
(COMPLETE) A Murder Wizards Adventures

[Read my reviews, they are better at explaining than me.] A Naruto Kinda SI, starting in the Second Shinobi war, doing lots of ninja stuff. I plan to make use of things I feel don't get enough attention, like the academy three. MC will be in ANBU and won't be op, though who knows what the future holds? Oh, and he's Sakura's uncle. Though he won't really interact with her. I also have a Pat reon for donations and advance chapters. https://www.patreon.com/user/membership?u=41732867 Also have a discord. https://discord.gg/Pj3Dttwses Also I don't own Naruto, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's

Bored_MC · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
123 Chs

107 You're approaching me?

My map has revealed to me that I am in fact still in the Land of Lighting and I am also not anywhere near the border.

Bu honestly, that is hardly a big deal, once this curse is gone, I can escape from anywhere I want.

Hell, I would have let them capture me to wear the timer down if I wasn't so sure that they would have tried to execute me immediately.

Ohh? What's this?

My trusty map has shown me something nice.

Not too far from my position is a place simply called 'Kanzaiki Cave System' with a little skull warning that leads to an addendum.

Do not entre, or you will likely die.

Sounds like the perfect place for me right now, so I change course again, heading straight for this cave as my clones keep buying time.

Half an hour later and I am entering the cave through a hole in a canyon wall.

Forty four hours to go, let's see how long this cave can buy me.

I pop all of my still active clones, before they can use any more chakra, then I make more clones.

Only twenty this time, as my chakra is diminishing.

I've probably lost at least a quarter of my chakra so far.

It might not seem like a lot, but I hate wasting chakra, so I rarely use Jutsu in a fight.

In fact, since I became a Sage, I have never gone below half of my chakra reserves. Even fighting against Jinchurriki or Bijuu that one time, I never used more than a third of my chakra.

Oh well.

Every time we come across a split in the tunnels, we split our group evenly in order to spread out through this cave system as much as possible.

Oh, and I have obviously been collapsing the tunnels behind us as we go.

When I am alone again, my clones all having split off by this point, I let out a sigh and slow my run to a calm jog.

Nearly two whole days to go.

I really want to take a nap, but that is obviously not an option here.

Instead, I need to keep moving and to prepare myself. After all, just because I am now below the ground, that doesn't mean that pretty much every Shinobi can't still sense me just fine, so I don't doubt that they are going to surround me before engaging this time.

But I am actually planning on that, after all, this cave system isn't the only interesting thing my new map showed me.

The only question is getting there.

I suppose, I should hunker down for a bit.

I mean, sure, I am giving them an easy opportunity to surround me, but they will probably take some time to get into position properly and it's not like they will all appear in front of me, I still have my clones after all.

So, if they split their forces, then each of my clones and I will be surrounded by two hundred and fifty Shinobi.

Maybe more if the Raikage and Killer B decide to take a clone each solo.

So, what's the plan then?

Sit around here until they take the initiative to attack and then kill them and move to the next location.

I suppose there isn't any point in simply sitting here, I might as well trap the fuck out of this place while I have the time.

I check in my storage and see that clearly at least one of my clones is quicker on the uptake than me, because my inventory is already depleting.

You know, I had thought that I horded a lot of stuff, but I think I might actually start running out.

Maybe I am just going over the top with my traps, I think as I place thirty explosive tags at one point in the cave.

That probably won't cause a cave in, not that a cave in would kill me, or most Shinobi to be honest, but it would be nice to stay down here for now.

The spot in this cave that I have stopped in is very large, around two hundred metres in diameter and mostly circular.

In other words, no overly powerful Jutsu.

Maybe thirty tags was over the top..

Ah well, I'm sure everything will work out fine.

After a few hours, the whole area is absolutely covered in traps and I am sitting right in the centre of it all, meditating, having ran out of room for traps.

I've also ran out of ninja wire and am actually low on explosive tags for the first time in years.

I also use this time to write our a few notes and seal them away in my tattoos, after which they quickly disappear.

See, my clones can take things out of my tattoos, but they can't put anything in.

Because of this, whenever I leave the village, I make sure to leave a clone behind so that I can transport anything back to the village in an instant.

In this case, I decided to write a few notes, just in case I don't come back alive.

Not that I think I will die, but it would be unbelievably arrogant to be in this situation and not even make preparations for the worst.

Thirty nine hours to go and I feel a disturbance in the force, I mean, a disturbance in the earth around me.

In other words, I am about to get jumped.

Contrary to my expectations, no Shinobi jump through the walls, nor does anything collapse.

In fact, other than a distant rumbling echoing through the ground, nothing happens.

That's odd.

Then I get five sets of memories almost simultaneously jammed into my head.

Ah, well.

I don't actually know what to say to be honest.

The memories show the area my clones decided to set up camp getting straight up, pulled out of the ground, like the whole cave is just an elevator.

Upon reaching the surface, each clone was met with around a thousand Shinobi.

They didn't see the Raikage, but Killer B is still here, having killed one of my clones himself, not that they bothered to waste much chakra fighting back.

I probably should have expected this to be honest.

It's not like I'm the only one with the capability to plan.

It's a simply plan too, split into five groups and check out the chakra signatures one at a time.

Well, damn.

All I can really do is wait for them to unearth me.

I could burst out and try to run, but since they are actually planning things now, there will probably be at least some Shinobi above me who would be able to stall me until the rest show up.

I'm just glad that my clones and I are actually pretty far apart right now, probably ten minutes of running from the average Jonin to get between us.

Which means, when I get pulled to the surface, I only have to kill them all in ten minutes, easy. Not.

Well, technically I don't have to kill them all, but with those numbers, I don't think I can simply run away either.

I suppose I will simply move the battle as we fight then.

Another ten minutes pass and with it, another set of clones gone.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that I will be the last to be visited by this group.

since there are five groups of enemy Shinobi and twenty of me, each group only needs four kills, but they got to me third.

Actually, this is a good thing, if I was the last one then they would be certain that it's me.

Not that I think this is actually going to make a difference.

I mean, even without using any ninjutsu, my clones have each killed at least a few dozen Shinobi, well, except for the group Killer B is in, since he keeps fighting me one on one.

But my time has come, and I feel the ground I sit on rumble as it starts to rise, most of my traps falling to pieces as I rise.

I even had to dodge a kunai from one of my broken traps that went straight for my head.

I sigh at the wasted effort, but tense my muscles nonetheless.

Due to the fact that they could all sense how I wasn't even standing, none of them expected it when I suddenly burst forth as soon as the first ray of moonlight is visible to me.

Exploding forward from my seated position, I land in the midst of my enemy, weapons already drawn and reaping life.

Four of them fall to my blades before I jump to the side, swinging wildly as I pass Shinobi by, reaming life after life before someone attempts to clash blades with me, only for my tanto to cut through his poorly made blade and split him in half.

The people immediately around me all take a few steps back as streams of lightning converge onto me.

I stomp on the ground and an open ring of earth appears around me, almost immediately exploding inwards from all of the Jutsu, but by then I have already activated my Field of Death Jutsu.

Using my enhanced senses and control over the air, I rush forward as the debris in front of me is blown to the side by the wind.

Annoyed by the constant lightning, I mould a large amount of chakra in my lungs, transforming it into water.

Normally, I avoid large scale Jutsu, deeming them a waste of chakra, but right now, not only do I not care about using chakra, but I also happen to be in a situation where large scale Jutsu aren't a waste.

Jumping into the air, I face downwards to the army facing me and I spit forth an ocean of water, the pressure alone crushing those unfortunate enough to be below me while the resulting wave is dodged by about every Shinobi who simply jumped over it.

But that's fine, the whole point of that is that we are now all walking on a very conductive material.

This should lower the number of Lightning Jutsu getting sent my way.

Thanks to the way I used my Jutsu, when I touch back down on the ground, the area around me is empty of Shinobi, of living Shinobi at least.

Which leaves me standing in a ring of angry and fearful Shinobi.

"Heya boys and girls, if you surrender, I might let you live." I taunt them, and the fact that I am so calmly taunting them even when facing now less than a thousand of them alone seems to unnerve them.

My smile probably isn't helping their nerves, but this is just too fun!

A tanto appears back in my hand, from when I unsummoned them earlier, only, before I can start attacking again, my own tanto flies backwards and nearly pierces through my head.

I didn't know tanto could rebel.

Obviously my tanto hasn't actually gained sentience and chosen to rebel, so I look around for the culprit, not that he is difficult to find as my tanto flies over to one man as he enters the ring, holding a scroll in his mouth and some unnecessarily large shuriken.

Wait a minute, this guy looks familiar somehow.

I listen to the whispers of the Shinobi around me and figure out that his name is Toroi, but what really makes it click is the sideburns with the dull purple hair.

This is that guy who was doing the shady dealings with that other guy that one time.

Man, my attention to detail is a thing to be admired.

I remember thinking how this guy was a strong ninja, and he feels even stronger now.

But.. his rate of improving really pales in comparison to my own.

Kunai, shuriken and other assorted metal weaponry float in the sky, forming a dome around me, each poised to strike.

Heh, pathetic.

I bend my knees, ready to stop wasting time here.

It's been two minutes already, and I have only killed like, a dozen or two.

So, let's speed things up a little.

But first, because I simply cannot resist, I open my mouth to speak the final words this man will ever hear.

"Oh? You're approaching me?"


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

My new houses wifi barely reaches my room, which is only like 3 meters away and I only get one bar while in here. I've been watching youtube in 480p at best and 180 at worst

Advanced chapters with the links below! Keep in mind that Ko-fi is better, Pat/reon is just more popular!

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pat/reon.com/user?u=41732867 (get rid of the first slash)

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