
Ch 56 Brunch With The Peeps + Free Bride?

In the morning I awoke with Ashara in my arm and began to run my fingers through her luscious raven black hair as she mumbled in her sleep.

I spent a few minutes doing so until she finally stirred awake and looked at me with a sweet smile.

"Good morning Love? How'd you sleep?" I asked her.

"Good morning handsome....I loved sleeping in your big strong arms." she spoke with a smile as she buried her head in my chest but then a mischievous smile spread on her face..

"You did it to me so it's only fair I mark you as well...." she mumbled.

Then she jumped onto my chest and placed her mouth to my neck and started sucking hard to try and leave a love mark..... after a few seconds she let go and saw that nothing happened to my skin..... and tried again but this time she sucked harder as she bit my neck cutely with her little mouth.....

Once she let go her mischievous smile died down and was replaced with a pout..."Why isn't it working???" she asked and brought her lips near mine.

"You have a very strong husband.....your cute bites don't hurt me." I told her and immediately she jumped on me and bit my shoulder hard then moved up to my neck again and took another cute bite.

After she had her fun she put her lips above mine and we locked lips as her sweet spit fell into my mouth as our tongues danced around each other while I savored her delicious flavor.

We kissed for ten minutes as my hands began to wander on her tender body before a familiar voice sounded in the distance..... Ancalagon was still asleep just behind my tent so no one dared to approach.

We stopped kissing and I stood to see what was going on.

I was only in long johns when i walked out of my tent as my muscles glistened under the early morning sun as Ashara got dressed again.

I stepped onto the grass and looked at where the voice was coming from....I couldn't be more glad from who was calling.

"Kevan!!! Come on forward you know Ancalagon won't hurt you and Dorna!!!" I called the now tall and buff Kevan, he walked arm in arm with his wife Dorna who now had a Baby Bump as big as Rhaellas'.

He and his pregnant wife walked up to the tent and reached there by the time Ashara was dressed and ready.

I approached the man and brought him into a bear hug as I patted his back. "Good to see you Kevan...I was waiting until your birthday to visit The Rock but I guess we are reuniting sooner....Sweet Dorna it's a pleasure to see you again...I hope you have been well." I greeted both of them.

"Aye good to see you Alucard I've been missing your company as well." Kevan spoke

"Good to see you Alucard~ I can't thank you enough for both the gift you gave my husband and this bracelet you gave me, I've never even had morning sickness once..." She spoke as I kissed her dainty hand.

"Come inside my tent, I have a table and chairs for us to sit in so we can talk there....My new Fiancee is inside as well."

We all walked into the roomy tent and into the dining section which was separated from the Sleeping area

We sat down and soon Ashara walked out of the bedroom and Sat her soft ass on my lap.

"Greeting Lady Ashara congratulations on your engagement." Kevan spoke

"Yes congratulations beautiful girl, you got the second best man in the kingdoms." Dorna spoke jovially then leaned to Kevan and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, honestly.... but my love here still needs to speak to my father, he came in out of nowhere and decided to claim me like a barbarian, which ensnared my heart but he still needs to speak to Father." Ashara spoke as she repeatedly kissed my cheeks

"Aye I will go soon Love, so Kevan did you come for any particular reason?" I spoke to my good old friend.

"Yes.... there is a group breakfast between most of the major Lords and I came to send you an invitation.... all the others were too afraid of getting eaten by Ancalagon hahaha." he spoke with a laugh.

"I'd love to, how about you my love?" I responded then asked Ashara.

"I would love to but I promised my little sister Allyria that I would spend the day with her in the gardens today." She told me....I wonder what her sister looks like.

"Very well, I'll send Shadowmare to accompany you for the day, he is as smart as a person and can kill hundreds of men in battle.... also take this bracelet and never take it off." I told Ashara and she nodded then stuck her wrist out as I placed a shimmering Bracelet on her beautiful wrist.... Valyrian steel and black opal that was as radiant as her Haunting Violet eyes.

"I'll never take it off...I promise." She told me and I brought my mouth to her ear. "It's enchanted with magic to keep you safe." her eyes then widened and she nodded cutely.

"Alright, Shall we head out?" I asked the Lannisters.

"Aye...lets." Kevan responded and we walked outside after I put on some clothes and I got Ashara some silk pants to go under her dress and some female riding boots since she would be on horseback.

I had already given Shadowmare his orders so he was galloping in, he had spent the entire night mounting Noble Mares in the stables after breaking in and no servant could get him out.

He galloped like the wind as his heavy hooves tore up the soft earth with every step and came to a sliding stop in front of us.....

then he rose on two legs and neighed into the air as his long black mane Billowed in the wind.....I'm not going to lie, even I was impressed at his showboating technique.

That's when Dorna spoke. "My Word.... what a majestic horse you have Lord Cathicus.." She spoke and Shadowmare nodded his huge head

"And so smart too." Kevan added and patted his thick neck.

"Alright Shadowmare, you will spend the day protecting Ashara alright, I want nothing to happen to her while I am away." I told the horse and he nodded while neighing again.

He then walked towards Ashara and dropped to the floor so she could hop on.

She sat in the saddle and Shadowmare once again rose to his full height, I adjusted his stirrups so Ashara could reach them then she spoke to me. "Bye Husband~ I Love You~" as she leaned down to kiss me... then she clicked her tongue so Shadowmare could begin moving.

Once they were a few meters away Ashara leaned in the saddle and yelled out loud.

"Let's see if you really are the best stallion in the world, Show me what you can do.....HIYAAA!!!"

And Shadowmare accepted the challenge with a loud neigh as he immediately picked up his speed and galloped across the field and into the distance like he had a fire under his ass.... what a wild woman I got for myself.....I wonder what damage she will do once I turn her into a vampire....

I turned back to the giggling Lannister couple and we walked off towards the main castle where breakfast was being held.

The entire path was crowded but when people saw me coming they rushed out of our way.

We walked into the castle of Harrenhall and headed upstairs to a more private dining hall.

When we stepped inside I spotted Tywin, Cersei, Mace Tyrell, Ollenna, Janna, Mina,Lord Whent, Doran Martell, Oberyn, Hoster Tully, Catelyn,Randyll Tarly,Robert Baratheon, Stannis, Brandon Stark, And Lyanna.

Truly, all the major Lords present at this tourney were here.

"Greeting my Lords and Ladies...a pleasure to see you all well." I spoke as I moved my eyes across the room.

All eyes looked at me differently, Tywins eyes were those of respect, Cersei wanted me to bed her over the table and ravage her, Mace looked happy to see me as if he spotted Santa Clause, Ollenna was evaluating me,Mina was Eyeing me with hearts in her eyes, Janna glanced at me repeatedly but never stared, Catelyn shook in fear but I smelled her arousal even if she was sitting next to her fiancée, Lyanna looked at me with Love.

Lord Mace stood from his chair and ran towards me as his fat face jiggled funnily. "Lord Cathicus!!!! So good to see you!!! I tried all your recipes and they were exquisite!!!! These are my Sisters Jana and Mina!!!Which one do you like Lord Cathicus?!?!" He shouted jovially as all the other Lords just rolled their eyes at him...they all knew what he was like after all.

I took a good look at both of the sisters..

Mina was about 19 and beautiful but when I sensed her I nearly gagged...Semen and Moon tea emanated from her...what a fucking slut...I thought to myself.

I then looked at Janna, she was only about Twelve now so I wouldn't marry her anytime soon but she seemed to have a sweet soul.

So I walked up to her.

"Lady Janna it is a pleasure to meet you...I am Alucard Von Cathicus... I promise to treat you lovingly when we are married in the future." I walked up to The girl and Kissed her hand with a flourish as her face turned completely Red since all the lords were looking at her and the most handsome man she had ever seen said those words.

"Why her? do you like little girls Lord Cathicus?Mina is beautiful and of age after all?" Ollenna spoke aloud...queen of thorns indeed...

"I can tell that Lady Janna has a sweet soul, and would make me a happy man when she comes of age." I spoke as I looked at Janna's vibrant green eyes.

"Is that all? I thought you'd be more pragmatic....guess I'll have to be disappointed." Olenna spat and began to sip her wine....haha you wanna play that game...what a feisty mouth....she was only fifty three...I'd had older, and i knew she still had it underneath that thick green and blue dress even if she had a few wrinkles on her face.

"Perhaps lady Olenna...but In my country it is an insult to offer a deflowered and sullied woman to a noble if she is not a widow.....Mina there has slept with thirteen men....my senses do not lie.....and she is no widow..." I spoke and all the male Lord's looked at Mina in disgust except for Oberyn, he looked down since he had fucked her recently if my senses were correct....last night probably.

Olennas questions just made her daughters hand probably useless....but the cat was out of the bag already...

I would fuck This woman before she gets too old....Im not one to turn down Gilf pussy after all.

Mina covered her face in shame and tried to walk out of the room but Olenna put a stop to it. "Sit down stupid girl!!!...you wanted to marry him but it was your own actions that led you here.....If you had kept your stupid legs shut you could have ridden out of this feast on a dragon.....now it's your sister who gets him....sit there and think about your actions." She spat at her daughter and Mina sat back down.

I turned to little Janna and Withdrew an enchanted Diamond encrusted Ring....it glimmered beautifully in the morning light.

"A promise ring Lady Janna...as long as you don't take the ring off I promise to make you a very happy girl one day." I told Janna as I slipped the ring on her dainty hand.

"I promise..." she mewled out then hid her face in her hands as she was bright red as all the lords smiled at the sight.

"Hahaha!!! Good Good...Now Lord Cathicus let's sit and eat!!!" Mace yelled out so I took my seat....there were a few places to sit on this table but I chose to sit next to Catelyn and Randyll Tarly.

She was sitting beside her betrothed and here I was....the monster who defiled her and filled her holes repeatedly with his thick cum....I left her in a mess every time I saw her and her religious pussy grew wet at the thought... even though she hated it.

I took my seat and turned to Catelyn....

"Greetings My Lady...." I said with a smile. . . . .


(Dun Dun)