An evil degenerate is reborn into Game of thrones with powerful Vampiric abilities. Set in early 281 AC Not your usual Got/ASOIAF Fanfic.....there will be Gore, there will be Lemons, There will be Blood For The Blood God Also, Mc Is NOT a psychopath without feelings...... his morality and code of ethics are just really really really twisted. Çãshâpp: Kevonejones476AD for gifts (NO NTR) (GIGA-CHAD MC) (DRAGON) (TREATING CATELYN LIKE C**DUMP)
I awoke in the morning with two soft wet sensations on my Cock.
I knew what it was but still pretended to stay asleep.
"Big Sis Rhaella I told you he would like it...look it started throbbing!!! let's lick it some more!!!" lily said excitedly
"So this is what he had that Tully girl do? I don't see why she didn't enjoy it because it's actually kind of fun!" Rhaella spoke
"Well it's she did cry a lot at first but after a while she started squirting lots of juice from her 'down there'... it looked like she loved it a lot after a while....she was screaming and moaning for more when master was done with the 'fish whore' as he calls her."
lily responded
"... I'm gonna try putting it all in my mouth like you said" *Nom
Rhaella plopped my big cock into her mouth and slowly licked around my pulsing glans.
"But big Sis you said I would get to try that first it's not fair!" lily cried out
Rhaella managed to take a lot of my massive cock after a few minutes then she took her mouth off and painted heavily.
Then Rhaella grabbed the back of Lily's head and forced her mouth on my meat.
"there you go girl it's exactly what you wanted." Rhaella said with a laugh
lily was sucking with eagerness and running her little tongue all over my shaft and head
and after a few minutes she stopped so Rhaella and her could attack at the same time.
This continued for half an hour until I was finally about to burst.
Rhaella had managed to fit most of my cock down her throat and lily was sucking on my balls as if they held the 'water of life'.
My cock swelled and throbbed for half a minute before a torrent of thick cum exploded from my tip.
Rhaella did her best to swallow but it was simply too much and too thick for her to swallow it all so a lot of it spurred from her mouth and fell on Lily's face who was just below her sucking on my balls.
Then lily turned her mouth upwards and began to slurp all the cum that spilled out while Rhaella kept swallowing and sucking while rubbing my head with her tongue.
I must have came half a gallon in and on these girls because when I opened my eyes to look at them they were both covered in thick white cum.
They were both bathed in it while slurping the cum off of their hands when they saw that I had 'Awoken' they both froze and stared at me for a moment before they turned red and hid their faces into their hands.
"Good morning my loves."
I said and grabbed them both into my arms
""Why are you so embarrassed, I enjoyed it a lot....both of you became much better at it in just half an hour..."
then they realized that I was awake the entire time.
"Daddy...*umu I mean Master, Rhaella was the one who started it she said she wanted to try it!!!" lily tried defending herself
"you're the one who licked it first you little grumpkin and you're the one who told me about all the things he did with the Tully whore !!!" Rhaella retorted.
I just laughed at their little exchange before reaching up and pinshing both of their tits.
"I don't mind, but know that you will have to wait to go all the way."
"Okay master I'll wait it shouldn't be long until I gain the weight you said....I promise."
"You know he lied right...although you are quite skinny he wouldn't mind fucking you silly right now. To be honest he probably wants to wait until he marries you to take your purity....just like with me~" Rhaella told her
"But why would he marry me....I'm just a skinny commoner girl..." lily said with a sad face
"Dumb girl...If he didn't care for you he would have fucked you in that field and left you with your aunt and uncle.....isn't that right husband."
Rhaella said with a smile.
In response I just kissed her and lily deeply after using magic to clean up all of my cum from ourselves and the bed.
I summoned my big magic bathtub so we could all bathe in perfectly hot water.
"Ahh!!!!" "Ahhh harder daddy!!!" "Husband I need a break!!!"
I spent an hour with both my women in the tub while teasing, pinching,and sucking on their breasts while licking their wet pussies just to pass the time.
I really seemed to love the feeling of them shaking and squirting while In my arms.
Before we knew it time passed and I sensed a servant approaching our door so I walked out of the tub and see what the issue was.
"My Lord.... His Grace the King invites You and
Princess Rhaella to break fast with him.....I was instructed to inform you that the entire Royal family shall be present.
"Very well we will be out shortly."
I summoned clothes for myself and my women.
Mine and Rhaellas' outfits were formal and mostly black with gold embroidery which made us look extremely regal. I also donned a black cape with small gold patterns and fastened a long golden hilted, valyrian steel estoc (long thin pointed sword similar to rapier but without such a significant handguard) to my belt.
I got a cute dress in white and baby blue for lily as I preferred for her to look cute rather than elegant.
I also got summoned matching jewelry for them which was leagues better than anything owned by any noble women of Westeros, I needed my women to stand above the rest and showing wealth through their attire was a good way to start.
After getting dressed I called the servant to guide us to breakfast. I strolled with Rhaella on my right arm and lily on my left, as we walked towards breakfast we passed many nobles who quickly got out of the way and gawked there were also a few brown nosers(people who suck up to others in search of benefits) who tried to approach but I cast 'intimidate' on them which got them too scared to move towards us since I did not wish to waste my time on worthless and bothersome nobles.
soon we reached the doors of the feasting Hall, the giant double doors opened to a large and long room with plenty of windows and a grand table in the center. seated at the head of the table was Scab King Ares he looked as mad and filthy as ever but when he saw me a happy look came across his face and he seemed to calm down.
Sitting beside the King was his wife and Queen, Mekhea of House Vhassyl.
She looked nothing like I expected, her hair was dull silver and her eyes were pale lilac instead of the vibrant purple that was seen on Rhaella... 'must be a thinning of the blood in lys' I thought.
I had sensed that She was a few years older than Rhaella but had not aged like fine wine, instead she looked at least fifteen years older than Rhaella.
not extremely pretty but not ugly either, the most surprising thing is that she didn't have any of the bruises or scratches which I expected from her...
Since in the original world Ares's wife was usually covered in bites and bruises from his abuse.
She must be more cunning than I thought to avoid his mistreatment, but still is rather not stick my cock inside of her since, she was sleeping with old scabie the disgusting Mad King.
Just the thought of fucking her Gave me chills...eww
on the right side of the table was The Silver Prince, Rhaegar Targeryen. He was in his early 20s and he looked at me like I was his lottery ticket. He was clean and neatly dressed in the usual red and black of house Targeryen and he gave me a fake smile which I did not return.
To Rhaegars' right sat His wife Elia, she was a petite woman with long black hair but her breasts seemed to be off decent size, her caramel skin made my cock twitch....I would have her soon.
Elia gave me a seductive smile which I returned with a wink and I used magic to pinch her nipple lightly.
She looked at me shocked and I just gave her a knowing smile, I guess they were right about dornish women being hot blooded.
Next to Elia was Rhaenys who gave me an innocent smile and a wave.
Then was Viserys the little shit who was eyeing up my handmaiden. 'I might have to burn his eyes out' I thought to myself.
"Greetings your Grace, and the rest of you as is a pleasure to see you so early in the morning..."
I spoke as a guided my women to the left side of the table and I sat down with lily on my lap and Rhaella on my right.
Then to my surprise the Queen spoke in an attempt to establish dominance.
"Lord Cathicus we invited you and Princess Rhaella to break fast with us.... your handmaiden was not invited, send her back to her chambers or I will call the guards to escort her out."
I was taken aback by the audacity of this bitch.... lily on the other hand kept buttering a a scone and spreading jelly on it while ignoring the stuck up Queen.
lily then brought my cup to my lips and i took a sip of wine and spoke.
"King Ares if you don't get your wife in line I may consider this an insult from house Vhassyl and House Targeryen, then I will fly my not so little dragon to lys and flay every man woman and child of house Vhassyl alive before sending her their skins."
The King smiled for a moment as if imagining his wife's family being skinned alive and then eaten by a dragon... then he gave the Queen a backhand in the mouth.
the King then started mumbling to himself about burning and fire which was ignored by everyone at the table while the queen looked at him in shock.
I guess she thought she had him wrapped around her finger.
Soon after a knight of the Kingsguard and two female servants escorted the 'Karen' Queen out and then awkward quiet ensued before Rhaegar broke the silence.
"So Lord Cathicus I don't know if you might allow it but would it be possible to invite me on a dragon ride, seeing as you have the only dragon in hundreds of years?" he asked with hopeful eyes.
I just looked at him blankly and spoke.
"He does not allow men other than me to ride him, you are welcome to try....however it means certain death and I'd rather not have the death of a crown prince on my hands.
I lost two cousins in that very way, it was quite the task in explaining to my grandfather how my dragon ate two princes of the blood."
I said with a smile.
"But I can take your daughter and your wife if you allow it." I spoke nonchalantly.
"Daddy can I ride the dragon please🥺!!!"
Little Rhaenys spoke with excitement.
Rhaegar looked a bit sad that he wouldn't get to fly, but no way I'm hell would I allow another man to ride on Ancalagon, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't allow it either.
He looked at his wife who simply gave a slight nod.
"very well, I approve then." Rhaegar said with a sad tone in his voice.
Then Viserys cut in "Lord Cathicus you said the girl on your lap was your handmaiden, I would like her to be my handmaiden."
"Lily is quite good at what she does, Why would I give her to you?" I asked flatly.
"Because I am the Prince and a prince gets what he wants!!!" he yelled with a look of madness in his eyes.
"yes, you are a prince....."
I told him to which he smiled. . .. then a monstrous roar was heard that shook the entire castle and seemed to go on forever. I sensed the fear in his eyes now that I was staring at him like a predator because my eyes had narrowed into slits which unnerved the young prince.
"You are a Prince, but I have a Dragon...little viserys and yesterday you saw what happens when others covet my things.
just because you are young and a Royal don't think others won't dare harm you boy..."
Viserys just nodded his head vigorously and avoided my gaze.
Rhaegar just gave out a fake laugh as if it were all a joke and rubbed his brother's head while saying.
"That's a lesson learned little brother, don't try to take things from those more powerful than you."
"Yes big brother." Viserys said meekly...but I didn't miss the Mad glaze in his eyes.
"King Ares." I called out
"Yes goodbrother I'm listening?" Ares seemed to return to reality from his senseless gibbering and responded with unusual clarity.
"if I may, after breakfast please hand me the egg and I shall begin prep work.... it should be ready to hatch by sunset. also I will need one hundred human sacrifices and a dark room to finish the hatching process"
(I lied...I just wanted some more sacrifices for Fortuna.)
"Yes yes yes you will have all the sacrifices you need.....Barristan!!! go clear the Black Cells and the Goldcloaks jail....none will take the black today.... If you don't find enough then have the goldcloaks go and catch some thieves.... if they don't find me one hundred sacrifices THEN TELL THEM THEY WILL TAKE THEIR PLACE!!!!"
"I will see to it immediately your Grace." Barristan responded but I sensed he was quite troubled at the request.
The ridiculous beliefs of honor In most knights are pointless.
They trick themselves into believing that they are honorable men, only to throw out honor when it suits their needs. As always whether this world or my last world hypocrisy is a constant in mankind.
lily continued to feed me while Rhaella scratched my back throughout the rest of our breakfast.
soon after we were done I turned to Elia and asked if she would like to take Rhaenys flying today after which Rhaenys became really excited and begged Rhaegar to give permission.
The idiot folded and unknowingly handed his wife over on a silver platter.
Ares called for the egg to be brought to me and I held it in my hands.
It was surprisingly heavy and had a dull gray shell, the egg had calcified but I was sure that if I sent my magic into it then it would quickly revive.
I could do it now but I'd rather wait for my sacrifices and put in a show for the Targaryens
Then I excused myself and exited with both my women.
When I was quite far away I heard the family speak.
"Father do you think the dragon will bond to me?" Viserys asked the Scab King
Ares didn't respond but I just heard him growl angrily at his son and get up to leave as well.
I escorted lily and Rhaella to the room where I summoned a Television and played 'A Knight's Tale' with heath ledger for them to watch so they did not become bored at my absence.
they both became excited at the show of 'magic' and quickly their eyes became glued on the monitor.
I then walked to the rear courtyard of the castle where I would wait for Elia and Rhaenys. . .
soon I would fill a Dornish princess to the brim. . .
[Next chapter will be a lemon in the sky🍋]