
A Guy who he met

Chapter 7

A guy who he met

Indeed, the person who had let out the demon beasts roam around the capital city of Kafka was Caberas. When Ragnes asked about the reason, he answered this question with carelessness. The Demon King of Santana whistled and answered with a very annoying reason.

"They seduced my wife. I must interrupt. Or would you rather like to play with them a little more?" he said, pointing at Ragnes standing with his arms crossed. For Ragnes, no matter how many years passed, this friend was still the same.

Now, they were talking at the back of the hotel, ignoring the screams at the front. Ragnes could guess that Prince Jekovic was now sending troops to defeat those demons. After this, the situation must be investigated. and it may refer to him as well.

Silly Caberus!

"Don't talk about it! How many times have I rejected you but you're still madly offering yourself to me? Look at yourself! Do you think who you're! Get your head back!" for Ragnes, he hated his old friend's action. It was ridiculous jealousy that made the villagers suffer, and soldiers risked their lives. This person was extremely crazy.

"I'll definitely return if you accept my proposal, my dear Ragnes. You're not young but you're still going to flirt with the human prince, aren't you? Instead of wasting time like that, won't it be better to make children with me?"

At that moment, Ragnes immediately cast flame magic at him, but Caberus didn't dodge. He was willing to be burned to prove that his skin was very strong, very muscular.

"I already told you that I'm very strong. I assure you that if you were my wife, you would never be bored with my style in bed."

"Spit! Don't make me laugh and be overconfident! Although you give yourself for free, I won't take it!"

The stubborn Ragnes cursed Caberus, and he made Caberus was annoyed. In his eyes, even though the other was a half-demon, a king, he was still a tiny human. And this was a human being that much more stubborn than the others. His immense pride was the problem.

Caberus was now wondering if he had broken that pride, crushed it until it was powdered. And when he pressed him under his own body. Would Ragnes still open his mouth and scold him? Thinking about it, he couldn't help but smirk.

Caberus walked closer but Ragnes still crossed his arms, he stood still, not taking a single step back. He knew the character of this Santana Demon King. Caberus was thinking of putting pressure on him, creating fear and resentment. But only by doing this, Ragnes won't surrender. He was also used too with this kind of threat.

"Go back, your thoughts are too old-fashioned. If you want to get married to me, you only have to win my heart. Or you're lack of confidence? Oh my god, you're a scum bag!

"Hey, you have a bad mouth, do you think I'm going to give up?" He stepped closer, looking at his old friend as calmly as possible.

Among all the lives he had ever encountered, Ragnes was the most stubborn. This person originally should have belonged to him a long time ago. But there had been many misunderstandings. He couldn't bear to see other men steal his love again.

"My dear Ragnes, I know why you're here. Are you going to follow the shadow of the dead and have no care about me who's alive?

This statement by Caberus made the listener frown. Not because of flirtatious words but a hint of something that Caberus said. It indicated that the news he had left Wetonia to find Sangtis had leaked out. Now Caberus knew this. That meant outsiders would know too. But his traveling was an internal affair. How would anyone other than his subordinates know, besides...

"Who told you…"

"Huh, the news has been leaked for a while now. I don't know who released it. Does one of your ministers spread this news? Maybe he or she betrayed you?"


That was his very first idea. Ragnes really thought of as a pessimist. Having news of him spread, meant they had a betrayer. But this thought would quickly shake off. His cabinet members were all comrades, and that comrades will not offend him.

Everyone was a friend of Sangtis. They were the person whom Ragnes trusted by his heart, even ceding the country to take care of during his absence. In this world, besides his husband, they were the people he trusted the most.

"Don't build your castle in the air! Your plan's impossible, so stop finding your ex-husband now, my friend. The news of you has spread across the continent. By now the kings of other countries must have sent people to look for you. If you were found, they would certainly not be merciful, you know because you rejected all the marriage proposals. At this time… they're already thinking of using some force."

"Who's cares about them!" the other proclaimed. Ragnes really wanted to spit. How dare! "Do you think I'll be afraid? Like cures like! If they prepared to die, just come!"

Ragnes' reaction made Caberus let out a sigh. Ragnes was the number one stubborn hothead. He didn't give up. No matter what happened, he wouldn't bend at all. No, he had been bent to the very end. But that was an unbearable bad experience, so he did not wish to bend over to anyone else again.

"Don't cry and ask me to help. Because you should know that people like me cannot comfort the other. I'll trample you to the ground. If you want to enjoy running after the shadow of the dead, let go. But... I curse you to fall, my friend. And you'll have to crawl on my knees and lick my feet. Ask me to be your husband!" he then laughed loudly as he turned around and waved his hand gently, leaving the other person unbearably irritated.

In his mind, Ragnes was quite confused with the news he had just received, but he was conscious enough not to be even angrier. He knew his own destiny very well. What Caberus had said was something he had already realized. This is just... to add insult to injury.

"Damn Caberus!"

But there was something else that was more important. He still wanted to get rid of those demon beasts. He had to stop them. Then, he hurried to the front of the road and saw all the little demons.

The two princes had already fled. Now the city's soldiers faced the devil. Ragnes secretly spread the magic barrier around the entire community. In this magic barrier, no demon beasts could escape. At least restricting their area from rampaging and attacking innocent people.

But at that moment, the enormous golem was suddenly attacked by the knights and screamed so madly. It threw the tusks towards the people's houses, and just then, an unfortunate girl stumbled and fell while her mother ran away. It was the last moment of the division's magic power combination of the soldiers. Surely no one would notice this girl.

But Ragnes saw, he immediately ran and jumped up to the child. He hugged the girl while preparing a protective spell. Even if his secret may be broken, he still had to save people!

But in the end, Ragnes did not have to cast a spell. Suddenly, a man jumped in and cast a spell. He then gathered his magic power and collided with the golem until it shattered. Before ordering the soldiers to spread their powers, they managed to kill all the demon beasts at once.

That was magic power that Ragnes was familiar. It was a holy knight's light magic. Ragnes stared at that person without looking away. His heart was not beating in rhythm. He was sweating and clenching his fist to prevent himself from accidentally screaming out.

This man, black hair, blue eyes. That gesture...

"Are you alright, young man?" The man turned to look at the person he had saved. Turning around, his eyes met with beautiful ruby ​​eyes. He also froze. Of course, it was because of Ragnes's unusual beauty, but there was something more than that. Something he didn't know what it was.

But this pair of eyes, he couldn't take it away.

"I'm safe, this kid too," Ragnes came to his consciousness. He avoided making eye contact with this man but turned his gaze to the child in his arms that the mother had rushed to pick her up.

"No, you're hurt," said the person, looking at Ragnes' arm. He seemed to have been injured from the impact a moment ago. "No, these demons might have poison. Anyway, go to the er… infirmary with me," he said, handing over to the other. If it was someone else Ragnes would immediately refuse.

But now he felt that he was too confused. His mind was so empty and he couldn't think of anything. He felt his heartbeat almost break his chest.

"I, I'll go…" said Ragness, but the other startled before hurriedly grabbing his arm. Their eyes met once more, something flashed through their bodies. Feelings of fervor, longing, confusion, these were things they couldn't understand.

"Rigel, I am Rigel," he said and his hands and voice trembled. This was the first time he had been so shaken by a stranger.

Even the person in front of him was very beautiful but it wasn't something to be shaken with longing just because the other was so pretty. It was as if he had been waiting all along, waiting for this person.

Miss you

Miss you so much...

"Atia, my name's Atia."

That was the name Ragnes had used when they first met.

"Have I known you before?" Rigel asked, not intending to flirt, but he felt.

However, Ragnes smiled mischievously.

"I don't know, but...now. I want to get to know you," he then unfurled his signature sweet smile. His face was innocent, but his mind was calculating.

The ultimate strategy for seducing men, the first step, everything started with a smile!