An evil degenerate is reborn into Game of thrones with powerful Vampiric abilities. Set in early 281 AC Not your usual Got/ASOIAF Fanfic.....there will be Gore, there will be Lemons, There will be Blood For The Blood God Also, Mc Is NOT a psychopath without feelings...... his morality and code of ethics are just really really really twisted. Çãshâpp: Kevonejones476AD for gifts (NO NTR) (GIGA-CHAD MC) (DRAGON) (TREATING CATELYN LIKE C**DUMP)
(Feast is next)
It was now my wedding day as I awoke just before dawn.... Lily and all my women already left the room, they were in the bridal chamber and would spend the morning getting Lily perfectly ready for her special day.
I had spent the last few days fucking Rhaella, Melisandre, Lyarra, and Lyanna constantly since my blood was up due to the upcoming wedding.
I tended to fuck Lyarra and Lyanna at the same time and when I was done I had them slurp the cum out of eachothers pussies while I fucked their ass, I enjoyed the mother daughter duo as I thought that both Rickard, Robert, and future Rhaegar were being cucked.
Now it was my wedding day and our ceremony was set for the afternoon, after that the rest of the time was for Feasting and drinking.
I headed into the bath and washed my body slowly and methodically before putting on some thick clothing since it was tradition for a man to hunt and bring back an animal on the morning of his wedding.
I headed out to the courtyard just as the sun broke on the horizon where Rickard, Brandon, Benjen, Greatjon, and Roose Bolton waited for me while they wielded boar spears on horseback.
I greeted them and we rode northeast towards the vast private hunting grounds of the Stark family.
once we reached a cabin we dismounted and made our way into the woods on foot.
Greatjon called out while mimicking a baby Javelina in distress to attract any nearby boars or predators who enjoy eating baby Javelina.
We walked for about an hour before we heard the grunts of a large boar in the distance as it charged through the trees while trampling down bushes and cracking small growth trees on its charge towards our location.
Once I saw the boar I was immediately surprised by the sheer size and wild looking nature of it.....I had hunted Eurasian Boar in Latvia and this one seemed to be twice as large and thrice as mean as any I had ever charged towards us while squealing angrily as it chomped its nearly foot long razor sharp tusks while aiming to gore our thighs open.
I extended my hunting spear and aimed it just towards the Boars neck as it charged directly at me with incredible momentum.
The Mad boar impaled itself on my spear and its huge momentum made it slide down until it reached the wings of my hunting squealed and grunted angrily as it tried to chomp at me while continuing to push forwards as it began to bleed out.
liters of blood sprayed onto the forest floor as its haunting squeals echoed through the dense forest.
before long the boar lost too much blood and dropped down onto its belly as its cries died out and silence returned.
"Such a large and ferocious creature....a good omen for your wedding Alucard." Brandon spoke as he patted my shoulder.
"Aye....a good omen...but there is still much work to be done...." I told the Stark as I pulled my spear out of the boars thick neck and called for Benjen to tie its front hocks together.
The young boy eagerly took the rope he had been carrying then made a cut between the hogs leg bones before sliding the rope through and tying a strong knot to secure them together.
"Good job lad" I told him as I patted his shoulder he just smiled proudly
I grabbed the rope and threw it over a thick tree branch then we all pulled the rope hard to lift this great lumbering beast into the air.
Once we got it high enough Benjen took the end of the rope and tied it against another tree securely.
We all looked upon the monster Boar in appreciation.
It was nearly six feet long and five hundred pounds....a fearsome beast.
Roose lent me one of the many slick daggers he had hidden on him, it was razor sharp in testament to his honing skills and smelled like its sharp blade had tasted human flesh many times before....likely one of his skinning daggers no doubt but its quality was indesputable.
I carefully cut its stomach and chest cavity open while making sure not to puncture any organs while i did so.
The other Lords and Benjen stared in appreciation while I skillfully gutted the animal.
Even Bolton made a positive remark about my blade skills
I started at the top with the esophagus, I cut it and pulled it away from the membrane then tied it in a knot so as to not leak bile while I continued to cut away the organs.
slowly I worked my way down as I cut out the large lungs and heart while blood dripped into the cold snow that blanketed the ground
then I sliced open the diaphragm and moved on to its intestines, I methodically pulled at the great mass and let them drop into the floor as the razor sharp blade danced in my hands while everything came cleanly off.
Eventually I moved down towards the Hogs cock and dangling balls, I sliced them off quickly and finished by cutting the pelvis and pulling out it's colon and asshole before cutting them out.
we then moved its guts a few feet away and dropped the now gutted hog onto the snowy ground.
Benjen began Stuffing its internal cavity with fresh snow so as to cool down the meat and keep it fresh on the walk back to camp as I set up the wooden sled that umber carried disassembled in a bag in his back.
we heaved the giant hog onto the sled and trekked through the snow back to our horses who were eagerly waiting.
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It was now a few hours later as we passed through Wintertown to the cheering of the smallfolk....they were given food and drink courtesy of me, their young men returned unscathed from a great battle with coin in their pockets, and now a gigantic Boar was being paraded through the streets and up to the castle by the Groom of the wedding.
They celebrated happily and soon we passed Wintertown and entered Winterfell with the giant beast in tow.
I could feel my women watching me through a small window In the bridal chamber but I didn't look over at them since I knew they were trying to be sneaky.
The Lords all complemented me on such a fine beast to be hunted on a wedding day.
I could smell the delicious aroma of food in the air as the servants worked hard while dragging the Boar away to the kitchens.
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I walked to the Godswood where our wedding was being held, a statue of Fortuna was placed in front of the large white tree which no Lord dared to refuse.... they had seen what I was capable of just a few days before after all.
Ancalagon had landed just south of where the ceremony was to take place and watched intently as his second favorite person was married off.
Ancalagon liked Lily over my other women so he wanted to be here for her special day after all.
He sat nearby as his massive body served to warm the air in the Godswood as all the lords made their way to their seats.
Melisandre and Myranda stood as bridesmaids to one side as Rickard officiated the Ceremony.
Everyone held their breath as Lily entered while being escorted by Rhaella.
Lily wore a beautiful white wedding dress that fit snugly against her soft curvy body. she wore a baby blue cloak with a lily flower embroidered over her shoulders and a white lace veil over her beautiful face....
She walked slowly down the torch lined aisle as I looked upon my lovely bride.
She walked up and Rhaella left her standing just beside me before stepping to the side and onto her designated position.
Then the ceremony began.
"Who stands before the Old Gods and Fortuna Goddess of Fate?" Rickard asked aloud
"Alucard Von Cathicus, The Bloodborne, Former Prince of Aedirn, Son of the Sorceress Aelith, and Lord of The North." I answered and Then Lily spoke
"Lily, of House Exceter, Firstborn Daughter of Roger and Annah." She spoke aloud.
"Who gives the bride away?" Rickard asked
"Rhaella Von Cathicus Formerly of House Targeryen, Daughter of King Jaeherys ll Targeryen, and Queen Shaera Targeryen Gives away the Bride." Rhaella responded.
"Lily of House Exceter do you take Alucard Von Cathicus as your husband willingly and without regret." Rickard asked
"I take this man as my husband willingly...and with no regret." she answered
"You may Join hands and kneel before the Gods." Rickard spoke
I grabbed Lily's soft hand and we both Kneeled before the Large statue of Fortuna with the Weirwood tree just behind The statue.
We kneeled for a moment and bowed our heads for a moment as a silent prayer was said by all those present.
I rose onto my feet and walked behind Lily, I unclasped her Cloak and Replaced it with my own.
She then stood and Rickard spoke again.
"You may now kiss and seal your love for this day and all days to come...let no man stand between what has been blessed by the gods on this day...." Rickard spoke
I lifted Lily's veil and gazed into her big blue eyes, her soft white face felt as if it were more beautiful today than any day before....I felt the connection between our souls form in that moment just as it did with Rhaella.
I placed a hand on her supple cheek and brought her in for a long kiss that sealed our love.
as soon as we separated all the Northern Lord's began cheering as Ancalagon looked to the sky and roared in celebration.
I then grabbed Lily into a princess carry and ran to the Feast as tradition demanded while the northern Lords followed while singing the bear and the maiden fair while cheering and laughing.
The long awaited feast would soon begin after all.
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