

Reincarnated into the Naruto world, Yami navigates existence with detached curiosity, unperturbed by the human experience. Yet, within the confines of this emotionless state lies a potent force, as Yami's journey unfolds, revealing the enigmatic depths of a soul devoid of sentiment.

Htk_Kksh · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs


Back then, he was the most powerful man in the entire world. No one can go against him, and nothing humanly can ever stop him. He was the top of the whole global society, he was the pinnacle of humanity.

And all of that was made possible by him and his skills only. Starting from an ordinary middle-class family, he was an ambitious man who worked his way up the social ladder by combining both his business and political skills. And before he even knew it, he was already the president of the United States by 37 years old.

But he didn't stop there, he knew that being the president of the only superpower in the world wasn't enough for him to have full control over the world. He needed something, something that would give him the power to leash every single powerful individuals and elites. From the top trillionaires, to the richest presidents and royals, he wanted to control everything and everyone.

At first, everybody who heard him told him that it was impossible to have full control over the world. That it was impossible to completely leash every single powerful elites.


Deep within the depths of the seafloor of the Mariana trench, a submarine that was made to withstand the cruel forces down here illuminates it's barren surroundings.

"We still haven't found anything?"

A man that goes by the name of Theodore asks his researcher subordinate who was looking at the monitor, which was surveiling the barren seafloor.

"Nope, still no signs of life, and also no signs of the thing you are searching for"

The researcher subordinate responded in a casual tone.

"Dammit! At this point, the deadline will have caught on! "

Theodore grunted in frustration, he threw a cup towards the floor which startled his other subordinates.

"Don't worry boss, we'll definitely-"

"Wait! What is that?!"

One of the researchers interrupted the leading subordinate.

Both Theodore and the leading subordinate hurriedly looked at the monitor and then their eyes widened.

The monitor presented a gigantic cubical box that seems to have sunken here into the depths.

It looks like a safe, with the typical opening wheel attached to it.


Theodore celebrated.

"Let's contact the boss immediately"

He added in a hurried tone.

He then picked up a telecommunicator connected to the submarine itself to send a message to the surface.


He yelled at the phone.

"This is the Sea Level Rig Telecoms Station 17, I repeat this is the Sea Level Rig Telecoms Station 17, we have received your confirmation, you have now been given permission to ascend"

On the other side of the phone, the responder spoke to them monotonously.

The responder then put the phone down and turns around to look at a certain man behind her.

"Sir, we have confirmed the prototype's existence here in the Mariana Trench, it's retrieval is underway"

She said with a smile on her face.

Sir is really handsome no matter how much you look at him, too bad I can't pursue someone as high on the ladder as him.

The responder thought with a grin.

"Ah i see, finally, the thing that I needed. SUPREMA, the project that my Althea started and abruptly ended. The single weapon that I could use to rule this wretched world"

The man villainously declared.


Immediately months after retrieving SUPREMA, an abbreviation for the SUPER PREDICTING MACHINE, he began the final arc of his plan. With the most powerful AI in the world with threefold the intelligence of a human, he inserted the chip into his brain circuitry, and he was now set to rule the world.

But in the end, he made it possible, he made it to the tippy top of the modern global caste system by the time he was 45 years old. With only but himself, and a certain weapon that amassed fear from everyone, SUPREMA.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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