards his son... only to find him flabbergasted, gaping like a fish.

"How? How did you even, I mean, HOW?!" Walking to him in a dramatic way, Rui continued to question how that was even remotely possible. Kuro just stood there looking at him approaching.

"With a lot of training and effort." He replied in a deadpanned tone. Walking past him, Rui continued to lament before abruptly turning to him and exploded a web of strings from his hidden hands on his father.

"Sike! I really got you now!". Before he could celebrate.

"Ouch!" A painful chop to the head was all he got.

"Idiot boy! Did you really think that would have work?". Crossing his arms, he scolded him.

"You were too obvious when you hid your hands in your sleeves. Not only that, your smile gave away your thoughts!"

"Thanks for the lecture dad! Did you have to hit me that hard?"

"Hmp! If I didn't, how was I supposed to get it through your thick skull that you can't treat everything as a joke?!" A casual shrugged was what he got.

"Why not? It's fun messing with people". Before he could say anything, his wife came and gave her opinion on the matter.

"Oh, lighten up honey, it's good to mess around and have fun. Buuuut, your father does have a point Rui. You can't joke around all the time, what if something serious happens?" Rui just waved her question off.

"Alright mom but no promises. Besides, what could happen?"

... He wished he could slap himself in the mouth for that.