
(Droped) This Young Master Have Had Enough

“Jin Hai you shameless bastard!” “Jin Hai you dog!” “Can’t you see that goddess Ning doesn’t want to see you, Jin Hai!?” “Jin Hai, go die!” . . . . Jin Hai, the most infamous man in the whole China Federation. At the tender age of 15 he became the laughing-stock of everyone due to his arrogant behavior, lack of talent, lascivious persona and dog licking his fiancée. However, Jin Hai couldn’t care less about what other people said about him. He is simply trying to finish his role in the plot so he can be free from the stupid protagonist and those brainless heroines. And finish he did. After gruesome 20 years of having to pretend once again, Jin Hai finally became free from his role and went to live his life as he wanted. This is a story about a man who was reincarnated as a villain into a novel’s world and followed his role. Now, he is free to do whatever he wants. ----------------------------------------------------------- Hello there! Hi everyone, I’m Kyle_Kingsmaker, a novice author and this is my first book. This is in truth just my side-project and not my main novel, but don’t worry, there will be a chapter once per two days (at least for now; I might post daily after my experiment). I would like to first say a few things: 1- I’m not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. If you find any, please point out, I’m grateful in advance; 2- This is a more different story from the rest. How so? I based the world in it with a combination of Shadowrun’s series, our classical Chinese novels and magic instead of our usual cultivation, so please give it a try, you might like it; 3- This is not a fanfic of any existent novel. I did take inspiration from other novels, however this is a completely original novel; 4- Although this novel isn’t my main one, it doesn’t mean I will do any sh*t and upload it to you guys read. No, I will put in effort in this and I hope you can give me your feedback, of course, respecting everyone (me, yourself and the other readers). Also, this novel has some themes that can considered dark, so read at your own discretion. 6- The cover or reference images are not mine. I do not own them in any form or shape and I am only using them with illustrative intent. If you are the owner of any of those images and wish them to be taken down, please message me and I will take them down as soon as possible. ------------ Also, the eaversdrop in this novel is more of a support than a main element. Anyway, here are the tags this novel has: #Action - #Advanced technology - #Cyberpunk - #Comedy - #R18 - #Reincarnation - #"Evil MC" - #Smart MC - #Handsome MC - #Calm MC - #Strong MC - #Beautiful Female Leads - #Strong Female Leads - #Female Leads That Have a Working Head Above Their Shoulders - #Magic - #”Cultivation” - #Business - #Faceslapping - #MC That Uses Logic - #Harem - #Romance - #Dedicated Female Leads - #Romantic Interest Falls in Love First - #Loyal Female Leads - #Chill MC - #Hardworking MC - #Several Races - #Wars - #Organizations - #Yanderes - #Milfs - #Oyakodon - #Gilf - #System - #Eavesdrop -

Kyle_Kingsmaker · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs

Backstory Chapter: Ouroboros’ Witch (Bonus chapter)

[??? POV]


"Kill her!"


"Burn the witch!!!"

Someone once said that humans are the most hypocritical race to have ever walked on the face of the planet.

You are a hero when sacrificing everything you have just so they can have peace and live their lives.

Yet, when you lose everything, slay the big bad guy and wants to live, you are denied this right.

A hero is destined to die.

There is no after-story for them. The good end is where they die and save the world.

A world without any goodness in it.

Then, are the ones who want to destroy such a world really bad?

"Kill her!" Someone screamed while taking a stone off the ground and throwing it at me who am tied to a wooden pole.


The stone hit my head and I felt an aching sensation before the wound started to bleed.

"Kill her!!"

"Burn her!!!"

"Stone her to dead!"

I can hear the screams of the crowd surrounding me before I pick the distinct sound of the heavy steps as people dressed in shining silver armor make their way towards me while holding torches.

I tiredly raised my head and looked at the knights holding torches, but said nothing.


No matter how much they beat me, torture me or anything else, they wouldn't be able to change my mind.

'Humanity is an ugly thing.' This thought has been accompanying me for all my life and was the only thing that never left me, even when all the others did.

"Now! We will execute Amelia, daughter of Beatrice and Bruce, a commoner, for witchcraft and colluding with the devil!" Exclaimed a guard clad in a more distinct silver armor.

The crowd screamed in cheers.

The knights holding the torches lowered them and touched the pile of dry wood surrounding the pole I was tied to.


The fire quickly spread through all the wood and crept on the pole.

I watched as the flames eventually started to consume my body and the crowd cheered even harder.

A single tear formed at the corner of my eye before I felt it being vaporized into smoke by the flames.

I looked towards the clean bright blue sky and thought how amusing it is that in such a beautiful day, the city is burning none other than their own hero who gave everything for them.

'I am sorry, mom and dad.'

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath despite inhaling the smoke the fire was emitting and feeling my lungs crying out for clear air, before snapping my eyes open and concentrating everything I had in my next and final words.

"I curse this land! Thy soil shall not bear any fruit anymore. Thy labor shall only be rewarded with famine. I curse the people who here live! Thy shall be unable to bear children. Thy shall be deprived of the pleasure of lust, alcohol and money. I curse the king and his family. Thy shall be the ruler of ash and dust and will be gifted with the heads of your family before dying a dog's death. I curse this world! Thy shall pay the hefty price for the injustice the innocent souls have suffered because of thy impartiality." I shouted at the top of my lungs and felt all my strength leaving me before my vision started to darken.

However, before I could even close my eyes and lose all my senses, I heard several people crying out for the fruits they were eating suddenly withered and rotted on the spot.

With my last action in life being me mustering a smile, a weightless feeling washed over me.














"Princess, please behave yourself!" An old butler asked me while sweating profusely.

"Don't wanna." I replied and kept looking outside the window towards the beautiful city I live in.

As the butler was going crazy over my behavior, I suddenly heard a deep manly voice.

"Anastasha, behave yourself." Another old man, this one dressed way more elegantly however, entered the room already calling out for my behavior.

"…" I didn't answer anything, but also didn't exert the slightest effort in complying with his request.


"Just know that your husband has already been decided. You meet him in a week. Don't embarrass the family." He said before turning around and going away.

'A week is more than enough.' I thought before going on a stroll.

























"A-A-An-Anastashia!!!! WHY DID YOU BETRAY US!?!?!?" My father screamed while a gaping hole on his stomach was continuously gushing out blood like a fountain.

Looking boredly at him, I didn't answer and let the commoners who were doing a revolution kill him.

I simply sat on a bench and watched as the corrupt royal family was butchered alive in a live bloody show.

I didn't express anything when seeing them in this state and simply waited for what was to come.


With a loud bang, my head started aching, my ears buzzing and my vision started to darken in a familiar manner.

I didn't express anything when I understood I was dying and quietly waited for my end.

'A tragic princess.'


















A female soldier in a man-only army.

A respectable shogun.

The first female president of the country.

The chieftain of a secluded tribe.

Everything one could imagine in films, I would have already probably gone through.




I lost count of time.

I lost the will to live.

I lost everything a human being could have.

However, one time, I died and didn't open my eyes to a new life.

Looking around, all I see is darkness and a purple fog.

Raising my head, I can see a beautiful starry sky serving as the ceiling of this place.


<<Welcome, child.>>

'!!!' I shot up from the ground and warily look around me.

<<Oyah? Are you still caring about your situation or are you just reacting out of instinct?>> A womanly voice echoed in my mind again.

Putting my arms down, I noticed that I really didn't care one bit and was just reacting out of instinct like she said.

<<Now, now, how about a small chat?>>

I suddenly saw a silhouette inside the purple fog.

The silhouette was showing a female figure with a big pointy hat on the top of her head.

"…" I waited for what she was going to say since I literally had nothing better to do.

<<Have you ever thought about why do you always reincarnate?>>

Although I was surprised, I honestly didn't care much that she knew about it.

So, I simply nodded my head.

I have indeed thought for many years what was the reason I always reincarnated and never died for real.

I have even researched about it in the worlds that had magic that I was reborn into, but so far, I had no success in even getting a lead for the reason.

<<Fufufufu~ Now, now, instead of answering something which wouldn't change your situation, how about I show you something interesting instead?>>

I thought over her words for a bit and concluded that there was no problem in seeing what she wanted to show me.

Worst case scenario, I just kill myself and wake up somewhere far away from here.

I saw the silhouette taking a ball and waving her hand.

Then, the ball floated towards me before stopping when it was close enough for me to see it clearly.

The ball was a simple crystal one without anything in it.

<<What if I told you, you could not only get rid of your curse, but also find a companion?>>

I stopped looking at the crystal ball and then looked at the female silhouette with a slight feeling of contempt.

A companion?

'I don't even trust myself, how should I even get a companion?' Although in disbelief and not giving any credit to her words, I stayed silent and waited.

<<I know you don't believe in me, so just watch. Watch for as much time you want to.>>

The crystal ball glowed and started to show a video in real time.

The video showed a small baby boy who was just born.

I felt a force making me sit and something resembling a comfortable chair when I "sat" on seemingly air.

<<This will take a while, so get comfortable.>>

I said nothing and kept gazing at the crystal ball.

I saw the boy growing up; going to school; making friends; getting a girlfriend and living a happy life.

Something which I didn't have.

I unconsciously tightened my fists, but quickly calmed down. There is no point in envy.

Then, I watched the boy get shoot to death.

His funeral was filled with people crying over his death.

He was put into a coffin and buried.

Then, his life ended and the people who once cried over his death eventually forgot about him and went on with their lives.

I looked boredly at this process while waiting for what was so interesting in it.

<<Now, kept your eyes wide open. You don't want to miss what is next.>>

Then, I slightly opened my eyes when I saw the familiar scene of the boy being a baby who was just born.

However, this time he had different features and even different parents.

He was reincarnated.

I once again watched him grow, but I saw no signs of him being aware of being reincarnated.

Then, I watched as his life took a sudden turn.

His parents were assassinated.

His village, burned to the ground.

His sweetheart, killed.

I watched as his life fell down and as he was drown into despair.

Although dramatic and sad, my face showed no emotion aside from slight curiosity.

I watched as the years went by, the boy turned into a man and eventually went on with his life.

Although hurt, broken and saddened, the man never once gave up on hope.

He went on with his life, found a job, had a slight comfortable life and eventually died.

Then, the same scene repeated itself again.

He was born, showed no signs of knowing he was reincarnated and lived his life.

Tortured by the enemy.

Betrayed by his people.

A hero.

A villain.

A savior.

A saint.

Evil's incarnation.

A judge.

A spectator.

Many titles and many names he was called by, but he always remained the same even though there were several glaring differences between all his lives.

He never lost hope.

His eyes, no matter how tired or how weak their glint, they kept showing hope.

Before I could notice, I was drawn towards him and was watching the man more and more.

In a never-ending circle, I stayed watching him over and over and over and over again.

Perhaps, I was waiting for the moment where he would break. I honestly didn't know anymore.

Yet, the moment never came.

I sat there for years, maybe millennia, but I never saw him losing hope.

<<What do you think?>>

The woman which I completely forgot about suddenly asked me and brought me out of my daze.

I turned towards her silhouette before asking the question which has been bugging me all this time.

"Why show me this?" I couldn't make out the motive or reason for her to show me all of this.

Even though I couldn't see her face, I had the impression that she was smiling at me.

<<I needed someone to stay by his side.>>

Looking at the silhouette, I couldn't feel anything from it so I had no means of knowing if she was telling the truth or not.

"And why would I agree?" I said those words however, in the next moment I felt my being screaming against those words.

I widened my eyes and looked below, but saw nothing different.

<<You haven't even noticed yet, huh. Someone without emotions is really a scary thing.>>

I saw the crystal ball turning into a mirror and looked at it.


I widened my eyes when I looked at the mirror.

I was smiling crazily, my eyes were dark and hollow and the aura around me irradiated an "I want to" vibe.

<<I couldn't escape from his clutches once I started watching him; what does it make you think that you, a mere mortal could be any different?>>

For the first time in the conversation, I felt her tone show an emotion.


As if that simple thought was but heresy.

Then, as if a flood, I suddenly started to feel like my emotions were slowly coming back to me.






Everything hit me like a truck and I felt as if I was reborn anew.

I had spent so much time without feeling those basic emotions that I had forgotten how they were.

<<Now, do you want to stay by his side?>>

I heard her words and felt myself elated at the mere thought of standing at his side.

I don't know when, but now that my emotions are back, I also felt all the emotions that that man felt through all his lives.

All his pain, sadness, happiness and rage. All of them were felt by me.

He was no strange to me, in fact, he might be the closest person to me to have ever existed.

"Yes." This word alone carried all my feelings and I felt as if a weight was taken off my shoulders when I said it.

<<Fufufufu. Then, make a pact with me.>>

"I will." Without a second thought I answered.

What if it's a trap?

Then it be damned.

I already spent too much time with no one. Now that I found someone which I can stay with even with my circumstances, then I better off falling into a trap instead of passing this opportunity.

Then, I felt something burning in my chest.

<<By my name, Ouroboros, the infinity's incarnation, from today onwards, you are my unique and sole daughter. Do you accept?>>

I felt as if something, something big, humungous and colossal was looking at me.

Gripping my fists tighter, I opened my mouth.

"I accept."

I felt as if she smiled again.

<<I dub thee, Elena, the Ouroboros' witch.>>

I felt as if my whole being was slowly getting erased and reconstructed at the same time.

<<For my beloved's and your sake, I will be taking your memories so you will be able have a better time with him. And remember, he didn't lose his hope, but this doesn't mean it will never happen. Stay by his side and attend to his every need, as he is the only one of us who hasn't lost hope.>>

I felt as if I started to float and was slowly being washed over by the purple fog.

<<You will arrive at the world he will be in before him. His name will be Hai. Make sure to stay by his side, Elena.>>

Then, my vision went black and I lost consciousness.























"Let's go~" Young master said while smiling at us.

Seeing him smile like that, the obsessive affection inside me calmed down and I just wished he could stay like that.

Although I don't know the exact reason for my obsession, I know the reason of my existence.


My young master.

Him and him alone.

If the world needs to burn, then so be it.

Because, my only reason to be, is him.

A small pink symbol of a snake biting its own tail appeared in Elena's pupils and rotated while glowing for a second before disappearing.









A/N: Hello there, I hope you are having a wonderful day!

(Quick note: I will post today's chapter later today, so don't worry.)

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That is all for today, thank you all for reading! 🍷😎

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