
Demons Inside

"Hmm? I slept past dinner?"

Rito looked at his room dim lit by the little light that the dawn of morning has to offer

He slowly sat up and rubbed his forehead, and also removed the crust off of his eyelids. Bending his neck sideways, he sat still for a few moments.

After sleeping for such a long time, he did feel more clear and the mental pressure on his mind was finally relieved.

Looking to his side, he saw Tatsumaki curled up and sleeping with a thin trail of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth.

"If she was really as innocent as she looks..."

Complimenting Tatsumaki and relishing the sight of her legs and shoulders exposed through her casual hotpants and white top with thin straps around shoulders, he took a deep breath and finally stood up.

Aside from feeling hungry, he also felt incredibly uncomfortable because of the fact that he hadn't taken a bath after coming back home.

Ruffling through the back of his head, he opened the door to his Spatial wardrobe cum Room and took out his clothes while he also saw Lala's figure sleeping on her bed.

Leaving, the room, he started preparing for his bath and changed into a fresh set of uniform.

It was already 6 in the morning and he just slumped on the couch with a bored expression. Opening the system, he found that his KP had already reached 11606.

Checking out some items in the store, he finally closed his eyes.




A bloodied figure was tied to the ceiling with all his limbs cuffed together while his upper body alongside his neck was covered in barbed wire.

"Hehehe, *spit* Come on, Old man. After all this time, you think this will break me."

A young man with short messy brown hair and scrawny build spit out blood before smiling and showing off his mouth filled with blood.

Meanwhile, a scalpel was used once again to remove another one of Rito's toenails and his scream once again filled the torture room of the dimly lit dungeon.


Though breathless, Rito already had enough of this life. He couldn't wait for the help of his newly acquired system and he couldn't wait to die anymore.

Even though the torture rooms were soundproof, Rito could easily imagine his brother-in-arm screaming due to the equal amount or even worse pain inflicted on his body.

"Old Man, when my fucked up parents sold me to you guys, did they comment on your kind treatment? Because right now, it doesn't feel much."

Rito simply mocked while his expression remained distorted in pain and anguish.

He wasn't sad because he was going to die, he was simply sad because he had already given up on himself and his own friend... his brother.

Meanwhile, an old man with his face covered by a pharmaceutical mask and simply snorted and grabbed the handle of the barbed wire with his hands covered in bloodied gloves and immediately pulled them back.

Feeling the spikes of the wire digging through his entire body, Rito couldn't help but struggle and shout more but it was of no use. He was still alive and kept on gasping for air as his windpipe was almost filled with his own blood.

Seeing his body shudder in pain, the old man smiled and flipped off the switch placed on the wall.

Immediately, the metal railings moved and Rito's cuffs opened up, making him fall on the pool created by his own blood, making a splashing sound.

"Hehe, trying to take away other kids won't do, my little apricot. You and Black Pie were the best around here and you were also treated like real sons and yet, you still hurt me and your mama's feelings."

Moving his head to the side to create a breathing space, Rito's face was already covered in blood but his smile still couldn't be hidden.

"Mama? That old shit? She ain't a Mama, she's simply an old bitch who didn't have the pussy to give birth and didn't have the husband with a functioning penis."

Mocked by Rito, the Old Man couldn't control his rage anymore and picked Rito's face up by yanking his unkempt hair.

"Quite brave are we? Let me take you to witness my Black Pie's condition."

With that, the old man let go of his hair and immediately went towards the iron door and rotated the handle to unlock the door.

After unlocking, he slowly walked towards Rito and extended his hand towards his face, trying to pull him up.


Rito immediately grabbed Lala's wrist with force and immediately stood up from the couch.

His expression pale and his forehead filled with cold sweat.

Looking around, Rito realised his mistake and he immediately let go of Lala's hands and looked at her strangely.

"What were you doing?"

"What was I doing? I wanted to wake you up because of the school! What's wrong with you?!"

She shouted back with teary eyes as Rito saw the red mark on her wrist.

Seeing that, his expression sank and he immediately apologised.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't in my right mind."

He spoke plainly and sat back with a deep sigh, leaning back and placing his hand over his eyes.

That felt too real!

His body couldn't help but tremble whenever he had the same nightmare.

After all, this wasn't the first time.

He had gone through the same nightmare in the hospital too.

No matter how strong he becomes right now, he knew that getting rid of his emotional and mental scars was extremely important but how could it be so easy.

He was forced and oppressed in his previous life since his childhood and even in the moment of death, he had to go through the worst torture of his life.

Sachi's image reconciled with an extremely grotesque face as he bit his lips and controlled his anguish and rage.

Seeing him behave so differently, Lala couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Are you fine?"

She tried placing her hand on his shoulders but his hoarse voice stopped her in her actions.

"Lala, leave me alone for some time."

He didn't speak more as he controlled his emotions as much as he could while he outsourced the remaining to his [Brain Wave].

Using skill to control emotions and feelings may hurt his mind but he would rather go through this process than feel his heart burdened with extreme sadness and guilt.

Lala hesitated for a little while before making her way out with an impassive face as she was feeling quite uncomfortable, too.

Seeing Rito in such a condition brought her mood down.

"Quite a gentleman, aren't you?"

Tatsumaki's voice was heard as she floated in a sleeping position and openly mocked Rito.

"Don't disturb me."

"Hah? Why would I leave this room? You are the one that has the problem, right? Why don't you leave?"

She snickered but to her surprise, Rito simply stood up and walked out of the room while Tatsumaki remained slightly stunned after seeing his expression.

"Tell Lala and Mikan to go to school by themselves."

He spoke one last time before leaving.


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