An evil degenerate is reborn into Game of thrones with powerful Vampiric abilities. Set in early 281 AC Not your usual Got/ASOIAF Fanfic.....there will be Gore, there will be Lemons, There will be Blood For The Blood God Also, Mc Is NOT a psychopath without feelings...... his morality and code of ethics are just really really really twisted. Çãshâpp: Kevonejones476AD for gifts (NO NTR) (GIGA-CHAD MC) (DRAGON) (TREATING CATELYN LIKE C**DUMP)
I awoke the next morning before sunrise with two beauties in my arms, but I didn't have much time to spend with them since I had a three hour dragon flight to make.
I Woke them up and let them know of my plans for the day, this caused them to try and hold me down so I tongue battled them for half an hour before they finally relented.
I dressed in my full armor since it had worn nothing but fancy silk clothes for a week and I didn't want to forget my roots.
I donned all of my eerily dark jagged armor and held my helmet in my hands.
Rhaella came behind me to help me clasp on my cape.
I got down on one knee since I was far too tall for her to reach.
She adeptly clasped on my cape and leaned in to give me a long kiss since she knew I would be going hundreds of miles away.
She knew that I was damn near indestructible but she still feared for my safety, that is proper affection from a woman.
I grabbed her face with both of my hands and looked into her eyes.
"I Love you my sweet Dragon."
"And I love you my big monster~"
she said with a beautiful smile and I just pulled her into a hug.
After taking in her scent for a moment me and Rhaella both felt someone staring at us from the bed and turned to see a pouting lily looking at us with a bit of jealousy in her eyes.
I just used a bit of magic to lift her and float her into my arms, she screamed at first but as soon as I held her she buried her face into my armored body as I held her as well.
Soon after we all separated and I left some books for them, and a selection of movies that I was sure they would enjoy.
I put on my helmet and made my way to the Tower of the Hand to speak with Tywin.
On my way there everyone got scared as they saw an almost seven foot tall behemoth in demonic looking armor with glowing red eyes, they all made the wise choice and scurried away.
soon I smelled a familiar scent in one of the walls so I stopped and turned.
It was Varys who was going to exit from the secret passage as soon as the coast was clear.
I walked up to the secret passage and pulled a stone up and pulled down a torch holder which unlocked the passage.
When Varys saw the door opening he was surprised but when he saw the armored giant staring at him he shivered In fear before acting completely unfazed.
He was a great actor but I could smell his fear and no amount of perfume would cover it.
"Spider I was hoping to see you." I told him.
"As I was hoping to see Lord only I never expected we would meet so soon." Varys said nervously.
I stayed silent for a moment and just stared at him through my helmet with my red eyes seemingly glowing.
...he became uneasy I could see a drop of sweat running down his fat bald head.
"It was real you know...."
I told him enigmatically.
"What was real my lord I don't know what you mean?" Varys responded with a soft tone
"The Voice. . .The one you heard in the fire."
I spoke slowly. He looked at me in shock but said nothing.
I slowly took off my helmet to reveal my mouth made entirely of razor sharp teeth
"It was a real voice... but I am far worse Varys, so do not try and play your games with me.....or I'll make you wish the sorcerer had finished the job..." I said through my sharp piranha like maw.
After looking at the horror show Varys stumbled backwards and bumped into the wall, then he took off running in the opposite direction through the tunnels with tears in his eyes.
That should get the fat bastard off my ass, the only reason I didnt eat his heart right now is that he was one of my favorite characters in the movie....and if not anything else, I am a man of infinite mercy...
I put my helmet back on and I made my way out of the passage and towards the Old Lion.
Soon I climbed the tower of the hand and When I was outside of his solar the guards quickly knocked and let Tywin know that I had come.
I was admitted in and saw Tywin busy working on paperwork.
"I will be heading to Casterly Rock as soon as I leave this office, have all accommodations been made?" I asked
Tywin merely nodded and spoke some
"Congratulations on becoming the first person with a lordship that is not officially subordinate to the King.... poor choice of land in my opinion however, I can give better lands and a better keep you only need to ask."
"Well having a massive dragon tends to have it's perks not needing to kneel is only a small one..." I said to which Tywin almost smiled.
"But as for poor land I think not, since I am a man who needs no wealth" I said as I materialized dozens of chests filled with gold bars on the ground. Then as quickly as they appeared I returned them into inventory.
"I am a man who needs entertainment.... and hunting ironborn reavers and wildling raiders sounds like a wonderful pastime, i also prefer to be away from other lords in Westeros and the peninsula at sea dragon point is almost as remote as Westeros can get.
I need privacy since My track record with nobles is not the best after all."
Tywin simply nodded and told me that if I ever change my mind to let him know.
"My daughter is asking about you..... will it be an issue?" Tywin asked with a stern face.
"Lord Tywin.....during our brief time together she spoke of nothing except Jamie, and Rhaegar. . .It will not be an issue on my end. You will find her a suitable husband,of this I have no doubt."
We spoke out final goodbyes and I walked towards the rear courtyard/Garden which had transformed into my personal helipad.
As I walked there I noticed the nobles who had extended their stay at the castle to attend my wedding were flocking on the edges of the courtyard.
I had called Ancalagon earlier so when I was exiting he was already descending from the skies while covered in blood and gore like usual.
He landed and all the nobles were in awe at seeing such a monstrous dragon up close.
I mounted him and took off without even looking at or acknowledging the crowd. . . everyone loves the bad boy after all.
Flying high above the clouds at two hundred and seventy miles an hour was quite boring so I leaned back in my saddle and dozed off, I was sure Ancalagon would take me to the right place after all.
Three hours later I awoke to Ancalagon roaring I looked down to see the Giant Castle and beautiful city laid out nearby.
Casterly Rock was far more impressive than written in the books or shown on the show.
This was a castle worthy of a King, it was situated on a mountain island with a thirty meter long bridge connecting it to land, the castle spanned the entire mountain and had beautiful alabaster walls with red tile roofs.
This design was beautiful, completely unlike that disgusting shitpile castle at Riverrun.
Ancalagon circled overhead slowly around the fortress while I drank gin from my flask.
I needed to give the residents time to prepare for my entrance after all.
Then I descended just outside the main bridge. I noticed a retinue of guards surrounding a blonde halfling which of course was Tyrion son of Tywin who turned sixteen this year, just behind the Imp were three men.
A tall stern looking man who I presumed to be Kevan Lannister, beside Kevan was a muscular serious blonde man with a longsword at his waist who was Tygget, he did not look pleased to see me but I assumed he simply had one of those faces.
Behind the both of them was a slightly Plump Jovial looking bearded man who I presumed to be Gerion Lannister.
As Ancalagon landed he let out a primal roar into the sky as if a warning to any who would dare oppose him. Good thing none of that would be needed today.
I dismounted and approached the group of men.
Ancalagon stretched his wings and lay down onto the ground which caused a huge gust of wind to come flying towards us.
Tyrion and the group were still staring at Ancalagon with his mouth wide open. . . I honestly couldn't blame him but I'd rather troll a bit.
"I am here for a purpose, don't waste my time by staring at my dragon and forgetting to introduce yourselves, lead me inside and take me to the lady." I said in an offended tone
They snapped out of it and realized that a Giant of a man in demonic armor and glowing red eyes was staring at them in displeasure.
"My apologies Lord Cathicus I am..." Tyrion started before I interrupted him
"I know who you are imp, and I care not for you wasting any more of my time" then I turned to his uncle "Kevan right?" I asked while looking at the most serious looking Lannister and the only one who didn't gawk at Ancalagon for too long
"Yes lord Cathicus I am."
"Tywin spoke well of you, Please lead me to the Lady I have much to do."
"Yes my Lord. . . but first Please accept guest rights."
He spoke and a blonde squire came towards to give me fluffy bread and salt. . . it tasted far better than that shite I ate in the river lands that's for sure.
"Good bread. . .. far better than the shit the Tullys gave me, it made me want to burn down that piss rot hovel they call a castle."
I told them and Gerion burst out laughing but quickly stopped when the other Lannisters gave him the stink eye.
"I wasn't joking"
I told the brothers to which they realized this man might be a bit Mad.
As we moved through the bridge and passed the portcullis I noticed someone staring at us from behind a marble pillar.
It was a young girl about 16 with black hair and pale blue eyes, quite pretty if I might add.
I knew exactly who she was from the gold lion necklace she was wearing.
I stopped dead in my tracks and the Lannisters looked at me wondering what was happening.
They saw me staring at a black haired girl and Tyrion felt his stomach drop.
"Kevan is that one of your servants?" I asked
"Yes lord Lannister she was brought in a few months ago, all servants were instructed to remain in their quarters during your arrival, I shall send her away immediately." he said, I sensed he was clearly lying but without malice so I let it slide.
"Call her over My Lord" I told him.
"You girl come here!"
Kevan yelled with resignation in his voice, he knew Tyrion was in love with her that's why he tried to send her away but to deny a seemingly deranged and already upset Dragon rider was utter foolishness.
Tysha meekly walked over with her head down with one hand on her golden necklace as if looking to It for protection.
It might protect her from anyone else, but not from a man with a dragon.
I took a step towards and took her face into my hand to which she flinched and shook in fear.
I inspected the goods before nodding and letting her go. . .Tyrion was waiting until their marriage to deflower her, what a noble man to save Tyshas maidenhood for me.
"She will serve me tonight, she is still a maiden and I expect her to remain one until tonight."
I ordered and the Lannisters had no choice but to agree Tyrion was about to intercede but Tygget held him by the shoulder.
"Of course Lord Cathicus whatever you wish."
Kevan Said then Tyrion got loose of Tygget and jumped nervously in front of me while trying to redirect me.
"My lord you definitely don't want this skinny peasant, I can get you far better women, five or ten even..... that are far more skilled and will please you far more. This servant will just disappoint you my Lord and I don't wish for you to have a bad experience during your stay....." Tyrion pleaded while trying to sound convincing
I stopped for a moment and glanced at the girl again as if I were reevaluating her. . .Then I just Stared at Tyrion for a moment through my visor . . .
"I Will Have Her...."
I said flatly before turning to Kevan
"Kevan Have her bathed and changed then sent into whatever room is prepared for me."
Tysha who was hearing this was whimpering and trembling at the situation while tears threatened to fall from her eyes 'If only I stayed inside like Tyrion asked me to' she thought over and over again.
But against a dragon rider, a crofters daughter has no chance of fighting back.
Tygget and Two Lannister guards escorted her away while holding her by the arms since she didn't want to go willingly.
I could see the anguish in Tyrion's eyes as he fought to hold back tears, his rage and suffering was evident but he had no recourse.
Gerion held his shoulder in as if trying to comfort him and whispering that he will try to help, but it was far too late to turn back now.
The three brothers all felt uneasy at the dragon rider who seemed to be angered by the smallest things.
The unease grew exponentially when they looked at the glowing red eyes through the helmet of the massive dragonrider and they imagined what monstrous face he might be hiding underneath.
We entered the Castle and I was a bit taken aback by the sheer extravagance, it put my tour through the palace at Versailles to shame.
The styling was definitely inferior to baroque architecture but the sheer amount of solid gold inlay and decorations made it surpass anything in my previous life.
We climbed through two sets of massive stairwells and found ourselves outside of a double doored room with four guards posted outside.
They opened the doors and we entered inside.
Laying on a bed I saw an undoubtedly Beautiful woman with long pale blonde hair and vibrant green eyes, she seemed tired and had trouble focusing on us. She also gave me a warm smile that reminded me of my mother from my previous life.
Joanna's only demerit is that She seemed sickly and thin but magic would sort it out in a few minutes.
"Greetings Lady Lannister I am Alucard Von Cathicus and I am here to repay a debt to House Lannister." I spoke in my most cordial voice.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Cathicus. . .You may call me Joanna, my apologies for not rising to greet you, I've been on my deathbed for near sixteen years. But the seven have never deemed it fit to take me." She spoke solemnly.
"Well that is what I am here for, I have made a deal with your husband. I will heal you and have you healthy as ever in no time. It is such a shame for such a kind and beautiful woman to suffer as you have." I told her and she responded with a warm smile.
"My husband Tywin has hired dozens of the best healers and magi over the years but to no avail. If anyone can heal me I'm guessing a real Dragonrider will be the one...I would like to see your dragon if I ever manage to walk out of here My Lord." she said
"Please. . .Call me Alucard." I said with a friendly voice then turned towards the other Lannisters.
"Out. . .all of you." I spoke with finality in my voice. They all seemed hesitant to leave but Tywin has sent a letter and they would follow his instructions to the letter.
"Do you have to be so harsh with them my lord, they seem quite afraid of you." she asked jokingly.
"I would rather be feared than loved My Lady. . .Unless it is by a beautiful woman."
I spoke jovially as I unclasped and removed my helmet and set it on a desk nearby.
"I will need to remove my armor, the healing process may take a long time so I need to get more comfortable I hope you don't mind lady Joanna." I told her
She looked at my face and admired my looks as I took off my helmet.
"Rhaella is one lucky woman, I've been friends with her since I was just a girl. She always went on about how her handsome husband would arrive on a Dragon and sweep her off her feet. Who would've known that she was right haha."
"To be betrothed to the first dragonrider in one and a half centuries. I bet she'll rub it in my face when I see her again." she said with a smile
I proceeded to remove the rest of my armor slowly while making small talk with Joanna. after all of my armor was off I was left in a stylish black shirt and pants.
"First I need to diagnose the issue, the process involves sending magic particles into your body, you will be able to feel the magic but it is usually painless."
I told her as I took the blanket off of her body while I cast a silencing charm on the room. . . It would be a long and loud day, I was sure of it. . .
[Lemon next ch.]