
(Concept Draft) In The Space Exploration Era, I Am The Only Mage

“Follow my teachings and you shall rise to heights never before seen in the cosmos!”. Jax was an ordinary young man, before a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity set him down the path of magic, in a galaxy ruled by technological might. Authors Note: Hey Everyone, I have been terribly busy with university, and came to realize that I had not properly planned this story out. As such I want to start fresh after taking these concepts and properly planning them out. As such this will just be a story concept of Space Era Mage for the first few chapters. I will instead release the final version once I have more of the story completed, and this will stay available as a draft. Thank you all for your support, and I will see you when Space Era Mage Returns!

BigBaldGuru · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Master and Casters

Jax sat still on his knees, looking up at Ivo who had the sun directly behind his back.

"What did you just say?" Jax couldn't help but mutter.

The shock was clear on his face. What did Ivo mean by training him? And who was Ivo really?

Questions such as these rushed through Jax's mind, beginning to swirl into a headache of confusion.

"I will train you boy," Ivo said again "So that you will not be defeated by a mere planet such as Mitte. I must warn you now, my training will be grueling. You can choose to not partake in it, but you will surely die without it here."

Jax mustered his strength to respond to Ivo, finding his voice once again.

"Please Ivo, I don't want to die here. Please train me," Jax said.

A smile appeared on Ivo's wrinkled face, looking much like a grandfather would at their own grandchild.

"I will boy," Ivo spoke. "and call me master from now on."


The two had returned to the cave after the touching moment, where teacher and student became bound to each other. There was still much to do in the matter of survival before Jax could begin his training.

But he felt as though he had forgotten something crucial. Something that he should have asked before accepting Ivo's offer of training.

While they washed by the lake, it suddenly came to Jax.

"Ivo, uhh I mean, Master!" Jax called out.

Ivo looked over to Jax, who was washing in the nearby cold lake water.

"What is it boy?" he said.

"I never asked, but when you say training, what will you be training me in? I know you're strong, but I don't see how I can reach that strength." Jax said, trailing off a little at the end.

Ivo broke out into a hearty laugh before responding.

"This strength? Hahahaha, boy I am unbelievably weak right now. Even you could reach this level easily."

It took some time for Ivo to calm down from his laughter, all the while Jax sat with a bright red face. He felt embarrassed by his master's sudden laughter.

"But it's true that I haven't explained much yet. Come, let sit while I speak of your training." Ivo said while turning back towards the shore.

Sitting down next to the old man, Jax waited expectantly for Ivo's explanation.

"Boy, do you know of the various combat styles in the universe?" Ivo began. "There are the Martial Artists, who train their bodies energy and techniques, they are known for their strength in close combat and destructive weapon techniques."

Jax looked in wonder at his master. Jax had heard of the combat styles, but they always seemed so far detached from his life. Jax dreamed of learning martial arts where he could defeat hundreds of enemies at once.

"Next is the Augmented," Ivo continued. "They modify their body with tech, weapons, and other augments. They are extremely versatile and can excel at multitudes of ranged and close combat weapons. Not to mention many use various machines and exosuits in combat. The real dangerous ones even awaken some special power, but that's not important right now.

Jax had seen people with cybernetic augments before, but exosuits and weapon augments were reserved for militaries and the rich. Looking at his master, Jax knew that he wouldn't learn how to fight using cybernetics, as Ivo was all flesh and blood.

"There are also the Psychics, who specialize in powers concerning the mind and soul. Their mental abilities can do various things, from creating illusions, launching telekinetic blasts, destroying your mind, and even eroding your very existence. Your soul. They are very dangerous, but there are ways to defend against them."

Perhaps Ivo would teach him how to become a Psychic, although Jax was slightly fearful when his master mentioned destroying souls.

"And finally there are the Clerics," Ivo said. "These people have such strong faith in their religion, that they manifest powers in a variety of ways. Their faith imbues them with strength, allowing them to conjure elements, strengthen their body, absorb life force, heal wounds, and even control energy itself. They are versatile and frankly a mixed bag in what you get, but make no mistake, even they must train their powers. The only saving grace is that they are usually only blessed with one power set or aspect. These make up the combat styles that all superhumans use"

The sudden influx of information made Jax's head dizzy. Which of these would Ivo train him in. They all sounded strong, so much that Jax could barely contain his excitement.

Finally, he broke and asked Ivo "Master, which style will you train me in???" Jax could barely contain his smile.

Ivo laughed again "Hahahaha, none of them!"

The smile on Jax's face instantly fell. None of them? Confusion quickly descended onto Jax, as he closed his eyes to think hard about his master's words.

Seeing that his pupil had become confused, Ivo took no time to speak once again.

"My boy, there is another style, one that not many know about in the universe."

These words quickly caught Jax's attention once again.

"I am what some is called a Caster," Ivo said. "Someone who uses magic!"

Jax was astounded. Magic? Now the old man was messing with him?

"Master, it's fine to joke around, but isn't magic too farfetched? I mean isn't magic only in kids' stories?" Jax made sure to speak up.

"No my boy, look here"

Ivo stretched his hand out, and made a few hand signs, before murmuring a word that Jax's translator could not understand. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot out across the lake water.

The loud crack of lightning hurt Jax's ears. He looked quickly over at his master, seeing a bead of sweat begin running down his forehead.

"My apologies boy, this simple spell should never have made me even bat an eye, but look at me now. Almost out of energy from one simple cantrip." Ivo said.

"Moving on," Ivo said, attempting to move past the amazing display he just performed. "I will teach you magic, but there are some things that you should know about Casters. Those of us who fight this way can create gigantic offensive spells, strong illusions, powerful defenses, and useful enchantments. But all our spells have long casting times and chants. What I just did was a simple cantrip which is much weaker than a regular spell, but it helps in a pinch."

Jax looked back out at the lake. The lightning there was weak? Then what was considered a strong spell?

"Casters use the inherent mana in the universe to form our spells, rather than internal energy like other combatants. Our limit is not based on our own energy capacity, but rather on how much mana we can pass through ourselves. We can go over more specifics later. First, let us find a place to determine your aptitudes and go from there." Ivo said before standing up again.

Jax stood up as well, making sure to follow his master closely behind, as they began walking back towards the cave.

Once they returned home, Ivo and Jax ate a few fruits.

"We should head to that cave with the 'blue crystals' as you say, boy. That is where we will start your training." Ivo said, setting off once more to the mountain.

Jax ran ahead, making sure to lead his master to the right place.